Saturday 21 March 2015

Hamma hin jirree bookkisa dullacha; Oldie’s bellow of no significance

By Ibsaa Guutamaa | March 21, 2015

Hamma hin jirree bookkisa dullacha

Gidduu kana gara Awaasaa kanaa dullachi Tigree adeemsa seenaa hin hubannee fakkaatu tokko Oromoon isuma Yohaannis arraba irraa cire sana se’ee farra Oromummaan yoo bookkisu dhagahame. Oromiyaan erga koloneeffamtee kaasee sochiin gara bilisummaatt Oromoon godhu hundi beekaa haa tahu wallaalummaan kanuma isee keessaa bahanii diinaaf ashkarummaa bulaniin hankaaffamaa yoona gahe.

Oldie’s bellow of no significance

A Tigrean Oldie that seems misunderstanding the trend of history was heard bellowing from somewhere in Awaasaa anti-Oromo stance as if the Oromo were still those of yester years that Yohaanis had cut their tongues to impose his will. Since the colonization of Oromiyaa, Oromoo movements towards liberation had come being sabotaged by those that originated from her bosom and registered for serving the enemy knowingly or unknowingly. Oromo by nature are effective and efficient in all fields of engagement.
Oromoo uumaan waan itt bobaa’an hunda akka keessa hin deebi’amnee fi shafisaan hojii irra oolchuun beekamu. Akka loltuutt janna kumi gad hin qabne. Kanaaf koloneeffataan loltummaan madaqfachuuf isaan keessaa madaqfachuuf durfannoo kennaa. Duula keessaa fi alaaf Oromo irratt utuu hin hafin kan hiriirsu caalaatt jaruma akkasiitii. Garaa guuttannaan kan ajajaman hojii irra yoo oolchan aadaa fi seera safuu akaakilee saaniillee kan dagatan hedduu dha. Kan dur “garbicha abbayyee” jedhanii dhaadatan amma” garbicha abaluu” jedhanii maqaa kan isaan bulchuun dhaadachuutu boonsaa taheefii.Qabasaawoti farra kolonii tahan tokko tokko galtoota diinaan itt bobbaafaman ilaaluun Oromoo” akka gabbistuu humna koloneeffatuutt ilaalu. Si’ana kanneen diina tajaajilutt qaana’an lakkofi saani guddataa jira. Barri Oromoon hoomaan diinatt buluuf gara mooraa saatt girrisan dur hafe. Faarrri jiru humnoota bilisummaaf tumsuun ummata hacuuccaa jala jiru aangessuu dha. Sochiin bilisummaa Kallacha qabsoo saa ABOn eegalame lafa Oromiyaa qofa utuu hin tahin sammuu diinaan dhiqame bilisoomsuu dabalata. Hanga kan surriin faalame jiranitt Oromiyaan bosona abbaan fedhe soma waraanaa keessaa muratu taatee hafti. Kanaaf yeroo dhaaba diinni maqaa Oromoon ijaare yaadannu kun irraanfatamuu hin qabu. Lammii ofii joonjessaa keessatt dhiisuun ofii qaanii tullachuu taha. Dhaabi diinaa eenyummaa saaniin akka wal hin gitne guyyuu itt himuu dha. Kan gooftaan salphisett dabalanii soqoluu fi abaaruun sabichaaf bu’aa hin qabu. Kan tarkaanfatooti yaadan akka sanatt ta’uu qaba. Tarkaanfatummaan dhuunfaa gita tokkoo yk gola tokkoo miti; murannoo abba abbaa yk murnootaa jireenya hundaa keessaa babahanii jijjiiramaa hawaasaa wayyeessuuf ijaajjani. Dhoofsisi ni dandahama