Tuesday 27 January 2015

Sochii Bilisummaa Oromoo fi Jaarmota Bilisummaa | Oromo Liberation Movement and Liberation Organizations

By Ibsaa Guutamaa | Amajjii 27, 2015
Ibsaa_GuutamaOromiyaan ammayyuu qabaa jala jirti. Oromoon hardhallee lafa saanii, qabeenya sanii, mirga nam tokkee, mirga ummataa fi birmadummaa saanii akka sarbamanitt jiru. Aadaan, dudhaan, afaannii fi eenyumaan saanii dimshaashumatt akka lamuu seenaa keessatt sabummaa hin himannef haqamaa turani. Jeequmsa 1960ootaaf kaasaa kan tahan tuqaalee kana turani. Caalatt badaa kan ta’e, ummata tokko tahun saanii fakkeessaaf erga barameefiillee, qoteebulaa lafa saa irraa buqqisanii “investor” sabgidduu fi naannaa kan lafaaf bishaan haddhaan faalanii fi bosona fanfana malee cagadanitt gurgrachuun ariitii guddaaan gaggeeffamaa jirachuu dha. Oromiyaa is still under occupation. Oromo are still denied the right to their land, their resources, the rights as individuals and as a people, and their freedom. Their culture, tradition, language and identity were being totally erased so that they will never claim nationhood at any point in history. These were the major causes of social and political upheavals of the 1960s. More worst, even after the pseudo recognition of them being an entity, evictions of farmers from their land is going on at the highest rate, and the land is being sold to international and local investors who poison the water and the land, and cut down forests and shrubs indiscriminately.

