An OPC candidate in the 2010 elections said he continued to be harassed by the security
services after the poll and was eventually arrested in 2011:
“After the election, they were still trying to make me join their party. I
told them how can I, when I already have my own party. On 10 June
2011, I was taken from my workplace and taken to Maikelawi. I spent
the next four and a half months in detention.”106
OROMO ARTISTS AND OTHERS CELEBRATING OROMO CULTURE Under Ethiopian and international law everyone has the right to enjoy, develop and promote
their own culture and therefore no-one may be arrested for the expression of their cultural
Nevertheless, hundreds of people have been arrested in recent years because of their
involvement in expressions of Oromo culture. The government has exhibited hostility to
displays of Oromo cultural heritage. Oromo artists, including writers and singers, have been
harassed, arrested and tortured. In a number of incidents, the government has shown signs of
equating Oromo cultural expression with anti-government sentiment and fearing cultural
expression as a potential catalyst for political opposition to the government. A former student
told Amnesty International:
“If you talk about your rights, culture and identity as an Oromo, you
must be a supporter of OLF.”108
More than 10 people interviewed by Amnesty International said they had been arrested for
some form of cultural expression, in addition to students interviewed by Amnesty
International who were harassed or arrested for their involvement with student cultural
societies, as documented above. The organization also received information from a number of
sources about large numbers of arrests at Oromo traditional festivals and several other cases
of singers and artists arrested since 2011.
More than 200 people were reported to have been arrested at the 2012 celebration of the
traditional festival of Irreecha, celebrated in Debre Zeit (which the Oromo call Bishoftu).
Some were reportedly arrested in several locations including Guder, Ambo and Shashemene
on 29 September 2012 as they were on their way to the festival and further arrests were
reported to have taken place at the festival itself on 30 September 2012. Some of those
arrested were reportedly transferred to Maikelawi. Reported reasons for arrests included
wearing clothes in colours considered as symbols of Oromo resistance – red and green – or
alleged chanting of political slogans during the festival.
Several people reported to Amnesty International they had been arrested because of their
participation in or promotion of the Oromo traditional religion Waaqeffannaa or the traditional
governance system of Gadaa. Over 150 people were reportedly arrested on 23 August 2011,
after the ceremony in the Gadaa tradition when leadership is handed over to the next
generation. One of those arrested, a young man who had been a student at Adama University,
told Amnesty International he had been travelling around the region to document the
ceremony but was arrested on the accusation he had being trying to incite people to rebel
Friday, 31 October 2014
Thursday, 30 October 2014
Thousands of Ethiopians tortured by brutal government security forces… while Britain hands over almost £1 BILLION in aid money
- Amnesty International says 5,000 people tortured, raped and ‘disappeared’
- Over the last three years the UK Government has given Ethiopia £1 billion
- It pocketed £261.5 million in 2012 and £284.4 million in 2013
Prime Minister of Ethiopia, Hailemariam Dessalegn, has rejected accusations that his government tortures its own people
October 29, 2014 (The Daily Mail) — More than £1billion from taxpayers was given in aid to Ethiopia while its security forces tortured, killed and raped, campaigners claimed yesterday.
Amnesty International has documented thousands of shockingly brutal abuses against citizens suspected of political opposition.
The human rights group’s report follows calls for greater scrutiny by Britain and other donors to ensure their money does not support state-sanctioned killings and brutality.
Amnesty warned that thousands have faced repeated torture while unlawful state killings have been carried out in a ‘relentless crackdown on real or imagined dissent’.
Horrors inflicted on ordinary Ethiopians include women being gang-raped and tortured by prison guards. Amnesty’s report also tells how a teacher was stabbed in the eye with a bayonet after refusing to teach pro-government propaganda to his students.
Entire families were arrested with parents and siblings ‘disappearing’ after they were taken to army camps, said Amnesty.
Britain has donated more than £1billion to Ethiopia in the last five years alone. The Government has denied funding security forces in the autocratic one-party state.
But Britain’s relationship with the East African country is likely to come under scrutiny in a judicial review into claims made by a Ethiopian farmer.
He has been given legal aid in this country to pursue allegations that UK aid supported the regime while it forced thousands of villagers like him from their land using murder, torture and rape.
Ethiopia remains one of the world’s poorest countries following decades of drought and famine, suffering highlighted by the 1984 Band Aid fundraising appeal.
The West has been accused of turning a blind eye to human rights abuse and effectively propping up the regime because of its support for the so-called war on terror.
Ethiopia has given support to combat radical groups such as Al Qaeda in the Horn of Africa and Al Shabaab in neighbouring Somalia. Last year, an independent analysis accused countries giving aid of not stopping the hardline Addis Ababa regime from abusing its citizens.
It said donors had ‘failed to take decisive action to prevent policies that deny the basic human rights of some of the poorest and most marginalised people of Ethiopia’.
The US report went on: ‘Donor organisations have failed to hold the Ethiopian government to standards of human and political rights, a neglect principally illustrated by the accounts of the forced relocations of entire communities in the name of development.
It should be no surprise that unchecked assistance to a hegemonic political party gets diverted to efforts to maintain political control,’ it added.
International Development Secretary Justine Greening is under pressure to investigate allegations that major recipients of British aid are guilty of torture state-sanctioned murder
International Development Secretary Justine Greening is under pressure to investigate allegations that major recipients of British aid are guilty of torture state-sanctioned murder
The Oakland Institute, of California, added that the Department for International Development was the third biggest donor to the country after the US and the World Bank.
Questions have been raised over the value of some of the projects funded by the DfID in Ethiopia.
Last year, the Daily Mail told how £4million of taxpayers’ money paid for an Ethiopian version of the Spice Girls to spread a message of empowerment to women.
The DfID denies that aid money is used to force people from their homes or to fund security forces.
A spokesman said Britain gave £261.5million to Ethiopia last year. This was used to provide clean drinking water for more than 250,000 people, send 1.6million children to primary school and ensure 110,000 mothers gave birth safely.
‘Not a penny goes to Ethiopia’s police or security sector,’ he said. ‘We work with independent agencies like Unicef to make the security and justice sector fairer and more accountable, eg helping women and girls get better access to justice.
‘The UK provides targeted funding for health, education and sanitation, not to the central Ethiopian treasury. We have robust legal and accounting checks to ensure UK aid is spent where it is intended.
‘We regularly raise human rights with the relevant authorities, including at the highest level of the government.’
A spokesman for the regime ‘categorically denied’ Amnesty International’s claims. Redwan Hussein also accused the campaigners of being ‘hellbent on tarnishing Ethiopia’s image again and again’.
‘They put hot coals on us. We screamed as our clothes melted’
Harrowing accounts of rape and brutality were highlighted by Amnesty International.
In one case, three teenage girls arrested with their parents were tortured with hot coals by soldiers at a military camp where they were held for years.
One sister, named only as Nooria, said the soldiers came to her family’s home when she was 14 or 15, after her father was arrested on suspicion of political dissent.
She said she was interrogated and beaten, and still carried horrific physical scars from when she and her sisters were burned.
‘Two soldiers did this to me. They came into the room, tied up our hands and made us lie down on our backs. They put hot coals on my stomach. They didn’t just burn me; they also burned my two sisters.
‘Our clothes melted on us. We screamed but the soldiers didn’t care, they’re accustomed to screaming.’
Nooria was later released with one of her sisters but has not seen her parents or eldest sister since.
Other detainees told the campaigners how molten plastic was poured onto their legs. There were also shocking accounts of captors cutting off the ears and fingers of prisoners.
A 33-year-old woman told Amnesty she was detained without charge for nine months in a military camp.
‘I was thoroughly beaten,’ she said. ‘I cried for help saying that I was not guilty and should not be killed.
‘One night, three men came to my cell and said that I was being taken for interrogating but they just took me to a room and raped me.
‘After that, they just threw me back into the cell. I was not the only one –they would do the same to the other women there.’
A second woman said: ‘I was raped by three men – one after the other. I remember them very clearly and can identify them. Rape happened several times. This was not unique to me, the other women in the cell had the same experience.’
A midwife said he was beaten and punished after delivering the baby of the wife of a member of the banned Oromo Liberation Front.
A university student told how he was arrested at gunpoint after winning a competition to produce a business plan because security forces said it was political.
The student was beaten, starved and endured months of interrogation, including a mock execution.e
Source: The Daily Mail
Wednesday, 29 October 2014
Amnesty: Ethiopia Systematically Repressing Oromo
FILE – Ethiopian migrants, all members of the Oromo community of Ethiopia living in Malta, protest against the Ethiopian regime.
Amnesty says the Oromo are subject to arbitrary arrest, detentions without access to lawyers, repeated torture and even targeted killings as part of the state’s efforts to crush dissident.
Claire Beston, the Ethiopia researcher for Amnesty International, said the East African country is hostile to any kind of dissent but particularly fears the Oromo for a number of reasons.
“[Reasons include] the numerical size of the Oromo because they’re the largest ethnic group; a strong sense of national identity amongst the Oromo; and also kind of [a] history of perceived anti-government sentiment,” said Beston.
Oromia is the largest state within Ethiopia. About 35% of the population is considered to be ethnically Oromo.
Oromo students protested in April and May against the capital city’s restructuring plan – which they said would dilute Oromo culture through annexing traditional Oromo land surrounding Addis Ababa. The rare protests led to violence. Several dozen people were killed and hundreds arrested. Peaceful Oromo Muslim protests in 2012 and 2013 were also crushed with force and mass arrests.
Beston said Oromo students and protestors are not the only ones who are at risk in Ethiopia.
“We’re talking about hundreds of people from ordinary people from all walks of life including teachers and mid-wives, and even government employees, singers and a range of other professions who’re all arrested just on the suspicion that they don’t support the government,” said Beston.
Amnesty International has not been allowed into Ethiopia since 2011. Researchers based the report’s findings on several hundred interviews with Oromo refugees outside Ethiopia and telephone and email conversations with Oromo inside the country. Many of the respondents said they had been detained in prisons, police stations, military camps or unofficial detention centers where they were subjected to repeated torture.
Amnesty has concluded at least 5,000 Oromo have been arrested and detained since 2011, many for weeks or months without being charged. The report said they are usually accused of supporting or being members of the Oromo Liberation Front (OLF), an outlawed armed group. The OLF has been fighting for self-determination for more than 40 years. The report claims this is just a pretext for silencing dissent.
In response to Amnesty, the government – through the state-run Oromia Justice Bureau – said there is no clear evidence of violations as claimed by Amnesty and called the allegations “untrue and far from the reality.”
Beston said repression throughout the country, and particularly against the Oromo, is likely to increase as the May 2015 elections approach.
Source: VOA News
Ethiopia ‘ruthlessly targeting’ and torturing Oromo people, says Amnesty
Damning report says thousands of people from country’s largest ethnic group are subjected to abuse including rape and killings
demonstrators protest in London earlier this year following the killing
of student protesters in Oromia state by Ethiopian security forces.
Photograph: Peter Marshall/Demotix/Corbis
Thousands of people from the Oromo ethnic group have been “regularly subjected to arbitrary arrest, prolonged detention without charge, enforced disappearance, repeated torture and unlawful state killings,” according to a damning report based on more than 200 testimonies. “Dozens of actual or suspected dissenters have been killed.”
At least 5,000 Oromos have been arrested since 2011 often for the “most tenuous of reasons”, for their opposition – real or simply assumed – to the government, the report added.
Many are accused of supporting the rebel Oromo Liberation Front (OLF).
Former detainees who have fled the country and were interviewed by Amnesty in neighbouring Kenya, Somaliland and Uganda described torture “including beatings, electric shocks, mock execution, burning with heated metal or molten plastic and rape, including gang-rape”, the report added.
One young girl said hot coals had been dropped on her stomach because her father was suspected of supporting the OLF, while a teacher described how he was stabbed in the eye with a bayonet after he refused to teach “propaganda about the ruling party” to students.
There was no immediate response from the government, which has previously dismissed such reports and denied any accusation of torture or arbitrary arrests.
“The Ethiopian government’s relentless crackdown on real or imagined dissent among the Oromo is sweeping in its scale and often shocking in its brutality,” the Amnesty researcher Claire Beston said.
“This is apparently intended to warn, control or silence all signs of ‘political disobedience’ in the region,” she added, describing how those she interviewed bore the signs of torture, including scars and burns, as well as missing fingers, ears and teeth.
With nearly 27 million people, Oromia is the most populated of the country’s federal states and has its own language, Oromo, which is distinct from Ethiopia’s official Amharic language.
Some of those who spoke to Amnesty said people had been arrested for organising a student cultural group. Another said she was arrested because she delivered the baby of the wife of a suspected OLF member.
“Frequently, it’s because they refused to join the ruling party,” Beston added, warning that many were fearful attacks would increase before general elections slated for May 2015.
In April and May, security forces shot dead student protesters in Oromia. At the time, the government said eight had been killed, but groups including Human Rights Watch said the toll was believed to be far higher. Amnesty said “dozens” had been killed in the protests.
Source: The Guardian
Today on 28th October 2014, the Oromo community in Egypt protested in front of UNHCR office to denounce in response to the Ethiopian community allegation during the protest on 19th October 2014, supported by the Ethiopian Embassy in Egypt, to denigrates Oromo refugees in Cairo. On behalf of Oromo Refugees Community in Cairo, we want to express our serious concerns with the treatment of our community by the Ethiopian government allied Ethiopian community in Egypt.
As it is well known, Oromos have been oppressed in the Horn of Africa region over the past 120 years. Oromos still strive to save their lives in many ways, and often escape from Ethiopia, eventually crossing many borders until they find a peaceful place to definitely settle.
We, the Oromo community in Cairo in exile, would humbly forward our letter of complaints to your honored office concerning the above matter hoping for a timely intervention.
The Oromo people constitute 40% of Ethiopian population and have undergone successive oppression in the hand of present and past regimes through all sort of tortures which succumbed us to leave our beloved country ‘Oromia’ and made us scattered all over the world. The TPLF government sees Oromos as threats to its political power. For this reason, the TPLF government is intent on weakening the human, economic, and intellectual capacities of the Oromo people in and outside Ethiopia through political killings, intimidation, abductions and disappearances, unlawful imprisonments and torture against the Oromo people. This has been going on for over two decades.
To escape from such gross human rights violations, many Oromo refugees have been forced to flee from their homeland and are dispersed all over Africa, especially to Egypt through difficult journey and route to save their lives. Oromo refugees in Egypt are experiencing a multitude of human rights violations, including violent attacks by Ethiopian agents and attempts of political assassinations and intimidation targeted by the Ethiopian Embassy in Cairo through its extension of the Ethiopian community.
The numbers of Oromo refugees in the Republic of Egypt are increasing day by day, and about 1000-1500 people refugees and asylum seekers have already registered at UNHCR, the current political situations in Ethiopia are not pleasing. When they reach Cairo, Oromos were subjected to harassment from agents of the Ethiopian Government and the Ethiopian Embassy in Cairo and the community allied to it i.e. the Ethiopia Community.
In a recent development, the Ethiopian community backed by the Ethiopian Embassy in Cairo to discredit Oromo refugees in Cairo and continuously distributed leaflets and other oppressive propaganda to all international media, such as the Amhara TV called ESAT and other medias outlets, which distort the reputation of our Oromo community by terming Oromo community in Cairo as “Islamic minority and terrorists.” The latest protests organized on 19/10/2014 by the Amhara community in front of the Office of the High Commissioner for refugees in Cairo were evident.
Through the aforementioned, it becomes evident that Oromos suffer in different ways in both, their homeland and their exile. For the above reason, we organize peaceful protests to condemn these practices and seek for national and international protection.
Resolutions and appeals
1. We condemn the Ethiopian community act of oppressing us backed by the Ethiopian authority
2. Oromo people have common political problem, and not religious problems. This claim of using religious issues to get sympathy from resettlement countries and marginalize oromo refugees, both Christian and Muslims, we want to show the world that the Oromo people are united – and we have three religion, Muslims, Christian and Waqefata. We know too well that a religion is for God, and our nation homeland Oromia for all and we, therefore, uphold our national unity irrespective of the religion of the Oromo belong to.