taha, garuu kaayyoon sabichaa dhoofsisa keessa hin galu.Ijoolleen Tigray Oromiyaa kan qabate tooftaa abboolii see jijjiirattee yoo tahu tarsiimoo muummicha garuu akka turett dhiistee. Qabsaawota Oromoo sabboonoo turaniin dirree lolaatt qubaa wal haqabaatan malee ergama saani isa guddaaf akka barbaadanitt galmeessuunii hin milkoofne. Haa tahu tuqaa jabaa fi laafaa Sochii Bilisummaa ummata Oromoott quwaachuuf saaqaa kan argatan yerosi. Sun dursanii akka itt fashalsiisan karoorfachuuf isaan gargaareera. Akeeki bu’uuraa Oromoo keessaa namoota sossobanii hawwachuu yoo tahu sunis akka abboolii saanii ifatt ashkarummaaf miti. Garuu maqaa Oromummaan dhaaba fakkeessaa, kan saaniin walqixxee fakkaatu uumuunii. Lookoon itt hidhaan akka isaan se’an dhokataa utuu hin tahin kan hundi arguu dandahu ture. Akkasitt jaarmaan Oromoo sobaa, DhDUO (OPDO) Hidhamtoota waraanaa dhandhooname. Amaaraafis “Jaarmaa Demokratawaa Ummataa” biraa itt ijaaranii hogganummaa ABUTn (TPLF) kan amma biyya bulcha jedhamu ADWUI (EPRDF) uumame. OPDO jechuun Tigree fuuloo Oromummaa kaawwatee Oromiyaa bulchu jechuu dha. TPLF kan humna tarkanfataa of fakkeessee dhufe keessisaa bulchoota empayeritt darban hunda caalaa duubatt harkistu akka tahe bulee of saaxile.Kanneen miseensa OPDO jedhaman akkuma galtuu durii ashkaroota gooftaa bulani malee Oromiyaa kan iddoosan mitii. Namooti Oromoo tokko tokko baasanii OPDOn ashkarii dha jechuuf mamii qabu turani. Kanneen biraa garuu irrabuusa ”Maxannee” jedhu kennaaniifi turan. Amanamummaan saa itt fufuu mirkaneeffachuuf tibba tibba OPDOn walgahii gooftoliin dura taahaa tahanitt “gimgamaa”f waamama ture. Miseensoti OPDO hanga hardhaatt gamagama kanaan arrabsamaa, itt dheekamamaa, doorsifamaa, itt ori’amaa, ari’amaa, dhabsiifamaa fi hidhamama jiraatan. Gidduu kana beekaa haa tahu utuu hin beekin hariiroon koloneeffataa fi OPDO gidduu bora’uun galma koraa keessa dhimmiste. Dullachii Tigray tokko Awaasaatt hogganoota maxxannee saa galma tokkott dachaasee yoo dheekkamuu fi itt kakatu dhagahme. Machaaye taha malee akkas uggee tuuta kanniisaatt hin bu’u.Moo’ummaa Oromiyaa heeran beekne jedhan irra tarkaanfate. Ibdi saa OPDOn utuu hin daangahamin ummatichatt utalee. Kan nama dhibu jalee saatt dheekkamuu saa miti. Oromoo futirichoo hidhaa natt kennaa jechuu saatu Oromoo waliin aarsee kaasee. Kan walgahanuu itt qasa’aa hursanii. Sochiin bilisummaa Oromoo hamajaajii Oromoo akka itt gaggeessu sagantaa qabaa. Kakawisuun namichaa wanti saganteeffame lafa irraa harkifamuun haaraa fakkaate malee qaamumaa roorroo koloneeffataati. Gochi saa maalummaa EPRDF addaababayitt saaxile Oromoo bu’aa mamii kennaafii turan rifachiisee malee kan maalummaa saa beekan hin dinqisiifne. Dullachichi, OPDOn roobootii Adda Bilisummaa Tigray Addeetitt tumame malee angoo Oromo akka hin taane kan ciicataniif mirkaneesse.
