Wednesday 31 December 2014

Dhimma OMN Ilaalchise Ibsa Ejjennoo Waldaa Dargagoota Oromo Arizona | Oromo Youth Association in Arizona (OYAA) Resolution on the Recent OMN Fallouts

Oromo Youth Association in Arizona (OYAA) Resolution on the Recent OMN Fallouts
It is to be recalled that the OYAA was founded in Phoenix Arizona by Oromo youth living there and ever since its founding the OYAA has been at the focal point of Oromo struggle against human rights violations leveled against Oromos living in Ethiopia by organizing protests and making statements on various Media here in Arizona. The 50 plus members of the OYAA are working together harmoniously for the cause of Oromo unity putting aside their political and religious views. The founding of the soccer team Calanqo by these members for the first time in Arizona is a testament to the unity of this group. One of the goals of the OYAA is to work to safeguard the peace, prosperity and other interests for Oromos around the world. The OYAA believes that unity amongst Oromos is indispensable to the realization of these goals.
The OYAA members strongly believe that problems faced by Oromos anywhere are also OYAA’s own problems. As such the group would like to register their concerns about the fallouts that recently took place at Oromo Media Networks (OMN) and the associated destructive developments. This is not at all intended to attack any one individual and we ask all Oromos to recognize that!
  1. Regarding the founders of OMN
We understand that OMN was founded by a group of dedicated individuals who offered their expertise, time and money to realize it. We believe that all of those individuals who may or may not now be with OMN should be accorded the proper credit for their good work.
  1. Regarding current leaders of OMN
We have great confidence in the current leadership of OMN that they have the right experience and expertise in managing similar problems should they happen again for the following reasons:
  1. The leaders are Oromos own children who have come from all over Oromiya.
  2. The leaders have earned respect and trust from Oromos by virtue of their educational backgrounds and experience.
We support the statements made by the OMN investigative committee regarding the recent problems and urge the leadership at OMN to continue to exercise this practice of internal problem resolution diligently. We urge those who cast aspersions at this committee and this new process of conflict-resolution to refrain from engaging in such destructive behaviors.
  1. Regarding current OMN workers
We believe that all OMN workers should be allowed to work in an environment free of any kind of pressure. We have only deep admiration and gratitude for those of you who have worked there and informed the Oromo public on many things. We urge the workers to make good use of the OMN policy for problem resolution should any problem arise while working for OMN in the future. If unable to get a resolution, we urge you to reach out to the Oromo public without leaving your post at OMN. OYAA will stand with you and work towards a solution.
  1. Regarding other Oromo Media
We thank the various Oromo Media around the world for reporting on the recent OMN problem and for interviewing those involved. We regret to say that some of the reporting have been biased and portrayed OMN as a rival rather than complimentary news outlet. We urge you to correct this mistake and do neutral reporting as any news media should.
  1. Regarding social media activists who are spreading negative propaganda
We thank some of you the founders who have now left OMN and have refrained from propaganda. We thank you both for this and for your contributions both at OMN and elsewhere.
We urge some of those who helped build OMN who are still engaging in needless propaganda wars against individuals at OMN or others to refrain from doing so. We urge them to stop conflating individual problems with OMN and thereby undermining the very institution they founded.
  1. OYAA’s message to all Oromos
We believe that OMN is not any one individuals property but that of all Oromos. We ask all Oromos to be cognizant of this fact and to reject all unfounded rumors about OMN; but, instead to stand by OMN and double-down on your contributions and support. We ask all Oromo institutions to draw a lesson from this and employ policy procedures for problem resolutions rather than self-destruct. We must learn to stand up to those refuse to follow policy.
We ask all Oromos to stand together and reject divisive practices such as regionalism, nepotism, and others that undermine Oromo unity. Failing that, we help perpetuate rather than end the oppression of the Oromo people that we all love.
We wish all Oromos happiness, joy, health and bilisummaa in this coming new year!
Oromo Youth Association of Arizona (OYAA)
Dhimma OMN Ilaalchise Ibsa Ejjennoo Waldaa Dargagoota Oromo Arizona (OYAA/WDOA)
Waldaan Dargaggoota Oromoo kan Arizona (OYAA) waggaa lamaan dura dargaggoota Oromoo naannoo Phoenix jiraataniin kan ijaarame yeroo ta’uu, guyyaa ijaaramee irraa kaasee hoojiilee dantaa Oromoo tiksani fi dhiittaa mirga namumaa mootummaa woyyaanee ilmaan Oromoo irra gahaa jiiruu balaaleeffachuudhaan qophiilee haawaasa Oromoo nannoo kana jiraatan mara hirmaachisee qopheessuun medialee Ormoo adda addaa irratti ibsamaa turuun ni yaadatama. Waldaan kuun dargaggoo shantamaa ol ta’aan kan ofkeessatti haammate yeroo ta’u, miseensotni isaa garaa gartummaa siyaasaa fi amantaa isaan jidduu jiru waliif kabajudhaan hoojiilee tokkummaa oromoo mirkaneessan dalagaa turuun ni yaadatama. Fakkeenyaaf waldaan kuun garee kubbaa miilaa (soccer team) Calanqoo jeedhamu ofjalatti ijaarudhaan yeroo jalqabaatif gareen kuun Arizona bakka bu’ee OSFNA irratti akka qooda fudhatu taasiseera. Kaayyoo waldaa kanaa keessaa iini tookko nagaa fi sabatiinsa haawasa Oromoo keessatti dagaagsu fi akkasuumas dantaa Oromoo bakka marattu tiksudha. Kanas galmaan gahuuf tokkuummaan saba keenyaa daran muurteessaa akka ta’ee nuti miseensoonni waldaa kanaa garaa gutuudhaan amanna.
Nuti miseensoonni waldaa kanaa rakkooleen institution Oromoo huunda keessatti umaman akka Oromootti kan nu yaaddeessani fi kan dantaa keessaa qabnu ta’u jala muurree ibsuu barbaanna. Kana waan ta’eef rakkoolee OMN keessatti dhalatan duukaa walqabatee oloola diiggaa afarsamaa jiru ilaalchise waldaan keenyi ibsa ejjannoo armaan gadii kana baasuuf dirqameera. Kaayyoon ibsa ejjannoo kanaa namootaaf baabsuu akka hin taane sabni keenya akka nuuf hubatu gaafanna.
1) Buu’uureessitoota OMN Ilaalchise
OMN projectii namoota muraasaan egalame fi arsaan guuddaa kan itti kaffalame ta’uu ni huubanna. Namootni projecti kana galmaan gahuuf, guumaacha yeroo, maallaqaa, fi huumna guumaachan hundi galata guuddaa qabu. Namoonni bu’uureessu isaa irratti qooda qabaachaa turani fi rakkoo adda addaan kan amma keessa hin jiirrees waan dalagan hundaaf beekkanno(credit) barbaachisaa ta’ee argachu qaban.
2) Hoogganoota OMN ilaalchise
Nuti dargaggoonni Oromoo nannoo Phoenix namootni yeroo ammaa kana OMN iin gaggeessaa jiiran rakkoo dhaaba kana keessatti dhalattu maraaf furmaata argamsisuf dandeettiif muuxanno gahaa akka qaban gutumaa gututti amanna. Kanas kan jeenneef
a) Namootni kuun dhalootaan godinaalee Oromiyyaa adda addaa keessaa kan walitti dhufan waan ta’eef ormoo huunda bakka bu’u jeenne amanna.
b) Namootni kuun barnotaan gaheessa kan ta’ani fi muuxannoo haawaasa tajajiilu qaban irraa kan ka’ee ummata oromoo biratti kabajaa guuddaa kan qabani.
Nuti dargaggoonni Phoenix Kooree madda rakkoo OMN akka qorattuuf ijaaramee fi gabaasa kooreen kuun baase gutummaa gutuutti kan deeggaru yeroo ta’u rakkoon walfakkaataan lammaffaa akka hin dhalanneef koreen kuun ciminnaan akka hojjatu dhaammanna. Namootni koore kana fudhatama dhabsiisuuf carraaqan goochaa diiggaati jiran irraa atattamaan akka dhaabbatan gaafanna.
3) Hoojjeettoota OMN ilaalchise:
Nuti dargaggoonni Phoenix OMN dhiIbbaa namoota tokko tokko irraa gutummaa gutuutti akka qulquullaahu qabu amanna. Hojjattoonni OMN waan amma yoonaa dalagdani fi ka borullee dalaguuf jirtan hundaaf nu biraa galata guuddaa qabdan. Haa ta’u malee hojjaa keessan irratti rakkoo isin muudatu hundaa karaa caasaa dhaaba kanaa hiikkachuuf akka carraaqxan dhaammanna. Yoo casaan dhaaba kanaa rakkoo keessan hikuuf fedha dhabe, osoo OMN keessaa hin bahin rakkoo keessan akka ummata biraan gahattan amaanaa sinitti dhaammanna. OYAAn rakkoo isinirra gahuu isin dukaa dhaabbatee akka isiniif falmuu fi furmaata argamsiisu irratti akka dalagu waadaa isiniif seenna.
4) Midiyaalee Oromoo biroo ilaalchise
Rakkoon OMN keessatti dhalachuun erga ifa bahe irraan kaasee midiyaaleen Oromoo adda addaa gaaffi fi deebbii namoota dubbiin kuun kallattiin isaan ilaalu dukaa gaggeessudhaan odeeffanno ummata biraan gahuuf carraaqu keessaniif galata qabdan. Ammoo gaaffi fi deebbii taasisaman irraa akka hubachu dandeenyeetti waan darbaa turee xiqqoo biased ta’u arginee jiirra. Kanaaf jecha OMN dhaaba masaanu akka hin taane hubattanii waan gara fulduraaf dabarsitan irratti neutral akka taatan kabajaan isiin gaafanna.