3. We condemn the Ethiopian Embassy hand in Oromo internal refugees affairs and condemn the Ethiopian Government to stop intimidating our community.
4. We appeal to the UNHCR to be proactive and make efforts to pressure the Egyptian government to protect Oromo refugees in Egypt – whose lives are threatened by Ethiopian agents, ensure that Oromo refugees human rights are respected and release Oromo refugees who were in Egyptian detentions to be released, ensure that they not forced to deportation to danger in home country.
5. Call upon the Office of the High Commissioner for refugees in Cairo refugee to give attention to the protection of Oromo refugee members, leaders and activist who were targeted by regime in Egypt. Make sure to give appropriate security and safety of our members who escaped the junta of the Ethiopian regime and those who were wanted by regime and possible resettlement in a third country.
6. Condemn the killing and disappearance of Oromo students in Ethiopia, murder and imprisonment of Oromo students in Ethiopian universities who were demonstrating a peaceful demonstration to protest the land grabbers and against expansion of capital Addis Ababa.
7. We appeal to UNHCR to understand this grave situation of Oromo claimants and make sure that when rendering protection and humanitarian services to Oromo in exile, consider that the undeserved people
8. will not be favored. Those people who have two identities, secured by Ethiopian government and exit the country at there own will and return. Also had UNHCR documents. This type of injustice is happening while the oppressed Oromo refugees are suffering for long time waiting for services. To our deep disbelieve we Oromos in Cairo are experiencing total discrimination if this culprit have not been uprooted. We appeal to your office to investigate all Oromo claimants matter and solve it amicably so that justice in front of your eye is halted immediately. We therefore request your esteemed humanitarian body to attentively handle our grievance so that the oppressed community at home cannot be made to suffer again at the hand of same aggressors.
9. Lastly we need to remind UNHCR something concerning the Oromo language, it is historically known that any communities, tribes, in the world ignorant of his mother tongue and that are natural according to the law of God. Language as the core of identity of one tribe that express ones culture and heritage. For this purpose we clearly disagree with those culprits who identify themselves as Oromos and yet they are Oromo antagonist. Is it logic that one whose mothers and fathers native language is known and yet they don’t speak??? Reality is not hidden if not ignored. We assure your office that whosoever is from one race or tribe in Africa even if he is born in Hong Kong China, he speaks his mother tongue and that is his identity! What about those who grew up in their mother land and yet don’t know their language??? The huge problem is the problem of Oromo case / claimant which hinders our community. Some unnamed communities used to forge cases or get information to attain their goals using Oromo claims while they don’t belong to us. Through memorizing false cases .it is historically evident for such people hypocritically used Oromo names to achieve their goals. Reality they are agents of Ethiopian authority to destabilize Oromo refugees in diaspora. Refugees just because of their identity, language, culture. It unlawful to use false identity and claim and we request your kind office to review the Oromo problem.
We believes that our rights violations perpetuated against our Oromo people by Ethiopian embassy and allied community are one of the major contributing factors that are threatening our existence and destabilizing our refugee community in Egypt.. Ethiopian government security agent transnational activities perpetuate human rights violations against Oromo refugees; this is a sign of their long-term intent to harm the Oromo people everywhere.
We are convinced that any positive exit in all these issues will help drastically improve Egypt-based Oromo refugees’ life standards and personal conditions. We count on you, your understanding and commitment, being sure that you will not let us down.
SeensaToday on 28th October 2014, the Oromo community in Egypt protested in front of UNHCR office to denounce in response to the Ethiopian community allegation during the protest on 19th October 2014, supported by the Ethiopian Embassy in Egypt, to denigrates Oromo refugees in Cairo. On behalf of Oromo Refugees Community in Cairo, we want to express our serious concerns with the treatment of our community by the Ethiopian government allied Ethiopian community in Egypt.
As it is well known, Oromos have been oppressed in the Horn of Africa region over the past 120 years. Oromos still strive to save their lives in many ways, and often escape from Ethiopia, eventually crossing many borders until they find a peaceful place to definitely settle.
We, the Oromo community in Cairo in exile, would humbly forward our letter of complaints to your honored office concerning the above matter hoping for a timely intervention.
The Oromo people constitute 40% of Ethiopian population and have undergone successive oppression in the hand of present and past regimes through all sort of tortures which succumbed us to leave our beloved country ‘Oromia’ and made us scattered all over the world. The TPLF government sees Oromos as threats to its political power. For this reason, the TPLF government is intent on weakening the human, economic, and intellectual capacities of the Oromo people in and outside Ethiopia through political killings, intimidation, abductions and disappearances, unlawful imprisonments and torture against the Oromo people. This has been going on for over two decades.
To escape from such gross human rights violations, many Oromo refugees have been forced to flee from their homeland and are dispersed all over Africa, especially to Egypt through difficult journey and route to save their lives. Oromo refugees in Egypt are experiencing a multitude of human rights violations, including violent attacks by Ethiopian agents and attempts of political assassinations and intimidation targeted by the Ethiopian Embassy in Cairo through its extension of the Ethiopian community.
The numbers of Oromo refugees in the Republic of Egypt are increasing day by day, and about 1000-1500 people refugees and asylum seekers have already registered at UNHCR, the current political situations in Ethiopia are not pleasing. When they reach Cairo, Oromos were subjected to harassment from agents of the Ethiopian Government and the Ethiopian Embassy in Cairo and the community allied to it i.e. the Ethiopia Community.
In a recent development, the Ethiopian community backed by the Ethiopian Embassy in Cairo to discredit Oromo refugees in Cairo and continuously distributed leaflets and other oppressive propaganda to all international media, such as the Amhara TV called ESAT and other medias outlets, which distort the reputation of our Oromo community by terming Oromo community in Cairo as “Islamic minority and terrorists.” The latest protests organized on 19/10/2014 by the Amhara community in front of the Office of the High Commissioner for refugees in Cairo were evident.
Through the aforementioned, it becomes evident that Oromos suffer in different ways in both, their homeland and their exile. For the above reason, we organize peaceful protests to condemn these practices and seek for national and international protection.
Resolutions and appeals
1. We condemn the Ethiopian community act of oppressing us backed by the Ethiopian authority
2. Oromo people have common political problem, and not religious problems. This claim of using religious issues to get sympathy from resettlement countries and marginalize oromo refugees, both Christian and Muslims, we want to show the world that the Oromo people are united – and we have three religion, Muslims, Christian and Waqefata. We know too well that a religion is for God, and our nation homeland Oromia for all and we, therefore, uphold our national unity irrespective of the religion of the Oromo belong to.
3. We condemn the Ethiopian Embassy hand in Oromo internal refugees affairs and condemn the Ethiopian Government to stop intimidating our community.
4. We appeal to the UNHCR to be proactive and make efforts to pressure the Egyptian government to protect Oromo refugees in Egypt – whose lives are threatened by Ethiopian agents, ensure that Oromo refugees human rights are respected and release Oromo refugees who were in Egyptian detentions to be released, ensure that they not forced to deportation to danger in home country.
5. Call upon the Office of the High Commissioner for refugees in Cairo refugee to give attention to the protection of Oromo refugee members, leaders and activist who were targeted by regime in Egypt. Make sure to give appropriate security and safety of our members who escaped the junta of the Ethiopian regime and those who were wanted by regime and possible resettlement in a third country.
6. Condemn the killing and disappearance of Oromo students in Ethiopia, murder and imprisonment of Oromo students in Ethiopian universities who were demonstrating a peaceful demonstration to protest the land grabbers and against expansion of capital Addis Ababa.
7. We appeal to UNHCR to understand this grave situation of Oromo claimants and make sure that when rendering protection and humanitarian services to Oromo in exile, consider that the undeserved people
8. will not be favored. Those people who have two identities, secured by Ethiopian government and exit the country at there own will and return. Also had UNHCR documents. This type of injustice is happening while the oppressed Oromo refugees are suffering for long time waiting for services. To our deep disbelieve we Oromos in Cairo are experiencing total discrimination if this culprit have not been uprooted. We appeal to your office to investigate all Oromo claimants matter and solve it amicably so that justice in front of your eye is halted immediately. We therefore request your esteemed humanitarian body to attentively handle our grievance so that the oppressed community at home cannot be made to suffer again at the hand of same aggressors.
9. Lastly we need to remind UNHCR something concerning the Oromo language, it is historically known that any communities, tribes, in the world ignorant of his mother tongue and that are natural according to the law of God. Language as the core of identity of one tribe that express ones culture and heritage. For this purpose we clearly disagree with those culprits who identify themselves as Oromos and yet they are Oromo antagonist. Is it logic that one whose mothers and fathers native language is known and yet they don’t speak??? Reality is not hidden if not ignored. We assure your office that whosoever is from one race or tribe in Africa even if he is born in Hong Kong China, he speaks his mother tongue and that is his identity! What about those who grew up in their mother land and yet don’t know their language??? The huge problem is the problem of Oromo case / claimant which hinders our community. Some unnamed communities used to forge cases or get information to attain their goals using Oromo claims while they don’t belong to us. Through memorizing false cases .it is historically evident for such people hypocritically used Oromo names to achieve their goals. Reality they are agents of Ethiopian authority to destabilize Oromo refugees in diaspora. Refugees just because of their identity, language, culture. It unlawful to use false identity and claim and we request your kind office to review the Oromo problem.
We believes that our rights violations perpetuated against our Oromo people by Ethiopian embassy and allied community are one of the major contributing factors that are threatening our existence and destabilizing our refugee community in Egypt.. Ethiopian government security agent transnational activities perpetuate human rights violations against Oromo refugees; this is a sign of their long-term intent to harm the Oromo people everywhere.
We are convinced that any positive exit in all these issues will help drastically improve Egypt-based Oromo refugees’ life standards and personal conditions. We count on you, your understanding and commitment, being sure that you will not let us down.
Komintiin Itiyoophi’aa mootummaa abbaa irree wayyaaneen hogganamu uummata Oromoo fi kominitii Oromoo biyya Masrii Cairo irratti duula maqa balleessii fi Case Oromoo fudhatama dhabsiisuuf duula ballaa bane jira.
Yeroo dheeraaf hawaasa Oromoo magaalaa cairo jiraatan irratti dhoksaan shira adda addaa xaxaa turan. Kanatti quufuu dadhabuun Onkoloolessa 19/10/2014 wajjira UNHCR Cairo duratti hiriira bahuun jibbaa saba keenyaaf qaban ifatti baasanii dubbatan. Kominitiin Amaaraa wayyaaneen hogganamu kun, kominitiin Oromoo cairo kan muslimoota qofaa fi Finxaalesitoota akka tahetti balaaleffachuun UNHCR goolesitoota faana akka hin hojjenne gaafatan.
Duulli diinni biyya irraa nu hari’atee biyya ambaattis nu jalaa hafuu dide kun baqatoota Oromoo magaalaa cairof dhimma jiraachuu fi jiraachuu dhabuu ti. Mirga baqattummaa keenya fudhatama dhabsiisuuf duula Oromoo irratti banan kana cimsinee dura dhabbanna. Wajjirri UNHCR fi kaneen dhimma baqataa irratti hojjetan hunduu duula sobaan nu irratti baname kana hubattanii mirga baqattumaa qabnuu fi gaafachaa jirru irratti akka shakkii hin seenne hubachiifna.
Oromoon jaarraa 19ffaa keessa huma bittuu Habashaan weraramee erga qabroome kaasee biyya isaa dhabee, afaan, aadaa, seenaa, qabeenyaa isaa irratti ajajuu fi kkf mulqame. Qe’ee dhalete irratti akka lammii lammaffaatti ilaalama.
Oromoo tahuu isaan yakkamee, ajjeefama, samama, hidhama, sodaachifama, seera duratti loogiitu irra gaha, biyya irraa har’atama. Dhitaminsa mirgaa fi saaminsa dinagdee dangaa hin qabnetu humnaan irratti raawatama.
Sabni Oromoo erga humnaan cabees callisee yeroo inni falmachuu dhiise ta’e hin jiru. Oromoon Oromoo tahuu isaatti amanu badii tokko malee yakkama. Nutis baqatoonni Oromoo biyya Masri cairo jiraannu oromummaa keenya qofaan biyya Itiyophi’aa keessatti yakkamnee dararaa fi miidhaan adda addaa nu irra gahee kan lubbuu keenya baafannee as geenyee dha. Maatiin keenya hiriyaa fi firoota hedduutu nu irraa wareegaman. Mana hidhaatti darbatamanii hafan.
Seenaa saba Oromoo of duuba deebinee yoo ilaalle umamaan amantaa mataa isaa dnada’e waqeffannaa fi sirna bulmaataa hundeen dimokiraata’aa tahe sirna Gadaa qaba. Amantaa kirstaanaas tahe kan muslimaa yeroo adda addaatti kan itti dhufee fi ummatichi fudhatee dha. Har’a sabni Oromoon amanta sadii ordofuun beekama “Amantaa Waqeffataa, Musliimaa fi Kiristaana” hundaafuu ilaalcha wol qixaa fi kabajaa guddoo qaba. Amantoon amantaa hundaa wol- hubannoo gaariidhaan woliin jiraatu. Koominitiin baqatoota Oromoo Biyya Masrii jalatti kaneen miseensa tahan amantaa gurguddaa kana sadan ordofu. Ilaalcha amantaan ormas tahe wolii isaanii qoodanii hin beekan. Komintiin habashaa jibbaa oronoo irraa qabaniif jecha olola dharaa nu irratti banuun fuula keenya UNHCR biratti gurrachessuun case Oromoo balleessuuf duula cubbuutu nurratti deemaa jira.
Kominittiin keenya amantaa kamiifuu kan hin loognee fi hidhata hin qabnee dha. Waldaaleen Tokkummaa wangeelaa kiristaana Oromoo cairo warra jarmaa kana cinaa jiranii fi woliin dalagan keessaa tokko tahuu hubachifna.
Ilmaan habashaa Cairo keessa jiraatan arraba mootummaa wayyaanee tahanii ilmmaan Oromoo kan balaaleffatanii fi case isaanii balleessuuf tattaafatan akka case Oromoo addunyaa irratti fudhatama qabu waan beekanii fi kanaan dura Oromoo of fakkessanii case Oromoo himatanii biyya sadaffaa heddumminaan deemaa turan. Amma sobni isaanii kun itti dammaqamee NUHCR ulaagaa ittiin adda baafatu waan kawwateef sobni isaanii fiatti baatee, shirri xaxaa turan waan jalaa fashaleef. Saba Oromoo gudduu kana xiqqeessuu fi akka waan inni amantaa tokko qofaa qabuu fi goolessituu tahetti maqaa hadheessuutti cehan.
Mootummaan Wayyaanee baqatoota Oromoo biyyoota Sudaan, Sumaaliyaa, Jibuutii, Kenyaa fi Yamanitti baqatan abbaa barbaade yeroo fedhetti qabee biyyatti deebisee dararaa adda addaaf akka isaan saaxilu beekamaa dha. Biyya Masr keessatti isa kana gochuu waan hanqateef kominitii Habashaatti dhimma bahee case Oromoo balleessuun diinummaa fi jibbaa akka sabaatti nuuf qabu dhugoomsaa jiran.
Dagaagina sabboonummaa fi guddina shaffisaa ummatni Oromoo mul’isaa jiru irraa soda guddaa kan qaban ilmaan habashootaa saba Oromoo mantaan addaan diiguuf yeroo carraaqan mul’atu. Kuna gochuun akka hin danda’amneef hubachiisna. Ooromootti duuluu irra of tahaa dhaabbadhaa jechaa gochaa kominitiin maqaa Ethiopian of waamu kun nu irratti rawwate balaaleffachuun hiriira nagaa guddaa sagalee Oromoo dhageessisu wajjira UNHCR duratti bahuuf gaafa Onkooleessa 28/2014 barii sa’aa 8:00 AM irratti bahuuf murteeffannaarra. Akkasumas murtiilee ellennoo armaan gadii dabarfanne jirra.
1. Oromoon saba guddaa amantaa isilaamaa kiristaanaa fi waaqeffataa qabuu dha malee, amantaa kamiifuu jibbaa kan hin qabne tahuu akka Addunyaan nuuf hubatu gaafanna.