Jarri dorsifame galtuu haa tahan malee maqaa Oromummaan itt dhaadatame. Gabaatt baasanii Oromummaatt qoosuutu nama finiinsee.Nuti walqixee dha jechaa hoogganoota DhDUOtt akka ijoollee dheekamuun miseensota hagam tuffataniituu? OPDOn dhaabota biyya bulchan keessaa akka tokko tahett himamuufiin, isa “Gowwoomsaa Indaaqqoo teephaan kuffisanii” jedhan sana jechuu dha. Amma sossobaan dhossaa sun dhoohee bakka guutee hedduu qaanessee. Hamaa dhufaa jiru ofirraa faccisuuf qophii dha? Oromoon qaaniin du’a caalti jedha.
Teknoolojiin si’anaa Shashamannee taa’ani kan diinqa Awaasaa hasaasamu nama dhageessisaa. Dullachi Wayyaanee sana dagachuun yk maal abbaasee taati jechuun hogganoota maxxannee goleett galchee bookkise. Lafa saba keessanii dabarsaa kennaa yk isinin agarsiisa jedhe. Filmaati du’a hin olle du’a boonsaa du’uu yk miillatt kufuu dha. Walqixxummaan dhaabota ADWUI fakkeessan hafee, sobaa tahuun afaan bulchaa Oromiyaa isa dhugaa irraa dhagahame. Kana booda silaa hin qaana’anii nut dhaaba keessan jedhanii Oromoott dhaquu laata? Hariiroon waggaa digdamii shaniif shaakalamaa dhufe hardha akka tasaa bahe hundi dhagahuun sabboonota waliin aarsuu dandaha taanaan akka hin caamne qixuma sanatt eeguu dha. Sanatu yartuun namatt taphachuu irraa ittisaa. Kanaaf baraan tasummaan tuttuqaa diinaan weraruu irra dursanii itt yaaduun of cimfachuu dha. Yeroof “Qeerroon mataa tuutaa hin jarjartu suuta” Gaddisaa waliin jennuu laata? Garuu hamma yoomiitt haa harkifannuu?
Mootumaan Habashaa erga dhuma Jaarraa 20faa gara heeduu galtuu Oromoo meeshaa godhate kan Oromiyaa fi saboota biyya biraa dhiitaa fi gadi qabaa as gahe. Oromoo kan tahan hanga diina saba ofiif hirree tahu dhaabanitt tuffii halagaa jalaa birmadoomun hin jiru. Habashaan dur walqixxummaan hafee maqaa dhahuufuu Oromo ciigahu, amma yero barri isaanitt badu jalummaa abba tokkoota kana akka waan Oromoon Habashaan walqixxee Itophiyaa bulcha tureett hodeessaa jiru. Empayerri addunyaa darban hundi dantaa ofiif ummata koloneeffatan keessaa raayya guddaa hiriirsaa turani. Fakkeenyaaf yero Britanian Xaaliyaa cabsee Haayila Sillaasee aangoott deebise qondaalota waraana yartuuf malee kan adda lolaatt bobbaase biyyoota kolonii ofii fi kanneen biyyoota Awuropaa keessaa ture. Isaan keessaa biyyoota akka Sudaan, Kongo fi Asiya dhahuun ni dandahama. Xaaliyaaniinis Habashaa kan ari’e harka caaluu Eertranota, Somaalota fi Libiyaanota bobbaaseetu. Jarri sun maqaa ummata ofiin utuu hin tahin abba abbaan qooda fudhatani. Biyyooti saanii hamaaf haa tahuu tolaaf itt hin gaafatamani; Biritaniyaa fi Xaaliyaas waliin bulchan jechuun kolfa taha. Qoodi abba tokkoonni Oromoo taphatan jedhamuus sanumaa.