5) Namoota olola barbaachisaa hin taane social media kan akka facebook irratti dabarsitan ilalchise:
Hundeeffamu OMN irraan kaasee namootni muraasni dhaaba kana lakkisanii bahuun ni yaadatama. Namoota kana keessaa gariin yeroo dhaaba kana keessaa bahan quurrama qaban xalayaatiin ummataaf dhiibsatani san booda garu dhaaba kana irratti oloola barbaachisaa hin taane afarsu irraa kan of quusatan. Namootni, kuun OMN in huundeessu qoofa keessatti osoo hin taane soochi oromoo kan biraa keessattillee gahe guuddaa kan xabachaa turani. Nutii miseensootni OYAA bilchinna namootni kuun argisisani kan dinqisiifannu fi huundeeffamu OMN keessatti gahee qabaachaa tuurtan maraaf galatoomaa jeechu barbaadna.
Gareen inni biroo ammoo rakkoo dhalate furu irra akka rakkoon kuun daran babal’atu fi OMN keessatti diiggaa barbaachisaa hin taane akka inni dhumu haalkani fi guuyyaa akka irratti hoojjeechaa jiiran huubanna. Kanaaf ammoo waan namootni kuun facebook gubbaatti guyyaa guyyaan maxxansan ilaaluun ragaa guddaa dha. Namoota kanaaf dhaamsi nuti dhaamu barbaadnu: Rakkoo namoota muraasa qiixxalamaanitti umamu irraan kan ka’e waan ijaaran diguun gaafatama seenaa jalaa isin hin baasu. kanaaf jeecha diggaa itti jiirtan irraa atattamaan akka dhaabattan nuti miseensoonni OYAA irra deeddeebine sin gaafanna.
6) Dhaamsa OYAA Saba Oromoo maraaf
Yeroo ammaan kana OMN kan nama tokkoo osoo hin taane qabeenya Oromoo maraati. Kana huubattani gargaarsa dhaaba kanaaf gootan dachaa dachaan akka dabaltan fi oloola diggaa dhaaba kanarratti ofamu kamuu akka balaaleeffattan siin gaafanna. Yeroon amma keessa jiirru yeroo itti waan kaleessa ijaarre haardha dignu osoo hin taane, waan ijaarree jabeessaa kan ijaaramu qabu biroo irratti huumna gutudhaan boobba’uu qabnudha. Yeroo kana jennu garu dhaabni dhibdee qabuu dhibdema isaa dukaa itti fufu qaba jeechu keenya miti. Dhaabooleen Oromoo martu rakkoo isaan keessatti umamu mara caasaa qabaniin akka furatan dhiibbaa barbaachisaa ta’e goochuun Oromoo mara irraa eegama. Namoota caasaan ala bahani olola diggaa fi barbaachisaa hin taane ofan mara sodaa tokkoo malee dura dhaabbachu qabdan.
Yaa saba Oromoo: Obbooleessummaa, hiriyyuummaa, firummaa fi gandummaa irratti hundoofne badii dantaa saba keenyaa midhan irratti waliif baabsu irraa dhaabbachuun barbaachisaadha jennee amanna. Kana ta’uu baannaan umurii gabrummaa saba keenya irratti feedhame jiru dheressuu keessatti akka qooda qabaachaa jiirru siritti beekuu qabna.
Barri bara nagaa, fayyaa, tokkummaa, fi bilisummaa kan uummata oromoo haa ta’u!
Waldaa Dargagoota Oromo kan Arizona (WDOA/OYAA)

Police abuse running rampant in Dadaab camp

Police violence escalating in Kenya’s Dadaab camp with refugees targeted in security crackdown.

Kenya's government claims that Dadaab camp is used as a safe haven for al-Shabab fighters [A Bosh/Al Jazeera]
Kenya’s government claims that Dadaab camp is used as a safe haven for al-Shabab fighters [A Bosh/Al Jazeera]
December 31, 2014, Dadaab, Kenya (Al Jazeera) – Twenty-eight-year-old Shukri Abdirashid Hussein remembers vividly the events of November 30.
Half asleep in his mud house in Dadaab’s Dagahley refugee camp near Kenya’s Somali border, Hussein awoke to commotion outside his door.
“I was awakened by the cries of neighbours, and before I knew what was going on, my door had been ripped open and three officers entered my house.”
What followed, Hussein said, was a stream of accusations. “They asked me where the gun is, before I could answer anything, they started beating me mercilessly with their guns and batons for more than an hour.”
Hussein was rushed off to the Dagahley police post where he was again beaten by authorities. He was then moved to the Ifo refugee camp police post in Dadaab where he spent three days. The conditions in the cells were horrible, he told Al Jazeera. He received one meal after 32 hours and was repeatedly hit with the butt of a gun.
After hours of mistreatment, Hussein was released after representatives of United Nations refugee agency (UNHCR) requested authorities to let him receive medical attention. Even after his release, Hussein was interrogated for hours without being charged or told what crime he had committed. At the hospital, Hussein was admitted with a fractured shoulder and bruises across his back.
“The worst part is up to now, nobody has told me why I was arrested in the first place and why I received such inhumane treatment from people who are there to protect my rights,” he said.
I was awakened by the cries of neighbours, and before I knew what was going on, my door had been ripped open and three officers entered my house.
 – Shukri Abdirashid Hussein, refugee in Dadaab camp
Campaign of retaliation
Experiences like Hussein’s are not isolated events but linked to what many refugees see as a larger campaign of retaliation by Dadaab police. After an attack on the Dagahley market on November 29 left one officer dead and another critically wounded, police escalated operations to snuff out Somali fighters.
The Kenyan government has, on several occasions, claimed that the Dadaab refugee complex,comprised of three camps and is home to over 400,000 people, most of whom are Somalis who fled war and famine in their homeland, is used as a safe haven by Somali armed group, al-Shababand aided by local sympathisers.
Police assert that the latest attack on officers was carried out by al-Shabab fighters who fled to Block C3. Police arrested more than 70 people in security operations after the attack.
Police response to the attacks has left many refugees weary and frightened. Many fear police aggression is becoming institutionalised in the name of security and see efforts by refugee agencies and leaders to mitigate escalating violence have been feeble. In most cases, residents told Al Jazeera, the abuses go unreported for fear of repercussion.
“Once they [police] release you from jail, you thank God and never look back. Whatever has happened, you leave it to God for justice, because if you protest, they might put you in [jail] for a second time,” said Abdirahman Abdullahi Salat, a refugee in Hagadera camp.
In a 2012 report, Human Right Watch recorded widespread human right abuses by police against refugees following rampant killings and bomb attacks. It called on authorities to order all police forces deployed in Dadaab to treat residents with restraint and respect and offer compensation to the victims.    
Leaders not spared
Mohammed Abdi Osman, 54, a community leader in Dagahley’s Block C3, also became the target of police retaliation. Aiming to capture the gunmen that killed their colleague, police began their search at Osman’s home.
“When they entered my house on the morning of November 30, I showed them my card as a leader, they disregarded it and instead started beating me nonstop for more than an hour,” he said, adding that officers were even “glad that they got me since I was a leader”.
As head of Block C3, Osman is tasked with handling all community affairs, including security within the neighbourhood. His pleas to the officers were futile as officers accused him of being an accomplice to the murder.
Osman received head injuries from the assault and still bears the scars of whip marks on his back. He said police treat the refugees with absolute disregard of their rights, adding that in most cases, refugees who are arrested are forced to part with the little money they have to secure their release. Al Jazeera witnessed the release of at least 55 refugees from police cells in Ifo camp. Many of them said they were held for few days without charges.
Many refugees interviewed by Al Jazeera discussed their experience with arbitrary detention and physical harm meted out to them by security personnel at length.
Most said they could not report cases of police brutality to any law enforcement agency since most cases are passed over or thrown out. Instead, camp residents prefer to report their matters to UNHCR in hopes it will put pressure on police to review cases.
“Whenever we get those kinds of incidents we approach the police and address them, reminding them that they have the obligation to provide security to refugees – we definitely engage the government, we engage the police to ensure that the rights of refugees are respected,” Emmanuel Nyabera, UNHCR spokesperson in Kenya told Al Jazeera.
He added that the agency conducts regular trainings for police where they are taught about the rights of refugees and the obligations they have to protect camp residents.
Osman said police never act on the killings and intimidation of community leaders by suspected al-Shabab fighters but are quick to react when police are directly targeted.
In most cases, he said, community leaders are forced to go into hiding for fear of their lives and repercussion from authorities.
“It is hard to be a community leader in the camps … if the police officers are attacked in your camp, you are treated as a suspect and are humiliated,” he said.
The assailants live within the refugee population and it is very hard for us to differentiate between the native refugees and those who came purposely to commit crimes in the camps.
- Herbert Kimani, deputy county commissioner in Dadaab
Security crisis 
At the moment the Dadaab police force is neither admitting nor denying any wrongdoing in their operations. The head of police in the refugee camps, Raphael Nguma, told Al Jazeera that complaints received from refugees on recent operations is under investigation but could not provide official comment about it. Nevertheless, authorities in Dadaab admit there is a security crisis in the camps, attributing the violence to infiltration of al-Shabab fighters and poor relation with the refugees.
“The assailants live within the refugee population and it is very hard for us to differentiate between the native refugees and those who came purposely to commit crimes in the camps,” Herbert Kimani, the deputy county commissioner in Dadaab, told Al Jazeera.
Kimani claims that there have been fewer incidents reported since 2013 that have warranted police to carry out operations. He adds that his office is working hard to try and reinitiate good relations with the population in the camps; a difficult task, he admits, with camp residents wary of security in the wake of the harsh treatment they’ve received.
For many refugees like Shukri and Osman, the response unleashed by the police when dealing with al-Shabab attacks is doing more harm than good and that unless they change their approach, refugees will be victimised in the guise of maintaining law and order.
“I don’t think I can work with the police after what they did to me. The population I represent has lost confidence in the law enforcers, unless they change their tactic in dealing with the insecurity, innocent people will be punished for crimes that they did not commit,” Osman said.