Lafti Oromiyaa akkuma bara atsootaa kan finnaa koloneeffataa malee kan ummata Oromoo miti jedhame. Oromoon haala kanaan dura arganii hin beekneen manahinqabnee fi hojihinqabnee tahan. Ofii qooqaa qabeenya saanii samameen koloneeffataa fi “investerooti” yoo bashannanan ta’anii garaa hooqqataa laalu. Imaammata addaddoomsaa (Apartayid) ofirroo akkasii fi waan isaan moo’ummaa Oromiyaa, seenaa, aadaa fi afaan saatt tolchan diiguun salphaa dha kan jedhu hin jiru, garuu hamma fedhe haa fagaatuu, waan fedhe haa baasisuu malee kan hin dandahamne hin jiru. Hanga faanfanni, buqqifamni, tuffatammi sabummaa irratt hundaawe jirutt “addaddomsaa” yk “apaarteyid” malee waan bira jedhamuu hin dandahu. Kaasaan “Sochii Farra Adaddoomsaa” kan bakka bu’ooti saboota gammoojii empayerittTurkaanaa kaasee hanga Matakkalitti (Omotikii fi Naayilotic) jiran dubbatan kana. Sun imaammata kolonota empayeritt hunda irrati shakalamaa jiru. Kanaaf kolonoti hundi tokkummaan “Addaddoomsaa Itophiyaa matumaa!” jedhuu qabu. Oromoon nagaan iyyannoo saanii dhageessifachuu yaalanuu ofumaa dhama’uu tahe. Ka’aa fi kufaatiin jalqabaa, dhaaba Oromoo hunda haammatu Waldaan Maccaa fi Tuulamaa (WMT), waan lama, Oromummaan akka hin duunee fi koloneeffataan nagaan gaaffii saaniif deebii kennuu akka hin feene taliila godhe. Sana waan taheef quurrama jiru walitt gurmeessee kan furmaata itt soqu dhaabi malbuchaa jirachuun barbaachisa akka tahe mamii malee mirkanaawe. Yerooma sana addunyaan wajiija warraaqsaa keessa ture. Bakka hallee mirga noolaa, mirga dubaroo fi murna bubbucuu akkasumas sochooti addoota bilisummaa finiinaa turan. Jarri kun kaasaa keessaa irratt dabalamanii ofbara malbulchaa dargaggoo barasiitt hedduu gumaachan. Oromummaa ammayyaan farra sanyeessaa, faanfanaa fi gadi qabaa sabii tokko saba biraa irratt raawwatuti. Ilaalchi Oromummaa dhaabaa fi dagaleen saa dhaalmaa demokraasii Gadaa keessaa madde.
Sabi Oromoo hawwaa fi abdii birmadummaa fi walabummaa qaba. Sanneeni kan kaayyoo, akeeka waattahisaa sabichaa kan unkessani. ABOn satoo dhaalmaan Gadaa irraa dhufanii fi hawwaa fi abdii sabichi birmadummaaf qabu walitt dabalee sagantaa malbulchaa qabsoo Oromoo hangammeessa tokko irra ka’ee. ABO, ABO isa beeknu kan tolche fi ujuu fi ayyaana sabichaa waan taheef addaanjirato kamuu sammuu ummataa keessaa haquu kan dadeenye. ABOn hojii ofiitiin goota hunduu kabajuu fi akka lalisus fi deggeruu tahe. Tooftaa fi tarsimoon fooyya’uu ni dandaha garuu manii ABOn walabummaa Oromiyaa irrati lafa kaa’e akka dhoofsisaaf dhihaachuu hin dandeenye jalqabumaa firaaf haa tahuu diinaaf qulqullaawuu gaafataa. Oromoon hiree ofii murteeffachuuf carraa itt sagalee saa dhageessifatu argachuu qaba. Kana irratt qoodi ABO akka inni walabummaa foo’atu kakaasuu malee Itophiyaa keessa kennati bilisi akka jiraatu qabsaawuu miti. Sun dhimma keessaa kolneeffataatii. Garuu waan sabi Oromo murteeffate ni fudhata. Finnooti Tokkooman (UN) akka miseensi saa finnaan Itophiyaa Chatar, Konvenshinoota fi Murtoolee saa ulfessisu gochuu dirqama seeraa fi safuu qaba.
Oromoon iyyannoo dhiheeffachuu itt fufanuu deebiin nagaa hafee salphinaa fi tuffiin simatamu turani. Haalli malbulchaa ukkaamsaan akkasii fi gadi qabii afuraa hin fudhachiifne walirraa hin citine miseensota hawaasa Oromoo irra gahe caalaa walitt butachuu fi murteeffachuu jajjabeesse. Akka lubbuu ofii irratt mirga qabaatanii fi birmadummaa, barumsa fi misoomaaf is mirgi qaban kabajamuuf gaafachuuf kakaase. Quurrammi dhaloota dhalootatt daddarbaa dhufe hundi walitt kuusamee WMT gubbaatt dhoofne akka uumamu godhe. Garuu baayyee utuu hin turin ittifamun ari’ame. Sun gaaga’amtooti utuu gaaffii du’aa fi jireenyaa irra hin gahin bulcha Habashaaf aagii tufsiifachuu fi badii ummatoota kolonota irratt tolfame hunda diiganii sirreessuuf carraa guddaa kenneefii ture. Hacuuccaa caalaan saamicha humna namaa fi qabeenyaa akka itt fufu iggitii dhabuun yk aanggoo irraa bu’uun balaa haaloo bahachaa nutt fidinnaa jedhanii sodaataniif furmaata hin tahu. Ofirrummaa diinaa akkasiin didhamanii dargaggoon sochii sochoota Oromoo kanaan duraa irraa akaakuun adda taheen gad bahani.
WMT utuu hin kufin akkaataa Oromoon gosaa fi godinaa hundaa itt walarguu saqee ture. Carraa sanaan dhaabi malbulchaa manii fi dhimma taliila qabu sochii sabaawaa hoogganee sirna kolonummaan walqabuuf murteeffate seenaa sabichaa keessatt yeroo jalqabaaf bara 1974 bu’uurfame. Akkasitt dhaabi Kallacha Qabsoo Oromoo, ABOn Oromiyaatt dhalate kan guddate. ABOn dhaabaa amantalaa kan dugeeffannoota tokko irra kan biraa leellisu miti, garuu bilisummaa dhugeeffannoo ni utuba. Waan fedhanii fi nagaan akka fedhanitt hooqubaa galchuun mirga dhalootaa akka ta’e amana. Akka akeekaatt gargaarsa halagaa irraa ni gaafata garuu eenyyuufuu hin baabsu; finnoota Habashaa hafee aanga’ootaafuu jalee hin ta’u. Kanneen mirga ilmoo namaa, nagaa fi walabummaa jaallatan waliin miiltomuu dandaha. Hariiroon saanii wal deggeruuf malee irratt hirkachuu tahuu hin qabu. Danuun seenaa al tokko hoggansa biyyaa baase taha garuu qabsoon qoma walitt rigan malee halaaltoo’on hin ta’u; biyya sun barbaachisutt deebi’uu qaba. Dhaabota walaba, of irratt hirkato gaaddisa halaga jala hin ruuqamne qofatu biyya walaba argamsiisa.
ABOn ollota Oromo altokko koleneeffattuu jalatti kufaniif ilaalcha addaa qaba ture. Lachanuu seenaa walfakkaata kolonummaan duraa fi boodaa hirmatu. Lakkoofsaan jabinni saanii adda adda ta’uu ni danda’a garuu sabummaa 80 ol ta’an, biyyoota moo’ummaa qabaataa turan ta’uu fi hanga hardhaa kan balleesuuf dhufe ofirraa ittisaa leeyuun beekamaa dha. Biyyaa fi birmadummaa saanii deebifachuuf fincila hedduu yaalaniru. Garuu ogeeyyii waraanaa alaa fi conqurfamaa tokko kan biraa irratt hiriirsuun dabsatamani. Tooftaa hamaa koloneeffataa akkasii fashalsiisanii cunqurfamoota qabsoo ittisaaf walitt fiduuf tarkaanfiin fudhatamaa ture. ABO fi qabsaawota saboota biraa walii tumsanii “Qabsoo Warraaqaa Cunqurfamoota Itophiyaa (QWCI)” kan jedhamu ijaarratanii turani (1977). Miseensoti gammoojii, daarii Somalia, Kenya, Uganda, Sudan, Gabra Diimaa fi Finnoota Kibbaa kan jedhamanii fi Oromiyaa madaqfattaman.
Qayyabannoon ture QWCI bulcha nama nyaataa sana jalatt hojii laf jaalaan jaarmota sabaa ijaaruu fi cunqurfamoota kakaasuuf golgaa taha jedhameetu. Achuman hidhata cunqurfamootaa uumuun qabsoo farra kolonummaa gaggeessanii birmadummaa, walqixxummaa fi walabummaa argamsiisuu dha. Yeroo hojjetaa ture QWCI qabsaawota cunqurfamootaa heddhuu hiraarsa irraa baraare. Nafxanyooti akka fakiifuullee sabboonota dhiphoo, dubatt harkiftuun tolfameett qubaa itt qabuun gaada jala galchuun yeroo itt hin fudhanne. QWCI erga maal akka tahe beekamee duuba isaan firrisuun utuu badii caalaan hin dhaqabin of diige. ABOn yeroo qabsoo fi isa duubas miltummaan akka dandahamuu dhaabbi qabu sagantaa malbulchaa keessatt taliilessee kaa’eera. Jaarmota ibantaa tahan waliin qubaa walqabaachuu ergii jalqabee tureera. Koloneeffataa gara dhufett dachaasanii waliin gadadoo ummata saaniit xumura gochuun wal amantee uumuu hojii guddaa gaafataa. Kooloneefatooti ummata bucuu keessaa maddu. Kolonooti walii gallaan bakka dhufanitt dachaasuun duula al tokkoo hin caaluu. SBO Oromoo qofaaf hin dhimmamu. gadadoo ollootaafis ni quuqama. Tokko tokkoon ummatoota kolneeffamanii hin bilisoman taanaan godinattiin nagaa hin argattuu.
Dhaaboti sochii bilisummaa Oromoo bara kana hunda xiyyeeffannoo gahaa aangoo dubaroof hin laatne. Dubaroon Oromoo loltummaati obbolaa saanii dhiiraa gadi miti. Itt seenuuf kan carraa argatan yaroon qabsoo kurnan arfan darban keessatt sana ragaasisaniiru. Dur hiroon hojii yeroo dubaroon dhimma qeyee fi guddina ijoolleef ittgaafatama qabaatan dhiirrii jiruu alaa, kan adda dilii dabalatutt gaafatamu turani. Kun gumaacha dubartootaa galaa fi hidhannoo qopheessuu fi faradoo sooranii fe’anii duultotaaf qopheessuu akkasumas ittisa duubbee irratt qooda fudhachuun tajaajiluu saanii irraanfachuun miti. Amma haalli jijjiiramee ra. Garaagarummaan saanii kan caasaa malee kan akaakuu akka hin taaane hubatamaa jira. Kanaaf hariiroon hojii dhiiraa fi dubaroo gidduu deebi’ee gamaaggamamuu gaafata. Addattuu yabboon dirree hundaa qooda fudhannaa dubartiif banaa tahuu qabu. Saala saaniin utuu hin tahin waan tolchuu dandhaniin madaalamuutu irra jira. Saalli tokko isa kaan caalaa bilisummaaf dhimmama hin hin jedhamu. Kanaaf sadarkaa hundi akka dhiiraaf tahan dubaroo dandeettii qabaniifis banaa tahuu qabu. Oromiyaan qooda fudhannaa fi bilisooma dubaroo see malee bilisoomuu hin dandeessu. Kanaaf dubartooti Oromoo qabsoo qara lamaa, mirga walqixooma ilmaan namaa kan walqixummaa saalotaa dabalatuu fi qabsoo bilisummaa biyya saanii, Oromiyaaf waamamaa jiru.
ABOn kurnan afran darban keessatt dhaabota isa duraa haa tahanii kan waliin jiraatan hunda caalaa jija galmeesseera. Garuu bayyinni Oromoo fi qabeenyi silaa hiriirsuu dandahu yoo laalamu caalaatu irraa eegama ture. Sun hafee dhaaba qilleensa hin galchin cimaa kan harka hin mullane fagoott ittisu dandahu hanqachuun, waldhabdee keessaa fi ganaaf saxilamaa bahe. Waldhabdeen keessaa baqaqatt geese. Kan irraa citan wayyabi kaayyoo bilisummaa fi walabummaa isa kan haadhoon walfakkatu hordofu. Garuu dhiheenyatt qubi lamaan tokko ifaan bu’uuraa Itophiyaan bobba’aa jiru. Kanneen duubaa haa tahan kanneen duraa ABO isa eegalaa caalaa kaasaa Oromoo fulduratt dhiibuu hin dandeenye. Kun kan tahuu dandahe rimsama “Sirna Addunyaa Haaraa” akka hin taanett hubachuu fi daayi guddichi harkaa bu’uu saafii.
Dhaaboti Mirga Ilmaan Namaa, sirna bulchaa jiruun roorroo Oromoo irra gahu, galati saanii hin badinii hedduu gabaasaniiruu. Silaa kan jarrii halaalaa dawwatanii beeksisan dhaaboti Oromoo keessa jiraachuun waan suduudaan dhandhamatan dursanii gabaasuutu eegama ture. Dandeettii ofii guddisanii warra gaaga’amtootaa gargaaruu fi kan hafan irraasi roorroo fachisuun sochii walakkaa jaarraa tokko lakkaawwatef hin heddumaatu ture. Malbulcheessoo kan ofiin jedhan irraa kana eeguun guddaa dhaa laata? Miti, garuu dursanii gaaffii jaarmaaf furmata argamsiisuu qabu. Jaarmoti wal tahanii battala bilisa tahe uuman malee halagaa jala taahani jaarmaa Oromoo ofiin jechuun rakkisaa taha. Dhaaboti malbulchaa hundi ABO irraa fottoqani. Kanaaf ABO ni jibbu yoo tahellee hamaa irraa baraaruuf itt gaafatama qabu. Dhiiga saanii fi qabeenya saaniin qalma diinaa irraa bararuuf waan itt dhangalaasaniif ABOn kan ummata Oromooti jechuu dha. Waamichi tokko tokkoon qabsaawaaf dhihaachu malu waan dandahan hundatt dhimma bahanii kiyyoo keessa akka bahee biyyaaf bulu faluu dha. Kan nammi amanuu qabu dogoggorri tokko yoo jiraate ABO utuu hin tahin nammooti itt gafataman akka jiranii. Nammu balleessaa taatota abba tokkootaaf ABO akka hin xireeffanne eeggachuu dha. ABO eeguu dhabuun gabatee meetii irra kaa’anii qabsoo Oromoo diina sabaaf dhiheessuutt lakkaawama.
Diinni eessa akka rukutuu qabu beeka. Dhaabi tokko walabummaaf haa tahu Empayera Itophiyaa demokratessuuf in dhaabbadha yoo jedhee diinaan akka balaa dhugaa fi riphaa qabutt malee addatt hin laalamani. Sagalee Oromoo ukkaamsuuf akka itt qabata ta’uufitt ABO dhaabaa gooltuu jechuun gubaa itt baasee. Gooliin addunyaa guutuun, “bu’uursistuu Islamessituu” lubbuu noolaaf giroo hin qabne wan taheef yeroo fi bakka hin yaadamnett balaa buusuun akk ummati sirna addunyaa haaraa irratti amantee dhabe shororkeeffamaa jiratu gochuutt maljechiifama. Yoomallee addunyaan guutummaatt hin fudhatamne tahe karoorri Wayyaanee dhimma yaadameef Oromoo shororkeessuuf hidhaa, du’aa fi badiisatt ofuuf tajaajilaa jira.
Oromoon bulchootaan yaada beccoo irratt walii hin gallee booqaan ABO jedhu itt bahee tarkaanfiin irratt fudhatama. Oromoon biyya halagaatt illee dorsisaa fi ciiga’amatu mataan baha. Dhugaan kun utuu jiru namooti Oromoo kan ABO dadhabsiisuuf ibidda diinni qabsiise irratt qoraan dabalan jiru. Ummatoota bulchootaan walii hin galle shoroorkeessuun koloneeffatootaaf waan dhaalmaati. Harma muraa fi harka muraa “Nugusootaa” yoo dhiifne, baruma dhihoo Dargiin “Goolii diimaa fi adii” jedhamanii kan ifatt gaggeeffaman agarreerraa. Kan Dargii dhaadataa ifatt tolfame. Gochi “Farra Goolaa” Wayyaaneen lafa jalaa fi ifatti, qoomtotaa fi tuuta guraarotaa tolfama jira.
Akki itt ABO fi dhaaboti akeeka sabaawaa walfakkaata qaban itt deemaa jiran sadarkaa deebisanii sirriitt haromsamuu barbaachisu irra gahaniiru. Tokkoffaa yoo manii tokko raajatu ta’e wanti kopha kophaa isaan deemsisu hin jiru. Silaa adda cimaa tokkummaa uumuun qaataa. Murnoota gidduu garaa dhaa wal amantee dhabu guddaatu jira. Hundu kaayyoo irraa cehame komee jedhu qabu, garuu dhugaa yk dhara tahuu saatiif ambatt bahamee marii ifaan yeroo itt tolfame hin jiru. Hoggansa dandeettii qabu amanamaa dhabuu, ofirrummaa, utuu mallattoon akeekkachiisa fincila dhufuuf jiruu arganii sirreesssuuf dhimma dhaba miseensota hoggansaa olhaanoo, ofiffummaa hogganootaa, hanqina yaada qeeqaan waa laaluu, fedha abba abbaa quufsuun hin dandahamne, Oromummaa olitt murnaaf amanamu, hanqina of bara malbulchaa, waldhabdee bucuu fi guddaa gargarbaafachuuf dandeettii dhabuu fi akkasumas haadaa hin mullanne gooftolii waantaphee, kanneen gargar bahiisaaf kaasaa tahuu malu jedhaman keessatt argamu.