2. Ilmaan habashootaa kan seenaa keessatti cunqursitoota ummata Oromoo tahan case Oromoo hatanii Oromoo of- fakkeessanii addunyaa dogoggorsuun ammaa kaasee akka nu irraa dhabbatu gaafanna.
3. Ulaagaalee UNHCR ittin case Oromoo adda baafachuuf ka’ate itti amanna. Jarmolee fi Inbaasotiin baqataa faana hojjetani illee akka uLaagaa mataa isanii ka’achuun sobaa fi dhugaa adda baafatan yaadachiifna
4. Turjumaanni wajjira UNHCR keessa hojjetan kan afaan Oromoo fi amaarinyaa wol qixa danda’an malee, akka warri habashaa himatanitti Oromoo qofaaf looganii lammii biro tajaajiluu kan hanqatan akka hin taane beksifna.
5. Gaaffiin Oromoo gaaffii abbaa biyyummaa fi dimokrssaiiti malee dhibdee amantaa miti. Warri biyya keenya irraa nu hari’e amma illee nu biraa hin hafne. Cairo keessattis sodaa nageenyaa guddaa jala nu galchanii waan jiraniif dhimma kana akka wajjirri UNHCR xiyyaafannoo itti kennee faana nuuf bu’u, Nageenya keenyaaf illee wabii nuuf tahu gaafanna.
Monday, 27 October 2014
አማን ሄደቶ ቄረንሶ:- ተስፋዬ ገ/አብና የፓንዶራው ሳጥን — ክፍል አንድና ክፍል ሁለት
በአማን ሄደቶ ቄረንሶ*
ክፍል አንድ
እንደ መግቢያ
አንዳንዴ ከጓደኞቼ ጋር ስንገናኝ ስለ ተስፋዬ ገብረአብ ስራዎች አንስተን ማውጋት የተለመደ ነው። ከኦሮሞ ህዝብ አንጻር ስለ ጻፋቸው ስለ እነ የቡርቃ ዝምታ፡ ስለ ዳንገጎ /Dhangaggoo/ ፈረሶች፡ ስለ አቶ ደራራ ከፈኒ፡ ስለ ኢብሳ ገዳ፡ ስለ ታሰረው አንበሳ፡ ስለ ቀዌሳ አመጽ፡ ስለ የሻምቡ ንጉስ፡ ስለ ሮሮ እና ይቅርታ፡ ስለ ቦረና የስልጣኔ ዋሻነት እና ሌሎችም …
አንድ ቀን በ “የቡርቃ ዝምታ” እና በ “ጫልቱ እንደ ሄለን” በኢትዮ ብቸኛ ልጆች ስለደረሰበት እርግማን፡ ውግዘት፡ ስድብና ስም ማጥፋት አንስተን ስናወራ የሰሙን አንድ የኦሮሞ አዛውንት ሲያዳምጡ ከቆዩ በኋላ “ተስፋዬ ማለት ማነው? ለምንስ ይወገዛል?” ብለው ይጠይቁናል። ስናወራ የነበረውን ደገምንላቸው። ስለማንነቱ ብቻም ሳይሆን ስለ ውልደቱና እድገቱም ነገርናቸው። አዳምጠውን ከጨረሱ በኋላ “እንግዲያውስ ተስፋዬ ምንም አልሰራም” አሉ። “እንዴት?” አልናቸው። “እንዲህ መሆኑ ካልቀረ ትልቁን ሳጥን ነው መክፈት የነበረበት” አሉን። ትልቁ ሳጥን የትኛው እንደሆነም ጠየቅናቸው። “ምን ማለታችሁ ነው?” ብለው ጀመሩ። “ተስፋዬ እኮ የትልቁን ሳጥን ቁልፍ ነካካው እንጂ አልከፈተውም። እነዚህ ሰዎች የሚበርድላቸው እነሱ በሚያቁት ቋንቋ ትልቁ ሳጥን ሲከፈት ብቻ ነው።” አሉን። ከዚያ የኦሮሞ አዛውንት ከተለየን በኋላ ቤት ገብቼ “የተነካካው የሳጥኑ ቁልፍ” ብዬ ብጫቂ ወረቀት ላይ ጻፍኩት።
በተፈጥሮዬ (የአማርኛን ጨምሮ) የማንኛውም ቋንቋ የስነጽሁፍ ውበት ይማርከኛል። በኦሮምኛዬ አሳምሬ እጽፋለሁ። አንድ ሁለት ልቦለድ መጽሃፍቶችም አሉኝ። አማርኛን ግን አነባለሁ እንጂ ደፍሬ ብዙ አልጽፍበትም። እፈራለሁ። በልጅነቴ “ሀ ሁ” ቆጠራ ላይ የመጀመሪያው “በ” እና አራተኛውን “ባ” እንዲሁም “ቢ” እና “ብ” ን ለይቶ መጥራት መከራ ነበር። በዚህም መገረፌን አልረሳም። አንደኛ ክፍል እያለን ነበር። አንድ ቀን መምህሩ ለተወሰኑ ቀናት ፊደል ካስቆጠረን በኋላ ፊደል መለየታችንን ሊያውቅ ፈልጎ አንድ በአንድ ይጠይቀን ጀመር። የተወሰኑ ልጆች እሱን ተከትለው እንዲሉ ነገራቸው። በሁሉም ደስተኛ ባይሆንም እኔ ጋ ደረሰ። ተከትዬው እንድል ነገረኝ። “በ” ብሎ ጀመረ። “ባ” አልኩት። እንዳላስተካከልኩት እየነገረኝ “በ በል” ሲለኝ አሁንም ደግሜ “ባ” አልኩት። አሁንም ተከትዬው እንድደግም ነገረኝ። “በ” ሲለኝ አሁን ቀይሬ “ቤ” አልኩት። ሳስቸግረው ተናዶ “ባ… ! ቤ… !” እያለ ከፎገረኝ በኋላ አርጩሜ ሊያስመጣ አንዱን ልጅ ላከ። አርጩሜውም መጣ። ስራውን ሰራ። በርግጥ “በ” ን ብቻ ሳይሆን “ብ” ንም ለመጥራት ተመሳሳይ መከራ ነበር ያየሁት። እኔ ብቻ ሳልሆን ኦሮምኛ አፍ መፍቻችን የሆነ ሁሉ “ብ” ስንባል “ቢ” ነበር የምንለው። ኋላ ላይ አድጌ፡ የዚያ ሁሉ ችግር ምንጭ በቋንቋዎች መሃል ያለው የድምጾች ልዩነት እንጂ የኛ ችግር የነበረ አለመሆኑን ስረዳ በነዚያ መምህራን በጣም ነበር ያዘንኩት።
በግእዝ ፊደል ቆጠራ “ግእዝ” የሚባሉ የመጀመሪያ እና ካልተሳሳትኩ “ሳድስ” የሚባሉ ስድስተኛ ድምጾች በኦሮምኛ ቋንቋ ድምጽ የሉም። በምሳሌ ለማስቀመጥ “ባ” እንጂ “በ” ድምጽ “ላ” እንጂ “ለ”፡ “ማ” እንጂ “መ” ድምጾች በኦሮምኛ የሉም። በተጨማሪም “ቢ” እንጂ “ብ” ድምጽ፡ “ሊ” እንጂ “ል” ፡ “ሲ” እንጂ “ስ” ድምጾች የሉም። እናም ኦሮምኛ ተናጋሪዎች እነዚህን ድምጾች ለመጥራት ይቸገራሉ። የግእዝ ፊደል ለኦሮምኛና አብዛኛዎቹ ኩሽ ህዝቦች ቋንቋዎች የማይሆንበት አንዱ ምክንያትም ይህ ነው።
ሌላው፡ በልጅነቴ ስለ አማርኛ የማልረሳው “ፍሰሃ” ተብሎ ስለሚጠራው ልጅ ስም ነበር። በሙሉ ማለት የሚቻል የኦሮሞ ተማሪ በትክክል መጥራት ከማይችላቸው ስሞች አንዱ ፍሰሃ ነበር። “ፍሰሃ” ን “ፊሳ” ነበር የምንለው። “ፊሳ /Fiissaa/” ቃሉ በኦሮምኛ ፍቺ ስላለው ለመጥራት አንቸገርም ነበር። “ፊሳ /Fiissaa/” በኦሮምኛ የሚያፏጭ ማለት ነው። አማርኛ ተናጋሪዎች እኛ “ፊሳ” ብለን ስንጠራ ይስቁብን ነበር። “ፊሳ” እያሉም ይተርቡን ነበር። ያኔ ፍሰሃን “ፍሰሃ” ብሎ እንደ አማርኛው አስተካክሎ መጥራት በአንዳንድ መምህራን ሳይቀር የእውቀት መለኪያ ተደርጎ የሚታይበት ዘመን ነበር። የማልረሳው ያልኩት ግን ፍሰሃን “ፍሰሃ” ብዬ ለማጥራት አንድ ቀን ያየሁት መከራ ነው። በዚያን ቀን ከትምህርት ቤት ወደ ቤት ገብቼ “ፍሰሃ” ን፡ ሞቼ ተሟሙቼ ተለማምጄ በሚቀጥለው ቀን አስተካክዬ ለማጥራት በመቃረቤ ተጨብጭቦልኝ ነበር። ሌሎችም የኔን አርአያ እንዲከተሉ ሲነገራቸው የተሰማኝ ኩራት ታላቅ ነበር። አማርኛን መውደድ ጀምሬም ነበር። ሆኖም እኔና አማርኛ ወድያው መልሰን ተቀያየምን ብቻ ሳይሆን ተጣላን። ፍቅራችን በአንድ አጋጣሚ ተበላሸ። ተቆራርተን ባንቀርም ጠጠር እንደ ገባው ጫማ እየቆረቆረኝ እስከመጨረሻው ዘለቅን። ለኔ የሚሆን ጥሩ የአማርኛ መምህርም ጣፋ። ጥሩዎች ቢኖሩም ለኔ ጥሩ አልነበሩም። ነገሩ የሆነው ሁለተኛ ክፍል ስማር ነበር። በዚህኛው ቀን ደግሞ መምህሩ በአማርኛ አረፍተነገር እንድሰራ ጠየቁኝ። እኔ ግን፡ እንኳን አረፍተነገር ልሰራ ቃሉንም አላውቀውም ነበር። መምህሩ በዘመኑ መምህራን ሞገስ ጥያቄውን ደገመልኝ። ያኔ፡ ለመምህር መልስ ሲሰጥ ቆሞ በመሆኑ ተነስቼ ቆምኩ። መልስ ግን አልነበረም። መምህሩ መልስ ጠብቆ ሲያጣ “ሰነፍ!” እያለ አከታትሎ አርጩሜውን አንጣጣብኝ። ያኔ የተገረፍኩት ዛሬም ያመኛል ብል ማጋነን ነው አትሉኝም። ከዚያ ቀን ጀምሮ አማርኛን ጠላሁት። እሱም ጠላኝ መሰለኝ ማትሪክ ላይ እንኳን ከኤፍ /መውደቂያ ውጤት/ ያመለጥኩት ለጥቂት ነበር። የ “ዲ /D/” ውጤት ካርዴ ላይ ሳይ ግን አልደነገጥኩም። ከኔና ከአማርኛ ዝምድና ሲመዘን በርግጥ ውጤቱ የሚያመረቃ ነበር። ይሁንና ከዚህ በፊት አማርኛን ምን ያህል እንዳስቸገርኩት አላውቅሁም። አሁንም ይኁው ማስቸገሬን አልተውኩም። በዚያ ላይ እናንተም “ድፈር” ብላችሁኛል። ይሄው ደፍሬያለሁ።
ወደ ቁም ነገራችን እንመለስ። የተነካካው የሳጥኑ ቁልፍ ላይ ነው ወደ ትዝታ ጎራ ያልነው። እንቀጥል።
በአንድ ወቅት፡ ተስፋዬ ገብረአብ፡ አበበ በለው ከሚባል የሬድዮ ጋዜጠኛ ጋር “የቡርቃ ዝምታ” መጽሃፍን በተመለከተ ቃለ-ምልልስ አድርጎ ነበር። በዚያ ቃለ-ምልልስ ላይ አበበ በለው “የቡርቃ ዝምታ” ኦሮሞንና አማራን የሚያጋጭ መጽሃፍ መሆኑንና በመጽሃፉ ላይ የተለያዩ ነጥቦችን ከተስፋዬ ጋር ካነሱ በኋላ ተስፋዬ መልሶ ጥያቄ ጠየቀው። ቃል በቃል የተስፋዬ ጥያቄ “አበበ በለው፡ ኦሮምኛን ታውቃለህ?” የሚል ነበር። የጋዜጠኛ አበበ መልስም አጭር ነበር። “አላውቅም!።” መለሰ ተስፋዬ። “ችግሩ ያ ነው።” ብሎ ነገረው። በተጨማሪም ቋንቋውን ችሎ፡ የኦሮሞ ህዝብ ውስጥ ዞሮ የኦሮሞን ህዝብ ስሜት የማዳመጥ እድል ቢያገኝ በ “የቡርቃ ዝምታ” እንደማይበረግግ በሚያውቀው አማርኛ ነገረው። ከዚህ የምንረዳው ሃበሾች ኦሮሞን ግፍ ፈጸሙበት እንጂ አያውቁትም። አዛውንቱ እንዳሉት፡ ተስፋዬ በኦሮሞ ህዝብ ላይ የደረሰውን ግፍ ነካካው እንጂ መች ነካው። እኔም “ተስፋዬ ገ/አብና የፓንዶራው ሳጥን” ብዬ ስጀምር፡ በዚህ አጭር መልእክት እነዚያ የተከመሩ ግፎችን ለመንካት አይደለም። ያ፡ ራሱን የቻለ ትልቅ ፕሮጀክት ነው። ቢሆንም የኦሮሞ ምሁራን ማለት እነ ፕሮፌሰር መሃመድ ሃሰን፡ እነ ፕሮፌሰር አባስ ሃጂ፡ እነ ፕሮፈሰር አሰፋ ጃለታ፡ ከዚህ ቀደም ይህንን የፓንዶራ ሳጥን ከፍተው ነካክተዋል። መጽሃፍ ሳይጽፉ ራሳቸው መጽሃፍ የሆኑ እንደነ ዶ/ር ገመቹ መገርሳ ሲነካኳቸው የፓንዶራውን ሳጥን ከፍተው ይነካሉ። ከውጭ ደግሞ፡ የጆን ማርከኪስ፡ እና የፕ/ር አስመሮም ለገሰ መጽሃፍት ስለ ፓንዶራው ሳጥን በጣም ግዙፍ የሆነ ግንዛቤ ይሰጣሉ። የኔ አነሳስ፡ ግን ተስፋዬ ስለ ኦሮሞ በመጻፉ ከሚደርስበት ውግዘትና ርግማን አኳያ የተሰማኝን ለማለት ፈልጌ እንጂ ትልቁን ሳጥን በዚህ አጭር ሃተታ ላነሳ ፈልጌ አይደለም። እንደዚያ ከተግባባን እንቀጥላለን። ከላይ እንዳልኩት ዛሬ አማርኛ የራሱ ያደረገኝ ሰው ባልሆንም መጥፎ የምባል አይደለሁም። በአማርኛ የሚጻፈውን ማንበብ የጀመርኩት በተስፋዬ ስራዎች ባይሆንም ዛሬ ስራዎቹ የበለጠ እንዳነብ አድርገውኛል። የሆነ ሆኖ “የተነካካው የሳጥኑ ቁልፍ” በተስፋዬ ብእር ቢነካካ ብዬ ተመኘሁ።
ክፍል ሁለት
እንደ መንደርደሪያ
