Fuulduree barruulee Afaan Amaaraa "Inquu" jedhamu irratti Teweedroos Kaasaahuun ykn Teedii Aafiroo (maqaa sirbaa) "Waraannonni Minilik Itoophiyaa Tokkoomisuuf Deemisise Anaaf Waraana Qulqulluudha" jedhe.Yaanni kun kan Teedii Afiroo qofti itti amanu moo yaada bal'inaan murnoonni habashaa itti amanani? Himichi golgamaan kun akkasitti hiikkama ifatti: Duguuggaan sanyii Minilik 2ffaan ummata Oromoofi ummata gara kibbaa biroorratti oofe waraana qulqulluudha jechuudha. Akkamitti namini mataan isaa fayyaa qabu tokko duguuggaa sanyii ummata Oromoo walakkaadhaan lakkoofisa isaanii gadi hiri'iseen "waraana qulqulluu" ykn kiruuseedii jedhaani? Yaanni akkasii eechaa madda? Yaadonni akkasii kan mancaasuu ummata tokko faarsan hundee siyaasaa, amantii,qor-yaada (ideology) aadaafi jibbiinsa sanyummaa qabuu? Hayyoonni Adda Bilisummaa Tigiraay (ABT/ADWUI) duula duguuggaa sanyii hayyoota Amaaraarraa Oromoo baraareera moo ABI/ADUWI tarsimoodhuma walfakkaatu mootota Amaararraa dhaale? Duguggaan sanyii ABT/ADWUI jalatti Oromoorra gahaa jiru maal fakkaata? Dowwiin Haasaa kuni gaaffiiwwaniifi dhimmoota walmormisiisoo kanneeniif haga danda'ametti deebii kennuu yaala. Deebiiwwan kennamu gonkumaa guutuu miti.Maddi jibba akkasii qorannoo gadifagoo biroo barbaada. Oromoo biratti akka Adoolf Hiitilaritti, hogganaa Naaziitti, kan laalamu Minilik Teweedroos akka abbaa isaatti laaleet waaqeffata, faarsa.
"The Wars Menelik Waged to Unite Ethiopia for Me Is a Holy War," said Twedros Kasahun on the front page of the Amharic Inku magazine. That is euphemism for saying that the genocide Menelik waged against the Oromo and south to colonize them by expanding the Abyssinian kingdom was a holy war. How can someone in a sane mind call a war that reduced the population of Oromo by one half a holy war or desirable war? Where do this thinking come from? Are there religious, political, ideological and racist roots of these kinds of hate speeches celebrating the extermination of people come from? Did the TPLF/EPRDF spare the Oromo people from Amhara elites genocide campaigns or has the TPLF/EPRDF inherited the same policy? These talk show attempts to answer these contentious questions and issues in Afaan Oromo. The answers are by no means sufficient to explain the root causes of such genocide-inciting and genocide-celebrating hate speeches from Abyssinian partisan ideologues, celebrities, media and political parties. We invite you to listen. It should be fun if you never listened to a talk show monologue in Afan Oromo before. We are the pioneer of such a platform as far as Oromo media is concerned.
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