Jiruu ammayyaan qaraa fi jinfuu gidduutt qunnamtii gufuu hin qabne ilaa fi ilaamee irratt hundaa’e gaafata. Akka guboon barsifata farra demokraasii tahan dhaabota malbulchaa Oromoo keessa jiran mamii hin qabu. Hundi saanii karaa saani dullacha dhiisanii ogummaan kan itt yaadame guddifachuuf walii galuu qabu. Hirrinni olitt tuqaman karra tokkummaa utuu hin seenin gatamanii sirna shaffisaa fi dhimma baasaa tahaniin bakka buufamuutu irra jira. Humna barsiifataa lakkisuun ni jabata taha, garuu ciminaa fi garaa qulqulluun yaallaan kan irra hin haanamne hin jiru. Kanneen oliti dhahamanii fi kaasotaa biraa akka bututa qabsoon, dhaaboti malbulchaa Oromoo bososa agarsiisuutt jiru. Waan irraa eegamu fiixaan baasuuf fulduratt furga’aa kan jiru akka hin jirre kan ifatt mullatu. Sannaayiroo ofii uumaniin xaxamanii tarkaanfachuu kan dadhaban fakkaata. Yeroon kan badu wal komachuu, qoccolloo keessaa fi hirphaf waldorgomuuttii. Guyyooti sabaa guyyoota hawaasomsaa utuu hin tahin guyyaa buusa jedhamaa jiru. Sun utuu guyyoota gara itt adeeman mari’atan rakkina jiru walitt himanii waliin fala itt barbaadan utuu tahe walamantee gaabbisuu dandaha. Sana irrayyuu hamee garagaraa yarsuu dandaha. Dhaaboti Oromoo lafa biyya abbaa saanii keesssa taakkuu dhuunfatan tokkollee dhabuun kan lammii garaa guban keessaa tokko. Baha, dhiha, kibbaa kaabaa daanga yartuun ceetee yoo diinni isaan fixee lafa fudhatu dhaaba kana hunda keessaa kan dhaqabuuf tokko dhiibu caalaa kan sabicha salphise hin jiru.
Yeroon saa yeroo gogaa durii keessaa muuxachuun of haromsanii. Akka baayyina fi jannummaa Oromoott kan qabatun hafee kan uggee ildiimuun jiraachuu hin qabu ture. Irra darbaa fi dadhabbii akka jiru waggootii hedduuf kan ilaala turan daawwattuu jijimoon jiru. Bara baraan wayyoominni yoo hin jirannee karaama sana irra maaf akka daddeebi’amu namaaf hin galu. Of gamaggamee hoggansi jannummaaan gadi bahee of qeequun fala itt barbades hin mullanne. Tokko tokkoon miseensa dhaabaa kennachuu fi sadarkaa kamittuu kennatamuuf dandeetii gahaa qabaachuutu hedama.Garuu yabboon irratt mari’atee of wayyeesu hin uumamneefii. Akka jaalaatt utuu hin tahin akka jaleett ajajaan yoo sussuku qofaa argama. Miseensa dirqama malee mirga qabaachuu isaa hin beekne irraa abdii attamiitu godhamuu dandaha? Of qoruun yoomuu kan yeroon itt hin dabarree. Dogoggorri kan ilmoo namati” jedhama; garuu amananii fudhachuun jannummaa gaafata. Qabsaawota Oromoo biratt of qoruu fi of qeequun laguu wan tahaa jiraniif cabuu qabu.
Waandhibnummaa hammaa bahaa gartuu baayyifachuuf madaqfannaa irratt agarsiifamu, luuxxee galtuu fi Itophistootaa dhaabicha keessaan akka mancaasan karra saaquu taha. Dhaaboti Oromoo kurnanootaaf waan hojjetan akkuma tokkott hojjechaa jiraatani. Hojii saani gamaggamanii tekinolljii fi beekumsa ammayaatt dhimma bahuu hanqina jiru wayyeffachuun yeroo saa ammaa. Hogganootii hojii irratt keessaan laalummaa fi kaasichaa galfati itt kennameef dhimmamaa agarsiisuu qabu. Amma kan dharra’amaa jiru hoggansa garaa saatii jaallewaan saa fi ummata Oromoo irraa amanamummaa argachuuf tattaafatutu. Sirni Gadaa, aadaa ilaa fi ilaameen mari’achuu, heera barreefame dura fagoo kaasee qaba. Kun akeekota bu’uura bulchaa, kan Oromoon milkiin bahuutt aggaammate bira darbuu hin dandeenye. Kana jechuun akeekoti bira, kan hiriyaa, kennataa, yeroon taahitaa irra turamuu, walabummaa abba tokkee fi dhaabaa leellisuunis irra ilaalamuu dandaha jechuu miti.
Qabsaawota Oromoo hunda qabsoo Oromoo gara manii saa dhumaatt furgaasuuf qooda fudhachiisuun ammaa. Kan sababa adda addaaf gargar deemanii turan hundaaf sagantaa waan akka madaqsaa fi wal amantee gabbisuu barbaachisa taha. Yoo ammayyuu manii dhumaa irratt waliigalu tahe hogganootii fi murnooti dhimma tarsimoo qabsichaa waliin hidhata qabu irratt, ergaa walmakaa akka hin dabarsinee of eeggachuu qabu. Jaarmoti Oromoo kaayyoo eegalaa sabichaa jabeessan maniinin saanii Repubilika Oromiyaa Demookraatoftuu dhaabuu dha. Akeeka kana kan qunnamtoota,iyya’oota yk tattaafannaa hariiroo ambaa keessatt calaqqifamuu qaban. Bara jaarmoti sirrummaan masagaman kana, doo’iin nama tokko yk gartuu tokkoon dhihatu waldhabdee hawaasa qabsaawotaa giduu fi ummata gidduutt jeeqama tasaa qofa afeeruu dandaha. Dhaabi tokko caasaa qoodi adda addaa ramadameef qaba. Waliigalatt sadarkkaa sadarkaatt tahitaan kennameera. gungummiin yoo dhalate akkaataan itt afuura baafatan jiraachuu qaba. Hojiin kan itt kenname hundaan wal quunnamuu fi mamii jiru fi waan hin qayyabamne utuu dhaabicha hin laashessin qulqulleessuun qoda hoggana beekaati. Waan halleefuu kan qayyabatamuu qabu sochiin Oromoon bilisummaaf tolchu utuu gaaffiin sabaa deebii hin argatin hoggansi jeraatee dhiisee hin dhaabbatu. Ha tahu malee hogggansi dudhama qabu dura deemu jiraachuun sirna fi namamusa injifannof barbaachisu kennuufii dandaha.
Oromoon dammaqani of baran hundi waan hawaasa, waldaa ogummaa, dhaabota dhugeeffannoo fi malbulchaa, sochoota hawaasaa kkf keessa deemaa jiru ni hubatu. Yeroo kanneen ummata saanii aangessuuf haala mijjeessuuf carraaqan, hankaaaksitooti keettoo diinaa tahan yk wallaloti lammii masaga badan itt ejjetanii jalaan yoo qurxan mullatu. Bu’uura ifaan ijaaramuun mirga Oromoo hundaati. Garuu qabsaawota walabummaa fi bilisummaaf lolan of fakkeessuun qabsicha mucuceessuu yaaluun yakka. Bakka jarri kun gahan hunda qaamicha keessatt baqaqammi hin ooluu. Yoo dammaqee of eege malee gochi Oromoo ijaarame jara kana irraa hin hafu. Si’anaa dhaabota Oromoo hunda keessatt akka commee quqummuudaa jiru.Ergamtooti kun keessa Oromoo waan beekaniif fira fakkaatanii seenuun murna hawaasaa tokko irra goranii isa biraa sababa malee jibbisiisuu yaaluu. Gargar bahi dhaabota amantee, dhaabota malbulchaa, dhaabota hawaasaaf fi dhaabota teknikii irra gahe harki caaluu hojii saaniiti. Nama itt dhihate amanuun, miira sabaa Oromoo fakkaata. Nammi Oromoo yeroo fedha sabichaatt dhufu of eeggannoo gochuun, akka amanamummaa murna tokkoon karaa irraa hin maqfamne wan dhihatu hunda qeeqaan ilaaluu dha.
Murnooti Oromoo jaarroleef gargar waan jiraataa turaniif hooda waloo irratt kan dabalatanis kan hanqisanis ni qabaatu. Kan amma waliin qaban, dheerina baraa keessa kan dhaban akka caalan hedama. Hundi kana baree garaagarummaa jiru walii kabajuu dha. Garaagarummaan saannii akka urgooftuu bulluqa sabaatt ilaalamu dandaha. Garuu of eegganoon kan barbaachisu namooti rakkina dhuunfaa qaban akka kan murna guddaa godhanii hin dhiheessine. Gochi akkasii akka walitt riqacha ummataa hin booressine dursanii itt dammaquu dha. Jarri akkas tolchan, wallaalinaan fakkaattii guddicha sabaawaa arguu kan dadhaban yk ergamtuu diinaa tahuu dandahu. Yeroo dubbiin akkasii jiraatu tartiiba amanamummaa lafa kaa’uun dansaa. Sabboonaa Oromoo hundaaf sabichaaf amanamuun kan murna keessa jiranii dursuu qaba. Yeros qofa akka ummataati daaya tokkoon sosso’uu danda’ama. Manguddoon dhugaa Oromummaa malee durfannoo biraa hin qabne, hunda walqixxeett ilaalan, kana irratt gargaaruu dandahu taha.
Qabsoon Oromoo farra hacuuccaa kolonummaati. Habashaa haa tahu Oromoo kan imaammata kolonummaa afarsu nyaapha. Waan fedheefuu haa tahu sabboonaan dhugaa miseensa qomoo ofii taheef kan mooraa diinaa tajaajiluf leelloo agarsiisuu hin qabu. Kan kaayyoo ofii dhiisee kaayyoo fi ajaja halagan socho’u maaf tuqxan jechuun, waan kan jedhe keessa deebi’ee ilaaluu qabu. Yeroo jireenyi sabichaa dhaamsamuuf dorsisamaa jiru kana nammi bu’aa ofii fi murna ofii dhiphoo tokkoof lammii saatt lola bane angoo fi barcuma argachuu yaalu, akka sabichi sana caalaa guddaa tahe hubachuu dadhabuu dha. Jarri akkasii kanneen uumaan qabsichaa inni dhugaa hin galleef yk tuqaa mooraa diinaa ka’anii qotuun ol yaa’ani. Kan sabaawummaa fi ibantummaa gargar hin baafanneef rakkinni of bara malbulchaa dhabuun suukii dagnaan qofaan masakamuu dha; gorsi tahuuf, afuura guddisanii fudhachuun itt baha wan tolchaa jiranii madaaluu dha.
Yeroo jarri fandalalooti kun, beekota maqaa ofii dura irrabuusa qaban tahan caalatt fokkuu taha. Sabichi gara saatiin beekoti kun harqoota kolonii jalaa bahuu na gargaaru jedhee abdata. Garuu hin barre malee jara sana kan caalaa harqooticha jabeessee cinqaaruu diina gargaaran. Kanaaf sabboonoti dhugaa jara fakkeessituu akkasii irraa faccisuu yk hadhaadhiyuu qabu. Jara sana harka hamaan kan qabsoo sabaa facaasuu yaaluun namoota, godinaan, dhugeeffannoo fi barumsaan wal irratt kan hiriirsan. Qabsaawoti Oromoo sana caalaa akka beekan abdatama. Dhaaboti hawaasomaa fi malbulchaa fedha Oromoo fulduratt dhiibuuf ijaaraman kanneen dhiheenya itt dhufan dursanii qorachuun misha.
Dhaaboti malbulchaa finnoota miti. Jaarmota fedhaan duulotaa biyya saanii bilisa baasuuf dhaabbatanii. Hojjetooti saanii waliinjiroo bakka bu’uuf utuu hin tahin dandeettii saaniif kennatamu. Hoggansii biyyaa alaa tasgabii fi nagaa qabutt cunqeeffamuun duubati harkiftuu godinaan barcuma hiraachuu kolomsiise. Kun hanga hoggansi dirree qabsoo Oromiyaa keessati deebi’utt, itt fufa. Kan mataan fayyaa hundi tarkaanfiin eeggatuu sana. Yoos qofa kan ayyaanlaallatooti barcuma barbaadan warraaqxota dhugaa, biyya saaniif gaagaa barbaachisu hunda fudhachuuf qophii tahan gargar secca’aman. Hiriyooti bakka dhaloota saaniif utuu hin ta’in dandeeti qabaniin injifannoott nugeessu kan jedhanii amanan kennatu. Namooti akkasii hundi,hiriyooti itt amanan warra, qomoo, gosa yk godinaa tokko keessaa tahuu ni dandahu. Akkasumas nammi muxannoo saanii keessa hin dabarre haala addaa jalatti qabsaawota bulanitt muruuf dandeettii hin qabu.
Qeerroon (dargaggoon) Oromoo, qaamaan bira jiraachuu hoggansaa utuu hin eeggatin wareegama guddaa baasaa socha’aa jiru. Kaka’isii tasaa baratoota Bahaa, Wiirtuu, Kibbaa fi Lixatt yeroo tokkummaan biyya saanii dorsifamee akka sochiin bilisummaa hoggansa hin eegganne agarsiisuun, hogganootaa dhaabota Oromoo akka caalaa dhimmamanii hala dhaqabachuuf tattaafatan akeekkachiisuu hin oolle. Kanneen dhimma itt bahuu dandahaniif annisaa riphaan angoo namaa fi qabeenyaa sabichi furgaasuu dandahu guddaatu jira. Kan kutatan yoo xinnaate loltuu kumkuma kudhan bobbaasuu fi sana gurmeessuuf qabeessa calleeffamuhammana hin jedhamne argachuu dandahu. Hooggansi ammaaf barsiifata ofiin walqabaa jiru. Sana keessaa bahuuf sirna demokraasii Gadaa kan bakka hallett ta’uu guddifachuun hooda saa kan akka yeroott sonawuu qabu dhiisuu dandahu.
Qabee Gadaa demokrassii keessa, qunnamtii karaa hundaa jajjabessuu fi yaa’a murtii kennuu keessati miseensoti qooda fudhachuu faatu argama. Hogganooti demokratawoon banti riqaa qofa irraa gadi utuu hin tahin, lafaas ol ilaaluu qabu. Hogganni Oromo qindeessaa tattaaffii miseensotaa malee akka nakkaroota saa gooftaa saanii miti. Sadarkaa hundatt kennati foo’ama caalaa leellifamaa. Demokrasii Gadaa keessatt yaada wal ta’isaa ijaaruun qooda guddicha hoggansaatii. Qoodi gogeessa Gadaa tokko hangammeessa bulchaa kan duuba dhufan fooyyessuu dandahan lafa kaa’uu dha. Dargaggoon akka shakala dabaanbulummaa fi farra demokrasii tahanitt hin saaxilamne eegganoon ni tolfama ture. Hamma darabeen aangoo fudhachuu saanii gahutt shaakala heeraan bulmaataa fi jaalbiyyumaa daawwataa fi shaakalaa guddatu. Hogganoota egerii qopheessuun kanumaa, raajii biraa hin qabu.
Oromoon naannicha keessatt qooda fudhatanii nagaa fiduuf dandeettii riphaa guddaa qabu. Garuu garbicha naga qabeessa qabaa hamaa gooftaa jalaa tahuu hin fudhatanii. Hamma yoonaatt gaafatamaa kan jiran sanaa. Oromoon gaaffii salphaa gaafataa jiru, mirga hiree sabummaa ofii ofiin murteeffachuu hojiirra akka isaanii ooluu fi mirgi ummataa fi abba abbaa akka kabajamu. Kan gaafatame kanuma yoo tahu maaljechi kennameef isaan gooltuu jeequmsatt amananii kan jedhu. Oromoon gonka eenyuunuu goolanii hin beekanii garuu waraana hamma funyaaniitt hidhatee isaanirra buufatee jiruu fi guyyuu isaan shororkeessun biyya ofii keessatt walitt bu’aniiru. Finnaan Itophiyaa miseensa Saboota Tokkoomaniiti. Oromoon kakaa isaan walii qaban hin wallaallee. Garuu finnaa xaranga’aa callisanii hin laalan abdii jedhuun gidiraa saba miseensa hin taane akka Oromiyaaf gurra kenninnuu lata jechuunii. Qaammi caccaba empayerota Awuropaa deggeraa ture kan Empayera Itophiyaa kan akkuma kan saanitt ijaarame walittii akka hin bane jechuun maalifaa hin qabu. Oromiyaan walaba tahuu barbaaddi, sadoon jiraatus ni walabomti.
Seenaa saanii dheeraa keessati miseensoti dhaabota Oromoo akka kanneen lola jaallatanii fi nagaa jaallataniti qubaa walitt qabanii hin beekan turani. Bakka lamatt baqassuun akkasii madda halagaa akka sanatt isaan arguu fedhan irraa dhagahame. Sun bakka laafaa eegaloota jalbiyyaa hin taanee tuquu hin oolee. Jarri akkasii maaliifuu, eenyuufuu dhimma hin baafnee, haran kosii gatan dhoqqeedha. Oromoon mirga saanii fi biyya saanii kan sarbe ofirraa faccisuuf ijaaraman malee lola jaallatanif miti. Karaan nagaa xaxaa itt taanaan sibila kaasani. Nagaa fi araaraa kan Oromoo caalaa faarsu hin jiru. Garuu yeroo du’ii fi jireenyi wal hin calle lachanu furaa hin qabani. Eenyuu jeeqa, jeeqan deebisuu akka dandahu garuu kan nagaa gachisiisu akka hin jirre diina barsiisuuf. Dandeettii saanii ijaaruun diina didhanii diriira nagaatt akka dhufu giddisiisuuf sana murteeffatan. Akkasitt kan isaan sibila kaasuu malbeekiin walcinaa oofuu kan murteeffatan. Hammam gadoodaa yoo oole dadhabaa kan dhaggeeffatu hin jiru. Kan biyya namaa qabatanii qabeenya saatiin jiratan dirqiin malee fedhan diriiraa dhoofsisaatt hin dhufani; aangoo irraa buunaan qananii bacarraqaa dhabanii fi yakka itt gaafatamuu dandahan heduu. Anga’oon addunyaa sinsinaawoo dha, yoo Oromoon michuu hundee hin qabne sobaa tahuu empayerichaa agarsiisuu dandahe qofa wan jedhaniif isaan fudhata. Yeroo hundi waliin yaaduutt kahu fagoo mitii; yeros ofirroo dirqiin diriiraa nagaatt fiduun Oromoof rakkisaa hin ta’uu.
Ulfinaa fi surraan dabaankufootaaf; walabummaa, walqixxummaa fi bilisummaan kan hafaniif; nagaa fi araarri Ayyaana abboolii fi ayyoliif haa tahu!
Ibsaa Guutama
Amajjii 2015
Oromiyaa’s land is claimed to belong to the colonial state, not the Oromo people. Oromo are turning homeless and jobless than ever before while their looted wealth are being enjoyed by occupiers and “investors” — while they are looking on scratching their collapsed bellies. No one will say it will be easy to undo such an arrogant Apartheid policy and what they have done to the sovereignty of Oromiyaa, its history, culture and language, but however long it takes and whatever it may cost, nothing is impossible. As long as there is discrimination, dislocation, negligence and subjugation based on nationality, it is nothing other than Apartheid. That is what caused the “Anti-Apartheid Movement,” representatives of peoples of the empire’s lowlands from Turkana to Matakkal, customarily referred to as Omotic and Nilotic, talk about. It is a policy being practiced on all colonial peoples of Ethiopia. Therefore, all the colonies must in unison “SAY NO TO ETHIOPIAN APARTHEID.”