Ethiopia denies reports about Yemen migrants’ drowning

Foreign Ministry spokesperson denies reports of drowning, saying reports are baseless propaganda.
migrants-boatWorld Bulletin / News Desk | December 31, 2014
Ethiopian authorities have denied media reports about the drowning of around 70 Ethiopian migrants off Yemen’s coast.
“Media reports that 70 people died, mostly Ethiopians, while being ferried to Yemen is baseless,” Foreign Ministry spokesperson Dina Mufti told The Anadolu Agency on Wednesday.
Media reports earlier said that around 70 Ethiopian migrants had drowned off southwest Yemen’s coast earlier this month.
Mufti said that the Ethiopian embassy in Yemen mustered support from the Yemeni 17th Brigade and “conducted extensive search on a perimeter of 250– 300-km at coastal areas such as Bab-el Mendab, Dubab and Muha”
“[It] proved that no boat capsized or sunk and no life lost,” he said.
The spokesman said that “The falsified reports may be part of the usual propaganda targeted at Ethiopia’s development and democratization.”
Yemen is viewed by many migrants as a gateway to the Middle East or Europe.
The UN refugee agency said in October that more than 200 people had died at sea in 2014 while attempting to reach Yemen.

MUST-READ | O-Press:- Oromo Year in Review 2014: Weighing the Bright and the Dark Side

Year of Massacre, Protest and Impunity
For the Oromo, the year 2014 has been simultaneously a year of success stories and tragedy because of the peaceful protests that took place in Oromia from April to June 2014, leading to the massacre of over 200 Oromo students and the imprisonments of thousands. The year is drawing to an end without Ethiopian officials and security personnel responsible for the killings being held accountable locally and internationally. Year of impunity for TPLF ruling elites who went on genocide spree in Oromia. Oromo students were protesting what was termed the “Addis Ababa Master Plan,” a land grabbing genocide plan calculated to evict millions of Oromo farmers from their ancestral land. Many places in Oromia saw many deaths in connection with Oromo Protests. Oromo Protests by Qeerroo Oromiyaa, Oromiya’s youth movement, remains the prominent highlight of the year.
The year has brought us a sour mix of negatives and positives. The positives are that the Oromo have decided to speak up against tyranny; the negatives are that there have been rampant repressions and killings across Oromia by Ethiopia’s ethnic Tigrean-controlled government.
Instead of retelling the massacre of Oromo students and civilians, Oromo Press would like to tell this story through the eye-witness account of one sister who recounts how and why her brother Bikila Belay was killed in slow motion. The following video contains a video testimony in Afan Oromo subtitled in English.
Featured Testimony of the Ambo Massacre:
Because I am Oromo’ Report
The rampant repressions in Oromia attracted a wide range of attention from international and local human rights groups and media organizations. Among the notable reports highlighting “sweeping” repressions in Oromia is Amnesty International’s “…Because I am Oromo…” is worth mentioning. The report gave us the famous Twitter hashtag “#BecauseIamOromo” under which people discussed news related to the topic and shared opinions, frustrations and recommendations. The report also led to an invited talk by Claire Beston of Amnesty International to the Washington DC Oromo Community. Many Oromo community organizations organized seminars inspired by the report and discussed the grave situation in Oromia. It also led to a few pro-report rallies from Arizona to Oslo. The report is key because it generated wide media coverage in the West about the Oromo who have been systematically rendered invisible in the global narrative. Activities around the report lifted that heavy eclipse invisbilizing the Oromo to the world. It challenged a lot of essentialized and erroneous notions and misrepresentations about the Oromo. Luckily, 2014 gave us that.
OSA Sponsors AG Bayana Robi’s US Speaking Tour
The traditional leader of the Oromo people (very much like Tibet’s Dalai Lama except that he is not in exile) Abbaa Gadaa Bayyanaa Sanbatoo toured many cities in the United States giving lectures on the Oromo classic democratic system of governance, the Gadaa System from early September to early October 2014. The Abbaa Gadaa gave lectures and interviews on the attempt to restore the system in Oromia to update and use it in contemporary structures.
Deligation Visits UN-Geneva to Fight for the Rights of Children in Oromia, Ethiopia
After issuing a detailed report on the rights of children in Oromia, three delegates from the International Oromo Youth Assoication and The Advocatestraveled to Geneva to fight for the rights of children. They were three women prominent human rights advocates: Amy Bergquist, Staff Attorney for The Advocate’s International Justice Program; and Amane Bedasso and Sinke Washo, President and Vice President of IOYA repectively. Read Amy’s post here. In this sense, advocacy for Oromo rights has shown an encouraging tendency toward internationalization of Oromo and Horn issues. It was a year filled with dramatic acvities in response to repressions and killings of children in Oromia.
Flurry of Oromo Civil Society Organizations Founded in Diaspora
2014 has also brought us a number of significant activities in the area of founding civil society organizations, including Children’s Afan Oromo Education organization and the launching of two Oromo media houses– Oromia Media Network (TV) and Madda Walaabuu Media Foundation’s Oromo Voice Radio (OVR). The diaspora media organizations were mainly started and launched in Australia and the United States far away from Oromia to cater to the needs of Oromia. If you scan through the websites of these media organizations, you can find that they have produced television and radio news and opinion programs in Afan Oromo for the population in Oromia, Africa. This is significant because they served the information-starved Oromo people with much-needed news or information. Upset by their significance, the Ethiopian government jammed these stations along other Diaspora broadcasts into the Horn’s troubled country.
Afaan Publications, the Australia-based crowd-funded literacy organization founded by the legendary Toltu Fufa and her strong team, announced on Facbook and Twitter that it has started printing rare Afan Oromo children’s books and that it is campaigning to distribute them in 7 cities in 7 weeks across the globe in the new year.
These are some of the major tragic and sucess stories of 2014 pertaining to the Oromo nation. It’s time to build on the success stories and to stop the tragic stories in 2015. Happy new year everyone. May the coming year be the year of freedom, prosperity and happiness.

Waggaa Haaraa Ilaalchisuun Dhaamsa ABO – Amajjii 2015

Miseensota ABO QBO Dirqama Duraa Godhatuun Qabsootti Dhaabbataa Jirtan;
Waraana Bilisummaa Oromoo Bilisummaa Oromoo Dhugoomsuuf Wareega Qaalii Baasaa Jirtu;
Dargaggootaa Oromoo, Sirnaa fi Diina Farra Oromoo fi Bilisummaa Oromoo Irratti Finciluun Mirga Ummata Keessaniif Falmaa Hadhawaa garuu Boonsaa Irratti Cichitanii Argamtan;
Ummata Oromoo, Sirna Gabrummaa Haalaan Hadhaawaa fi Umurii Dheeraa Of Irraa Darbatuuf Qbsoo Haqaa of Irratti Irkannoo Qofaan Gaggeessaa Jirtu;
Akkasumas Firoottan QBO
Baga waggaa haaraa 2015 geessan. Waggaan haaraa kunis waggaa ummatni Oromoo bittaa alagaa of irraa kuffisee bilisummaa fi walabummaa biyyaa isaa qabsoo isaatiin itti gonfatu akka tahu, akkasumas diinni ummatoota cunqurfamoo irratti roorrisaa jiru itti jilbeenfachiisamee, hawwii fi fedhiin ummatootaa itti guutamu akka tahu ABOn hawwa.
Waggaa haaraa seene kana keessa maaltu raawwatamuu qaba? Fedhii fi hawwiin ummata qabsoofnuuf akkamiin guutama? gaaffiilee jedhaniif deebii gahaa fi qabatamaa kennuuf waggaa dabre keessa kan raawwatamee fi kan hanqate ilaallatuun fardii dha. Kanaaf bara 2014 keessa haala dhaabni keenya ABOn keessa ture, haala ummata keenyaa fi haala diinaa wal yaadachiisuu feesisa.
Guyyaa ummatni Oromoo gabrummaa jalatti kufee eegalee mootummootni Itophiyaa sirnoota gara garaa fi mootummaa adda addaa diriirsan irratti wal jijjiiruun kan mul’ataa ture tahullee jijjiirraan sirnaa fi mootummootaa ummata Oromoo irraan miidhaa irra caalaa dhaqabsiisuu fi mirga uumaa fi seeraan qabu dhiphisuu malee isaanii ummata Oromoo akka ummataatti ilaalanii mirgi isaa akka kabajamu yeroon fedhii itti agarsiisan hin mul’atne. Mootummootni Itophiyaa hundi akkaataa itti qabeenya ummata Oromoo saaman, ummata Oromoo hamilee cabsuun bittaa jala turfatan irratti karoorfatuun hojjatan.
Kanas gochaan isaan ummata Oromoo irratti bara baraan raawwatan ifatti agarsiisa. Addatti ammoo mootummaan Wayyaanee Itophiyaa bituuf erga humnaan of labseen asitti gochaalee ummata Oromoo qofa osoo hin taane ummatoota hunda dheekamsiise, gadadeesse, diinummaa babal’ise fi ummatoota gaddisiise ifaa fi dhoksaan raawwatuun impaayera humnaan bitaa jiru kufaatiitti fi gadadootti oofuu irratti argama. Mootummaan Wayyaanee/IHADG gaaffii ummatootaa karaa nagaa deebisuu irra maaf gaaffii mirgaa kaaftan? jechuun ukkaamsuuf humnatti gargaaramuu filatuun ummatoota caalaatti fincilsiisaa fi mirga isaaniif akka falmataniif kakaasa jira.