በመግቢያው ለመነካካት እንደተሞከረው፡ በኢትዮጵያ የሚኖሩ አማርኛ ተናጋሪ ያልሆኑ ህዝቦች ባለፉበት የዘመናት ሂደት በአማርኛ ቋንቋ የደረሰባቸው በደል ቀላል አልነበረም። ይህን ስንል ግን በምንም ይሁን በምን የተማሩት የአማርኛ ቋንቋ በፍጹም አልጠቀማቸውም ማለት አይደለም። ቋንቋ መሳሪያ ነውና ህዝቦች ይጠቀሙበታል። ይግባቡበታል። በተጨማሪም የሌሎችን ህዝቦች ቋንቋ ለማይናገሩ የአማርኛ ቋንቋ ተናጋሪዎች መልእክቶቻቸውን ማስተላለፍ በመቻላቸው መልእክቶቻቸውን ማስተላለፍ ከማይችሉት ይሻላሉ ብዬ አምናለሁ። ነገር ግን፡ ከአማርኛ በስተቀር ሌሎች የአገሪቱን ቋንቋዎች የማይችሉ፡ የገዢዎች መዘምራን የነበሩና ዛሬም ለዚያው የሚታገሉ ወገኖች ሌሎች በአገሪቱ የሚነገሩ ቋንቋዎችን አለማወቃቸው የጠቀማቸው አይመስለኝም። ምክኒያቱም አማርኛን ለማያውቁ የዚያ አገር ህዝቦች መልእክቶቻቸውን ሊያስተላልፉ አይችሉም ነበርና። ያ ችግር ዛሬም አብሯቸው አለ። የተቀየረው ዘመን ብዙ ነገሮችን የቀየረ ከመሆኑ አንጻር ደግሞ ችግሩን የበለጠ አክብዶታል። በሌላ በኩል ማንኛውንም ቋንቋ ማወቅ አይጠቅምም ይሆናል። እንደማይጎዳ ግን አፌን ሞልቼ መናገር እችላለሁ። የሚጎዳ ከሆነ ግን (በኛው አገር ሲሆን እንደነበረው) ህዝቦች ህግ ፊት ቀርበው፡ በማያውቁት ቋንቋ ተዳኝተው ፍትህ ሲያጡ ነው። ያ ቋንቋ ሌሎችን ቋንቋዎች ለማጥፋት ከሰራ ነው። ህዝቦች በሚችሉት ቋንቋ ትክክለኛ ስሜታቸውን እንዳይገልጹ የስነልቦና ጫና በመፍጠር ጭምር በአደባባይ እንዳይነገር መከልከል ነው። ደራሲ ተስፋዬ ገብረአብ “የስደተኛው ማስታወሻ” በሚል ርእስ ባሳተመው መጽሃፉ፡ “ጫልቱ እንደ ሄለን” በሚለው ንኡስ ርእስ፡ በዚያ አገር ይደርሱ የነበሩ በደሎችን በጫልቱ ሚዳክሳ (Caaltuu Midhaksaa) በኩል በተባ ብእሩ አስነብቦናል። ጫልቱ ላይ የደረሰው መከራ (የቋንቋን ተጽእኖ ጨምሮ ማለት ነው) እስከ ህይውቷ ፍጻሜ የተከተላት ነበር። የዚህ ጽሁፍ ጸሃፊ ከላይ በመግቢያው ካነሳው ሌላ “የጫልቱ ሚደክሳን ያህል ከባድ አይደለም” ሊባል የሚችል ሌላም (የአማርኛ ቋንቋ ተጽእኖ) ገጠመኝ ነበረው። ገጠመኙ የቋንቋን ተጽእኖ የሚያሳይ ሲሆን የሆነው በደርግ ዘመን ነበር። ልጁ በ6 አመቱ ት/ቤት አንደኛ ክፍል ይገባል። እንደሚታወቀው በዘመኑ ተማሪዎች ክፍል ውስጥ ስማቸው የሚጠራው በቁጥር ነበር። በመጀመሪያ ትምህርት ከመጀመራቸው በፊት የሚጠሩበት ቁጥር በአማርኛ ይነገራቸዋል። በክፍል ውስጥ ወደ 87 ከሚሆን ተማሪ የዚህ ልጅ የክፍል ቁጥር 34 ነበር። አማርኛን የማያውቀው ይህ ልጅ “34 ቁጥሩ” ከነ አራት፡ አስራ አራት፡አርባ አራት፡ ሃምሳ አራት ወዘተ ጋር ተምታቶበት ሲጠራ “አቤት” ሳይል ይቀራል። መምህሩ ለአራት ቀናት በቁጥሩ ጠርተው ሲያጡት በአምስተኛው ቀን በስሙ ለመጥራት ይሞክራሉ። የሚገርመው ስሙም ሲጠራ ተደናገረ። ስሙ “ጉተማ /Gutama/” ነበር። እሱንም ቀይረው “ከተማ” ብለው የበለጠ አደናገሩት። እናም “ከተማ” ተብሎ ሲጠራ ስሙ ስላልሆነ ዝም አለ። መምህሩ ለአራት ቀናት የት እንደነበረ ብቻ ሳይሆን ሲጠራ ለምን “አቤት” እንዳላለ በማያውቀው አማርኛ ያምባርቁበታል። መልስ አልነበረም። አፉን በፈታበት ቋንቋ ቁጥር መለየት የማይችል ልጅ አልነበረም። በሚያውቀው ቋንቋ ቢጠየቅ “ስሜ ከተማ ሳይሆን ጉተማ ነው” ብሎ መመለስ የማይችል ልጅም አልነበረም። በማያውቀው ቋንቋ የተጠየቀውን ባለመመለሱ ግን ተገረፈ። አልቅሶም ዝም ይላል። በኋላም 34 ቁጥሩን ጠብቆ አቤት እንዲል አሁንም በዚያው በአማርኛ ከማስጠንቀቂያ ጋር ይነገረዋል። ያች የተረገመችዋ 34 ቁጥር ከዚያ በኋላም ማምታታቷ አልቀረም። ልጁ ግን እነኛን አራቶች መለየት ባይችልም በሚቀጥለው ቀን ላለመገረፍ በልጅነት አእምሮው መላ ዘየደ። አራትና የአራት ዘሮችን (አራትን፡ አስራአራትን፡ ሃያአራትን፡ አርባአራትን፡ ሃምሳአራትን…) በሙሉ ጠብቆ አቤት ሊል ወሰነ። በመሃል ያች መዘዘኛዋን ቁጥር አግኝቶ ከመመታት ይድናልና። ለሶስት ቀናት ችግሩን በዚያዉ ዘዴ ከተወጣ በኋላ በአራተኛው ቀን ተያዘ። “ይሄ ልጅ ሁሉንም ቁጥር አቤት ይላል” ብለው አማርኛ ተናጋሪ ልጆች ጠቆሙት። ዛሬም ግርፍ ሆነ። በቃ! የዚያ ልጅ የትምህርት አለም እዚያ ላይ አከተመ። ልጁ ወደ ት/ቤት እንዲመለስ በቤተሰብ ቢገደድም አሻፈረኝ አለ። ወደ /ቤት እንዲመለስ በቤተሰብ የተገረፈው ግርፍ ምናልባትም ት/ቤት ከተገረፈው ይበልጥ ነበር፡ አልተሳካም እንጂ። በርግጥ ነገሩ የሚያስቅና ቀላል ሊመስል የሚችል ነው። ነገር ግን ቢማር፡ ቢያንስ በኑሮው የተሻለ ሰው ይሆን ይችል የነበረ ልጅ የማያውቀው ቋንቋ ባደረሰበት ተጽእኖ በምናውቃት አገር /ኢትዮጵያ/ አፈር ገፊ /ገበሬ/ ሆኖ ቀረ። (ልጁ የዚህ ጽሁፍ ጸሃፊ ወንድም ነው። ሁነቱ አሳዛኝ ቢሆንም ዛሬም ድረስ በቤተሰብ ውስጥ ከትውስታ መሳቂያዎች አንዱ ነው።) የህዝቦችን ህይወት ያበላሹ፡ ከዚህና ከ “ጫልቱ እንደ ሄለን” የከፉትን ብዙ ማንሳት ይቻላል። ተስፋዬ ገብረአብ ከፓንዶራው ሳጥን ግፎች አንዷን ሰበዝ መዞ፡ከላይ ያነሳሁትን ማለት ”ጫልቱ እንደ ሄለን” ን አቅርቦልን ነበር። ይህ ጸሃፊም፡ በዚህ አጋጣሚ፡ “የስካር መንፈሱ ፊርማ” በሚል ርእስ አንዷን ከፓንዶራው ሳጥን መዞ ወደፊት ሊያቀርብላችሁ ቃል ይገባል።
በሌላ በኩል፡ ማንኛውም የሰው ልጅ ከየትኛውም ቋንቋ በላይ የሚመቸው አፉን የፈታበት ቋንቋ ነው። አፉን የፈታበት ቋንቋ ከምንም ይበልጥበታል። ይህን ስንል ግን ሌላውን ቋንቋ ይጠላል ማለት አይደለም። ነገር ግን በኛ አገር አማርኛ ተናጋሪ ያልሆኑ ህዝቦች አማርኛን ትተው የእናት አባቶቻቸውን ቋንቋ ሲጠቀሙ፡ በአማርኛ ቋንቋ ጥላቻነት ይፈረጃል። አንዳንዴ፡ በጠባብነትም ያስፈርጃል። በርግጥ ህዝቦች አፋቸውን ባልፈቱበት የአማርኛ ቋንቋ ትክክለኛ ስሜታቸውን ማስተላለፍ ሳይችሉ ሲቀሩ “ተብታባ” እየተባሉ ሲሰደቡ መኖራቸውና በአማርኛ ሌሎችን ቋንቋዎች ለማጥፋት ሲሰራ የኖረው በደል በቋንቋው ላይ የራሱን ተጽዕኖ ማሳረፉ ባይቀርም ህዝቦች የእናት አባቶቻቸውን ቋንቋ አጥብቀው የሚፈልጉት ግን የአማርኛን ቋንቋ ስለሚጠሉ አይደለም። እውነተኛ ስሜታቸውን መግለጽ የሚችሉት አፋቸውን በፈቱበት ቋንቋ በመሆኑ እንጂ። ልጅት ነበረች አሉ፡ በአንድ ወቅት። “የአለሙን ምርጥ ቋንቋ የተማርሽው ከማነው?” ስትባል “የአለማችንን ምርጡን ቋንቋ የተማርኩት ከእናቴ ነው” አለች ይባላል። በሚቀጥለው ክፍል ሶስት “ከትክክል በላይ የሆነ አባባል” በሚል ርእስ እንገናኛለን።
አማን ሄደቶ ቄረንሶ ነኝ።
Nagayaan naaf turaa!
1. የ “ፓንዶራ ሳጥን” ትርጉሙ ሰፋ ያለ ቢሆንም፡ ስናሳጥረው ፡አስቀያሚ ነገሮችን አጭቆ የያዘ እቃ ምሳሌ ነው። በዚህ ሃተታ ደግሞ የፓንዶራ ሳጥን የሚወክለው ኢትዮጵያን ነው።
2. “ኦሮሚያ ነን ባዮች … የሰላዮች ትንቅንቅ” መጽሃፍ፡ ደራሲው ንጋቱ ክፍሌ፡ እ.ኢ.አ. ነሃሴ፡ 1998.
ክፍል አንድ
እንደ መግቢያ
“ተውን አትቀስቅሱን አትንኩን በነገር፡
እኛም ትኋን በልቶን አልተኛንም ነበር።”
(ስንኙን ያገኘሁት ገጣሚው ካልተገለጸው የአማርኛ ግጥም ሲሆን የአጠቃላዩን ሃተታ ይዘት ተሸክሟል ብዬ
እገምታለሁ። ወደ በኋላ እንመጣበታለን። እግረ መንገዴን፡ ማለት የምፈልገው ግን፡ በአማርኛ ስጽፍ የሚያስቅ ስህተት
ከሰራሁ እንድትስቁ ፈቅጄላችኋለሁ፤ ሳቁ። ተገኝቶ ነው። ከሁለት ቀናት በፊት በማህበራዊ ድህረ ገጾች ያተምኩትን
ይህንን ጽሁፍ ትንሽ አስተካክዬ ነው የላኩት። እንቀጥል።እኛም ትኋን በልቶን አልተኛንም ነበር።”
አንዳንዴ ከጓደኞቼ ጋር ስንገናኝ ስለ ተስፋዬ ገብረአብ ስራዎች አንስተን ማውጋት የተለመደ ነው። ከኦሮሞ ህዝብ አንጻር ስለ ጻፋቸው ስለ እነ የቡርቃ ዝምታ፡ ስለ ዳንገጎ /Dhangaggoo/ ፈረሶች፡ ስለ አቶ ደራራ ከፈኒ፡ ስለ ኢብሳ ገዳ፡ ስለ ታሰረው አንበሳ፡ ስለ ቀዌሳ አመጽ፡ ስለ የሻምቡ ንጉስ፡ ስለ ሮሮ እና ይቅርታ፡ ስለ ቦረና የስልጣኔ ዋሻነት እና ሌሎችም …
አንድ ቀን በ “የቡርቃ ዝምታ” እና በ “ጫልቱ እንደ ሄለን” በኢትዮ ብቸኛ ልጆች ስለደረሰበት እርግማን፡ ውግዘት፡ ስድብና ስም ማጥፋት አንስተን ስናወራ የሰሙን አንድ የኦሮሞ አዛውንት ሲያዳምጡ ከቆዩ በኋላ “ተስፋዬ ማለት ማነው? ለምንስ ይወገዛል?” ብለው ይጠይቁናል። ስናወራ የነበረውን ደገምንላቸው። ስለማንነቱ ብቻም ሳይሆን ስለ ውልደቱና እድገቱም ነገርናቸው። አዳምጠውን ከጨረሱ በኋላ “እንግዲያውስ ተስፋዬ ምንም አልሰራም” አሉ። “እንዴት?” አልናቸው። “እንዲህ መሆኑ ካልቀረ ትልቁን ሳጥን ነው መክፈት የነበረበት” አሉን። ትልቁ ሳጥን የትኛው እንደሆነም ጠየቅናቸው። “ምን ማለታችሁ ነው?” ብለው ጀመሩ። “ተስፋዬ እኮ የትልቁን ሳጥን ቁልፍ ነካካው እንጂ አልከፈተውም። እነዚህ ሰዎች የሚበርድላቸው እነሱ በሚያቁት ቋንቋ ትልቁ ሳጥን ሲከፈት ብቻ ነው።” አሉን። ከዚያ የኦሮሞ አዛውንት ከተለየን በኋላ ቤት ገብቼ “የተነካካው የሳጥኑ ቁልፍ” ብዬ ብጫቂ ወረቀት ላይ ጻፍኩት።
በተፈጥሮዬ (የአማርኛን ጨምሮ) የማንኛውም ቋንቋ የስነጽሁፍ ውበት ይማርከኛል። በኦሮምኛዬ አሳምሬ እጽፋለሁ። አንድ ሁለት ልቦለድ መጽሃፍቶችም አሉኝ። አማርኛን ግን አነባለሁ እንጂ ደፍሬ ብዙ አልጽፍበትም። እፈራለሁ። በልጅነቴ “ሀ ሁ” ቆጠራ ላይ የመጀመሪያው “በ” እና አራተኛውን “ባ” እንዲሁም “ቢ” እና “ብ” ን ለይቶ መጥራት መከራ ነበር። በዚህም መገረፌን አልረሳም። አንደኛ ክፍል እያለን ነበር። አንድ ቀን መምህሩ ለተወሰኑ ቀናት ፊደል ካስቆጠረን በኋላ ፊደል መለየታችንን ሊያውቅ ፈልጎ አንድ በአንድ ይጠይቀን ጀመር። የተወሰኑ ልጆች እሱን ተከትለው እንዲሉ ነገራቸው። በሁሉም ደስተኛ ባይሆንም እኔ ጋ ደረሰ። ተከትዬው እንድል ነገረኝ። “በ” ብሎ ጀመረ። “ባ” አልኩት። እንዳላስተካከልኩት እየነገረኝ “በ በል” ሲለኝ አሁንም ደግሜ “ባ” አልኩት። አሁንም ተከትዬው እንድደግም ነገረኝ። “በ” ሲለኝ አሁን ቀይሬ “ቤ” አልኩት። ሳስቸግረው ተናዶ “ባ… ! ቤ… !” እያለ ከፎገረኝ በኋላ አርጩሜ ሊያስመጣ አንዱን ልጅ ላከ። አርጩሜውም መጣ። ስራውን ሰራ። በርግጥ “በ” ን ብቻ ሳይሆን “ብ” ንም ለመጥራት ተመሳሳይ መከራ ነበር ያየሁት። እኔ ብቻ ሳልሆን ኦሮምኛ አፍ መፍቻችን የሆነ ሁሉ “ብ” ስንባል “ቢ” ነበር የምንለው። ኋላ ላይ አድጌ፡ የዚያ ሁሉ ችግር ምንጭ በቋንቋዎች መሃል ያለው የድምጾች ልዩነት እንጂ የኛ ችግር የነበረ አለመሆኑን ስረዳ በነዚያ መምህራን በጣም ነበር ያዘንኩት።
በግእዝ ፊደል ቆጠራ “ግእዝ” የሚባሉ የመጀመሪያ እና ካልተሳሳትኩ “ሳድስ” የሚባሉ ስድስተኛ ድምጾች በኦሮምኛ ቋንቋ ድምጽ የሉም። በምሳሌ ለማስቀመጥ “ባ” እንጂ “በ” ድምጽ “ላ” እንጂ “ለ”፡ “ማ” እንጂ “መ” ድምጾች በኦሮምኛ የሉም። በተጨማሪም “ቢ” እንጂ “ብ” ድምጽ፡ “ሊ” እንጂ “ል” ፡ “ሲ” እንጂ “ስ” ድምጾች የሉም። እናም ኦሮምኛ ተናጋሪዎች እነዚህን ድምጾች ለመጥራት ይቸገራሉ። የግእዝ ፊደል ለኦሮምኛና አብዛኛዎቹ ኩሽ ህዝቦች ቋንቋዎች የማይሆንበት አንዱ ምክንያትም ይህ ነው።