DhADUO fi miseensoti DhADUO amma jiran uuman adda. TPLF DhAdUO ijaaree godaa hanga gubbaatt boojuu hamileen cabdee ofiif kan Shabiyaan kenneef itt naqe. Hedduu fixee isaan hambisuu saaf boojuun sun akka Waaqaatt sodaataa fi sagadaafii jiraatani. Boojuun, garri caaluu annisaan dhumee keessa keessaa tufamaa hardha gahani. Amma xinnoo qofti gubbaatt hafanii jiru. Kan gidduu kana dheekkamsi dullachichaa itt anga’es isaanuma. Barbaachisummaan saanii raawwachuutt jira. Biyyas afaniis waan barataniif sichi jabbiin gayyaa kan isaan barbaachisu itt hin fakkaanne. Hedduun miseensaa OPDO dargaggoo dhihoo madaqfamanii. Gidiraa angafooti dhandhamatan hin argannee. Kanaaf surrii dhiqaan saanis adda. Akka angafoota saanii qofa utuu hin tahin yoo fedhan sammuu yaadu xinnoo hin dhabani. Sossobaa fi uleen kan sarmanii fi hin sarmine jiraachuu haasaa dullachichaa irraa heduun ni dandahama. Jara sarmuu diddan itt fakkaatett dullachichi kan yeelalee.
Miseensoti OPDO garri caaluu ayyaan laallattumaan haddheeffamu. Ayyaan laallattumaan gar lamaan ilaalamuu dandaha. Tokko carraan ruuchoo guuttachuu nan darbin jedhee kan itt duudee. Kaan rakkina ummataaf falli achiin argaminnaa jedhee karaa gabaabfachuu itt goree. Walabummaatt karaa gabaabaan hin jiru dafqanii dhiiganii babanii bira gahama. Garuu karaa jalqaban irraa muuxannoo gowwummaa saanii itt mullisu ni argatu taha. Keessummaan abbaa biyyaa irraa qabeenyaa fi ulfina mulquu qofa utuu hin tahin enyummaa saa haquunis akeekaa saa tahuu ni hubachiisa. Sun gara sochii jaalbiyyummaati isaan sherersu hin dandahu taanaan homtuu hin dandahu. Danbooba cimaa akka sibiilaa, kaasaa saba ofiitii dudhama fi kaayyoo Oromummaaf kutannoon bobbaanaan Wayyaanee hafee gaarriyyuu isaan dura dhaabbachuu hin ugguu. Lubbuu ofii caalaa kan nama mararu hin jiru. Garuu gara fedheenuu duuti hin oolu. Garuu kan bahuu hin oolle birmadummaa gatiin hin argamne biqilchaa du’uun salphina dhuma hin qabne keessa jiraachuu irra maqaa qaba. Kan Itophummaaf gororanillee dura of tahaanii milla ofiin yoo ijaajjaan ulfina argatu. Yoos qofa dhaggeeffatamu. Dullachichaa fi hiriyooti, injijjii qabsoon bilisummaa itt naqee harcaasaa dhufan, boquun dhiitahu, garaan afuufamuu qofa utuu hin tahin addunyaa irraa dhageettii fi ulfina kan argatan kaasaa hedduu keessaa tokko yerositt duubbee jabaaf amansiisaa qabaachuu dha.
Tuttuqaa diinana danfuu utuu hin tahin waan tahu malutt dursanii sonaan qophawuutu kan miidhaman irraa eegama. Dullachichi quufee bulgahuun nama rifachiisuu hin qabu ture. Oromoo fedha keenya dura dhaabbatu “Likki innasgabbaalle” jechuun maal jechuu dhaa? Awwaaressee lafaan walqixxeessuufii laata.? Likkiin itt galamu maaliin dhahama laata? Ummaticha gad ciree kan saan wal qixxeessuufii laata? Kanaan duras hileefii hin beeku, amma meeshaa shaffisiisu argatee laata? Gorsa Gooftaa Isaayyas Afawarqii dhagahee angoo 39 haquufii laata? Hacuuccaa nutt jabeessuuf wanti isaan kanaa dura hin tolchin hin jiru. Haa tahu malee akka isaan warraaqsa Oromoo qubaa tokko duubatt deebisuu hin dandeenye dargaggoon Oromoo mirkaneessitetiifi. Afrikaan kan dhaloota itt haanuuti; qoodi gadamoojjiini kan darbe keessa deebi’anii ilaaluun madaluu malee, wanti ofii roga dhabsiisan tarkaanfii fi wal qayyabannoo dhaloota egereett darbee gufuu akka tahu gochuu mitii. Waa’ee Empayer Itophiyaa bosostee gadooduun yaada duubatt hafaa dha. Garaa garummaa malee Afrikaanoti hundi kuukkii kolonummaa keessa deebi’anii ilaaluu qabu. Hogganoota, biyya, ummataa fi ofii saanii akka addaanjiro walirratt hin hirkanneett ilaalan utuu hin tahin, ummati AfriKaa fulduratt bahee akka fedha saatt waldiyyaa saa ijaarrachuu dha. Darabee saanii kan biraa darbanii too’achuu fi garbbomfachuuf gaggabuu irra, murnooti bilisummaa ummata keenyaaf qabsofne jedhan, “bilisummaa” argame sana akkamitt akka ummataaf tursan beekuu qabu. Bu’aa wareegama kumootaan argamett roorrisuun sabicha gidiraa arge sanaaf qofa utuu hin tahin qaabannoo jaalbiyyoota boqotanii jeequu fi salphisuu taha. Balleessaa darbeef gaabbanii gocha fokkuu irraa of qoqobuun, ajjeechaa dhuma hin qabnee fi hidhaatt nambiyaa guuruu dhiisuun beekaa tahuu dha. Sana gochuun eenyuun tajaajilu, eessas gahuuf? Sun maqaa saanii Kuwisling (“Quisling”), Mussolinii fi Hitler waliin gataa kosii seenaatt ergaa. Of sirreessuu baannaan bubbeen ummatootaa mal fiduu akka dandahu isaanuu beeku. Bookkisi dullachaa waldhabdee turett waa hin dabalin malee hariiroo dhaloota egeree godinichaa irratt goodanisa dhiisu hin dhabu.