Ummatni Oromoo mootummaa kan kiyya jedhuu fi dantaa isaaf dhaabbatu dhabuu irraa waggoota dheeraaf qabsoo wal irraa hin citni geggeesse. Hawwii fi fedhii ummata Oromoo kana guutuuf ABOn dirqama qabsoo Oromoo hogganuu fudhatuun qabsoon bilisummaa fi walabummaa geggeessaa jiruun injifannoolee hin tuffatamne argamsiisuu irratti milkaa’ullee kan hafatee jiru hubatuun QBO finiinsaa akka jiru hubatamaa dha. Falmaa diina irratti adeemsisaa jiru kanaanis caasaalee fi ijaarsa diinaa ummata Oromoo irratti xiyyeeffatan, lukkeelee diinaa Oromiyaa fi ummata Oromoo keessa jiraataa isa basaasuu fi saamuu keessatti qooda kennan, waraanaa fi humna baasasa diinaa ummata Oromoo mirga isaaf falmatu ajjeesuu fi hiraarsuu irratti bobba’an irratti tarkaanfiilee hedduu fudhatuun adaba malu kennaafii ture. Kana keessatti WBO goleelee Oromiyaa adda addaa keessatti tarkaanfii fudhataa tureen QBO deebii quubsaa argatu malee kan hin dhaamne tahuu mirkaneessuun caalaatti mooraa diinaa dhiphisaa fi diigaa akka jiru ifaa dha. Kun ammoo bara haaraa kana keessa hanga ummanti keenya mirga isaa harka galfatu jabaatee kan itti fufu tahuun hin shakkisiisu.
QBO ABOn durfamu har’a sadarkaan irra gahe amansiisaa fi kan humni kamiyyuu ukkaamsuu hin dandeenye tahuu sochii bal’aa Oromiyaa keessatti adeemsifamaa jiru irraa ni hubatama.
Sochiilee roga afran Oromiyaa keessatti finiinaa turanii fi jiran kana keessatti qoodni maadheelee ABO, dargaggootaa fi ummataa ol aanaa tahuun hin falamsiisu. Waggaa dabarsine keessa Oromiyaa keessaa bakki itti dargaggoo fi ummatni fincila itti hin adeemsifamiin hafe hin jiru jechuun ni danda’ama. Keessattuu manneen barnootaa sadarkaa ol aanaa irraa hanga gidduu galeessaatti shira diinaa saaxiluu fi mirgi ummata Oromoo akka kabajamu gaafatuun diddaan agarsiisan kanneen haqaaf falman hunda kan boonsee fi gammachiise, mooraa saamtotaa fi cunqursitootaa raasee fi sarde ture.
Mootummaan abbaa irree fi loogummaa sanyii geggeessuun beekamu sirna isaa kufaatii irraa hambisuuf akkuma aadeeffate humnatti fayyadamuu filatuu irraa dargaggoo fi barattooota Oromoo gaaffii isaanii karaa nagaa dhiheeffatan irratti waraana bobbaasuun lubbuu ilmaan Oromoo hedduu galaafachiisee jira. Kumootaanis hidhaatti guuruu fi barnootaa irraa ari’uun haaloo bahatuuf yaaleera. Haa tahu malee dhiigni ilmaan Oromoo Wayyaaneen dhangalaafame ilmaan Oromoo sabboontotaa fi muratoo kumootaan horee mooraa qabsootti akka makaman taasise malee sodaan manatti akka dacha’an taasisuu hin dandeenye. Hin danda’us. ABOn Fincila Diddaa Gabrummaa keessatti kanneen wareegaman hunda oggaa yaadatu akeeka kufaniif bakkaan gahuuf waadaa seenuudhaani.
Waggaa dabarsine keessa mootummaan Wayyaanee mirga ummata Oromoo caalaatti dhiphisaa, lafa isaa irraa ari’uu fi bal’ifatuuf karoora “Master Plan” jedhuun eegale mormii guddaa dhalchee shirri yaade saaxilamuun ni yaadatama. Kun ammoo kanneen Oromummaaf hadoodan qofa osoo hin taane kanneen mootummichaaf ulee tahanii ummata Oromoo dararaa jiran gidduutti iyyuu mormii dhalchee mootummaa farra ummatootaa qullaa dhaabeera. Karoora kana duubaan akeekni jiru maal akka tahe Oromoon ifa gochuu danda’uu qofa osoo hin taane mootummaan Itophiyaa kamuu ilaalchi ummata Oromoof qaban kan diinummaa tahuu ittiin saaxiluuu danda’ee jira. Ummatni keenya biyyoota alaa adda addaa keessa jiraatus aggaammii diinaa kana dura dhaabbatuun sagalee ummata Oromoo mootummootaa fi dhaabbattoota addunyaa gara garaa birattti dhageettii akka argatu gochuuf kana sana osoo hin jenne harka wal qabatee ka’uun mormii fi balaaleffannaan agarsiise kan dinqisiifamu dha. Bara kanas caalaatti tokkummaa isaa jabeeffatuun midhaa ummata Oromoo irra gahaa jiru akka dhageessisu ABOn amana.
Bara 2014 mooraa Qabsoo Bilisummaa gabbisuuf tarkaanfii fudhatameen milkiin argames kan jajjabeessuu fi mooraa qabsoo itichu keessatti gumaache dha. ABOn humnaa fi dandeettii Oromoo bifa qindaa’aan qabsoo irra akka ooluuf sochii adeemsisaa tureen ABO ShG fi ABO- QC kaayyoo tokko, heera tokko, sagantaa siyaasaa tokkoo fi hooggana tokko jalatti deebisuu danda’uun milkii ummata Oromoo fi firoottan qabsoo Oromoo hunda gammachiise dha. Kana malees jaarmayoota Oromoo biroo kanneen kaayyoo bilisummaa fi walabummaatti amanan waliin mareen qabsoo irratti wal tumsuuf ykn bifa waltahinis irra gahameen qabsoo waliin qindeeffatuuf tattaaffii itti fufee jira. Qabsoo irratti wal tumsuuf sirna kana dandeessisuu tolfatuu humna qabsoo qisaasama irraa hambisuuf yaalii taasifamaa jiru kanas kanneen suduudaan dhimmi ilaaluu fi lammiileen Oromoo hundi deggersa isaanii akka itti fufan ABOn hiree kanaan yaadachiisa.
Sochii waraanaa fi siyaasaatti dabalee roorroo ummata keenya irra gahaa jiru mootummoota, jaarmayoota Idil Addunyaa fi Godinaalee hubachiisuu irratti sochii gama diplomaasiin godhameen tattaaffiin godhames kan jajjabeessu tahuu ABOn hubachiisuu fedha.
Sochii diplomaasii kanaan,
Ajjeechaa barattoota Oromoo fi lammiilee Oromoo biraa irratti raawwatame addunyaan akka hubatu taasisuu, kana irratti qoodni ummata keenya biyyoota alaa keessa jiraatu ol aanaa tahuu fi akka diinni barbaaduutti osoo wal hin qoodiin tokkummaan sagalee ummata isaa dhageessiuu danda’uun jabina mooraa qabsoo Oromoo keessatti mul’ate kan fuula durattis itti fufuu qabu dha.
Lafti Oromoo seeraan alatti saamamee alagaaf qoodamaa, ummatni Oromoo ammoo hiyyummaa keessaa bahuun hin laaffanetti gatamaa akka jiru,
Lammiileen Oromoo Oromummaa isaanii fi yaada kan mootummaan alaa qabaachuu qofaan adamsamanii hidhaatti guuramaa akka jiranii fi lakkoobsa hidhamaa Impaayera Itophiyaa keessaa baay’een Oromoo tahuu,
Lammiilee Itophiyaa cunqursaa fi roorroo adda addaa jalaa bahuuf biyyoota alaatti osoo baqatanii kanneen gammoojjii keessattii dhuman, galaana osoo qaxxaamuranii dhabaman harka guddeessaan Oromoo tahuu,
Mootummaan Wayyaanee preesii walaba ukkaamsuun tarree biyyoota maqaan dura kaafaman keessa kan jiru, dhimma amantii keessa seenuun amantoota amantii gara garaa hiraarsuun kan beekame, lafa baadiyyaa qofa osoo hin taane lafa magaalaa saamuun ummatoota addatti ammoo ummatni Oromoo lafa dhablee fi mirga dhablee taasisee miidhaa ol aanaa fi suukaneessaa irra gahaa akka jiru ragaalee qabatamoo waliin dhiheessuun ilaalcha mootummaa kanaaf qaban akka irra deebi’anii ilaalan gochuuf yaaliin godhame kan laafaatti ilaalamu miti.
Har’a ummatni Oromoo cunqursaa baroota dheeraa irra ture of irraa jigsuuf qabsoo isaa finiinsaa akka jiru hubatamaa dha. Fincila ummataa kana dhaamsuuf diinni qabeenya hedduu irratti dhangalaasuu irratti argama. Humna waraanaa fi tikaa ummatatti bobbaasee nagaa dhorkataa fi jeequu irratti argama. Shira diinaa kana fashalsuun QBO rarraga bilisummaan gahuufis waggaa haaraa kana jabinaa fi murannoon hojjachuun dirqama qabsaawotaa fi lammiilee hundaa tahuu ABO hubachiisa.
Akkuma beekamu mootummaan Wayyaanee mootummaa sirnaawaa fi seerawaa of fakkeessuuf yerooo gara garaa filannoo adeemsisaa akka ture ni yaadatama. Filannoon Wayyaaneen geggeeffaman hundi ulaagaa filannoo dimokraatawaa kan hin guutne tahuu kan addunyaan hundi ragaa itti bahe dha. Filannoon waggaa kana keessa adeemsisuuf itti qophaa’aa jirus kan kanaan duraa irra addummaa kan hin qabne, filannoo Wayyaanotni qofti keessatti dorgoman tahuu qophii itti jiran irraa hubatuutu danda’ama. Waan taheef ummatootni Itophiyaa addatti ammoo ummatni Oromoo filannoo isa hin ilaallee fi bakka bu’oota isaa ittiin filatuu hin dandeenye kana irratti yeroo isaa gubuu dhiisee qabsoo isaa diina irratti akka finiinsu ABOn waamicha gadi jabeessee dabarsaaf. Filannoo kana keessaa qooda fudahtanii Wayyaanota fi Lukkeelee isaanii filuun haada waggaa 23 morma ummataa hudhee jiru ofitti jabeessuun of ajjeessu waan taheef kan darbe irraa baratamee guutummaatti lagatamuun qabsoo finiinsuun mirga ofiif qofa hiriiruu irratti akka fuulleeffatamu hubachiifna.