The Oromo had tried for their grievances to be heard in a peaceful manner, but in vain. The initial rise and fall of the Pan-Oromo Maccaa and Tuulama Association (MTA) made two things clear: that Oromo nationalism is never dead and that the colonizer will never allow the colonized to air their grievances peacefully. Therefore, the need for galvanizing organized political resistance to harness those grievances into a liberation struggle was proved beyond doubt. At the same time, the world was in revolutionary fervor. Everywhere there were civil, women’s and other minority rights and liberation movements were on the rise. Over and above, internal causes also contributed greatly to the political consciousness of Oromo youth of that time. Modern Oromoo nationalism is anti-racism, discrimination and subjugation of one nation by another. The fabric of Oromummaa or Oromo nationalism as an outlook sprung from the heritage of Gadaa democracy.
The Oromo nation has aspirations and hopes for freedom and independence. Those are what form its kaayyoo, the objective principle of the nation. The OLF [Oromo Liberation Front] set standard by including those ingredients from the Gadaa heritage and present aspirations and hopes of the nation for freedom in its political program for the Oromo struggle. That is what made OLF the “OLF” we know, and what made it the icon and spirit of the nation that no entity can erase from the people’s minds. It is a hero by its own right that everybody has to honor and support it to flourish. Tactics and strategy may be improved, but that OLF goal for independence of Oromiyaa is not negotiable – it must be set clear to friends and foes at the outset. Oromo demands to be given an opportunity for its voice to be heard in determining its own destiny. OLF’s role is to agitate for independence, not free election within Ethiopia, for that is an internal affair of the empire state. But it upholds the ultimate decision of the Oromo nation. The UN is under legal and moral obligation to pressure its member, the Ethiopian state, to obey the UN Charter, conventions and resolutions. That is what OLF ought to demand from the world organization.
The Oromo continued to express their grievances, but they were met with more humiliation and contempt. Such oppressive political atmosphere and nonstop repression of members of the Oromo Nation prompted the people for more cohesive and determined move to demand respect for their rights to life, freedom, education and development. All the cumulative grievances of generations culminated in the formation of MTA mentioned above. But, it was soon thwarted and disbanded. That could have been a good opportunity for the Habashaa rulers to apologize for past abuses and redress all wrong done against the colonial peoples before it became a matter of life-and-death question for the victimized. More oppression cannot be a guarantee for the continued unbridled exploitation of resources and manpower or a solution for the retaliation they anticipate if they lose the rein of power. Provoked by the enemy’s arrogance of that sort, the youth decided to look for ways that were qualitatively different from all past Oromo struggles.
MTA was able to lay down the groundwork for the coming together of Oromo from all tribes and regions before its collapse. By virtue of that, a political organization with clear goal and purpose to lead the national movement and fight the colonial system was founded for the first time in the nation’s history in 1974. That was how the vanguard organization, OLF was born and brought up in Oromiyaa. OLF is secular and favors no one religion over the other. But it upholds the religious freedom for all people. It believes the right to worship anything, or in any peaceful manner is a birth right. In principle, it may ask foreign aid, but remains nonaligned; it will also not be a satellite let alone to the Habashaa state, but even to greater powers. It can be a partner for those that favor people’s rights, tranquility and independence. Their relation will be advancing mutual interest, not one being dependent on the other. Historical accident might have exiled the leaders once, but struggle requires rubbing chests and cannot be done with remote control; it has to return to where it is required. Only independent organizations can bring forth independent country. If there are those who believe they can march from outside and capture Oromiyaa, it will only be fooling oneself and unprecedented. Even Afghani and Iraqi diaspora that marched under the shadow of the foreign great army did not win their objectives because they were considered runaways not fighters.
The OLF was mindful of its neighbors that came under the colonial rule at the same time. They all share the same pre and postcolonial history. Their numerical strength may vary, but there are over 80 proud nationalities with own sovereign territories. They had tried numerous uprisings to regain their freedom and country back. But those were defeated by mobilizing foreign military experts and setting one oppressed against the other. To thwart such vicious tactics of the colonizer and bring together the oppressed for the resistance struggle, OLF joined activists from other oppressed nationalities in forming the “Revolutionary Struggle of the Oppressed in Ethiopia” (RSOE). Its members were from peoples in the lowland bordering Somalia, Kenya, Uganda, Sudan and the Red Sea and from all so called Southern States and Oromiyaa.
The understanding was that RSOE is a cover organization under that brutal regime from which national organizations could sprout underground and form a united front of oppressed nationalities to wage the anticolonial struggle for freedom and independence. During its active days, RSOE had saved many activists of the colonies from persecutions. It did not take the Nafxanyaa much time to identify it as a ‘reactionary façade created by narrow nationalists,’ and put it under surveillance. RSOE preempted them and dissolved itself before further damage when it was known for what it was. OLF had made clear in its political program about its stand on the possibility of forming partnership in the struggle and beyond. It has come making rapprochement with several friendly organizations. Much work is needed to win trust in each other and together bring an end to misery of their peoples. Colonizers originate from a minority group. If the colonies could unite, it would only be a onetime campaign to push them back to where they came. OLM [Oromo liberation movement] does not show concern for the Oromo alone, but is mindful of the agony of its neighbors. There can be no peace in the region until all colonized peoples are liberated.
Oromo liberation organizations did not give enough attention as it should have done to women’s power throughout the struggle. Oromo women are no lesser fighters than their brothers. The few who got the chance to be enrolled had proved that during the past four decades’ armed struggle. In olden days, the division of labor was such that when women take care of the home and upbringing of children, the men were responsible for all outside home, including battle fronts.
This does not mean to forget the role of women in preparing provisions and weaponry for the warriors as well as feeding and saddling battle horses, and playing the role of rear guards. Now situations have changed. The difference between chores is becoming nonexistent. Therefore, men-women work relations have to be reassessed. In particular, forums in all fields have to be opened for women’s participation. They should be judged by what they can do, not by their gender. No particular gender has more concern for the liberation than the other. Therefore, all positions have to be open to meritorious women as they are for men. Oromiyaa cannot be liberated without the liberation and participation of its women. Hence, Oromo women are called up on for dual struggle: struggle for equal rights of human beings irrespective of genders, and also for the equal participation in the liberation of their country, Oromiyaa.
In four decades the OLF had registered more successes than past and contemporary Oromo organizations. But given the great number of the Oromo and the rich resource Oromiyaa yields, it could have mobilized much more than what was expected. Instead, it was ridden with internal conflicts and betrayals from failure to maintain strong airtight organization to keep out the invisible enemy’s hands. Internal conflicts led to schisms. Most splinter groups uphold the same Kaayyoo of independence and freedom as the mother organization though as of recently there are a couple of them who officially move with Itophiyaan agenda. Most of them happened by misconception of the new world order and loss of the lofty vision they initially had.
The enemy knows where to strike. Whether an organization is fighting for independence of Oromiyaa or for democracy under the empire state, it will be regarded by Habashaa leaders as real and potential danger. To serve as an excuse for suppressing Oromo voice, OLF is branded as a terrorist organization. Terrorism is now a term used worldwide to define “Islamist fundamentalism” that has no regard for civilian lives and strikes anytime anywhere with the purpose of terrorizing human beings so that they lose confidence in the present world order. Even if not fully accepted by the world, Wayyaanee’s plan is serving its purpose of terrorizing the Oromo and herding them into prisons, death camps and exile.
All Oromo nationals who are not complacent with any silly ideas of the rulers are branded OLF and actions taken. Even in foreign land, Oromo are faced with threats, fears and rejections. Despite such truth, it is heartbreaking to see some Oromo who try to add fuel to fire ignited by the enemy and weaken the OLF. To terrorize peoples who do not agree in opinion with rulers is an inherited trait for the colonizers. Leaving aside the “breast cutting and hand cuttings” of emperors, we have seen during the Darg how what were termed as “Red and White Terrors” were openly executed. Darg’s deeds were performed with bragging and in the open. The Wayyaanee’s methods are termed “anti-terrorist campaigns” and are being executed clandestinely and officially by assassins and torture squads.
The way OLF and others with similar national objectives function is now at stage where it requires thorough renewal. In the first place, if they prophecy similar goal, there is no reason for them to operate separately. Therefore, forming a firm united front is overdue. There is deep-seated mistrust between groups. All complains about usurpation of OLF power by a group and derailment of kaayyoo, but no public debate had ever been conducted to prove or disprove. Lack of competent, trusted leadership, arrogance, indifference of some members of the leadership to warning symptoms of dissension, self-centeredness, lack of critical thinking, loyalty to a group for whom Oromummaa is a secondary matter, low political consciousness and incompetence to distinguish between major and minor contradictions, as well as invisible strings of puppet masters and lack of redress mechanism for wrongs done were some of the possible causes for going apart.
Modern operations require smooth communications between the tip and the center based on ilaa fi ilaamee (dialogue). There is no doubt that there are chronic undemocratic habits of operating in each Oromo political organization. They all have to agree to give up their archaic ways for professionally considered ones. Any of the above mentioned shortcomings need to be gotten rid of and be replaced by an efficient and effective system. It may be hard to forego the force of habit, but nothing is impossible, if tried hard and sincerely. Due to what is mentioned above and other causes like the struggle fatigue, Oromo political organizations have started to manifest decadence. It is visible even to onlookers that no one of them is moving forward to fulfill what is expected of them. It seems they are unable to move – entangled by net they formed around themselves.
More time is wasted in complaining about each other, internal bickering and competing for funds. National days have turned fund soliciting days rather than being utilized for remembrance and socialization. Had they been used for consultations on directions of the struggle and searching for solution for existing problems together it could have enriched confidence in each other. More than that, it could also minimized calumny. There is no heart breaking thing for the nation than Oromo organizations, not having a cubit of liberated land under their control. There is also no more humiliation to the nation than. When minority neighbors cross border in East, West, South, and North to attack and evict Oromo farmers from their ancestral land and there was no one Oromo organizations on hand to defend them.
The time is the time to shade old skin and get refreshed. From their numbers and bravery, no one should have leered at the Oromo – let alone occupy. There had been mute observers over the years that there were negligence and weakness. If there is no improvement, every year one cannot understand why people go the same way. There is no leader who assessed the situation and came out courageously to criticize himself and sought for solutions. Each member of the organization is supposed to have the capability to elect and be elected to any position in the organization. But no platform to improve oneself was created for members. What type of hope can be placed over a member who knows no right, but duty? Self-evaluation would never be late. It is said, “To err is human” but to admit it requires courage. Among Oromo activists to evaluate and criticize oneself are taboos that need to be broken.