Ulfinaa fi surraan gootota kufaniif; walabummaa, walqixxummaa fi bilisummaan kan hafaniif; nagaa fi araarri Ayyaana abboolii fi ayyoliif haa tahu!
Ibsaa Guutama
Bitootessa 2015
As fighters they were known for bravery that thousands could not subdue. Believing that the colonizer gave priority to hiring them for fields that require guts and open mindedness. For internal and external conflicts including against the Oromo, it used to deploy mostly such hirelings. Those forget even the ethical and cultural obligation of their ancestors once their belly is full. In their cultural setting they used to brag by their father’s name, as galtuu to brag by the master’s name become their source of pride.Many none Oromo anticolonial activists take the Oromo as force of reaction merely from the number of galtuu (runaways) mobilized against them. These days, those ashamed of serving the enemy are increasing. Gone are the days the Oromo join colonial camp in masse hired to strengthen colonial forces. The trend is joining liberation force to empower subjugate nations. The objective of Oromoo liberation movement that was set by the vanguard OLF is not only to liberate the land but also includes liberation of the enslaved minds. As long as there are those brainwashed, Oromiyaa will remain a forest from where everybody cuts shafts for their spears. For this reason whenever we talk about organization that are formed in the name of Oromo this should not be forgotten. To leave behind one’s nationals behind will be pilling up shame for the nation. They have to be told daily that enemy organization is not compatible with their identity. Stripping them or adding curs to humiliation they are already suffering in hands of the enemy is of no use for the nation. That should be the way progressives think. Progressivism is not a monopoly of a class or a party; it is the determination of individuals or groups from all walks of life that stand for change to betterment of society. Negotiations are possible but the nation’s kaayyoo is not negotiable.The Tigreans are occupying Oromiyaa by changing their ancestors’ tactics keeping the major strategy constant. They had contact with Oromo activists when both were in struggle for liberation but failed to enroll them for their major mission. However it was then that they were exposed to strong and weak points of Oromo struggle. That helped them to devise ahead the means by which to thwart it. Though the basic objective is to lure and recruit from among the Oromo it was not as glaring recruitment for servitude as their forebears. But they created a pseudo organization for Oromummaa seemingly with equal status as theirs. The tither attached to it was not as discreet as they thought but was visible to the naked eye. In that way a fake organization, OPDO was molded for POW galtuu. They formed a similar “PDO” for the Amaaraa and others and created EPRDF under the leadership of TPLF that is now reigning. OPDO means Tigrean ruling Oromiyaa with mask of Oromummaa on. Thus TPLF that came pretending to be a progressive force was exposed as the most reactionary batch of all past autocratic rulers of the empire.Those that are now called members of the OPDO are mere servants like olden times galtuu and never represent Oromiyaa. Some Oromo persons had their doubts to call openly OPDO is mere servant. But others has given it an adjective “Maxxannee”(appendage). To assure its continued loyalty periodically OPDO was called for “gimgamaa” (assessment) meeting chaired by the masters. With this “gimgamaa” members of OPDO were subjected to insults, reprimand, threat, and harassment, being chased out, disappearance and imprisonment up to this day. This time, knowingly or unknowingly sour relations between the colonizer and OPDO was leaked from a meeting hall. A Tigray oldie who gathered his “Maxxannee” leaders in an Awaasaa meeting hall was