Mirgi keenya kan kabajamu diina of irratti filuun osoo hin taane qabsoo gosa hundaa finiinsuun mirga keenya bortaan mulqame of harka galfatuuf qabsaa’uun qofa. Qabsoo ummatni Oromoo itti jiru kan shaffisiisuu fi galii isaa dhaqqabsiisu falmaa biyya keessaa jabeessuun tahuun hin falamsiisu. Ijaaramuu, qajeelfamaa fi bulchinsa diinaa diduun, imammata mootummaa hojiitti hiikuu lagatuun tokkummaa ofii cimsatuun diina irratti falmaa geggeessuun alatti filmaatni biraa hin jiru. Kanaaf kanneen QBO mararfatan marti ABO,WBO fi SBO fi JARMAYAA DARGAGGOOTAA (QEERROO)f ilaalcha addaa kennuun caalaatti jabeessuu irratti bobba’uun hojjatuun dirqama ulfaataa nu eeggatu dha.
WBOn haalota ulfaatoo fi hamoo isa mudatan hunda irra aanee kan qabsoo itti fufuu danda’e deggersa gosa hundaa ummata keenya biyya keessaa fi ala irraa argatuuni. Ummatni Oromoo ilmaan isaa cinaa dhaabbatuun waan irraa barbaadamu guutuutti dabalee qaamaan itti makamuun WBO jabeessuu irratti qoodni gumaachaa turee fi jiru yoomiyyuu kan hin dagatamne seenaa keessatti ifee mul’ataa jiraatu dha. Wareegama hanga ammaatti baafame firii itti gochuun qadaaduuf bara 2015 bara WBO jabeessuu dirqama duraa godhatuun qabeenya, beekumsaa fi huna namaan gabbisuuf haa hojjatnuun waamicha isa hangafa ABO waggaa haaraa ti. Keessattuu ummatni keenya biyyoota alaatti argamu kana hubatuun dirqama lammummaa isaa akka bahatu ABOn waamicha isaa dabarsa. Kanaaf 2015 bara WBO itti tinnisnu akka tahu ABOn yaadachiisa. ABOn waamicha dhiheessu kanaafis ummata irraa deebii quubsaa kan argatu tahu abdii guutuu qaba.
Wayta ammaa kana midiyaaleen adda addaa biyyoota alaa irraa dhimma ummata Oromoo tarkaanfachiisuuf dhaamsa gara garaa dabarsaa jiran. Dhimmi ummata Oromoo caalaatti dhageettii akka horatuu fi deggersa argatu gochuuf tarkaanfiilee WBOn fudhatu dhageessisuu keessatti qooda isaanii akka gumachan ABOn waamicha dabarsaaf.
Waggooti bittaa Wayyaanee dabran, murni humnaan aangootti dhufe humnaan malee aangoo karaa nagaa kan gad hin dhiisne tahuu ummatoota Itophiyaa haalaan hubachiisan. Mirga ummatootaaf kan dhaabbatan, sirna dimokraasii kan diriirsan tahuu lallaba isaanii hifachiisan lallabaa oolan iyyuu gochaan isaanii akeeka isaanii waan ibsuuf sadarkaa ummatoota akka kanaan duraatti sobuu hin dandeenye gahee jira. Kanaafis ummatootni bakkaa bakkatti kan diddaa isaanii agarsiisaa fi finiinsaa jiran.
ABOn tattaaffii ummatoota cunqurfamoo kana ni dinqsiifata. Kan isaaf danda’ame hundaanis kan waliin dhaabbatu tahuu mirkaneessa. Ummatni Oromoos kanneen cunqursaa irra gahu jalaa walaboomuuf qabsaawaa jiran karaa danda’ameen jajjabeessuu irratti akka hojjatu waamicha isaa dabarsaaf. Olola diinaa ummatoota walitti buusuu fi diinomsuuf osoo bakka hin laatne kan diina waloo of irraa buqqaasuun danda’amu cunqurfamootni wal tahuun akka tahe hubatuun bal’inaan akka irratti fulleeffatuun hijjatamu ABOn yaadachiisa.
Ummatni Oromoo hiraara irra gahaa jiru keessaa bahuuf abdiin isaa qabsoo bilisummaa ABOn durfamu akkaa tahe ifaa dha. Ummatni Oromoo ABO kan abdatuufis dantaa ummata Oromoof kan dhaabbate tahuu fi falmaa QBO keessatti haqa ummata Oromoo dhugoomsuu keessatti wareegama ulfaataa baasuu hubatuu irraa ti. Bara haaraa kana keessatti abdii fi hawwiin isaa guutame walabummaa isaa akka gonfatu dandeessisuu keessatti ABOn qooda irraa eegamu gumaachuu irraa kan booda hin jenne tahuu mirkaneessaa kana guuttatuuf harka wal qabannee tokkummaan haa kaanu jedha.
Akkuma waggaa dabre keessa oggaa saamamnu, ajjeefamnuu fi hidhaatti guuramnu callisnee hin ilaallu jechuun tarkaanfiilee adda adda fudhataa turre bara kanass caalaatti babal’isuu fi finiinsuun umrii bittaa alagaa haa gabaabsinu.
Ummatni, addatti dargaggoo fi barattootni gabrummaa hin dhaallu jechuun harka qullaa diina hidhataa dura dhaabbatuun wareegama baasaniin ummata Oromoo boonsanii fi abdii itti horaan qabsoo itti jiran finiinsuuf caalaatti wal ijaaranii fi gurmaa’anii akka sochii isaanii cimsan ABOn dhaamaaf. Caalaatti ijaaramanii falmaa jalqabame bakkaan gahuuf caalaatti socho’uun alatti filmaatni biraa fi daandiin biraa akka hin jirre gadi jabeessinee hubachiifna.
Mootummaa farra ummatootaa kan ummatoota walitti buusuu fi diinomsuun umrii bittaa isaa dheereffatuu barbaadu kana of irraa gatuuf cunqurfamootni hundi akka qabsoo isaanii finiinsan ABOn hubachiisa. Wal irratti osoo hin taane diina irratti ha bobbaanu. Wal tahuu fi wal dhaga’uun sochii goonuun fi wareegama baafnuun umrii bittaa cunqursaa haa gabaabsinu.
Injifannoo Ummata Oromoof!
Adda Bilisummaa Oromoo
Muddee 30, 2014


SEENAA  Y.G (2005) | Muddee 31, 2014
Bara 2014 Seenaa Qabsoo Ummata OROMOO keessatti bakka ol aanaa qaba jedheen amana. Bara 2014 kana keessa Mooraa Qabsoo Oromoo tasgabbeessuu keessatti hojii nama jajjabeessuutu hojjatame.Ummata Biyya keessaaf birmachuudhaan , hojiin boonsaan hojjatameera. Ilmaan Oromoo irra jireessi, maal gochuu qabna? ? jedhanii akka of gaafatanii fi furmaata isaaf, wal Tumsee Biyya keessaa fi alatti yeroo itti waliif dhaabbateedha. Fedhiin Ummata OROMOO maal akka ta’e ifatti ,Addunyaafis, diinaafis, firaafis, kan karaa irraa maqee Ummatichaaf humnaan murteessuu barbaadufis, hubannoo ga’a akka horatu taasiseera. Sochii Bara 2015f Barri 2014 bu’uradha. Waan bara kana keessa irra geenye gonkumaa duubatti akka hin deebifneef, hundumtuu of kennee hanga Bilisummaatti qooda dhuunfaa hanga Ummataatti irraa eegamu gumaachuuf akka socha’uu abdiin qaba. falli qabnus kanuma . 
Bara 2014 xumuraa jirru kana keessa, akka lammii tokkotti waliif dhaamun numa jirti.Gabrummaa keessatti hiraaraa, Baga bara haaraa geesseen kun anaaf…….warri Bilisummaan jiran bara haaraa waan haaraa waliin waliif dhaaman. Nuuti woo ? jedheen yaada. Saba gabrummaa keessa jiruuf bara haaraan hiikkaa qabaa laata ? Umurii haaraaf yoo ta’ee hayyee . Bara Qabsoo keenya itti finiinsinu yoo jenne ni ta’a. kana yeroo biraa itti deebina. Qabsoo keenya jabeessuuf murteeffannee yoo ta’ee waa sadii irratti waadaa ofii fi waliif seenuun tarkaanfi jalaqabaati. 1ffaa-, keessa keenyatti rakkoo uumuu danda’an hundaa irraa fagaachuu fi Qabsoo ofii tikisuu, kunis, waan kaleessa nu diife, gargar nu baasuu wal afoo ykn wal dura nu hdaabe,shira diinaa fi fira fakkaattootaa irraa of fi qabsoo tikifachuudha. 2ffaa- Wareegama waa maraa kafallee Bilisummaa Ummata keenyaa dhugoomsuuf hojjachuudha. Humnaa fi dandeettiin akkasumas Beekumsaan qabsoo kana tinnisuu, deeggaruu, kan danda’u qaamaan keessatti argamee, kan hin taaneef waan qabsoo kana jabaeessuuf gargaaruun wal Tumsuudha. 3ffaan- Ilaalchaan, Amantiin kkf adda baanuus, Dhimma Oromoo fi Oromiyaa irratti waliin dhaabbachuu fi falmachuuf yoo murteeffannee diina qofa irratti xiyyeeffannee milkoofna.
Har’a dhala Oromoo Gabrummaa hadheeffatee waregamuuf qophaa’ee jirutti waan dhaaman yoo jiraate, cichoomiinaan Qabsoofne malee hiraarrii har’aa keessaa ba’uu akka hin dandeenyedha.Qabsoo gama hundaa , kan wal irraa hin cinnee, abshaalummaa diinaan kan hin dhaabbannee Finiinsuuf hojjachuu akka qabuudha. Qabsoo nuuti gama barbaannuun gaggeessinuuf garuu keessa of tikifachuu, holola hamilee wal cabsuu irraa of qusachuu, wal tuffachuu fi wal abaaruu dhiisuu kkf hanqisuun murteessaa ta’uun wal nama hin gaafachiisu. Qaawwaa rakkoo keenya bal’isan irraa of eeguu, maal na dhibeen waa katabuu fi dubbachuu dhiisuu kkf irraa of qusannee, wal dhaggeeffannee tarkaanfannaan, sochii bara 2015, Gootummaa Oromoo dhugeessuu dandeenya. Anis Barruu kiyya Bara 2014 kan xumuraa fi seenasa bara 2015 kanaan, qabxiilee  keessa keenya jabeessuu danda’an kaa’uun barbaada.