Human rights organizations deserve many thanks for putting out reports on inhuman treatments of the Oromo by the system in power. More would be expected from Oromo political organizations. What those saw from afar and reported, the ones who are able to live there to taste the agony first hand could have done better. To build own capacity to help victims and their families as well as defend the remaining from abuses is what was normally expected from half a century old movement. Is it too much for politicians worthy of the name to execute these? No, but they have to first resolve the organizational question. It will be then that they will be blamed or praised as heads of political organizations. Otherwise, it would be talking about caracas of organizations. All Oromo political organizations split from the OLF. Therefore, they are duty bound to save OLF from impending danger even if they abhor it. OLF has become an organization of the Oromo people because they have spilt their blood and wealth for it to survive enemy’s onslaught. The call for each activist is to use all available means to disentangle it from the snare, and save it for the country. One has to believe that if there is any mistake it is not the organization, but someone is there to be accountable. Care is needed not to shun the OLF for folly of individual actors. Not to safeguard the OLF will be considered as offering the Oromo struggle on a silver plate to the national enemy.
Too much liberalism in mass recruitment to expand one’s circle could only open the way for infiltrators and Ethiopianists to destroy the organization from inside. Oromo organization has been doing things for decades in the same way. It is high time that they reassess their performances in order to improve on shortcoming by using modern technology and know-how. Leaders have to manifest transparency in their work and dedication to the cause they are entrusted with. A leadership that strives to win genuine trust of its comrades and the Oromo people is what all crave for. The Gadaa system had a culture of administration governed by “ilaa fi ilaamee” (dialogue) long before written constitution. This is one of the basic principles of governance that no Oromo can ignore if it aims to be successful in its endeavor. This does not mean the principles of hiriyaa, election and time in office can be overlooked by those proud of their heritage.
It is now the time to involve all Oromoo activists to advance Oromo struggle to its end goal. All that had stayed apart for one reason or other need some sort of orientation and trust building program. If they are still in agreement on the ultimate goal of the struggle leaders and groups have to be careful not to send mixed messages in matters that have connection with strategy of the struggle. Oromo organizations that uphold the original kaayyoo of the nation have their goal as establishing Democratic Republic of Oromiyaa. This is the principle that ought to be reflected in all correspondence, interview or public relation endeavors. In this era where organizations are expected to be guided with precision one man or clique show will only invite dissentions within community of activists’ and spontaneous upheaval in society. An organization has structure to which different roles are assigned to. In general authority is distributed to each tier. In case of any grumbling there must be a mechanism that will help steam it out. It is the duty of a wise leader to keep in touch with all functionaries hammer out doubts and misgiving before they cripple the organization. It must be understood that Oromo movement for liberation (OLM) will never stop with or without leadership until the national question is addressed. However to have committed leadership in the forefront gives it order and discipline required for victory.
All conscious Oromo are aware of what is going on these days in their community, professional associations, religious and political organizations, social movements etc. When those who are building momentum to empower their people are trying their best, saboteurs – who are either enemy agents or misguided nationals – are busy axing it from underneath. To get organized with a clear agenda is the right of each Oromo. But to simulate freedom fighters and try to derail the struggle from its course of freedom and independence is a crime. Wherever these reach, for sure, there will be split in that body. No organized Oromo activity will be safe from them unless vigilantly guarded. These days, they are seen sprouting like mushroom in all Oromo institutions. Because they know the Oromo inside out, those messengers come in as buddies and set one social group against the other that they irrationally detest each other. Schisms in religious orders, schisms in political organizations, schisms in communities, technical establishments etc. are on the greater part their doings. It has become a national character for the Oromo to trust those who get close to them. Oromo nationals have to be careful when it comes to national interest not to be swayed by non-national esprit de corps, but by own critical thinking.
Oromo groups have lived apart for centuries and have some subtractions and add-ons to their common ethos. What they have still in common is greater than what they have lost over the years. All have to recognize this and respect the differences. Their differences have to be taken as spices for the national soup. But they have to be careful not to get swayed by persons who try to project personal problems as being directed against a larger group and mobilize it affecting the national cohesion. Such person could be ignorant of the big national picture or is an enemy agent. In such cases, an hierarchy of loyalty has to be established. For all Oromo nationalists, loyalty to the nation needs to come first before all loyalties to group one belongs to. Then, only can we move as a people with a greater vision.
The Oromo struggle is against colonial domination. Anyone advancing colonial policy – be it Habasha or Oromo – is the enemy. For a true nationalist to favor a clan member in the enemy camp and shun comrades in the liberation camp is a sin that needs absolution. At such a time, when the nation is threatened with extinction those who raise personal or ones’ narrow group interests are either insane or simply backward. They fail to comprehend that the nation is bigger than groups. Such are either those who did not understand the true nature of the struggle or moles from the enemy camp. For those who fail to see the difference between nationalism and cronyism, the cause is lack of political consciousness so are driven by emotions; the advice is to take deep breath, assess their actions and see how much they are puncturing the national struggle.
It is damning when the troublemakers are intellectuals with adjectives in front of their names or senior citizens. The nation, on the other hand, put its hope on such persons to help it disentangle itself from colonial yoke or making peace between nationals. Unfortunately, those are the ones who are helping the enemy screw the yoke harder or promoting dissensions. For this reason, genuine nationalists must be vigilant to fend off or rehabilitate such impostors. Those are the evil hands that are trying to disintegrate the national struggle by mobilizing people against each other based on region, religion and education. It is hopped Oromo activists know better than that. All social and political organizations created to advance Oromo interests may be required to be more thorough in their absorption of new faces. So far, small damage might have occurred, but are not beyond repair.
Political organizations are not states. They are organizations of volunteers to liberate a country. Their functionaries are elected with individual merits, not representing a constituency. The concentration of the leadership in the diaspora in relatively calm and peaceful atmosphere is tempting reactionary elements to have representation in accordance with regional quotas. Much hullaballoos are created around these demands and could continue until the leadership is reallocated to the field of struggle in Oromiyaa; a measure that all sane minds expect. It is only then, true revolutionaries, who take all risks for love of Oromiyaa and the Oromo people, are separated from position-monger opportunists. There, peers will elect those they believe could lead them to victory, not because of their place of birth, but because of individual merits. Such individuals could be from one family, clan, tribe or region as long as their peers believed in them. The above is true also for all organizations of volunteers. There could be mistakes committed by veteran activists, but anyone who did not undergo their experience is not qualified to judge them under different setting.
Oromo youth (qeerroo) is moving, paying tremendous sacrifices without waiting for physical presence of political leadership. The recent spontaneous upsurge of students in East, Center, South and Western Oromiyaa when integrity of their nation came under threat shows that the liberation movement never waits for leadership but nudges it to do better to catch up with events. There are tremendous potentials that the nation could release in terms of manpower and resources for those capable of using them. The determined could raise at least ten million strong army and tons of cash products for managing it. For now, leaders are struggling with their own idiosyncrasy. They could come out of it if they adopt basic Gadaa democratic principles that fit any situation, minus the rituals – which can be adjusted according to the time period.
Some of the ingredients of Gadaa democracy are all-way communication and participation of members in decision-making process. Democratic leaders must be able to look up from the ground rather than only from top of the ladder. Oromo leaders, unlike their alien counterparts, are the coordinators of members’ efforts, not the boss. Elections are preferable to selections at all levels. Consensus-building is the major task of a leader in Gadaa democracy. Each Gadaa sets standards of governance for own period in such a way that those coming after could improve on. Under Gadaa, care was taken that the youth would not be exposed to corrupt undemocratic practices. They grow up observing and practicing the rule of law and patriotic practices until their turn for power comes. Preparing future leaders has no other miracle than that.
The Oromo have great potential to play crucial role in peace-making of the region. But they cannot accept to be peaceful slaves under the harsh grip of a master. That is what they had been asked to be so far. They are asking a simple question, the realization of their right to national self-determination and respect for people and individual rights. Though nothing more than this is asked, the interpretation given it is that they are terrorists that believe in violence. The Oromo has never ever terrorized anyone, but have fought with the occupation army that is armed to its teeth and terrorizes them every day in their own land. The Ethiopian state is a member of the United Nations. The Oromo is not ignorant of the covenant they have between them. But with the hope that they will not condone a rogue state, they might have ears for plights of a nonmember nation like Oromiyaa. There is no reason for a body that supported the disintegration of the European empires would insist for integrity of the Ethiopian Empire formed in the same manner. Oromiyaa want to be independent and will be independent despite conspiracies.
In their long history, members of Oromo organizations had never pointed to each other as peace-loving and war-mongering. But such dichotomy is heard from foreign sources that wanted to see them in that way. That did not remain without touching certain soft parts of unpatriotic elements in the organizations. Those are incompetent good for no one or nothing, litters of garbage. The Oromo are organized not because they love war, but to fend of aggressors that violated their rights and their land. They raised arms when the way to peace was blocked.
There is no one that praises “nagaa and araaraa” (peace and conciliation) than the Oromo. But when life is not better than death, both lose their meanings. It is to teach the enemy that anyone can answer violence with violence, but nothing outwits the peaceful way. That was how they decided to build own capacity and challenge it to the peace table with the language it understands. That was how they raised up arms side by side with diplomacy. No one listens to the weak however one keeps on whining. Those who occupy others’ land and live on its resources will not willingly come to negotiation table unless forced. They consider the loss of excessive pleasure and crimes they have to answer for when out of power. World powers are capricious if only the Oromo could show them the fakeness of the empire for enduring partnership they may take them for what they say. The time will not be very far when all start thinking in unison; then it will not be hard for the Oromo to force the arrogant to the peace table.
Honor and glory for the fallen heroines and heroes; liberty equality and freedom for the living and nagaa and araaraa for the Ayyaanaa of our fore parents!
Ibsaa Guutama
January 2015