ሌላው፡ በልጅነቴ ስለ አማርኛ የማልረሳው “ፍሰሃ” ተብሎ ስለሚጠራው ልጅ ስም ነበር። በሙሉ ማለት የሚቻል የኦሮሞ ተማሪ በትክክል መጥራት ከማይችላቸው ስሞች አንዱ ፍሰሃ ነበር። “ፍሰሃ” ን “ፊሳ” ነበር የምንለው። “ፊሳ /Fiissaa/” ቃሉ በኦሮምኛ ፍቺ ስላለው ለመጥራት አንቸገርም ነበር። “ፊሳ /Fiissaa/” በኦሮምኛ የሚያፏጭ ማለት ነው። አማርኛ ተናጋሪዎች እኛ “ፊሳ” ብለን ስንጠራ ይስቁብን ነበር። “ፊሳ” እያሉም ይተርቡን ነበር። ያኔ ፍሰሃን “ፍሰሃ” ብሎ እንደ አማርኛው አስተካክሎ መጥራት በአንዳንድ መምህራን ሳይቀር የእውቀት መለኪያ ተደርጎ የሚታይበት ዘመን ነበር። የማልረሳው ያልኩት ግን ፍሰሃን “ፍሰሃ” ብዬ ለማጥራት አንድ ቀን ያየሁት መከራ ነው። በዚያን ቀን ከትምህርት ቤት ወደ ቤት ገብቼ “ፍሰሃ” ን፡ ሞቼ ተሟሙቼ ተለማምጄ በሚቀጥለው ቀን አስተካክዬ ለማጥራት በመቃረቤ ተጨብጭቦልኝ ነበር። ሌሎችም የኔን አርአያ እንዲከተሉ ሲነገራቸው የተሰማኝ ኩራት ታላቅ ነበር። አማርኛን መውደድ ጀምሬም ነበር። ሆኖም እኔና አማርኛ ወድያው መልሰን ተቀያየምን ብቻ ሳይሆን ተጣላን። ፍቅራችን በአንድ አጋጣሚ ተበላሸ። ተቆራርተን ባንቀርም ጠጠር እንደ ገባው ጫማ እየቆረቆረኝ እስከመጨረሻው ዘለቅን። ለኔ የሚሆን ጥሩ የአማርኛ መምህርም ጣፋ። ጥሩዎች ቢኖሩም ለኔ ጥሩ አልነበሩም። ነገሩ የሆነው ሁለተኛ ክፍል ስማር ነበር። በዚህኛው ቀን ደግሞ መምህሩ በአማርኛ አረፍተነገር እንድሰራ ጠየቁኝ። እኔ ግን፡ እንኳን አረፍተነገር ልሰራ ቃሉንም አላውቀውም ነበር። መምህሩ በዘመኑ መምህራን ሞገስ ጥያቄውን ደገመልኝ። ያኔ፡ ለመምህር መልስ ሲሰጥ ቆሞ በመሆኑ ተነስቼ ቆምኩ። መልስ ግን አልነበረም። መምህሩ መልስ ጠብቆ ሲያጣ “ሰነፍ!” እያለ አከታትሎ አርጩሜውን አንጣጣብኝ። ያኔ የተገረፍኩት ዛሬም ያመኛል ብል ማጋነን ነው አትሉኝም። ከዚያ ቀን ጀምሮ አማርኛን ጠላሁት። እሱም ጠላኝ መሰለኝ ማትሪክ ላይ እንኳን ከኤፍ /መውደቂያ ውጤት/ ያመለጥኩት ለጥቂት ነበር። የ “ዲ /D/” ውጤት ካርዴ ላይ ሳይ ግን አልደነገጥኩም። ከኔና ከአማርኛ ዝምድና ሲመዘን በርግጥ ውጤቱ የሚያመረቃ ነበር። ይሁንና ከዚህ በፊት አማርኛን ምን ያህል እንዳስቸገርኩት አላውቅሁም። አሁንም ይኁው ማስቸገሬን አልተውኩም። በዚያ ላይ እናንተም “ድፈር” ብላችሁኛል። ይሄው ደፍሬያለሁ።
ወደ ቁም ነገራችን እንመለስ። የተነካካው የሳጥኑ ቁልፍ ላይ ነው ወደ ትዝታ ጎራ ያልነው። እንቀጥል።
በአንድ ወቅት፡ ተስፋዬ ገብረአብ፡ አበበ በለው ከሚባል የሬድዮ ጋዜጠኛ ጋር “የቡርቃ ዝምታ” መጽሃፍን በተመለከተ ቃለ-ምልልስ አድርጎ ነበር። በዚያ ቃለ-ምልልስ ላይ አበበ በለው “የቡርቃ ዝምታ” ኦሮሞንና አማራን የሚያጋጭ መጽሃፍ መሆኑንና በመጽሃፉ ላይ የተለያዩ ነጥቦችን ከተስፋዬ ጋር ካነሱ በኋላ ተስፋዬ መልሶ ጥያቄ ጠየቀው። ቃል በቃል የተስፋዬ ጥያቄ “አበበ በለው፡ ኦሮምኛን ታውቃለህ?” የሚል ነበር። የጋዜጠኛ አበበ መልስም አጭር ነበር። “አላውቅም!።” መለሰ ተስፋዬ። “ችግሩ ያ ነው።” ብሎ ነገረው። በተጨማሪም ቋንቋውን ችሎ፡ የኦሮሞ ህዝብ ውስጥ ዞሮ የኦሮሞን ህዝብ ስሜት የማዳመጥ እድል ቢያገኝ በ “የቡርቃ ዝምታ” እንደማይበረግግ በሚያውቀው አማርኛ ነገረው። ከዚህ የምንረዳው ሃበሾች ኦሮሞን ግፍ ፈጸሙበት እንጂ አያውቁትም። አዛውንቱ እንዳሉት፡ ተስፋዬ በኦሮሞ ህዝብ ላይ የደረሰውን ግፍ ነካካው እንጂ መች ነካው። እኔም “ተስፋዬ ገ/አብና የፓንዶራው ሳጥን” ብዬ ስጀምር፡ በዚህ አጭር መልእክት እነዚያ የተከመሩ ግፎችን ለመንካት አይደለም። ያ፡ ራሱን የቻለ ትልቅ ፕሮጀክት ነው። ቢሆንም የኦሮሞ ምሁራን ማለት እነ ፕሮፌሰር መሃመድ ሃሰን፡ እነ ፕሮፌሰር አባስ ሃጂ፡ እነ ፕሮፈሰር አሰፋ ጃለታ፡ ከዚህ ቀደም ይህንን የፓንዶራ ሳጥን ከፍተው ነካክተዋል። መጽሃፍ ሳይጽፉ ራሳቸው መጽሃፍ የሆኑ እንደነ ዶ/ር ገመቹ መገርሳ ሲነካኳቸው የፓንዶራውን ሳጥን ከፍተው ይነካሉ። ከውጭ ደግሞ፡ የጆን ማርከኪስ፡ እና የፕ/ር አስመሮም ለገሰ መጽሃፍት ስለ ፓንዶራው ሳጥን በጣም ግዙፍ የሆነ ግንዛቤ ይሰጣሉ። የኔ አነሳስ፡ ግን ተስፋዬ ስለ ኦሮሞ በመጻፉ ከሚደርስበት ውግዘትና ርግማን አኳያ የተሰማኝን ለማለት ፈልጌ እንጂ ትልቁን ሳጥን በዚህ አጭር ሃተታ ላነሳ ፈልጌ አይደለም። እንደዚያ ከተግባባን እንቀጥላለን። ከላይ እንዳልኩት ዛሬ አማርኛ የራሱ ያደረገኝ ሰው ባልሆንም መጥፎ የምባል አይደለሁም። በአማርኛ የሚጻፈውን ማንበብ የጀመርኩት በተስፋዬ ስራዎች ባይሆንም ዛሬ ስራዎቹ የበለጠ እንዳነብ አድርገውኛል። የሆነ ሆኖ “የተነካካው የሳጥኑ ቁልፍ” በተስፋዬ ብእር ቢነካካ ብዬ ተመኘሁ።
ክፍል ሁለት
እንደ መንደርደሪያ
“ተስፋዬ ገብረአብና የፓንዶራው ሳጥን”1
በሚል ርእስ የቀረበው ሃተታ የተለያዩ ተዛማጅ ጉዳዮችን የሚዳስስ ነው። የተለያዩ ይዘት ያላቸው ንኡስ ርእሶች
አሉት። ኢትዮጵያ እንዴት እንደተመሰረተችና የአመሰራረት ታሪኳ ያልተዘጋ ስለመሆኑ፡ ከተመሰረተች በኋላ የማን
እንደነበረች፡ ዛሬስ የማን እንደሆነችና ከዚህ በኋላስ የማን መሆን እንደሚገባት፡ አሁን ባለችበት የምትቀጥል ከሆነስ
ምን ልትሆን እንደምትችል ያትታል። በአንዳንድ ወገኖች ዘንድ የኦሮሞ ስም ሲነሳ ለምን ቁጣ እንደሚቀሰቀስ
የሚገነዘበውን ያካፍላል። ያለፈውን የማይተው ወገኖች ያለፈውን እንድንተው ለምን እንደሚመክሩንም ይጠይቃል።
ኢትዮጵያዊ ለመሆን የግድ የህዝቦች ማንነት መጥፋት እንደሌለበት ያነሳል። በተጭማሪም የጽሁፉ ባለቤት ኢትዮጵያ
የተባለችው አገር እንድትጠፋ አይመኝም። ይህ ግን ማንነቱን (ኦሮሞነቱን) ሳትሸራርፍ እስካከበረችለት ብቻ መሆኑን
በጽኑ ያምናል። “ኢትዮጵያ አገሬ ለዘለአለም ትኖሪያለሽ!” የሚለው ምኞታዊ መፈክር ኢትዮጵያን ምሶሶና ማገር ሆኖ
ያኖራታል ብሎ በፍጹም አያምንም። የህዝቦች የነጻነት ትግልም ያጠፋታል የሚል ፍራቻ የለውም። ከምኞታዊው መፈክርና
ከተጨቋኞች የነጻነት ትግል ባሻገር ግን “ኦሮሚያ ነን ባዮች! ኦጋዴን ነን ባዮች! እከሌ ነን ባዮች! ወኔው ካላችሁ
ተዋግታችሁ የልባችሁን ሙሉት!”2 የሚል የኢትዮጵያ አንድነት አቀንቃኞች ሰፈር መፈክር በጣም
ያስፈራዋል። በአለማችን ፈሪ ወይም ጀግና ተብሎ የሚታወቅ ህዝብ የለም፡ ሁሉም ጋ ሁሉም አለና። ሿሚውና ሻሪው፡
የሁሉም ጌታ ጊዜ ነው። ተመሳሳይ አባባሎች ኤርትራ አገር እንድትሆን ትልቁን አስተዋጽኦ ያበረከቱ ስለመሆናቸው ቆመን
አይተናል። ተመሳሳይ መፈክሮች ከቀጠሉ ነገም ሌላ ቀን የማይሆንበት ምክንያት አይታይም። እሱንም ቆመን እንድናይ፡
የዘመናችን ብቸኛ የአገር ወዳዶች መንገድ እያስተካከሉ ነው። ምኒልክ በህዝቦች ላይ ካደረሰው ወንጀልና በደል ይልቅ
ዛሬ በአንድነት አቀንቃኞ ሰፈር የምናየው ንቀትና የታሪክ ክህደት ጩኀት ያንን አገር እንጦሮጦስ እያወረደው ነው።
እና፡ በዚህ መጣጥፍ በአሁኑ ወቅት የትልቁ የኢትዮጵያ ችግር ትንንሽ አካላት ማለትም ለትልቁ ችግር ግብኣት እየሆኑ
ያሉት (ከላይ ያነሳሁት አይነት አባባሎች) ይነሳሉ። “የኤርትሪያውያን ሳቅ” የሚል አጭር ሃተታም በመጣጥፉ ተካቷል።
በመጨረሻም፡ የኦሮሞን ስም በጥበበኛው ብእሩ በበጎ በማንሳቱ ሲወገዝ የኖረና “ከጠላቶቿ ጋር ኢትዮጵያን ሊያጠፋ
ያበረ” ተብሎ ሲረገም ስለቆየውና እየተረገመ ስላለው ደራሲ ተስፋዬ ገብረአብ “ተስፋዬ ገብረአብና የፓንዶራው ሳጥን “
በሚለው ሃተታ እናሳርጋለን። ስንጀምር ግን፡ “የአለማችንን ምርጡን ቋንቋ የተማርኩት ከእናቴ ነው” በሚል ርእስ
ነው፡ ተከታተሉኝ።
“የአለማችንን ምርጡን ቋንቋ የተማርኩት ከእናቴ ነው”በመግቢያው ለመነካካት እንደተሞከረው፡ በኢትዮጵያ የሚኖሩ አማርኛ ተናጋሪ ያልሆኑ ህዝቦች ባለፉበት የዘመናት ሂደት በአማርኛ ቋንቋ የደረሰባቸው በደል ቀላል አልነበረም። ይህን ስንል ግን በምንም ይሁን በምን የተማሩት የአማርኛ ቋንቋ በፍጹም አልጠቀማቸውም ማለት አይደለም። ቋንቋ መሳሪያ ነውና ህዝቦች ይጠቀሙበታል። ይግባቡበታል። በተጨማሪም የሌሎችን ህዝቦች ቋንቋ ለማይናገሩ የአማርኛ ቋንቋ ተናጋሪዎች መልእክቶቻቸውን ማስተላለፍ በመቻላቸው መልእክቶቻቸውን ማስተላለፍ ከማይችሉት ይሻላሉ ብዬ አምናለሁ። ነገር ግን፡ ከአማርኛ በስተቀር ሌሎች የአገሪቱን ቋንቋዎች የማይችሉ፡ የገዢዎች መዘምራን የነበሩና ዛሬም ለዚያው የሚታገሉ ወገኖች ሌሎች በአገሪቱ የሚነገሩ ቋንቋዎችን አለማወቃቸው የጠቀማቸው አይመስለኝም። ምክኒያቱም አማርኛን ለማያውቁ የዚያ አገር ህዝቦች መልእክቶቻቸውን ሊያስተላልፉ አይችሉም ነበርና። ያ ችግር ዛሬም አብሯቸው አለ። የተቀየረው ዘመን ብዙ ነገሮችን የቀየረ ከመሆኑ አንጻር ደግሞ ችግሩን የበለጠ አክብዶታል። በሌላ በኩል ማንኛውንም ቋንቋ ማወቅ አይጠቅምም ይሆናል። እንደማይጎዳ ግን አፌን ሞልቼ መናገር እችላለሁ። የሚጎዳ ከሆነ ግን (በኛው አገር ሲሆን እንደነበረው) ህዝቦች ህግ ፊት ቀርበው፡ በማያውቁት ቋንቋ ተዳኝተው ፍትህ ሲያጡ ነው። ያ ቋንቋ ሌሎችን ቋንቋዎች ለማጥፋት ከሰራ ነው። ህዝቦች በሚችሉት ቋንቋ ትክክለኛ ስሜታቸውን እንዳይገልጹ የስነልቦና ጫና በመፍጠር ጭምር በአደባባይ እንዳይነገር መከልከል ነው። ደራሲ ተስፋዬ ገብረአብ “የስደተኛው ማስታወሻ” በሚል ርእስ ባሳተመው መጽሃፉ፡ “ጫልቱ እንደ ሄለን” በሚለው ንኡስ ርእስ፡ በዚያ አገር ይደርሱ የነበሩ በደሎችን በጫልቱ ሚዳክሳ (Caaltuu Midhaksaa) በኩል በተባ ብእሩ አስነብቦናል። ጫልቱ ላይ የደረሰው መከራ (የቋንቋን ተጽእኖ ጨምሮ ማለት ነው) እስከ ህይውቷ ፍጻሜ የተከተላት ነበር። የዚህ ጽሁፍ ጸሃፊ ከላይ በመግቢያው ካነሳው ሌላ “የጫልቱ ሚደክሳን ያህል ከባድ አይደለም” ሊባል የሚችል ሌላም (የአማርኛ ቋንቋ ተጽእኖ) ገጠመኝ ነበረው። ገጠመኙ የቋንቋን ተጽእኖ የሚያሳይ ሲሆን የሆነው በደርግ ዘመን ነበር። ልጁ በ6 አመቱ ት/ቤት አንደኛ ክፍል ይገባል። እንደሚታወቀው በዘመኑ ተማሪዎች ክፍል ውስጥ ስማቸው የሚጠራው በቁጥር ነበር። በመጀመሪያ ትምህርት ከመጀመራቸው በፊት የሚጠሩበት ቁጥር በአማርኛ ይነገራቸዋል። በክፍል ውስጥ ወደ 87 ከሚሆን ተማሪ የዚህ ልጅ የክፍል ቁጥር 34 ነበር። አማርኛን የማያውቀው ይህ ልጅ “34 ቁጥሩ” ከነ አራት፡ አስራ አራት፡አርባ አራት፡ ሃምሳ አራት ወዘተ ጋር ተምታቶበት ሲጠራ “አቤት” ሳይል ይቀራል። መምህሩ ለአራት ቀናት በቁጥሩ ጠርተው ሲያጡት በአምስተኛው ቀን በስሙ ለመጥራት ይሞክራሉ። የሚገርመው ስሙም ሲጠራ ተደናገረ። ስሙ “ጉተማ /Gutama/” ነበር። እሱንም ቀይረው “ከተማ” ብለው የበለጠ አደናገሩት። እናም “ከተማ” ተብሎ ሲጠራ ስሙ ስላልሆነ ዝም አለ። መምህሩ ለአራት ቀናት የት እንደነበረ ብቻ ሳይሆን ሲጠራ ለምን “አቤት” እንዳላለ በማያውቀው አማርኛ ያምባርቁበታል። መልስ አልነበረም። አፉን በፈታበት ቋንቋ ቁጥር መለየት የማይችል ልጅ አልነበረም። በሚያውቀው ቋንቋ ቢጠየቅ “ስሜ ከተማ ሳይሆን ጉተማ ነው” ብሎ መመለስ የማይችል ልጅም አልነበረም። በማያውቀው ቋንቋ የተጠየቀውን ባለመመለሱ ግን ተገረፈ። አልቅሶም ዝም ይላል። በኋላም 34 ቁጥሩን ጠብቆ አቤት እንዲል አሁንም በዚያው በአማርኛ ከማስጠንቀቂያ ጋር ይነገረዋል። ያች የተረገመችዋ 34 ቁጥር ከዚያ በኋላም ማምታታቷ አልቀረም። ልጁ ግን እነኛን አራቶች መለየት ባይችልም በሚቀጥለው ቀን ላለመገረፍ በልጅነት አእምሮው መላ ዘየደ። አራትና የአራት ዘሮችን (አራትን፡ አስራአራትን፡ ሃያአራትን፡ አርባአራትን፡ ሃምሳአራትን…) በሙሉ ጠብቆ አቤት ሊል ወሰነ። በመሃል ያች መዘዘኛዋን ቁጥር አግኝቶ ከመመታት ይድናልና። ለሶስት ቀናት ችግሩን በዚያዉ ዘዴ ከተወጣ በኋላ በአራተኛው ቀን ተያዘ። “ይሄ ልጅ ሁሉንም ቁጥር አቤት ይላል” ብለው አማርኛ ተናጋሪ ልጆች ጠቆሙት። ዛሬም ግርፍ ሆነ። በቃ! የዚያ ልጅ የትምህርት አለም እዚያ ላይ አከተመ። ልጁ ወደ ት/ቤት እንዲመለስ በቤተሰብ ቢገደድም አሻፈረኝ አለ። ወደ /ቤት እንዲመለስ በቤተሰብ የተገረፈው ግርፍ ምናልባትም ት/ቤት ከተገረፈው ይበልጥ ነበር፡ አልተሳካም እንጂ። በርግጥ ነገሩ የሚያስቅና ቀላል ሊመስል የሚችል ነው። ነገር ግን ቢማር፡ ቢያንስ በኑሮው የተሻለ ሰው ይሆን ይችል የነበረ ልጅ የማያውቀው ቋንቋ ባደረሰበት ተጽእኖ በምናውቃት አገር /ኢትዮጵያ/ አፈር ገፊ /ገበሬ/ ሆኖ ቀረ። (ልጁ የዚህ ጽሁፍ ጸሃፊ ወንድም ነው። ሁነቱ አሳዛኝ ቢሆንም ዛሬም ድረስ በቤተሰብ ውስጥ ከትውስታ መሳቂያዎች አንዱ ነው።) የህዝቦችን ህይወት ያበላሹ፡ ከዚህና ከ “ጫልቱ እንደ ሄለን” የከፉትን ብዙ ማንሳት ይቻላል። ተስፋዬ ገብረአብ ከፓንዶራው ሳጥን ግፎች አንዷን ሰበዝ መዞ፡ከላይ ያነሳሁትን ማለት ”ጫልቱ እንደ ሄለን” ን አቅርቦልን ነበር። ይህ ጸሃፊም፡ በዚህ አጋጣሚ፡ “የስካር መንፈሱ ፊርማ” በሚል ርእስ አንዷን ከፓንዶራው ሳጥን መዞ ወደፊት ሊያቀርብላችሁ ቃል ይገባል።