  1. Midiyaalee qabnu ilaalchisee :- Teekinoolojii hammayyaa kanaan wal qabatee Ilmaan Oromoo dhimma Ummataa fi qabsoo Ummata isaanii irratti qooda mataa isaanii gumaachuuf akka dhuunfaattis, akka waloottis hojiin hojjataa jiran , qabsoo keenyaaf bu’ura ta’uu irra ga’aniiru jedheen fudhadha. Midiyaa jabaa fi humna qabu, waa hundaan Ummata kana bakka bu’u qabaannee odoo hin taanee, kan jiru mataan isaa bu’aan argamsiisaa jiru guddaadha. Kana caalaa akka guddachuu danda’an hin shakku. Bu’aa miidiyaalee kanaa hubachaa gaafa deemnuu fi Oromoonni bu’aa isaatti amanaa dhufan, walitti dhufanii waan Ummata Oromoon wal gitu akka gadi dhaaban mamii hin qabu. Midiyaalee hundaa ta’uu baatuus, muraasnii akkaataa yaadoota Namootaa itti keessummeessaa jiran qabsoo kanaaf bu’aa buusa jedhee hin yaadu. har’a kan qooqa keenya baratee qixxee keenya katabuu fi dubbisu hedduudha. Waan nuuti hojjannu fashalsuuf kan irra oolee bulu lakkoofsa hin qabu. Kanaaf Dimokiraasii tasumaa addunyaa keessa hin jirreen, Namooonni akka barbaadan Qabsicha, Hogganoota, Beektoota, kkf salphisan keessummeessuun gawwummaa natti fakkaata. Yaadi hin laatamiin jechaa hin jiru. yaada Ummataan ala eessayyuu hin ga’amu. Garuu,Kan deebi’ee mataa keenya salphisuf bakka laachuun sirri natti hin faakkaatu. Qabsoo keenya keessatti tasgabbiin akka jiraatu yoo barbaadamee, arrabsoo eessaanuu nu hin geenyef bakka laachuu haa dhiifnuu. Kun eessaanu nu hin ga’u. kan qabsoo ummatichaa jabeessu, jajjabeessaa , deemuun, kan ta’ee jedhee waa busheessuuf irriiba dhabu ammoo dantaa qabsoo kanaaf jennee dhaabunii qabna.waan keessa keenyatti dhumachuu qabu keessa keenyatti akka fixannuu fi itti baha isaa qofa Ummatatti himuun akka danda’amu odoo taasifamee.
  2. Qabsoo Tumsuu ilaalchisee :- Qabsoo Abbaa Biyyummaa Ummata tokko milkeessuuf, qabsoon Ummatichaa wal utubee akka tarkaanfatu taasisuun dirqama. Kanaaf Hawaasi Oromoo Biyyoota hambaa jiraatan, akka dhaabaatti , akka waldaatti, akka komoniititti, akka Afooshaatti, akka Hawaasaatti kkf gurmaa’anii kan jiraanii fi gurmaa’uuf yaadaa jiran, sochii isaanii isa kaan walii qindeeffachuu barbaachisaa ta’uu beeku qaban. Waldaaleen, Kominiitiin kkf Qabsoo Ummata tokko keessatti qooda ol aanaa gumaachan. Dhaabni siyaasaa tokko Ummata isaa bifa kanaan gurmeessee akka sochoosu beekamaadha. kanneen caasaa akkasii keessatti hin hammatamiin, qabsoo keessatti hiriirsuu fi qooda isaanii akka gumaachan taasisuun murteessaadha. Kanaaf waliin dubbachuun gaariidha.Qabsicha tumsuuf sochii isaanii dhaaboota siyaasaan qindeeffachuun barbaachisaadha. kanaaf Qabsoo Ummata Oromoo walii galaa mirkaneessuuf ykn milkeessuuf, qaamni Hawaasi Oromoo eessayyuu jiru, sagantaa kana keessatti hammatamee sochii Biyya keessaa fi alatti gaggeeffamu bifa qindaa’een akka tarkaanfatuuf qooda isaa gumaachuun barbaachisaadha.
  3. Xalayaa ABOn, UNtti erguu ilaalchisee: Dhimma Ummata Oromoon wal qabateen, ABO Xalayaa UNf katabuu beeksiseera. Dhimma kana irratti yaadootni Intarneeta irratti dhihaatan hedduu. Kana keessatti , yaadi diinaa , yaadi warra  hojii dhabee, yaadi warra abdii kutatee, yaadi warra Bilisummaa siree irratti eeggatuu, yaadi warra qeequmaaf jiraatanii, yaadi deeggarsaas inuma jira. Kan caalaatti na dhibe garuu , diinni ifatti katabee dhimmicha busheessuu wayita barbaadu, warri qeequmaaf jarjaran guuza ykn daboo ba’uu isaaniiti. ABOn qaama kamiifu dhimma Ummata isaa irratti iyyachuuf mirga qaba. kun ammoo, kaayyoo isaa keessaa tokko. Boruu Biyya ta’uuf deemna ega ta’ee, Mataa Biyyootaaf Iyyachuun mudaa maalii qaba ? tarii dukkana keessa ykn abdii kutannaa keessa teenyee jirraaf yoo ta’ee malee, Alaabaa Oromoo Oromiyaa keessatti dhaabuutti aanee, Alaabaa keenya lammaffaa Mooraa Dhaabbata Mootummoota Gmatoomanii keessa dhaabuuf Ummati Oromoo itti dhumaa jiraa mitii ? beekumtii isaanii malee wanni ta’u jiraa ? humna qofaa ega jennee, Filitsxeemoota caalaa kan diina hiraarse jiraa ? Warri Sudaan kibbaa humnaan fudhatanii ? gama Biraan, yoo kaasuun barbaachisees, wayyaanee kan nu irratti goobsaa jiruu fi maallaqa liqeessaafii jiru, dhaabbilee misoomaa fi Baankilee dhaabbaticha jalatti bulaa jiranii miti ? maarree isaaniin kana beeksiisuun Ummata miidhaa jiraachuu isaanii itti himuu mitii ? Qawween falamannee Oromiyaa dhuunfannaan waan jajjabeeffamuu qabuudha. Qawwee kana garuu inni kaan baatee wareegamee, Bilisummaa akka manatti nu fiduuf odoo hin taanee, nuuti keessatti kan hirmaannu faarsuu qabna. Waan ofii hojjannus ni tuffanna. Waan addunyaan jala bultus ni tuffanna. Kun eessaan nu ga’a ??? wayyaaneen ABO Gooleessaa jettee Galmee addunyaa irratti galmeesisuuf eenyutti iyyachaa jirti. Humni Goolessummaa addunyaa irraa falmaa jiru eenyu jalatti gaggeeffamaa jira ? Biyyoonni wayyaanee gargaaraa jiranii fi Ummata keenya fixaa akka jiraatu taasisaa jiran, kanneen akka chaayinaa, Ameerikaa, Raashiyaa, Ingilizii, Faransaa kkf gaaffii Ummati Oromoo qabu akka ukkaamsaniif sochi isaan taasisan irra jireessa dhaabbatuma kana jalatti mitii ? waa hedduu kaasuun danda’ama. Filitsixeemoonni Bilisummaan isaanii akka harkifatu kan taasisees, har’a ammoo ariifachiisaa kan jirus, dhaabbatuma kanadha. Kan keenya irra wayita ga’u tuffatamun tarii ilaalcha diinaa ta’uu danda’a. kanaaf waan jajjabeeffamu qabu jajjabeessuun wallaalaa nama hin jachisiisu. Wallaalummaan waan ifatti beekamu haaluudha. Ija ashaboon dhiqatanii hololuudha.wayyaaneen har’a koree tokko Biyya alaatti ijaartee, waan intarneetaa hundaa akka hordofanii fi bifa amma argaa jirruun akka busheessan taasisaa jiraachuu hubadhaa. Kanaaf waa hundaa irratti ilaallachaa sirbaan dhaamsa kiyya.