Madda Walaabuu Media Foundation’s Discussion Forum about Facilitating Communication to Streamline Performance

ovrYou are cordially invited to the Oromo Voice Radio awareness and information event on Friday, January 30, 2015 at 6:00PM at the Oromo Center, 811 Upshur Street, NW, Washington, DC 20011.
MWMF’s Oromo Voice Radio news and programs are designed to address issues that impact the life of the Oromo people. Weekly, it broadcasts six program contents to Oromia on Mondays Wednesdays and Saturdays at 7:00 PM local time at 16 MB or 17850 kHz. OVR English Service airs a weekly program at 7:15 PM local time.
Speakers Obboo Ibsaa Guutamaa and others.
Venue: Oromo Center, 811 Upshur Street, NW, Washington, DC 20011
Date: January 30, 2015
Time: 6:00PM

Contact OVR:

Email: info@oromovoice.org
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/oromovoiceradio
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Website: http://oromovoice.org
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North America: +1 716-748-0384
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Voice Mail: +1 206-309-3148

Monday 26 January 2015

Gootonni Oromoo Salaaleetti Seenaa Agarii Tulluu Haaromsan, Gootummaanis Wareegaman.

Gootota Oromoo Wayyaaneen Qaltee Bakka gabaatti fannifte-Gocha faashistii xaaliyaanii fi hayila Sillaasen kan Wal fakkaatu-1.25.15Suurri argaa jirtan kun GOOTOTA ilmaan Oromoo roorroon hammaannan Wayyaanee fuuldura gootummaa dhaan falmaa dhaabbatanii utuu lolanii kanneen harka diinaatti gaafa kufan wayyaaneen gochaa suukaneessaa akkanaatiin uummata yaamtee raawwii akkasii jiilchaf ilmaan Oromoo kanneen irratti raawwatte. Oromoo diina isaa ajjeessaa, falmaa du’uun ykn wareegamuun kabajaa guddaa dha. Bakki gochaan fashitii Wayyaanee kun itti raawwatame godina SALAALEE, aanaa Darraatti baatii dabre gaafa 09/12/2014 ture.
Sababiin gootonno Oromoo kunneen itti bosona seenaniifis roorroo warri ergamtuu wayyaanee OPDO, dabballoota aanaa saniitirraa irra gahaa ture waan dadhaabaniif jiraachuus waan dadhhabaniif tahuutu gabaafama. Maqaan gooticha kanaa KATAMAA WUBETUU kan jedhamu erga dhiirummaasaa fi gootummaasaa loltoota wayyaanee 4 fi foolisoota hedduu galaafatee booda harka diinaatti kufuudhaan gaafa guyyaa 09\12\2014, aanaa Darraa, magaalaa Gondo Masqaal irratti wayyaaneen gochaa gara jabummaatiin uummata keenya jiilchuu fi sodaachisuuf hiriyaa isaa walin fannifte.
Dirreen inni itti lolaa ture, aanaa DARRAA naannoo Harbuu Masqaalee keessatti akka tahe qeerroon aanaa Darraa gabaasaniiru. Jaallan KATAMAA waliin qabsootti bahan ammas qabsoo akka finiinsaa jiraniifi ilmaan Oromoo hundaan hidhadhaa ka’aa! dhaamsa jedhu dhaammataniiru jedhama. QABSAAWAN NI KUFA,QABSOON ITTI FUFA! OROMIYAAN NI BILISOOMTI!

Thursday 22 January 2015

Godina Lixa Shaggar Anaa Miidaaqenyi Ganda Tuuyyee Goodaa Cuqqaalaa Keessatti Ummanni Diddaa Sirna Wayyaaneef Qabu Kaasuun Loltoota Wayyaanee Waliin Walitti Bu’an

Gabaasa Qeerroo Amajjii 20, 2015
Amajjii 20, 2015 Godina Lixa Shaggaar Aanaa Midaa Qanyii keessaitti uummatni fi dargaggoonni Oromoo uffata aadaa Oromoon mimmidhaganii, walleelee warraaqsaa wallisuun diddaa Mootummaa Abbaa Irree Wayyaaneef qaban waan ibsataniif poolisotaa dabballootaa Wayyaanee waliin walitti bu’insi guddaan dhalate!
Godina Lixa Shaggar aanaa Midaa Qanyii Ganda Tuuyyee Goodaa Cuqqaalaa jedhamuun beekamutti Uummaatni Oromoo kumoota hedduutti lakkaa’amu ayyaana cuuphaa sababeeffachuun guyyaa kaleessaa walitti dhufuu uuffata aadaa Oromoo fi Walleewwaan Warraqsaa sirbuun ifatti mootummaa garboonfattuu Wayyaanee balaaleffatan, Uummaatni walleewwaan kanneen akka Wallee Warraaqsaa ”OPDO yaa baala tuufoo, ABO nuuf wayyaa nuufoo, korma guduruu ABO’n, gootuma duuru, kessattuu kaasetta Eebbisaa Addunyaa diinni diinumaa boru nurraa galaa ABO malee maaltu nuuf jira jechuun uummatni marartoo fi jaalaala guddaa ABO tiif qabu diinatti mul’ise jira. kasseeta Hirphaa Gaanfurree ”bishaan Oromiyaa Caffee keessa yaatii waraabuu waraabuu, Gmaan ijoollee Oromoo kana keessa baatii waraanuu waraanuu…” jechuun uummatni qabsoo haqaa fi falmii FDG’f qophii ta’uu ifatti diinatti argisiisee jira. Uuffata aadaa Ofii uffachuun lammaffaa Odaa tarsaate kan wayyaaneen itti gargar nu qooduuf jettee mallattoo Odaa Oromoo tarsa’aa qophiisitee bakka nu hin bu’uu jechuun uummatni uffata aadaa Odaa duudaa fi uffata abbaa gadaa waan uffataniif, isin ABO dha edhamuun polisoota wayyaaneen walitti u’insi dhalate.
Poolisootni federaalaa fi naanoo ofiin ergama diinummaa fudhachuun uummata shororkeessuuf akuma bobbaafamanitti uummata karaa nagaa sagalee isaa sirboota warraaqsaattii fayyadamuun dhageesisaa jiru goolaa oolan jedha gabaasaan keenya Aanaa Midaa Qanyii Baallaammii iirra!! Haalma kanaan walitti bu’insii guddan poolisoota dabballoota Wayyanee fi uummata gidduutti dhalateen pooliisootni wayyaanee hedduun dhagaan tumamani madeeffamuun ibsame jira. uummaatni nagaan manaa ba’ees heddumminaan qabamee waajjira Poolisii aanaa midaa Qanyitti ukkanfamee jiraachuun ibsamera. uummata nagaa keessaa ilmaa Oromoo nagaan poolisoota wayyaaneetiin reebamanii yeroo amma haala yaaddessa kessatt kanneen argaman keessa Obbo takkalaa abbabbee yero ammaa kana wayyaanootaan reebamanii haala ulfaata keessatti argamu.
Haaluma walfakkaatuun Aanaa Midaa Qanyii ganda Waloo Tambaroo bakka Mikaa’el Guutee jedhamuun beekamuttis uummatni ayyaana Cuuphaa daawwachuuf walitti ba’ee wallee warraqsan qabsoo bilisumma Oromoo fi ABO faarsuun poolisoota wayyaaneetiin wal reebaa oolun ibsame jira. Akkasumas Aanaa Calliyaa Geedoo, Baabbichaa fi aanaa tokkee kuttayee nanno Gooroo sooleetti uummatni Amajjii 19/2015 ayyaanaa cuphaa sababeeffachuun bifa wal fakkatuun mormii sirna abbaa irree wayyaaneef qabu wallee warraaqsaan ifatti dhageesisee jira. maqaa namoota aana Midaa Qanyiitti poolisoota dabballoota wayyaaneen guyyaa kaleessa ukkanfamuun waajjira poolisii tti hidhamanii jiranii adda baasuun kan isiniif gabaasnu ta’uu ni hubachifna.

Wednesday 21 January 2015

URGENT: Statement released by Western Australian Oromo Community

(Oromedia, 21 January 2015)The Western Australian Oromo Community says any individual or/and group of individuals who may take part in  meeting with the Ethiopian government do not represent the Oromo Community in Western Australia.
This is in reference to telephone conversation and written request made by Ethiopian Embassy in Canberra, Australia to meet with Oromo diaspora by high level of delegate from Oromia Regional State led by Vice President. Thank you for your invitation.
As Oromo Community in Western Australia, we held a series of meeting and discussion about your request and made the following official statement to your request. We would like to inform you that we are not only unable to participate in any formal or informal discussion or dialog with the current Ethiopian Government body or it’s representative, but also we strongly and firmly oppose such gathering in its any form.
We the Oromo community in Western Australia demands that the current Ethiopian regime immediate cessation of hostility against Oromo people. We demand that Government stops its lip service campaign in the election year; release all political prisoners without any precondition, respect the basic human right of freedom of speech, peaceful assembly, and expression.
We also demand that the Government stop displacing Oromo people from its ancestral lands. We speak loud and clear that the Government cease the power immediately and allow opposition political parties to operate in the country freely. We also demand that the Government respect its article 39 constitution and allow the nation and nationalities in the empire of self-determination including cessation or union at will. Then only we believe that the door of dialog and discussion with this Government be open.
According to the press release “the current Ethiopia Government is the regime that dehumanized the Oromo public: marginalized the Oromo people politically, economically, and socially.”
Here is the press release from Oromo Community of Western Australia. Official Statemen_OCWA
The email letter sent to the Oromo community from Ethiopian Embassy Canberra indicated that “high level delegation of the Oromia Regional State led by the Vice President will visit Perth after January 23, 2015 (the specific date will be notified later) to meet with Oromo Diaspora in your city and the surroundings.”
The purposes of the meeting are:
  1. To brief on the objective situation (political, economy and social development) of the region,
  2. To brief on the Diaspora Housing Development Program and
  3. To brief on the upcoming Oromia International Diaspora Day
The venue will be in one of the big hotels in Perth, the cost of which will be covered by us. Therefore, as Chairman of your association, we seek your assistance to inform the leadership and members to attend the forthcoming meeting in Perth. The Diaspora Minister Counselor will call you on Saturday, 17 January 2015, for detailed discussion.
Here is a letter sent from Ethiopian Embassy Canberra: Ambassador’s Letter

1. Ethiopian Embassy letter to Dr. Nuru Said, Chairman of Oromia Community

2. Response to the letter by Oromo Community in W. Astralia

Jatani Ali Tandhu: Life & Legacy of a Borana Statesman

Jatani-Ali-Book-2015Title: Jatani Ali Tandhu: Life & Legacy of a Borana Statesman
Author: Tadhi Liban
Paperback: 298 pages
Publisher: Vivid Publishing (November 2014)
Language: English
Description: From time to time, certain individuals who display courage and self-sacrifice for the greater good emerge to make a lasting impact on the lives of entire communities. The late Jatani Ali Tandhu (“Shaalaqa”) was such a figure, born into a Borana family in southern Ethiopia.
Jatani Ali Tandhu: Life & Legacy of a Borana Statesman is a biographical account of an outstanding and much-loved former governor of Borana Administrative Region of southern Ethiopia, from his birth to the fateful day of his assassination in Nairobi in 1992.
The biography gives readers a glimpse into the life and work of a distinguished Borana, Oromo and Ethiopian leader. It is hoped that many young people from these communities will be inspired to follow in his footsteps in aiming to lift their people out of demeaning poverty, years of misrule and hopelessness. An everlasting monument to Jatani is not a statue cast from a bronze but the legacy that lives on in people’s lives and minds, to inspire current and future generations to follow his example, in having the education, dedication and courage to serve their communities honourably.
Tadhi Liban – the author – is among the pioneers of Borana boys who accessed modern education by order of Emperor Haile Selassie I in 1947. Tadhi knew Jatani Ali from the time of the latter’s admission to Medhane Alem Boarding School in Addis Ababa in 1952. They became close friends as they grew up together and were concerned about the dire living conditions of people in their home region of Borana. Because of their close friendship, Tadhi knows a great deal about Jatani’s life and accomplishments. Tadhi graduated from universities in Ethiopia and U.S.A. He worked as a high school principal for many years in Addis Ababa, and later worked as a management consultant and with NGOs in Ethiopia.