heard swearing and reprimanding them. Unless he was not drunk he would not dared provoking swarm of bees.He treaded over sovereignty of Oromiyaa claimed to have been recognized by their constitution. The fire was not limited to OPDO alone but jumped to the people they originated from. His reprimand to his “Maxxannee” was not surprising, but what made the Oromo rise together in furry was his demand from servants to hogtie and handover the Oromo people to him. Even those in the meeting roared with laughter at his below, it seems. Oromo liberation movement had its own pre drawn program on how to handle enemy machination. Rumbling of the person seemed new because of foot drugging of Oromo revolution. His doings brought forth the true nature of EPRDF to the open and excited Oromo that were giving it benefit of the doubt; otherwise it did not surprise those that knew its nature. The oldie verified the truth for those that had doubts of OPDO being an Addeet forged arm of TPLF not of the Oromo.
Though those threatened are runaways it was because of their Oromummaa that they were sworn at. It was looking down up on Oromummaa in the open market that provoked nationalists’ anger. Many Oromo and ordinary members of OPDO might have never thought that those leaders of the organization would be censured like small kids. It was told that OPDO was equal partner of the organization that rule the empire but that was like the saying “Hoodwinking the hen they entangled her with cable to put her down”. Now their defective relations are made very public, to quietly overlook is shame. Oromo says “shame is worse than death”.
Modern technology enables one to hear what is whispered in room in Awaasaa from Shaashamannee. The Wayyaanee oldie forgot or from contempt he has for the people he pushed the Maxxannee into a corner and bellowed on them. He told them to give up their nation’s land or he will show them their size. The choice is since death is inevitable to die honorably or to kiss their feet and continue in shame. That equality of member organization is false is officially heard from true ruler of Oromiyaa. Everybody knew that relation between OPDO and EPRDF was not what is in writing but that between master and servant. If relation that had existed for the last twenty five years could accidentally leak and make all nationals to rise in fury there is no reason for it to cool off. That could guard from being kicked around by minority forever. For that reason instead of being caught by surprise and reacting to provocation of the enemy year in year out, it is high time that one firmly sticks to own program. For the time being let us sing with artist Gaaddisaa “Qeerroon mataa tuutaa hin jarjartu suuta” (The hairy head youth moves without haste). But, for how long should we drag our foot?
Habashaa government has come down kicking and suppressing Oromo and other nations with help of Oromo runaway as instrument since the last decades of 19th century. The Oromo can never be free from alien contempt until those who are Oromo stop serving as arm of the enemy. The Habashaa that used to shun mentioning the name Oromo now when time got harsh on them started to claim equal participation of Oromo in their administration citing services of individual runaways and POW as if the Oromo nation has ever made a pact with them to participate in their governance. All past world empires had recruited great armies from their colonies for own purposes. For example, when the British defeated the Italians and reinstituted Hayila Sillaasee to his throne except for few officers all it deployed to war fronts were persons from colonies of their own and other European countries’. From among them those from the Sudan, Congo and Asia can be mentioned. The Italians also used fighters from Eritrea, Somalia and Libya when they forced the emperor to flee his empire. Those participated not representing their countries but as individuals. Whether it is for bad or good their countries are not responsible .To say they ruled Britain and Italy together will be laughable. What is attributed as part played by Oromo individuals in Ethiopian administration was not different from those.