በሌላ በኩል፡ ማንኛውም የሰው ልጅ ከየትኛውም ቋንቋ በላይ የሚመቸው አፉን የፈታበት ቋንቋ ነው። አፉን የፈታበት ቋንቋ ከምንም ይበልጥበታል። ይህን ስንል ግን ሌላውን ቋንቋ ይጠላል ማለት አይደለም። ነገር ግን በኛ አገር አማርኛ ተናጋሪ ያልሆኑ ህዝቦች አማርኛን ትተው የእናት አባቶቻቸውን ቋንቋ ሲጠቀሙ፡ በአማርኛ ቋንቋ ጥላቻነት ይፈረጃል። አንዳንዴ፡ በጠባብነትም ያስፈርጃል። በርግጥ ህዝቦች አፋቸውን ባልፈቱበት የአማርኛ ቋንቋ ትክክለኛ ስሜታቸውን ማስተላለፍ ሳይችሉ ሲቀሩ “ተብታባ” እየተባሉ ሲሰደቡ መኖራቸውና በአማርኛ ሌሎችን ቋንቋዎች ለማጥፋት ሲሰራ የኖረው በደል በቋንቋው ላይ የራሱን ተጽዕኖ ማሳረፉ ባይቀርም ህዝቦች የእናት አባቶቻቸውን ቋንቋ አጥብቀው የሚፈልጉት ግን የአማርኛን ቋንቋ ስለሚጠሉ አይደለም። እውነተኛ ስሜታቸውን መግለጽ የሚችሉት አፋቸውን በፈቱበት ቋንቋ በመሆኑ እንጂ። ልጅት ነበረች አሉ፡ በአንድ ወቅት። “የአለሙን ምርጥ ቋንቋ የተማርሽው ከማነው?” ስትባል “የአለማችንን ምርጡን ቋንቋ የተማርኩት ከእናቴ ነው” አለች ይባላል። በሚቀጥለው ክፍል ሶስት “ከትክክል በላይ የሆነ አባባል” በሚል ርእስ እንገናኛለን።
አማን ሄደቶ ቄረንሶ ነኝ።
Nagayaan naaf turaa!
1. የ “ፓንዶራ ሳጥን” ትርጉሙ ሰፋ ያለ ቢሆንም፡ ስናሳጥረው ፡አስቀያሚ ነገሮችን አጭቆ የያዘ እቃ ምሳሌ ነው። በዚህ ሃተታ ደግሞ የፓንዶራ ሳጥን የሚወክለው ኢትዮጵያን ነው።
2. “ኦሮሚያ ነን ባዮች … የሰላዮች ትንቅንቅ” መጽሃፍ፡ ደራሲው ንጋቱ ክፍሌ፡ እ.ኢ.አ. ነሃሴ፡ 1998.
Celebrate Qubee & Afan Oromo: 23 Years of Success Since the Nov. 3, 1991 Adoption of Qubee
Afan Oromo is Africa’s fourth most widely “spoken” language, and since the November 3, 1991 adoption of Qubee, it’s also becoming one of the top “written” languages in Africa.
The history of Oromo shows that the Abyssinian successive ruling classes, emboldened by ignorance and arrogance, had the mission to wipe out this language; and their mission failed by the relentless national struggle of many Oromo generations before 1991 and after 1991.
When November comes, we are also reminded of the sacrifices paid by the Oromo youth during the 2005 FDG, which broke out on November 9, 2005 to fight against the subjugation of the Oromo people by the Tigrean TPLF regime.
The sacrifices of the Oromo youth have been seared into the Nation’s memory forever. Kabada Badhassa, Jagama Badhane, Alemayehu Garba, Gaddisa Hirphasaa, Morkata Idosa, Gemechu Benesa Bula, Lelisa Waqgari Bula, Yaasiin Muhaammad, Dirribee Jifaar, Simee Tarrafaa, Shibbiruu Damisee and many many others – died for Oromo’s national liberation and national pride, and to uphold Oromo’s national heritage, such as Qubee, the Gadaa System, Aaddaa Oromoo, to mention just a few of the Oromo national heritage.
Saturday, 25 October 2014
Seife Nebelbal Radio; ሰይፈ ነበልባል ራድዮ ስርጭቷ በአቅም ማነስ ምክንያት ሊቋረጥ ነው
October 24, 204 (ዘ-ሐበሻ) ላለፉት3 ዓመታት ትኩረቷን በተለይ በኦሮሞ ሕዝብ ላይ እንዲሁም በሌሎች ሃገራዊ ጉዳዮች ላይ በማድረግ ትሰራጭ የነበረችው ሰይፈ ነበልባል ራድዮ በአቅም ማነስ ምክንያት ከዚህ ሳምንት ጀምሮ አገልግሎቷ እንደሚቋረጥ የራድዮዋ ዋና አዘጋጅ ጋዜጠኛ እዮብ ባይሳ ለዘ-ሐበሻ አስታወቀ።“የኦሮሞን ሕዝብ ትግል በመደገፍና ትግሉንም በመዘገብ ላለፉት 3 ዓመታት በአየር ላይ የተለያዩ መረጃዎችን ስናቀርብ ቆይተናል” ያለው ጋዜጠኛ ኢዮብ ራድዮኑ እስካሁን የተወሰነች ድጋፍ ከሕዝብ ያገኝ የነበረ ቢሆንም ይህ በቂ ባለመሆኑና የገንዘብ እጥረት ስላለበትም ራድዮኑን ለማቆረጥ መገደዱን አስታውቋል።
እስካሁን ራድዮኑን ሲረዱ ለነበሩ ወገኖች ምስጋና ያቀረበው ጋዜጠኛ ኢዮብ ባይሳ ራድዮውን በገንዘብ አቅም ማነስ ምክንያት ለማቋረጥ ቢገደድ፣ የሚያደርገውን ትግል ግን እንደሚቀጥል አስታውቋል።
ሰይፈነበልባል ራድዮ በዚህ ሳምንት የመጨረሻዋን ስርጭት የምታካሂድ ሲሆን የገንዘብ ድጋፍ ካገኘች ግን አገልግሎቷ ሊቀጥል ስለሚችል አዘጋጆቹን በስልክ ቁጥር 832 245 3864 በመደወል ማግኘትና መረዳት የሚቻል መሆኑን ዘ-ሐበሻ ጥቆማዋን ታደርሳለች።
Friday, 24 October 2014
Is that coup d’etat on Kamal Galchuu, African way?
October 23, 2014
Three names were given for contact (1) Dr. Nuro Dedefo (2) Brigadier General Hailu Gonfa and (3) Dhaabaa Gutamaa. There is no substitute named for the General.
The statement raises a number of questions. Anyway have your say!!!
To read the whole statement Click HERE
Call for a Conference on the Oromo Youth Revolt Against Subjugation/Fincila Diddaa Gabrummaa (FDG): Nuremberg, Germany – Nov. 8, 2014
The Union of Oromo Students in Europe (UOSE), also known by its Afan Oromo name Tokkumma Bartoota Oromoo Awurooppaa (TBOA), is a student organization based in Germany. Founded in 1974, it is a political organization that functions according to the political program and political ideals of the Oromo Liberation Front (OLF).
As an active branch of UOSE, UOSG (the Union of Oromo Students in Germany) played the biggest role in nurturing the language and culture of the Oromo people; protesting against successive Ethiopian regimes; and coordinating the overall support to the OLF/ABO.
The Month of November is always remembered by all Oromos due to its historical significance in the outbreak of the 2005 Oromo Youth Revolt Against Subjugation (Fincila Didda Gabrummaa – FDG). Therefore, we are so excited to announce that the 9th year anniversary of the 2005 FDG will be organized in Germany by the Union of Oromo Students. We are looking to see all members of the Oromo communities living in all German States to take part on the 8th of November 2014 conference in Bayern (Siebenkees str.4, 90459 Nürnberg) from 12:00-18:00.
TBOJ/Caayaa ABO Executive Committee,
Oromia Shall Be Liberated! or
or kindly reach us through the following numbers: +4915210249774 or +4915217299850
or kindly reach us through the following numbers: +4915210249774 or +4915217299850
Haloo Daawwee, ‘Maaloo Na Dhaqqabaa,’ Jetti
osted: Onkoloolessa/October 23, 2014 · Finfinne Tribune | | Comments off
(Oromedia, 23 Onkoloolessa 2014) Kutattuu Arfan qalloo, Haadha qabsoo Oromoo kan taate Wallistuu Haloo Daawwee dhukubsattee gargaarasa lammummaa gaafachaa jirti.
Haloo Daawwee wallistuu Oromoo wayita Afaan Oromoo dubbachuun saalfii /qaanii/ ture, afaan isheetiin boontee, waltajjitti baatee eenyummaa saba Oromoo mul’suu keessatti qooda guddaa bahaa jirtuudha.
Sagalee kiloolee sanaan waltajii raasaa kan turte Haloo Daawwee, yeroo ammaa kana dukkubsattee siree irratti haftee jirti.