Monday 19 January 2015

TV Oromiyaa MT Kabajaa Guyyaa Ayyaana WBO Konyaa BC; OromoProtestes collection

TV Oromiyaa MT Kabajaa Guyyaa Ayyaana WBO Konyaa BCWorld media reports on Oromo protests collected altogether OromoProtestes

Sunday 18 January 2015


Taammanaa Bitimaa irraa*
Dubbiftoota barreeffama kanaa jaalatamoo fi kabajamoo, waan hunda durseen barri haaraa kun bara nagaa fi bara badhaadhinaa akka isinii tahuuf cimsee isiniif hawwa! Bara dabre kana keessa qabsoo fi diddaan ijoolleen Oromoo, Oromiyaa guutuu irraa ka’uun gooteen uummanni Oromoo fi Oromiyaan uummatoota addunyaa biratti beekamaniiti jiru. Bineensummaa Wayyaanotaa irraa kan ka’e dhalawwan Oromoo hedduun gorra’amnii, kaan manneen hidhaatti guuramanii, kaan immoo manneen barumsaa fi unibarsiitota irraa hariyamanii, kaan achi-buuteen isaanituu dhabamee jira. Nuti Oromoonni biyyootambaa keessa jirru, bakka jirru maratti hiriira bawuun, marii addaddaa waamuun, kurfiiwwan garagaraa kurfeessuun ijoollee teenya fi biyya keenya cinaa dhaabannee jirra. Ee, dhiiga fi lafee, imimmaani fi madaa ijoollee Oromootiin Oromiyaan teenya qalbii fi sammuu uummatoota addunyaa keessa turte. Barri inni amma seene kunis bara Oromoo fi kan Oromiyaa akka tahu cimsee abdatama.
Bara dabre kana, bara 2014 irraa kaasee eenyumtu uummataa fi saba Oromoo akka duriitti jilbeeffachisetoo bituu gonkumaa hin dandayu. Baay’inni meeshaa waraanaa, balaliyaan waraanaa samii irraa summii gadi-roobsu, taankiin gangalatee margaa-mukaa, sa’aa-namaa hurreessu uummata Oromoo tokkoomee haqaa fi mirga uumaan qabuuf oljedhe kana, duubatti deebisuu hin dandayu. Akkuma dhiigni magaalaa Soweetoo sun bilisummaa uummata Afrikaa Kibbaatiif gumaache san dhiigni ijoollee Oromoo Oromiyaa guutuu irratti lolaye kun bilisummaa fi walabummaa Oromiyaatiif sonaan gumaacha taha. Amma irraa kaasee, Oromoon hundi: “BILISUMMAA OROMIYAA YOOKAAN DU’A” jechaa garuma fuulduraatti tarkaanfata. Uummata Oromoo du’aaf qopphaaye kana wanni duubatti isa deebisuu gonkumaa hin argamu.
Ginni-bittee Habashaa uummata Oromootti ba’aa inni baatee deemuu hin dandeenye itti-fe’aa jira. Warri Wayyaanee karaa tokkoon, warri nafxanyoota moofaa karaa kaaniin uummanni Oromoo, eeyyee kitilli 46 kun waltuhuun akka finciluuf kakaasaa jiru. Jarreen kun uummata Oromoo irratti harqoota gabrummaa jabeessuu, madaa isaatti eeboo fi qoree nannaquu irra jiru. Jarreen sammuu fi safuu ilmoo namaatiin qullaa tahan kun kana gochuun waan qabsoo Oromoo laaffisu, itti-fakkaata. Oftuulummaa fi sanyummaan waan ijjeen isaanii jaamseef, homaayyuu arguu hin dandeenye. Wayyaanonni harka laateef nyaatan kun uummata Oromoo isa oggaa ginne-bittee Amaaraa, beelaan isaan harcaase san afaanii of-fuudhee oldabarseef san akkuma dachee Oromiyaa irra miilli isaanii ijjateen akka diina isaanii isa tokkoffaatti ilaaluu jalqabani. Maali jeneraalli isaanii sunuu: “manneen hidhaa Afaan Oromoo dubbatu” jedhee mitii? Bara Minilik naazichaa sanillee, bara Dargii dhiiga-xuuxaa saniillee manneen hidhaa akkanatti Biyya Oromoo keessatti heddumminaan hin ijaaramne. Oromoonni akkanatti biyyaa ofii irraa baqachuun addunyaa keessatti faffacayanii hin argamne. Laggeeni fi harawwan Oromiyaa akkanatti summeeffamnii hin beekani. Qotee-bulaan Oromoo akkanatti qeyee isaa irraa buqqifamee hin beeku. Minilikii fi Raas Dargeen harkaa fi harma Oromoo mummuratan sunillee araddaadhuma isaa irratti gabbaarii isa godhatan malee, akka Wayyaanotaatti qeyee isaa irra akkanatti hedduminaa hin buqqifne.
Raajii Waaqaa, safuu namaa Wayyaanonni kun, isaan bara ifaa bardhibbee 21-ffaa keessatti argaman, gita-bittee Amaaraa, Minilikii fi Raas Dargee faa isaan bara dukkanaa san, birdhibbee 19-ffaa keessa waan ilmoon namaa ilmoo namaa irratti adeemsisuu hin dandeenye san godhan wajjin akka walbira qabneetoo ilaalluuf nu dirqisiisaa jiru. Waraabeyyiin warra Wayyaanee isaan Gaara Suufii irratti intala Oromoo, mucayyoo waggaa 14 nyaatan sun kunoo amma Oromiyaa mara keessaa nu ciccirachuuf yuusaa jiru. Warreen gara bineeyyiitti of-jijjiiran kana tokkoomnee akka ilmoo namaatti dura goruu malee, harka walqabanee qabsoo bilisummaa keenyaa fiinsuu malee, filmaata biraa tokkoyyuu hin qabnu. Bosonni Oromiyaa baldhaa-dhaa, gaarrenii fi laggeen Oromiyaa danuu-dhaa, nuti Oromoonnis akkanuma danuu-dhaa tokkummaa keenya akka sibiilaatti jabeeffannee bakka jirru cufa irraa olkaanaan eenyumtuu nu dura ijaajjuu hin dandayu. Kan deemnuuuf jara humna qawwee ibiddaatiin biyya keenya qabatee nus, biyya keenyas ibiddaan waxalaa jiru kana ofirraa kaasufi malee, mirgaa fi haqa warreen biroo tokkollee tuquufii miti. Nuti kan deemnuuf, mirgaa fi haqa kan addaa tahe wayiitii otoo hin taane, mirga fi haqa ilmoon namaa cufti, uummannii fi sabni cufti qabuuf, waan taheef mararfannoo fi eebbi ilmoo nama marti nu bira jira. WAAQNI guddichii fi ayyaanonni inni uume hundi waan nu bira jiraniif, mowuun keenya kan gaafii keessa galuu miti!
Duris, hardhas kan diina nutti tahe qabeenya fi leecalloo keenya. Duris Minilikii fi Raas Daargeen faa kan harma hadholii teenyaa, harka abbootii keenyaa cicciratan, ija ijoollee teenyaa bubuqqifatan dachee Oromiyaa gabbattu Waaqni gabbisee nu badhaase tana qabatanii, nummoo gabra taasifatanii, nu qochisiifatanii siree irra ciisanii sooramuufi. Jarri takkaa kopheellee keewwatanii hin beekne, jarri bututtuu malee bullukkoo fi kumala faa uuffatanii hin beene biyya keenya qawwee Faranjii irraa maqaa Kiristaanummaa isaanitiin argatan saniin qabatan gooftolii nutti tahanii kun waggaalee 140 mataa keenya irraa taa’aa jiru. Kunoo, bara akkaan dheera kana keessa, waggaalee baay’ee kana keessa: kan qotuuf, kan loluuf, kan barreesseefii afaan isaani guddisu, kan fiigee addunyaatti isaan beeksisu numa Oromoota. Oggaa diinni hamaan akka Xaaliyaanii isanittis, nuttis dhufe sanis kan isaan irraa ittisee deebise numa Oromoota. Wanneen gaggaariin nuti isaaniif hin goone hin jiru. Garuu, wanneen hamoon isaan nu irratti hin goone hin argamu. “Amma gayeen gayee dhaa, nu irraa bu’aatii of-dandayaatii miila keessan lamaanii dhaabaddhaa” jenneenii jirra. Qabeenya keenya saammatanii manneenii fi afaan ofii guddifatu. Isaan haaraan kun immoo, warri Waayyaanee muktii fi kursiinillee otoo hin hafin, saammachuun Tigraay isaanii san ijaarratu.
Amma qabeenyi Oromiyaa kun uummata Oromootii oolu qaba. Oromiyaa keessatti Finfinnee Shaggar otoo hin hafin, afaan hojii fi afaan balaqqeessaa Afaan Oromoo tahuu qaba. Amma waan ijoolleen Oromoo Afaan Qawween nutti fe’ame, Afaan Amaaraa barattuuf sababni wayiituu hin jiru. Nuti kan barannuu kutaa tokkoffaa irra hamma unibarsitiitii Afaan Oromootiin tahuu qaba. Sana irratti Afaan addunyaalessaa, Afaan ingilizii ni baranna. Amma maal tahuuf, maal gocuuf afaan qawween nutti dhufe kana, afaan qawwee nutti qabamee baranna? Qabeenyi fi leecalloon Oromoo afaan qawwee kanaaf ooluu, gara afaan nagaatti, Afaan Oromootti deebiyuu qaba. Dhaloonni Qubee daggalraasaan kun dubbii tana sirriitti qalbeeffachuun duukaa-bu’uu qaba. Afaan Oromoo, Afaan Oromoo, Oromiyaa keessatti bakka hallettuu Afaan Oromoo!
Dhuma irratti wannin hedduu jabeessee Oromoota mara yaadachiisuu fudhu, waayee tokkummaa keenyaa ti. Uummanni baldhaan kun karaa hundumaa waltahuun tarkaanfachuu qaba. Uummanni Oromoo karaa maraan, bakka maratti ijaaramee, inni ijaaramee immoo walitti qindoomee, karaa maraan hidhatee, wal -hindachiisee tokkoomee gaafa oljedhe, humni isa cabsuu dandayu hin argamu. Kanaaf, mee bakka jirru hundattuu jabaannee wal haa jabeessinu! Iyya harmee Oromiyaa dhageenyee wal haa dhageessifnu!

