Ref: Celebrating 25 Years of the Oromo Community Organization
It has been twenty-five years since the Oromo Community Organization (OCO) in Washington, D.C, was founded as a non-profit legal entity, under Section 501 (C) (3) of the Internal Revenue Code. The primary mission of OCO is to play a central role in building cohesiveness and harmony among the Oromo Community members based on Oromumma irrespective of regional, political and religious variations. To that effect, OCO provides community members basic social services such as cultural orientation, English language classes, job networking services, immigration support, health awareness and education; as well as assistance to the Oromo Diaspora to integrate and become productive citizens in America and keeping abreast of events and developments back in Oromia. OCO Elders Committee addresses conflicts between individuals and groups to enhance harmony among community members.
Over the span of 25 years, OCO has strived to achieve its objectives by being a linchpin in the Oromo Community in the Washington metropolitan area, as interlocutor with government agencies, private institutions, other Oromo communities in North America and other continents as well as the Oromo nation back home in Oromia.
To strengthen its central role, OCO purchased its own property, the Oromo House, in 2008 at 6212 3rd Street, N. W., Washington, D.C. 20011 with money contributed by the Oromo Community at large and bank mortgage. After 20 years of tenancy, OCO moved to its permanent house in 2009.
The Oromo House is fulfilling the objectives it was purchased for. It is a rendezvous for members of the community for various social gatherings, meetings and entertainments. It is a training facility where computer training, seminars, orientations, workshops are provided and an office for the Oromo Community Organization. All Oromos are proud to have such a precious place of their own in a globally significant city, such as Washington, D.C. OCO is now an important entity through which community problems, and Oromo grievances in Oromia and elsewhere can be voiced.
To look back the achievements of OCO and layout course of action for the future, we are celebrating the 25th Anniversary of the Oromo Community Organization on October 12, 2014, beginning 6:00 P.M., at Southern Asian Seventh-day Adventist Church, 2001 East Randolph Road, Silver Spring, MD 20904.
Event entrance tickets are available at the OCO office, with Board and Oromo House Management Committee members. Any revenue generated from the event will go to the Oromo House mortgage amortization. The Oromo Community Organization is cordially extending its invitation to you to come to this significant event with friends and family.
Oromo Community Organization
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