  4. OMN ilaalchisee :- Ilmaan Oromoo OMN ijaarree Ummata keenyaaf bu’aa tokko argamsiifna jedhanii ka’uun yaaduma gaariidha. Kan deeggaramu qabudhas. Yeroo hedduu Ilmaan Oromoo qabsoo Ummata kanaaf gumaacha goonaa jedhanii wanni ijaaran , irra jireessa rakkooma keessa isaanii madduun deebi’anii dhaamu. Kun maaliif jedhee qoratee deebii quubsaa argatee hundee isaa tolfatu hin agarre. Hundumtu karaama tokko irra ka’anii deebi’anii taa’aan. Waan ijaarru tokko bu’ura qabaachuu qaba. maaliif akka ijaaramu, adeemsa akkamii akka qabaatu, galiin isaa maal akka ta’e, sagantaa yeroo gabaabaa fi dheeraa, gufuulee nu mudachuu danda’u jedhanii fi kkf dursee yeroo fudhatee irratti hojjachuu barbaachisa. OMN irratti rakkoo dhalatee jiruuf maddi isaa iftummaadha. Adeemsa hojjii , hojii yennaa eegallu haala akkasiin of beeksifna, yeroo kana keessatti kana gadhiifna, kana kan gaggeessuu fi sochii kana Ummatatti beeksisu koree akkasiidhaa, kkf jedhamee tartiiba dhabuutu , waan Ummataaf dhaabbate jedhame kan nama dhuunfaa fakkeesse.Ummati Oromoo qaamni kamu maqaa isaan yennaa gurmaa’uu fi of beeksiisu hanga dhumaatti deemee qorachuu akka hin dhiifne beeku barbaachisa. kanaaf gaaffiilee haala kanaan ka’uu danda’an gamanumaa of gaafatanii deebii qopheeffachuutu gaariidha. Sirbaa eegallee bo’aa gadi taa’uun maddi isaa fageessanii yaadu dhabuudha. Mana ijaarru hundaa , fedhii fi Ilaacha akkasumas, aadaa ummatichaa irratti bu’ureffannee yoo hin taanee rakkoo dhalchuun isaa hin hafu. Rakkoon dhalate jedhamee ka’ee jabaa ta’ee mul’ate garuu hin jiru. komeen Ummataa gaariis ta’uu badaa, waan gaarii fi badaa kana kan uume OMN mataa isaatii . waan hangana bal’ifamee irratti hololamu tokkollee keessa hin jiru. ofumaa dubbiin daangaa dabree, Oromoonni wal fixan akka jedhamee nutti kolfamu taasisee malee, bu’aan argamsiise hin jiru. silaa muuxannoo waggaa 100 oliin kana hiikkachuun salphaadha. Bakka lama dhaabbachuutu dubbii hammeesse. Nuuti Dimokiraatawaadhaas ni jenna, isa addunyaa ittiin wal nyaattunis ni tarkaafanna. Kanatu wal dhahe malee, dubbiin jiru Maanguddoo Oromoo tokkon ka hiikamtuudha.ammas OMN rakkoo isaa miidiyaama isaa irratti of salphisuu odoo hin taanee, wayyaanee salphisuu fi dhimma Oromoo irratti hojjachuu fi kanas cichoomiinaan itti fufutu komee Ummataa keessaa isa baasa. Miidiyaa Ummata kanaaf jedhamee banamee fi Ummati maalan irraa argaa ? jedhee guyyuu jala taa’aa ooluuf, rakkoo keessa ofiin wal unkuraa jiraachuu mul’isaa ooluun Dimokiraasii isa akkamii akka ta’ee naaf hin galu. Of tumachaa ooluu keessaa haa baanuun jedha.
Maddi yaadoota ani kaasee, sochii bara 2014 dha.bara 2014 ammoo Biddeen nama quubsuu, eelee irratti beekunin itti mammaake. Na qabuubsinaan. qabxiilee hafan BARA 2015 keessan qabadhee dhihaadha. Barri 2015 Bara OROMOON humna ta’ee itti ba’uu nuuf haa ta’u. bara 2014 keessa kanneen yaada ijaaraa naaf kennitan guddoo Galatoomaa.

Ethiopia: 2014 Trafficking in Persons Report

usdos-logo-sealDecember 31, 2014 (US Department of State) — Ethiopia is a source and, to a lesser extent, destination and transit country for men, women, and children who are subjected to forced labor and sex trafficking. Girls from Ethiopia’s rural areas are exploited in domestic servitude and, less frequently, prostitution within the country, while boys are subjected to forced labor in traditional weaving, herding, guarding, and street vending. The central market in Addis Ababa is home to the largest collection of brothels in Africa, with girls as young as 8-years-old in prostitution in these establishments. Ethiopian girls are forced into domestic servitude and prostitution outside of Ethiopia, primarily in Djibouti, South Sudan, and in the Middle East. Ethiopian boys are subjected to forced labor in Djibouti as shop assistants, errand boys, domestic workers, thieves, and street beggars. Young people from Ethiopia’s vast rural areas are aggressively recruited with promises of a better life and are likely targeted because of the demand for cheap domestic labor in the Middle East.
Many young Ethiopians transit through Djibouti, Egypt, Somalia, Sudan, or Yemen as they emigrate seeking work in the Middle East; some become stranded and exploited in these transit countries, and are subjected to detention, extortion, and severe abuses—some of which include forced labor and sex trafficking—while en route to their final destinations. Young women are subjected to domestic servitude throughout the Middle East, as well as in Sudan and South Sudan. Many Ethiopian women working in domestic service in the Middle East face severe abuses, including physical and sexual assault, denial of salary, sleep deprivation, withholding of passports, confinement, and even murder. Ethiopian women are sometimes exploited in the sex trade after migrating for labor purposes—particularly in brothels, mining camps, and near oil fields in Sudan and South Sudan—or after fleeing abusive employers in the Middle East. Low-skilled Ethiopian men and boys migrate to Saudi Arabia, the Gulf States, and other African nations, where some are subjected to forced labor. In October 2013, the Ethiopian government banned overseas labor recruitment. Preceding the ban, Ministry of Labor and Social Affairs (MOLSA) officials reported that up to 1,500 Ethiopians departed daily as part of the legal migration process. Officials estimated this likely represented only 30 to 40 percent of those migrating for work; the remaining 60 to 70 percent were smuggled with the facilitation of illegal brokers. Brokers serve as the primary recruiters in rural areas. Over 400 employment agencies were licensed to recruit Ethiopians for work abroad; however, government officials acknowledged many to be involved in both legal and illegal recruitment, leading to the government’s ban on labor export. Following the ban, irregular labor migration through Sudan is believed to have increased. Eritreans residing in Ethiopia-based refugee camps, some of whom voluntarily migrate out of the camps, and others who are lured or abducted from the camps, face situations of human trafficking in Sudan and Egypt’s Sinai Peninsula.
Since November 2013, the Saudi Arabian government has deported over 163,000 Ethiopians, including over 94,000 men working mostly in the construction sector and over 8,000 children working in cattle herding and domestic service; international organizations and Ethiopian officials believe thousands were likely trafficking victims. Many migrants reported not having repaid debts to those who smuggled them to Saudi Arabia, rendering some of them at risk for re-trafficking.
The Government of Ethiopia does not fully comply with the minimum standards for the elimination of trafficking; however, it is making significant efforts to do so. The Federal High Court convicted 106 traffickers and worked with international partners to shelter and provide emergency care to trafficking victims. In 2013, following an influx of trafficking victims returning to Ethiopia, the government recognized problems with its oversight of Ethiopian-based employment agencies, which were failing to protect workers sent overseas. In response, the government temporarily banned labor recruitment and began to revise the relevant employment proclamation to ensure improved oversight of these agencies and better protection of its citizens while working abroad. The government facilitated the return of thousands of Ethiopians, including many likely trafficking victims, deported from Saudi Arabia and elsewhere during the reporting period, and coordinated with NGOs and international organizations to provide services to the returning migrants. The government relied on NGOs to provide direct assistance to both internal and transnational trafficking victims and did not provide financial or in-kind support to such organizations. The government did not deploy labor attachés or improve the availability of protective services offered by its overseas diplomatic missions. The absence of government-organized trainings in 2013 was a concern. The government also did not effectively address child prostitution and other forms of internal trafficking through law enforcement, protection, or prevention efforts. It did not report on the number of victims it identified in 2013.
Recommendations for Ethiopia:
Complete amendments to the employment exchange proclamation to ensure penalization of illegal recruitment and improved oversight of overseas recruitment agencies; strengthen criminal code penalties for sex trafficking and amend criminal code Articles 597 and 635 to include a clear definition of human trafficking that includes the trafficking of male victims and enhanced penalties that are commensurate with other serious crimes; enhance judicial understanding of trafficking and improve the investigative capacity of police throughout the country to allow for more prosecutions of internal child trafficking offenses; increase the use of Articles 596, 597, and 635 to prosecute cases of labor and sex trafficking; improve screening procedures in the distribution of national identification cards and passports to ensure children are not fraudulently acquiring these; allocate appropriate funding for the deployment of labor attachés to overseas diplomatic missions; institute regular trafficking awareness training for diplomats posted abroad, as well as labor officials who validate employment contracts or regulate employment agencies, to ensure the protection of Ethiopians seeking work or employed overseas; incorporate information on human trafficking and labor rights in Middle Eastern and other countries into pre-departure training provided to migrant workers; engage Middle Eastern governments on improving protections for Ethiopian workers; partner with local NGOs to increase the level of services available to trafficking victims returning from overseas, including allocating funding to enable the continuous operation of either a government or NGO-run shelter; improve the productivity of the national anti-trafficking taskforce; and launch a national anti-trafficking awareness campaign at the local and regional levels.
The Government of Ethiopia maintained its anti-trafficking law enforcement efforts during the reporting period, but its efforts continued to focus wholly on transnational trafficking, with little evidence that the government investigated or prosecuted sex trafficking or internal labor trafficking cases. Ethiopia prohibits sex and labor trafficking through criminal code Articles 596 (Enslavement), 597 (Trafficking in Women and Children), 635 (Traffic in Women and Minors), and 636 (Aggravation to the Crime). Article 635, which prohibits sex trafficking, prescribes punishments not exceeding five years’ imprisonment, penalties which are sufficiently stringent, though not commensurate with penalties prescribed for other serious crimes, such as rape. Articles 596 and 597 outlaw slavery and labor trafficking and prescribe punishments of five to 20 years’ imprisonment, penalties which are sufficiently stringent. Articles 597 and 635, however, lack a clear definition of human trafficking, do not include coverage for crimes committed against adult male victims, and have rarely been used to prosecute trafficking offenses. Instead, Articles 598 (Unlawful Sending of Ethiopians to Work Abroad) and 571 (Endangering the Life of Another) are regularly used to prosecute cases of transnational labor trafficking. The absence of a clear legal definition of human trafficking in law impeded the Ethiopian Federal Police’s (EFP) and Ministry of Justice’s ability to investigate and prosecute trafficking cases effectively. Officials began drafting amendments to the Employment Exchange Services Proclamation No. 632/2009, which governs the work of approximately 400 licensed labor recruitment agencies; planned amendments will prohibit illegal recruitment and improve oversight of recruitment agencies.