Bakalchoo Barii:- The Ethiopian Empire Formation and Its Consequences on the Oromo and Beyond

By Bakalchoo Barii*
With the help of the then three colonial powers, Minilik, the Abyssinian king, managed to break and conquer the Oromo country and beyond in the last two decades of the nineteenth century. Following this war of conquest, the invading Abyssinian colonial army, not only committed genocide on the entire Oromo, Walayita, Sidama and other people, but also committed cultural, historical, social, economical genocides in these new frontiers by imposing the Abyssinian culture, language, way of life, administrations and religion. These crimes were committed by presenting anything Abyssinian as superior to the languages, cultures, systems of governance of the new colonies, as Europeans did practice when they conquered vast territories in Africa, Asia, and Latin America.
Thanks to their heroes and heroines, the Oromo and the Southern peoples, began the journey of re-claiming what has been theirs and are re-writing their own history.
Like other empires in history, the Ethiopian Empire shall collapse by the subject-peoples, on which it was built on, and that process of decolonization and the wheel of freedom is marching forward with full gear so that those subject-nations can claim their due place among the free nations of the world.
The late P.T.W. Baxter spent much of his time studying mainly the Boran and the Arsi Oromos. Paul Baxter documented and wrote many research books and articles on the Oromo way of life, their Gadaa system of governance and their experiences under the Ethiopian empire after the Minilik colonial army managed to conquer much of the Oromo land and the Southern land by default and with the help of the then European Colonial powers, the French, the British and the Italians.
In his research article titled “Ethiopia’s Unacknowledged Problem: The Oromo” (July 1978), he wrote the following:
“Each of the Oromo people has a distinctive history but all have shared comparable experiences. Perhaps I may select a few observed by myself in Arssi to illustrate some common types of Oromo experience.
“They [the Arssi and the Oromo country beyond] were finally subjugated by Shoan gunpower in 1887 after six different annual campaigns which R.H Kofi Darkwa, the Ghanaian historian of Minilik’s reign, summarizes as ‘perhaps the most sustained and the most bloody war which Menilek undertook’.”
The above description of the sustained and bloody campaign of Minilik resulted in the cutting of limps of men of all ages, breasts of women of the Arssi Oromos, which many Oromo anthropologists, historians and the elderly equate to the genocide committed against the Armenians by the Ottman Turkish Empire during the First World War, in which over a million Armenians were killed.
Paul Baxter and John Hinnant, who both studied the Arssi, the Boran and the Guji Oromos in the 1960s, summarized the experiences of those Oromos under conquest as the following: “The Arssi described their conquest by Abyssinians as the commencement of an era of miseries, since which life has not run as God intended it but out of true.” “The Boran likewise divided their history into two eras, before and after, the first of which was good and the second bad” to describe what colonization has brought upon them.
Similarly, John Hinnant described the experiences of the Guji Oromos as tending “to blame all social problems on their incorporation into the Ethiopian empire.”
The above feelings and humiliation expressed and felt by the Boran, the Arssi and the Guji Oromos are the same as the feelings and humiliation felt by the Oromos of the Wollo, the Rayya, the Karayu, the Ittu, the Leqa, the Mecha, and the Tulama.
One would always ask how successive Abyssinians regimes managed to rule over the Southern nations, including the Oromos (currently known as the subjects or colonies), who constitute more than two-third of the entire population of the Ethiopian Empire for so long?
The precise answer to the above question was given by Paul Baxter in his article “Ethiopia’s Unacknowledged Problem: The Oromo,” in which he says “The absolute political domination and cultural dominance of the Amhara [now the Tigreans], has resulted in the public presentation of Ethiopia as a state with a much more unitary culture than, in fact, it has. Even scholars has come to accept Ethiopia at the evaluation of its own sophisticated and charming elites.”
The current Tigrean elites copied their Amhara elites’ predecessors in presenting their Empire as a unitary and at peace with itself while waging an unprecedented war on the Oromo people and other nations. They (both the Amhara & Tigrean elites) hired foreign PR [public relations] companies, influential individuals, and lobbyists in Western capitals and political corridors to maintain their marginalisation of the Oromos and the Southern peoples, and present their Empire at peace with itself at the expense and misery of its subject-peoples.
Of all the Abyssinian regimes, the current TPLF regime can only be equated with that of Minilik rule because TPLF rulers, like Minilik, openly declared the entire Oromo people as the enemy of the state and placed them in open concentration camps, in parallel with what the Nazi Germany inflicted on the Jewish communities of Europe during the Second World War.
The question many Oromos and friends of Oromos raise is ‘Why is it the current rulers of the Empire (the TPLF) and their unprecedented scale of human rights violations and abuses on Oromos different from the past three regimes of the Empire rulers?’
- Unlike the past three regimes, which rose from the Amahric-speaking Abyssinians, the TPLF originates from a minority Tigrean region, which comprises only about five percent of the current Ethiopian Empire population, and was a junior partner or foot-soldier with the invading Minilik army during a war of conquest and expansion of the Abyssinian Empire towards the South.
- Secondly, the TPLF rose from a century-old power struggle with its close kin, the Amhara, who defeated the Tigrean king Yohannes IV. In other words, the TPLF came to power not only to rule over the Empire, but also to avenge their century-old wounds against their kin, the Amhara.
- Thirdly, TPLF cleverly learnt the shortcomings of the Amahara rulers over the colonies and, for the first time in the history of the Empire, forcefully accepted the existence of independent nations like the Oromos, and allowed some form of self-rule and the use of their languages in offices and schools.
However, when it comes to responding to democratic and just demands of the Oromo for total liberation from alien rulers, TPLF created a satellite organization which speaks the language of the indigenous population and used it as a Trojan horse to kidnap, harass, kill, displace and jail thousands of innocent Oromos for only demanding their country Oromia be free, and it is only Oromos, as owners and custodians of their country Oromia, who shall decide their future relationships with neighbouring countries, including the Abyssinian themselves.
According to official reports by Amnesty International, Oromia Support Group and other local human rights bodies, currently there are close to 45,000 innocent Oromo prisoners of conscience in different TPLF concentration camps.
The late TPLF ruler, Meles Zenawi, loudly and clearly declared on many occasions that, TPLF conquered the Empire’s power by the barrel of guns, and, therefore, it can only be forced out of power by those who can use the same tactics. This reminded me of that famous saying “power never gives up by will, but only by force.”
The current minority regime of the TPLF hell-bent on not only committing unprecedented human rights atrocities against Oromos and other nations in the South, its determinations to displace millions of Oromos from their ancestral land, and selling those lands at the lowest bid to its foreign backers, destroy their forests by clearing in the name of development, and expose current and future generations of Oromos and the southern nations to environmental genocide shall have huge implications for the years to come.
The challenge for Oromos and the people of the South is that the old guards, who conquered and built the Ethiopian Empire, are so desperate and furious for losing the Empire to their junior partners, and making everything they humanely can to reclaim their lost glory in the name of “united Ethiopia, one vote and individual democratic rights” slogans. These old guards of the Empire are barking and pulling their hair inside and outside of the country to undo the symbolic self-rule that is currently in place – that successive Oromo generations earned by much blood and sacrifice.
As one of my favourite young broadcaster, journalist and poet Abdi Fixe recently put on his comment regarding the fire that destroyed the Taitu Hotel in Finfine, “where were these people who were so enraged by the burning of a hotel, for which the cause of the fire is not known yet, and silent when the TPLF Agazi militia murdered over seventy Oromo University students at Ambo and other Universities across Oromia for peacefully demonstrating against the expansion of Finfine?” Where were these people when TPLF Agazi army carried out mass murder on the people of the Gambella, Sidama? Where were these people when TPLF deliberately burned Forests across all over Oromia?
In fact, they are cheering and clapping from the side when and every time TPLF carries out their dirty work, and some of them cannot even hide their hatred towards the Oromo, the Gambella, the Sidama, and went on air and different social media in support of TPLF’s dirty deeds against the Oromo and the South.
For Oromo and Southern compatriots in the Diaspora, keep up the pressure on TPLF’s backers not to fund and support this inhumane and autocratic regime by coordinating your resources and hiring PR groups, lobbyists on behalf of your people back in the Empire, by collecting facts and figures of human rights violations that were committed and going to be committed, and expose them to governments and agencies in the West not to support this brutal regime diplomatically, financially and militarily.
Describing why the Oromo demand for statehood has not received news coverage in the West, despite the problem of the Oromo, has been a major and central one in the Ethiopian Empire ever since it was created by Minilik in the last two decades of the 19th Century, Paul Baxter attributes the role of the Western media for failing to cover this Oromo and Southern issue due to two major factors:
The first factor was all “the difficulties the Ethiopian Empire has been enduring were the conflicts in the north and eastern frontiers (with Eritrea and Somalia), which were fairly reported due to their accessibility to foreign reporters, coupled with the interests of the Great Powers and their satellites have been involved”.
The second factor for the under-coverage or total absence of covering the Oromo and the Ethiopian Empire conflicts was the absolute political domination and cultural dominance of the Amhara has resulted in the public presentation of Ethiopia as a state with a much more unitary culture than, in fact, it has. Even some Western and “African Scholars” have come to accept Ethiopia at the evaluation of its own sophisticated and charming elites.
There is one last myth or propaganda, which both the Abyssinian camps are using as a last resort to foil the total liberation of Oromos and the Southern people, including the Ogadeni Somalis, who have similar aspirations of being free from Abyssinian domination. This last myth or propaganda currently waged and used by both Abyssinian camps are puffing out “if Oromia shall become independent, their neighboring nations, such as Sidama, Walayita, Kambata, Hadiya, Harari & Somali, will be dominated or even cease to exist as a people.” This is a complete myth used as a last resort to delay the inevitable liberation of Oromia and other nations indicated above. We, Oromos, have lived peacefully and protected these nations to maintain their ways of life, languages, cultures, religious practices, and we have been living with these nations for thousands of years.
Imagine if these nations were bordering either the Amhara or Tigrean Abyssinians? Their fate would have very similar to the Wollo Oromos who were forced to be Amharas, and the Rayya Oromos, who were forced to abandon their language and history to be Tigrean-speaking people. Above all, we, Oromos, share common ways of life and share closer kinship with our neighbors than what the Empire rulers try to portray.
One last message to my Oromo and Southern compatriots is to support their political and media organizations to shed lights and expose the chronic human rights violations perpetrated by successive Abyssinian regimes, so that their people back home shall rise and get rid off them once and for all for peace to reign in that part of Africa. Strengthening and empowering Oromo media organizations will fill this void and the under-reporting of Oromo and the southern people conflicts with the Ethiopian Empire.
Let me quote the late P.T.W. Baxter and conclude my message:
“… But the efflorescence of feelings of common nationhood and aspirations for self-determination among the cluster of peoples who speak Oromo has not been much commented upon. Yet the problem of the Oromo people as has been a major and central one in the Ethiopian Empire ever since it was created by Minilik in the last two decades of the nineteenth century. If the Oromo people only obtain a portion of the freedoms which they seek, then the balance of political power in Ethiopia will be completely altered. If the Oromo act with unity, they must necessarily constitute a powerful force … If an honest and free election was held (an unlikely event) and the people voted by ethnic blocks, as experience of elections elsewhere in Africa suggests that they well might do, then around half the votes would be cast by Oromo for the Oromo …”
May Waaqaa bless our forebears, fathers, mothers, brothers and sisters – who paid the ultimate price for the dignity of the Oromo people and the Southern nations.