OPDO and its present day members are different in nature. TPLF built OPDO and filled its rank and file with demoralized prisoners of war in its captivity and those supplied it by EPLF. Those captives looked upon it with fear as their God and lived kowtowing for it for sparing them after butchering most of their comrades. Most captives survived to this day after losing stamina and lots had been purged. Now only few are left at the top. They were those that rebuke of the oldie thundered on these days. It seems the need for them is waning and they may even be considering to be replaced by better group. Because they have gained knowledge of the country and the language they might have felt no more need for a surrogate. Most OPDO members are recent recruits and are younger. They did not receive the hardship that their seniors experienced. For this reason the type of brainwashing they are subjected to is different. Unlike their elders it is not only with their belly but if they want there could be a bit of grey matter remaining in their head to think with. That there are those that comply with orders by luring or forcing and those that refuse to comply can be deduced from words of the oldie. He yelled at those he took as not conforming to his silly orders.
Most OPDO members are blamed for being opportunists. Opportunism can be viewed in two ways. One is those that went into it in masse not the chance of filling their belly. The others are those that believed it could be a short cut to find solution for problems of their people. Freedom has no short cut one has to sweat, bleed and be maimed to reach it. But they may get experience to realize their naiveté from the road they started to travel. That might give them the experience to realize their naiveté. They may also realize that objective of the guest is not only to plunder resources and honor of the nation but also to erase its identity. If that could not propel them to patriotic move nothing could. With steel strong discipline, revolutionary commitment for national cause and determination to achieve principal goal of Oromummaa, let alone Wayyaanee Mountain will not dare stand in their way. There is nothing valuable than one’s life. But no one can avoid death. For this reason it will be honorable to die cultivating priceless freedom than to live in perpetual humiliation. Even those that salivate for Ethiopianism will be respected if only they could first become themselves and stand on their feet. Then only they will be listened to respectfully. The oldie and friends that came wiping nits that struggle of liberation infested them with got not only chubby chicks and bulging belly but were also listened to and respected by the world because they had among others strong dependable rear.
It is expected from the wronged to be ever prepared rather than spontaneously boiling by periodical provocations of the enemy. Belching of the oldie after over eating should not be a point of irritation. What does “We shall reduce them to their size” means? Does it mean turning them to dust and level them with the ground? What is the unit of measure of said size? Could it mean massacring and reducing size of population to their own? So far they have never spared them; could it be possible that they got new more efficient weapons this time? Could it be that the oldie accepted Master Isaayyaas Afawarqii’s advice and going to erase article 39 of their constitution? There was nothing they did not do to tighten their domination on the Oromo. However Oromo youth had assured them that they cannot move back Oromo revolution one finger. Africa belongs to the future generation; the role of those that are in their last phase should have been reviewing and evaluating their past rather than making distortions they created transcend their time and create obstacles to bright future and understanding of coming generation. Lamenting about archaic Ethiopian empire is a backward idea. Without distinction Africans need review colonial chronic. Not leaders that see country, people and themselves as entities independent of each other but the African peoples should come forward and impose their will in reconstructing their continent. Groups that fought their ways to freedom should know how to maintain it not itching to control and enslave others in their turn. Abusing gains registered by sacrifices of thousands is dishonoring not only the nation that suffered much for it but also to memory of those patriots. They should have the courage to regret for past misdeeds and stop endless killings or herding citizens to prisons. By doing so whom are they serving, for what end? This will only send their names down to garbage bin of history with Quisling, Mussolini and Hitler. Failing to heed they know what peoples’ storm could bring. Bellowing of the oldie did not add anything different to the existing conflict, but it is possible for it to leave stigma to relations of future generation of the region.
Honor and glory for the fallen heroines and heroes; liberty equality and freedom for the living and nagaa and araaraa for the Ayyaanaa of our fore parents!
Ibsaa Guutama
March 2015

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