During the reporting period, the EFP’s Human Trafficking and Narcotics Section, located within the Organized Crime Investigation Unit, investigated 135 suspected trafficking cases—compared to 133 cases in the previous reporting period. The federal government reported prosecuting 137 cases involving an unknown number of defendants relating to transnational labor trafficking under Article 598; of these cases, the Federal High Court convicted 106 labor traffickers—compared to 100 labor traffickers convicted in the previous reporting period. Officials indicated that these prosecutions included cases against private employment agencies and brokers, but did not provide details on these cases or the average length of applied sentences. Between June and July 2013, courts in the Southern Nations, Nationalities, and Peoples Region (SNNPR) reportedly heard 267 cases involving illegal smugglers and brokers. In addition, in Gamo Gofa, a zone within SNNPR, the zonal court convicted six traffickers in 2013—the first convictions in that area’s history. The EFP investigated allegations of complicity in trafficking-related crimes involving staff at several foreign diplomatic missions in Addis Ababa; the EFP arrested several staff at these missions.
In 2013, the government did not initiate any sex trafficking prosecutions, including for child prostitution. It also did not demonstrate adequate efforts to investigate and prosecute internal trafficking crimes or support and empower regional authorities to effectively do so. Regional law enforcement entities throughout the country continued to exhibit an inability to distinguish human trafficking from human smuggling and lacked capacity to properly investigate and document cases, as well as to collect and organize relevant data. In addition, the government remained limited in its ability to conduct international investigations. The government did not provide or fund trafficking-specific trainings for law enforcement officials, though police and other officials received training from international organizations with governmental support during the year. Seventy-seven judges also received training on both child labor and human trafficking. The government did not report any investigations, prosecutions, or convictions of public officials allegedly complicit in human trafficking or trafficking-related offenses. For example, reports suggest local kabele or district level officials accepted bribes to change the ages on district-issued identification cards, enabling children to receive passports without parental consent; passport issuance authorities did not question the validity of such identification documents or the ages of applicants.
The government did not provide adequate assistance to trafficking victims—both those exploited internally or after migrating overseas—relying almost exclusively on international organizations and NGOs to provide services to victims without providing funding to these organizations. However, following the Saudi Arabian government’s closure of its border and massive deportation of migrant workers, officials worked quickly and collaboratively with international organizations and NGOs to repatriate and accommodate over 163,000 Ethiopian returnees from Saudi Arabia and several hundred from Yemen. The government did not report the number of victims it identified and assisted during the year. It remained without standard procedures for front-line responders to guide their identification of trafficking victims and their referral to care. During the reporting period, following the return of Ethiopians exploited overseas, the Bole International Airport Authority and immigration officials in Addis Ababa referred an unknown number of female victims to eleven local NGOs that provided care specific to trafficking victims. Typically such referrals were made only at the behest of self-identified victims of trafficking. One organization assisted 70 trafficking victims during the year—often from Saudi Arabia, Kuwait, Qatar, Yemen, and Lebanon—providing shelter, food, clothing, medical and psychological treatment without government support. The government’s reliance on NGOs to provide direct assistance to most trafficking victims, while not providing financial or in-kind support to such NGOs, resulted in unpredictable availability of adequate care; many facilities lacked sustainability as they depended on project-based funding for continued operation. Despite its reliance on NGOs to provide victims care, the government at times created challenges for these organizations as a result of its 2009 Charities and Societies Proclamation. This proclamation prohibits organizations that receive more than 10 percent of their funding from foreign sources from engaging in activities that promote—among other things—human rights, the rights of children and persons with disabilities, and justice. These restrictions had a negative impact on the ability of some NGOs to adequately provide a full range of protective services, including assistance to victims in filing cases against their traffickers with authorities and conducting family tracing.
The government operated child protection units in the 10 sub-cities of Addis Ababa and six major cities, including Dire Dawa, Adama, Sodo, Arba Minch, Debre Zeit, and Jimma; staff at the units were trained in assisting the needs of vulnerable children, including potential trafficking victims. Healthcare and other social services were generally provided to victims of trafficking by government-operated hospitals in the same manner as they were provided to other victims of abuse. The government continued to jointly operate an emergency response center in the Afar Region jointly with the IOM, at which police and local health professionals provided medical and nutritional care, temporary shelter, transport to home areas, and counseling to migrants in distress, including trafficking victims. While officials reportedly encouraged victims to assist in the investigation and prosecution of their traffickers, there were no protective mechanisms in place to support their active role in these processes. For example, Ethiopian law does not prevent the deportation of foreign victims to countries where they might face hardship or retribution. There were no reports of trafficking victims being detained, jailed, or prosecuted in 2013. The limited nature of consular services provided to Ethiopian workers abroad continued to be a weakness in government efforts. Although Employment Exchange Services Proclamation No. 632/2009 requires licensed employment agencies to place funds in escrow to provide assistance in the event a worker’s contract is broken, the Ministry of Foreign Affairs (MFA) has never used these deposits to pay for victims’ transportation back to Ethiopia. Nonetheless, in one case, a young woman in domestic servitude was pushed off the fifth story of a building by her employer in Beirut; once the victim was out of the hospital, the Ethiopian Embassy assisted in her repatriation, and upon her arrival, officials referred her to an NGO for assistance.
While officials worked to facilitate the return of stranded migrants and detainees, many of whom are believed to be trafficking victims, its focus was solely emergency assistance, with minimal direct provision of or support for longer-term protective services necessary for adequate care of trafficking victims. In April 2013, through a bilateral agreement with Yemeni officials, the Ethiopian government facilitated the return of 618 Ethiopian migrants stranded in Yemen after having failed to cross the Saudi Arabian border or been deported from Saudi Arabia. The government did not coordinate humanitarian assistance for these returnees upon their arrival in Addis Ababa. IOM coordinated subsequent returns, providing shelter at the IOM transit center in Addis Ababa, where returnees received medical care and psycho-social support while UNICEF conducted family tracing. The government did not provide financial or in-kind support to these IOM-led operations.
Beginning in November 2013, the Saudi Arabian government began massive deportation of foreign workers, who lacked proper visas or employment papers. The Ethiopian government led the repatriation and closely collaborated with IOM as part of an emergency response to the deportation of 163,000 Ethiopians from Saudi Arabia—many of whom were likely trafficking victims. Ethiopian diplomats worked to identify Ethiopian detainees stuck in 64 Saudi detention camps and various ministries met twice a week in an effort to return the migrants as rapidly as possible because of inhumane conditions within Saudi deportation camps. With a peak of 7,000 returning each day, the government partnered with IOM to provide food, emergency shelter, and medical care, and facilitate the deportees’ return to their home areas. Those requiring overnight stays in Addis Ababa were accommodated in IOM’s transit center and three transit facilities set up by the government; two of these were on government training campuses and one was rented at the government’s expense. The Disaster Risk Management and Food Security Section of the Ministry of Agriculture set up incident command centers at transit centers where representatives from all ministries addressed issues among returnees. The Ministry of Health and the Ministry of Women, Children, and Youth Affairs provided blankets, food, and the approximate equivalent of $12,000 to a local NGO that assisted 87 severely traumatized trafficking victims identified among this population—believed to be only a mere fraction of the total number of victims needing comprehensive counseling and reintegration support among these deportees. Regional governments established committees to provide returnees basic assistance and planned to support their reintegration via the establishment of cooperatives and small businesses. For example, in Addis Ababa, 3,000 returnees received psychological support and 1,743 graduated from technical skills training. While the government contributed the equivalent of approximately $2.5 million towards repatriation costs, it requested reimbursement from IOM via donors for the equivalent of approximately $27,000 worth of food.
The government made moderate efforts to prevent human trafficking. It coordinated both regional and national awareness raising campaigns. In 2013, nationally-owned media companies aired a drama series which portrayed the dangers of being trafficked. The Women’s Development Army, a government run program, raised awareness of the dangers of sending children to urban areas alone and of the potential for abuse when illegal brokers facilitate migration. Working-level officials from federal ministries and agencies met weekly as part of the technical working group on trafficking, led by MOLSA. The inter-ministerial taskforce on trafficking met quarterly and was extensively involved in responding to the deportation of Ethiopians from Saudi Arabia.
Officials acknowledged that licensed employment agencies were involved in facilitating both legal and illegal labor migration and, as a result, enacted a temporary ban on the legal emigration of low-skilled laborers in October 2013. The ban is set to remain in place until draft amendments to the employment exchange proclamation are enacted to allow for greater oversight of private employment agencies, to mandate the placement of labor attachés in Ethiopian embassies, and to establish an independent agency to identify and train migrant workers. The government monitored the activities of labor recruitment agencies and closed an unknown number of agencies that were identified as having sent workers into dangerous conditions. Officials acknowledged that the ban may encourage illegal migration; as a result, the EFP mobilized additional resources to monitor Ethiopia’s borders. In February 2014, the EFP intercepted 101 Ethiopians led by an illegal broker at the border with Sudan. In early November 2013, the government sent a delegation of officials to Saudi Arabia to visit various camps where Ethiopians were being held. Due to the poor conditions in the camps and numerous reports of abuse, the Ethiopian government acted to remove all of their citizens swiftly. During the year, a planned government-funded, six-week, pre-departure training for migrant workers was suspended due to lack of funding. Labor migration agreements negotiated in the previous reporting period with Jordan, Kuwait, and Qatar remained in place; the government negotiated new agreements in 2013 with the Governments of Djibouti, Sudan, the UAE, and Kenya. However, these agreements did not explicitly contain provisions to protect workers—such as by outlining mandatory rest periods, including grounds for filing grievances, and prohibiting recruitment fees.
In 2013, the government established the Office of Vital Records to implement a June 2012 law requiring registration of all births nationwide; however, the lack of a uniform national identification card continued to impede implementation of the law and allowed for the continued issuance of district-level identification cards that were subject to fraud. MOLSA’s inspection unit decreased in size during the reporting period from 380 to 291 inspectors as a result of high turnover rates and limited resources. In 2013, the government’s list of Activities Prohibited for Young Workers became law. MOLSA inspectors were not trained to use punitive measures upon identifying labor violations, and expressed concern that such efforts would deter foreign investment. The government provided Ethiopian troops with anti-trafficking training prior to their deployment abroad on international peacekeeping missions, though such training was conducted by a foreign donor.