Ummata Oromoo jaalachuu fi kabajuun kan beekamtu Haloon, jireenya ishiis waanuma jaalattuu fi kabajju irratti akak dabarsite kanneen seena aishii quba qaban nuuf himanii jiru.
Waltajjii argamtu irratti ummata bohaarsuu fi daaímamn hamamttee mararsiifahcuu fi fakkeenya gaarii ta’un illee akka beekamtu kanneen dhiyeenyatti beekan kan ragaa bahaniidha.
Guutummaa jireenya ishee dhimma OROMOO FI OROMUMMAA irratti of kennitee hojjachaa kan jirtu Haloo Dawwee yeroo dhukkubsattee siree irratti hafte kanatti abdiin Ummata Oromoo taée jira.
Lammiin gaarii kan abdatan taúu sirboota ishii keessatti himaa kan jirtu Haloon, yeroo mara waan Oromoo fi Oromummaa guddisu irratti waan qabdu mara gumaachaa jirti.
Namooti gargaaruu feetan karaa Bilbilli ilma Haloo Daawwee: GUUTAMAA +251 937 513 560 jettanii akka qunnamtan waamichi lammummaa isiniif darbee jira.
From Facebook (Seenaa Abdissa):
“…….Na gargaaraa Adaraa!
Yeroo Dargaggummaa koo
Gaafa humni koo jirtu
Gaafa Lammiin Oromoo
Afaan sheetti qaanoftu
Harargee qaxxaamuree
Jimmaaf Aggaaroon ba’ee
Shawaa keessa Imalee
Baaleef Arsii Naanna’ee
Boorana irra jiraadhee
Wallagga waliin ga’ee
Aadaa keenya Guddisuuf
yeroos waan baayyeen ta’e.
har’a aadaa keessaniin
dhugaan akka boontaniif
Afaan keessan jaallachuun
akka ittiin dubbattaniif
gaafa Dargaggummaa koo
waan hunda carraaqeeraa
yeroo koo aarsaa godhee
akka dungoo copheeraa.
har’a humni koo dhumee
dhukkubnis natti duultee
akkan hin carraaqqannef
sireetti na galchitee
dhaabbachuus hin danda’u
Jilbi kiyya Laafeeraa
Godoo jireenya koottis
Dukkanni na dhaaleeraa.
Lammii koo isin malee
abdii biraas hin qabu
nan beeka Sabni kiyya
na gargaaruu hin dadhabu.
Harka kiyya diriirsee
Gargaarsa eegaan jiraa
Osoo Lubbuun koo jirtuu
na gargaaraa adaraa!
Yeroo Dargaggummaa koo
Gaafa humni koo jirtu
Gaafa Lammiin Oromoo
Afaan sheetti qaanoftu
Harargee qaxxaamuree
Jimmaaf Aggaaroon ba’ee
Shawaa keessa Imalee
Baaleef Arsii Naanna’ee
Boorana irra jiraadhee
Wallagga waliin ga’ee
Aadaa keenya Guddisuuf
yeroos waan baayyeen ta’e.
har’a aadaa keessaniin
dhugaan akka boontaniif
Afaan keessan jaallachuun
akka ittiin dubbattaniif
gaafa Dargaggummaa koo
waan hunda carraaqeeraa
yeroo koo aarsaa godhee
akka dungoo copheeraa.
har’a humni koo dhumee
dhukkubnis natti duultee
akkan hin carraaqqannef
sireetti na galchitee
dhaabbachuus hin danda’u
Jilbi kiyya Laafeeraa
Godoo jireenya koottis
Dukkanni na dhaaleeraa.
Lammii koo isin malee
abdii biraas hin qabu
nan beeka Sabni kiyya
na gargaaruu hin dadhabu.
Harka kiyya diriirsee
Gargaarsa eegaan jiraa
Osoo Lubbuun koo jirtuu
na gargaaraa adaraa!
Weellistuu Haloo Daawwee!
kanneen gargaaruu feetan Lakkoofsa mana Baankii:-
Baankii Internaashinaalii Oromiyaa Damee Magaalaa – 152154955 ykn
Baankii daldala Itoopiyaa Damee Magaalaa – 1000063900568.
Baankii Internaashinaalii Oromiyaa Damee Magaalaa – 152154955 ykn
Baankii daldala Itoopiyaa Damee Magaalaa – 1000063900568.
Bilbiluus yoo feetan 0937513560 irratti bilbiluu dhaan karaa Ilma ishee Guutamaa argachuu ni dandeessu!
Lammiin Gaaddisa Waliiti!”
Tuesday, 21 October 2014
Draining development: illicit flows from Africa.
Since 1970, Africa has lost at least $854 billion through
capital flight which is not only enough to wipe out the continent’s
total external debt of $250 billion but leaving around $600 billion for
poverty alleviation.
By Menelaos Agaloglou
21, 2014 (Open Democracy) — Illicit flows are difficult to measure due
to lack of reliable data. Global Financial Integrity in 2008 reported
that Africa has lost between $854 billion and $1.8 trillion in the last
four decades.
The flows seeking higher returns are directed towards western financial institutions and the process is being facilitated by tax havens, trade mispricing (by overpricing imports and underpinning exports on customs documents, residents can illegally transfer money abroad), fake foundations and money-laundering techniques.
Sometimes it is a response to economic and political instability or to high taxes placed on international trade. Frequently it is a way of hiding the illegal accumulation of wealth owed to corruption or criminal activity. Additionally, massive illicit flows can also be a reaction to a defaulting government debt or to a lost confidence on the economic strength of the country.
These outflows of capital seriously harm the efforts for poverty alleviation and socio-economic development. In the first place, investment has decreased, yielding negative implications for job creation, improvement of infrastructure and industrialization.
Illicit flows of money harm economic growth by stifling private capital formation and causing the tax base to remain narrow. Since it drains hard currency reserves, it encourages poor countries to borrow money from abroad making their debt crisis worse and curtailing public investment further. This burden is paid more by the poor since high levels of unemployment and increased inflation affects them more. Illicit flows increase inequality that can lead to political tensions and further poverty.
Interestingly, Africa has become a net creditor to the world despite its global image as an inactive recipient of aid and loans. It has the highest share of private external assets among developing regions. Since 1970, Africa has lost at least $854 billion through capital flight which is not only enough to wipe out the continent’s total external debt of $250 billion but leaving around $600 billion for poverty alleviation and pro poor growth.
Africa is the largest recipient of aid in the world. Vast amount of resources are being spent every year with the task of achieving poverty reduction and meeting the Millennium Development Goals.
But what’s the point of sending money in the region if the region sends it back? For the region as a whole, illicit outflows outpaced official development assistance by a ratio of around 2:1. Taking other statistics into account, developing countries lose at least $10 through illegal flight for every $1 they receive via the aid regime. It is logical to conclude here that it would have been more beneficial to keep the locally produced wealth and invest it in the continent rather than waiting for aid from abroad to safeguard basic needs.
A serious inquiry that needs further investigation is what exactly this amount (between $1 trillion and $2 trillion) being lost means in terms of schools, hospitals and infrastructure. For example, the Education For All 2011 report stated that current aid levels fall short of the $16 billion required annually to close the external financing gap in low-income countries.
This crime kills the economic chances of the region. In 1970 it sent abroad 2% of Africa’s GDP, in 1987 it sent abroad 11% and 8% of its 2007 GDP. Illicit outflows from Africa grew at an average 12% a year over the four decades. To have a chance to meet the Millennium Development Goals, African countries must attack the illicit outflow and try to recover what is now held abroad. If the amount lost could be returned, then development can be achieved painlessly with local resources finally putting an end to aid dependency.
Economic growth without reform that can keep the wealth locally reinvested will lead to more illicit capital flight, and not to less. Sub Saharan Africa had high growth-rates over the last decade. Illicit outflows have also increased during this period. If the resources gained from growth cannot be invested locally then pro poor growth will not be achieved and the continent will continue suffering from extreme poverty. The region crucially needs diversification of its economy, research and development in relation to its agriculture and an expansion of its social services both in urban and rural areas. Only locally-led efforts, with local resources, can succeed in bringing prosperity.
Former South African president Mbeki blamed multinational companies for the flow of capital out of Africa, whereas other people are blaming the growing African elite for wanting higher returns for their money. The alternative view is that this economic problem of the outflow of money is just one of the consequences of the real problem that generates all others: in many African countries, governments (even the whole apparatus of the state) lack legitimacy, and their policies and actions do not represent the whole of society but special groups with economic and political power. In most African countries there is no bargain among groups; just the imposition of power by a small elite.
An effective state can tax its citizens with a political settlement, a rational consensus between state and citizens whereby taxes will be used to further guarantee and protect their interests. At this point we can start perceiving the problem of illicit flows more as a political problem and less an economic one. It is necessary for African societies to address their weak state legitimacy by becoming more open political units, which will integrate the different groups from the societies they supposedly lead. On the other hand businessmen, in order to keep their wealth inside their countries, need to be sure that they will profit with a positive real rate of interest. Serious macroeconomic policies, such as lower fiscal deficits, low inflation and reduced monetary expansion need to follow.
In conclusion, capital flight places the whole burden of solving the problem upon African countries. However one views the problem, either as an economic or a political one, the burden is placed on these societies to solve problems through their own efforts.
It is true that African financial institutions are the smallest and least developed in the world. It is also true that they are not transparent – probably a symptom of their connection with the political establishment which also lacks credibility among the locals. But credibility, transparency and legitimacy are central ideas to development. It would be wiser to start our development discussions from these basics rather than wasting more resources and time setting more and more millennium goals.
By Menelaos Agaloglou
The flows seeking higher returns are directed towards western financial institutions and the process is being facilitated by tax havens, trade mispricing (by overpricing imports and underpinning exports on customs documents, residents can illegally transfer money abroad), fake foundations and money-laundering techniques.
Sometimes it is a response to economic and political instability or to high taxes placed on international trade. Frequently it is a way of hiding the illegal accumulation of wealth owed to corruption or criminal activity. Additionally, massive illicit flows can also be a reaction to a defaulting government debt or to a lost confidence on the economic strength of the country.
These outflows of capital seriously harm the efforts for poverty alleviation and socio-economic development. In the first place, investment has decreased, yielding negative implications for job creation, improvement of infrastructure and industrialization.
Illicit flows of money harm economic growth by stifling private capital formation and causing the tax base to remain narrow. Since it drains hard currency reserves, it encourages poor countries to borrow money from abroad making their debt crisis worse and curtailing public investment further. This burden is paid more by the poor since high levels of unemployment and increased inflation affects them more. Illicit flows increase inequality that can lead to political tensions and further poverty.
Interestingly, Africa has become a net creditor to the world despite its global image as an inactive recipient of aid and loans. It has the highest share of private external assets among developing regions. Since 1970, Africa has lost at least $854 billion through capital flight which is not only enough to wipe out the continent’s total external debt of $250 billion but leaving around $600 billion for poverty alleviation and pro poor growth.
Africa is the largest recipient of aid in the world. Vast amount of resources are being spent every year with the task of achieving poverty reduction and meeting the Millennium Development Goals.
But what’s the point of sending money in the region if the region sends it back? For the region as a whole, illicit outflows outpaced official development assistance by a ratio of around 2:1. Taking other statistics into account, developing countries lose at least $10 through illegal flight for every $1 they receive via the aid regime. It is logical to conclude here that it would have been more beneficial to keep the locally produced wealth and invest it in the continent rather than waiting for aid from abroad to safeguard basic needs.
A serious inquiry that needs further investigation is what exactly this amount (between $1 trillion and $2 trillion) being lost means in terms of schools, hospitals and infrastructure. For example, the Education For All 2011 report stated that current aid levels fall short of the $16 billion required annually to close the external financing gap in low-income countries.
This crime kills the economic chances of the region. In 1970 it sent abroad 2% of Africa’s GDP, in 1987 it sent abroad 11% and 8% of its 2007 GDP. Illicit outflows from Africa grew at an average 12% a year over the four decades. To have a chance to meet the Millennium Development Goals, African countries must attack the illicit outflow and try to recover what is now held abroad. If the amount lost could be returned, then development can be achieved painlessly with local resources finally putting an end to aid dependency.
Economic growth without reform that can keep the wealth locally reinvested will lead to more illicit capital flight, and not to less. Sub Saharan Africa had high growth-rates over the last decade. Illicit outflows have also increased during this period. If the resources gained from growth cannot be invested locally then pro poor growth will not be achieved and the continent will continue suffering from extreme poverty. The region crucially needs diversification of its economy, research and development in relation to its agriculture and an expansion of its social services both in urban and rural areas. Only locally-led efforts, with local resources, can succeed in bringing prosperity.
Former South African president Mbeki blamed multinational companies for the flow of capital out of Africa, whereas other people are blaming the growing African elite for wanting higher returns for their money. The alternative view is that this economic problem of the outflow of money is just one of the consequences of the real problem that generates all others: in many African countries, governments (even the whole apparatus of the state) lack legitimacy, and their policies and actions do not represent the whole of society but special groups with economic and political power. In most African countries there is no bargain among groups; just the imposition of power by a small elite.
An effective state can tax its citizens with a political settlement, a rational consensus between state and citizens whereby taxes will be used to further guarantee and protect their interests. At this point we can start perceiving the problem of illicit flows more as a political problem and less an economic one. It is necessary for African societies to address their weak state legitimacy by becoming more open political units, which will integrate the different groups from the societies they supposedly lead. On the other hand businessmen, in order to keep their wealth inside their countries, need to be sure that they will profit with a positive real rate of interest. Serious macroeconomic policies, such as lower fiscal deficits, low inflation and reduced monetary expansion need to follow.
In conclusion, capital flight places the whole burden of solving the problem upon African countries. However one views the problem, either as an economic or a political one, the burden is placed on these societies to solve problems through their own efforts.
It is true that African financial institutions are the smallest and least developed in the world. It is also true that they are not transparent – probably a symptom of their connection with the political establishment which also lacks credibility among the locals. But credibility, transparency and legitimacy are central ideas to development. It would be wiser to start our development discussions from these basics rather than wasting more resources and time setting more and more millennium goals.
About the author
Menelaos Agaloglou is the Head of Geography in the International
Division of the Greek Community School in Addis Ababa. He is a
researcher of the Center of Middle Eastern and Islamic Studies (CEMMIS),
part of the University of Peloponnese in Greece. He has taught Conflict
Resolution and English in the University of Hargeisa in Somalia and
Social Studies at the Ahmadiyya elementary school in Sierra Leone.
Source: Open Democracy
Somalia : Are the U.S , UK and Front line countries paralyzing Somalia ?
Unfortunately, when the warlords that toppled the last central government in 1991 had failed to come up in an advance a plan with them in order to form an exclusive government to control the entire country, the neighboring countries such as Ethiopia, Kenya and Djibouti exploited the chaos.
Ethiopia and Djibouti eventually started tantalizing the warlords in the pretext of reconciliation amid a further humiliation. Even though,Ethiopia and Djibouti differ their selfish interests towards Somalia, but destroying Somalia prior to their joint-efforts allowed both countries to reap rewards of the partnership.
Ethiopia no longer fears any threat from its traditional foe, Somalia, because it controls her for many directions: politically, socially, economically, militarily and educationally directly and indirectly.Thanks to vain warlords, Djibouti enjoys playing as one of the regional actors for its strategical location with the void of Somalia and no powerful, united country of Somalia is foreseeable but tiny states like Djibouti.
Djibouti hired out a contingent of its soldiers to Somalia for vast profit in the form of peacekeeping to pretend itself as an actor and to keep making sure mini-states implemented in Somalia as well as getting paid its soldiers. Ethiopia and Kenya which are acting under the auspices of AMISOM rapists under the term of fighting terrorism yet their own selfish interests differ whilst working as brothers in army when it comes to weakening Somalia both countries confront each other occasionally for the case of Jubaland state of Somalia.
U.S and U.K governments, the allies of evil, have recent years enhanced their efforts to do any necessary prevention by defying Somali patriots to lead the nation to keep Somalia drowning deep into the Indian ocean with solely the intention of paving their oil-hungry corporations and their vessel at sea to steal and/ or exploit the natural resources of Somalia.
The So-called Al-Shabaab has to be blamed for the foreign invasion and the conquest of Somalia.The crimes that the terror group has committed against Somalis reached its peaks as well.
Ethiopian-controlled Dammul Jadiid of Federal government of Somalia foiled its responsibility to serve the interest of Somali people and spent most of their time by roaming to foreign countries without agenda or clear, well reasoned and articulated plan.
The globe-trotters just aim the media attention nothing more nothing less, moreover how many times do we hear from our inept politicians saying ” We have healthy relationship with such and such countries with no apparent reason or no return, but only to gain admiration from countries that have no stomach to help us for recovery.
While Somalia needs intimate friends and allies that support at this critical time yet the United States, United Kingdom and front line countries are Paralyzing Somalia and denying to have the ability to stand on its feet again, either on revenge for the case of Ethiopia or making it weaker to exploit the natural resources.
Humni Waraanaa fi Tika Wayyaanee Wallagga, Aandaa Gaa’oo Qeebbee Keessatti Ummata Goolaa Jiraachuun Gabaafame
Gabaasa Qeerroo D.D. – Onkoloolessa 18, 2014
Godina Qellem, aanaa Gaa’oo Qeebbee uumata nagaa fi barattoota nagaa maatii irra deemee jeequu fi uumata maatii barattootaa qabanii qormaata irratti gaggeessuu hojii godhatee jira. Humni waraanaa fi tikoota wayyaanee Onkoloolessa 16, 2014 naannicha qubate addatti barattootaa fi qonnaan bultoota umuriin dardara ta’an irratti xiyyeefatnoo guddaa kennee maatii irra deemee qabee doorsisuu fi mana sakatta’uun ABO waliin hariiroo qabdan sababa jedhuun guutummaan naannichaa goolaa jira.

Godina kana guutummaa kan keessatti mootummaan Wayyaanee hanga gandaa fi hawwasa keessa deemee hojjetotas tahee hojjetaa kan hin tahin maqaa qorannaa fi toohannaan uummata keessa jaleewwan isaa tamsaasee jira, asuma magaalaa Dambi Doolloo keessattis shira hangana hin jedhamnetu xaxamaa jira, of jiraachisuuf hojii dhuunfaa banatanii kan hojjetan, daldala irratti kan argaman muutummaaf gibira kennaa hin jirtan jechuun saamicha gaggeessaa jira, jabinnii fi tumsi uummataas kan jabaatee fi kan isa rifachiiseedha, mare fi wal gayii mootummaan Wayyaanee waamu irratti uummanni hin argamin fesheleessuun, fedhaa fi duudhaa mootummaan Wayyaanee ofiif barbaadu uummanni yeroo kana dura dhaabbatee waan ugguruuf uummata gidduutti shira hammeenyaa xaxuu fi maqaa shororkeessaa keessatti moggaasaa jira, uummata keessatti humna mootummaadhaan mormutu jira kan jedhuttis waan shakkuuf qaama waraana federaala irraagara Godina Qeellem erguun uummata nagaa keessa lolaasaa jira. Filannoonis fuula duratti waan gaheef jecha yeroo jiru ololaan guubuudhaan uummata gowomsaa jiruudha, caasaa fi qaama uummata keessaa qabuunis yeroo ammaa kana uummata qote bultoota gandoota keessa deemuun filannoo akka filaniif jecha ololli dharaa fi uumata kan hin fayyadne hafarfamaa jira.
Godina Qellem, aanaa Gaa’oo Qeebbee uumata nagaa fi barattoota nagaa maatii irra deemee jeequu fi uumata maatii barattootaa qabanii qormaata irratti gaggeessuu hojii godhatee jira. Humni waraanaa fi tikoota wayyaanee Onkoloolessa 16, 2014 naannicha qubate addatti barattootaa fi qonnaan bultoota umuriin dardara ta’an irratti xiyyeefatnoo guddaa kennee maatii irra deemee qabee doorsisuu fi mana sakatta’uun ABO waliin hariiroo qabdan sababa jedhuun guutummaan naannichaa goolaa jira.
Godina kana guutummaa kan keessatti mootummaan Wayyaanee hanga gandaa fi hawwasa keessa deemee hojjetotas tahee hojjetaa kan hin tahin maqaa qorannaa fi toohannaan uummata keessa jaleewwan isaa tamsaasee jira, asuma magaalaa Dambi Doolloo keessattis shira hangana hin jedhamnetu xaxamaa jira, of jiraachisuuf hojii dhuunfaa banatanii kan hojjetan, daldala irratti kan argaman muutummaaf gibira kennaa hin jirtan jechuun saamicha gaggeessaa jira, jabinnii fi tumsi uummataas kan jabaatee fi kan isa rifachiiseedha, mare fi wal gayii mootummaan Wayyaanee waamu irratti uummanni hin argamin fesheleessuun, fedhaa fi duudhaa mootummaan Wayyaanee ofiif barbaadu uummanni yeroo kana dura dhaabbatee waan ugguruuf uummata gidduutti shira hammeenyaa xaxuu fi maqaa shororkeessaa keessatti moggaasaa jira, uummata keessatti humna mootummaadhaan mormutu jira kan jedhuttis waan shakkuuf qaama waraana federaala irraagara Godina Qeellem erguun uummata nagaa keessa lolaasaa jira. Filannoonis fuula duratti waan gaheef jecha yeroo jiru ololaan guubuudhaan uummata gowomsaa jiruudha, caasaa fi qaama uummata keessaa qabuunis yeroo ammaa kana uummata qote bultoota gandoota keessa deemuun filannoo akka filaniif jecha ololli dharaa fi uumata kan hin fayyadne hafarfamaa jira.
Qeerroo: Barattootni Yuuniversitii Hawaasaa Barattoota Haaraa Barana Yuuniversitii Seenan Simachuun Wal Qabsiisanii Dhaadannoo fi Sirboota Qabsoon Diddaa Mootummaa Wayyaaneef Qaban Dhageessisan
Gabaasa Qeerroo Yuuniversitii Hawaasaa Onkoloolessa 19, 2014
Oromoon gaafa mammaaku “YAA GOWWAA SI DUUBAAN BOWWAA” Mootummaan Wayyaanee hagayya 10/2006 A.H. irraa eegalee marroo marroodhaan barattoota fibarsiisota mana baruumsa sadarkaa tokkooffaa hanga barattoota fi barsiisota dhaabbilee ol’aanotti jiraniif leenjii tarsiimoo fi imaammata siyaasa EPRDF dirqiin walitti qabee kennaafii turuun ni yaadatama. Waan ummata gowwoomsitu itti fakkaate maleeofumaa akka gowwoomaa jirtu waan hubatte hin fakkaattu.
Walgahiin Wayyaaneen dirqii fi humnaan barattoota fi baarsiistota teessisaa turte kun siyaasa ishii kasaaraa guddaa keessa buusuu irra darbee biyyattiis qarqara gaaga’ama kufaatii diinagdee irraan gahuunis waan hafuu miti. Mammaaksi mataa gubbaa irratti caqafamuuf yaalames cal jedhee miti kan kaafameef: wayyaaneen yommuu umrii aangoo ishee dheereffachuuf tooftaa fi maloota garagaraa baafattu saboota cunqurfamoon immoo tooftaa kanatti dhimma bahuun haala mijataa uummatanii narratti finciluu danda’u jedhee yaadee beekaa laata yoo hin beeku ta’e yaa gowwaa si duubaan bowwaa jedhaani. Walgahiin dirqii tun qeerroon oromoo iddoo garagaraa irraa walitti dhufuun walbaranii akka warraaqsa isaanif humna argatan carraa banteefii turte.
Dabalataanis barattoota cunqursaa saba isaanii irra gahaa turee fi jiru hin hubanneef hubannoo bal’aa laateejira. Onkoloolessa 18/2014 Qeerroon Yunivarsiitii Hawaasaa kaampasii Awaadaa waallee warraaqsa fi kallacha qabsoo bilisummaa Oromoo kan ta’e ABO faarsuun lammii boonsuun diina raasaa bulan. Qeerroon yunivarsiitii Hawaasaa qophii barattoonni waggaa lammaffaa waggaa tokkoffaa isaanii yaadachuuf qopheeffatan sababeeffachuun dungoo diimaa magariisa diimaa qabsiifachuun itti naanna’anii sirbaa bulan.
Iyyoolee ABOn dhufee as oolee …
Maasaan gamaa lafa hin baatuu …
Gooba kormaa fi waallewwan warraaqsaa hedduudhan ilmaan habashootaa sodaa guddaa fi raafama hin taane keessa buusan. Wanti guddaa nama dinqu barattoonni haaraan bara kana mooratti dabalaman guutummaan guututti hirmaachuu isaaniti. Kun immoo leenjiin wayyaanee ilmaan Oromoo kaayyoo ganamaa geeddarsiisuu irra ittuu xiiqessee akka isaan mirga isaaniif falmatan taasisuu nutti mul’isa.
Wayyaaneen leenjis kennitee barattoota Oromoos Yunivarsiitota Oromiyaan ala jiranittis ramaddee ilmaan Oromootti danqaa taatee akeeka ganamaa irraa dhaabuu hin dandeessu. Kanumaan wal qabatee yuuniversitii Hawaasaa keessatti barattootni haaraa dhufanii fi kan mooraa jiraatan walitti dhufuudhaan mootummaa Wayyaanee dhaadannoo fi sirboota qabsootiin muffaa guddaa keessa akka buusan gabaasni Qeerroo mooraa Yuuniversitii Hawaasaa irraa nu gahee addeessa.
Oromoon gaafa mammaaku “YAA GOWWAA SI DUUBAAN BOWWAA” Mootummaan Wayyaanee hagayya 10/2006 A.H. irraa eegalee marroo marroodhaan barattoota fibarsiisota mana baruumsa sadarkaa tokkooffaa hanga barattoota fi barsiisota dhaabbilee ol’aanotti jiraniif leenjii tarsiimoo fi imaammata siyaasa EPRDF dirqiin walitti qabee kennaafii turuun ni yaadatama. Waan ummata gowwoomsitu itti fakkaate maleeofumaa akka gowwoomaa jirtu waan hubatte hin fakkaattu.
Walgahiin Wayyaaneen dirqii fi humnaan barattoota fi baarsiistota teessisaa turte kun siyaasa ishii kasaaraa guddaa keessa buusuu irra darbee biyyattiis qarqara gaaga’ama kufaatii diinagdee irraan gahuunis waan hafuu miti. Mammaaksi mataa gubbaa irratti caqafamuuf yaalames cal jedhee miti kan kaafameef: wayyaaneen yommuu umrii aangoo ishee dheereffachuuf tooftaa fi maloota garagaraa baafattu saboota cunqurfamoon immoo tooftaa kanatti dhimma bahuun haala mijataa uummatanii narratti finciluu danda’u jedhee yaadee beekaa laata yoo hin beeku ta’e yaa gowwaa si duubaan bowwaa jedhaani. Walgahiin dirqii tun qeerroon oromoo iddoo garagaraa irraa walitti dhufuun walbaranii akka warraaqsa isaanif humna argatan carraa banteefii turte.
Dabalataanis barattoota cunqursaa saba isaanii irra gahaa turee fi jiru hin hubanneef hubannoo bal’aa laateejira. Onkoloolessa 18/2014 Qeerroon Yunivarsiitii Hawaasaa kaampasii Awaadaa waallee warraaqsa fi kallacha qabsoo bilisummaa Oromoo kan ta’e ABO faarsuun lammii boonsuun diina raasaa bulan. Qeerroon yunivarsiitii Hawaasaa qophii barattoonni waggaa lammaffaa waggaa tokkoffaa isaanii yaadachuuf qopheeffatan sababeeffachuun dungoo diimaa magariisa diimaa qabsiifachuun itti naanna’anii sirbaa bulan.
Iyyoolee ABOn dhufee as oolee …
Maasaan gamaa lafa hin baatuu …
Gooba kormaa fi waallewwan warraaqsaa hedduudhan ilmaan habashootaa sodaa guddaa fi raafama hin taane keessa buusan. Wanti guddaa nama dinqu barattoonni haaraan bara kana mooratti dabalaman guutummaan guututti hirmaachuu isaaniti. Kun immoo leenjiin wayyaanee ilmaan Oromoo kaayyoo ganamaa geeddarsiisuu irra ittuu xiiqessee akka isaan mirga isaaniif falmatan taasisuu nutti mul’isa.
Wayyaaneen leenjis kennitee barattoota Oromoos Yunivarsiitota Oromiyaan ala jiranittis ramaddee ilmaan Oromootti danqaa taatee akeeka ganamaa irraa dhaabuu hin dandeessu. Kanumaan wal qabatee yuuniversitii Hawaasaa keessatti barattootni haaraa dhufanii fi kan mooraa jiraatan walitti dhufuudhaan mootummaa Wayyaanee dhaadannoo fi sirboota qabsootiin muffaa guddaa keessa akka buusan gabaasni Qeerroo mooraa Yuuniversitii Hawaasaa irraa nu gahee addeessa.
Some Cool Oromo Apps for Smart Devices
The following are a few of the Apps specifically designed for Oromo Smart-Phone users. The selections given below are for Android-based systems, but look for them in Apple’s App Store as well.
App Name:
Oromo Dictionary
Oromo Dictionary
If you want to learn Afaan Oromo or English, or you want to extend your knowledge, then the Oromo Dictionary is the ideal tool to help you understand and communicate. The Oromo Dictionary app translates Oromo to English or English to Oromo. It delivers reference contents from site. The app helps you by displaying a tip when you type the first few characters. For more detail, please visit
If you want to learn Afaan Oromo or English, or you want to extend your knowledge, then the Oromo Dictionary is the ideal tool to help you understand and communicate. The Oromo Dictionary app translates Oromo to English or English to Oromo. It delivers reference contents from site. The app helps you by displaying a tip when you type the first few characters. For more detail, please visit
App Name:
Oromia Radio UK
Oromia Radio UK
Oromia Radio UK to inspire, educate, empower and entertain Oromo Community in the UK and also globally. Promoting Oromo language and history, and social, economical and political challenges. Programmes include: daily news, radio documentaries, interviews, live radio chats, music, radio dramas, sport and poetry.
Oromia Radio UK to inspire, educate, empower and entertain Oromo Community in the UK and also globally. Promoting Oromo language and history, and social, economical and political challenges. Programmes include: daily news, radio documentaries, interviews, live radio chats, music, radio dramas, sport and poetry.
App Name:
Oromia Media Network OMN
Oromia Media Network OMN
The Oromia Media Network (OMN) is an independent, nonpartisan and nonprofit news enterprise whose mission is to produce original and citizen-driven reporting on Oromia, the largest and most populous state in Ethiopia. OMN seeks to offer thought-provoking, contextual, and nuanced coverage of critical public interest issues thereby bringing much needed attention to under-reported stories in the region. Our goal is to create a strong and sustainable multilingual newsroom that will serve as a reliable source of information about the Oromo people, the Ethiopian state, and the greater Horn of Africa region.
The Oromia Media Network (OMN) is an independent, nonpartisan and nonprofit news enterprise whose mission is to produce original and citizen-driven reporting on Oromia, the largest and most populous state in Ethiopia. OMN seeks to offer thought-provoking, contextual, and nuanced coverage of critical public interest issues thereby bringing much needed attention to under-reported stories in the region. Our goal is to create a strong and sustainable multilingual newsroom that will serve as a reliable source of information about the Oromo people, the Ethiopian state, and the greater Horn of Africa region.
App Name:
Oromo GadaaMobile –
Oromo GadaaMobile –
Launched in 2004, is an independent online media outlet serving the the Horn of African region and its Diaspora. is also a source of vast information about the Horn of Africa’s largest nation, Oromo. The Oromo nation constitutes close to 50% of the peoples in Ethiopia.
Launched in 2004, is an independent online media outlet serving the the Horn of African region and its Diaspora. is also a source of vast information about the Horn of Africa’s largest nation, Oromo. The Oromo nation constitutes close to 50% of the peoples in Ethiopia.
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