Sunday, 31 August 2014

ካርቱም ለምትገኙ ስደተኞች በሙሉ – በሱዳን የሚገኙትን 5ቱን የወያኔ ሰላዮች/ ተላላኪዎች ይወቁ.

በሱዳን ከሚገኙ ሃገር ወዳድ ኢትዮጵያውያን የተላለፈ ጥሪ፦
በሱዳን ሀገር ለምትገኙ ኢትዮጽያውያን በሙሉ መብታችን ሰብአዊ ክብራችን ለዘመናት በስደት በምንኖርበት ሀገረ ሱዳን በ ዩን ኤች ሲ አር በኩል ከፍተኛ አድሎ በደል እንደሚደረግብን ለማንም ግልፅ ነው። ይሂም የኛ ዝምታና አንድነት አለመኖር እረሳችንን እንደጎዳን በማንም ይታወቃል በሕብረት በአንድነት ቆመን መብታችን ለማስከበር እንዳንታገል ያደረግን የወያኔ ረቂቅ ተንኮል መሆኑ ለማንም ግልፅ ነው። ይህንን አሳዛኝ ሕይወት ማንም በየቤቱ ይናገራወል በቅርብ በሚያውቀው ጓደኛ ጎረቤት ይወያይበታል የስደተኛ መብታችንም እንዳናስከብር እንደኛው የስደተኛ መታወቂያ የያዙ ለረዥም ዓመት በጉርብትና በመሀበር በእድር የምናውቃቸው ሁለት አይነት መታወቂያ ያላቸው እስስት ሰላዮችን ስደተኛው ማህበረሰብ በይሉኝታ እስከ ዛሬ በዝምታ ሲያልፋቸው ኖረዋል። እነሆ እሰከ ዛሬ የስደተኛ መብታችን ከመጋራት አልፎ እኛን መስለው ሲሰልሉን እያየን እየሰማን አንድ ለአምስት በሚባል በስለላ ስራ ተሰማርተው በቤተክርስትያን በእድር በጉርብትና በየፀበል ፀዲቁ በዩ ኤን ኤች ሲ አር በኮር ስደተኛው በሚገኝበት በስውር ተመድበው ሰርገው በመግባት በከፍተኛ ደረጃ እየተንቀሳቀሱ ይገኛሉ። እነዚህ ከሀዲ ባንዳዎች ሰርቶ የሚኖረውን ስደተኛ እለት በእለት እየተከታተሉ ለወያኔ ኢንባሲ ዘርፈው ለማይጠግቡ ኢትዮጽያን ሸጠው ለማይረኩ ቅጥረኞች ማንኛውንም እንቅስቃሴ ሪፖርት ያደርጋሉ። ከዚህ በኋላ ዝምታችን ሰብረን ዝምታ ለበጓም አልባጃት እንዲሉ ከዚህ በታች ስማቸው የተዘረዘሩትን ወራዳ እንደ ሚሸጥ ስጋ ምንግዜም እራሳቸውን በፍርፋሪ የሚሸጡ በፍፁም ኢትዮጽያዊ ክብር
የለላቸውን በስደተኛ ስም ስደተኛ ነን የሚሉትን ከሀዲ ባንዳዎችን ከዛሬ ጀምሮ በካርቱም በተለያዩ ቦታዎች በበሀሪ በእምድሩማን በጅሬፍ በሰሀፋ ሸሪክ በሰሀፋ ዘለጥ በጀብራ በጎዝ በዴም ውስጥ የሚገኙትን ተራ በተራ እናጋልጣለን ለግዜው።……..
የካርቱም ከተማ ከፊል ገጽታ (ፎቶ ፋይል)
የካርቱም ከተማ ከፊል ገጽታ (ፎቶ ፋይል)

1ኛ. አየልኝ ተድላ መኮነን (ኰከቤ)፡− ይህ ግለሰብ በ2005 የተቋቋመው የስደተኞች ኮሚቴ ውስጥ አባል ሆኖ እየሰራ እያለ በኮሚቴ አባላት መካከል ጠንካራ እንቅስቃሴ ያደርጉ የነበሩትን ወያኔ ሆነዋል ብሎ በማስወራትና ክፍፍል በመፍጠር ኰሚቲው እንዲፈራርስ ትልቅ ሚና ተጫውቶዋል። በዚህ ሳይቆም ከኢትዮጵያ ሸሽቶ የመጣ አንድ የግንቦት 7 ዓባል አቶ አንዱአለም የተባለ ሰውየ እዚህ ካርቱም እንዲታፈንም ከፍተኛ አስተዋጾ ካደረጉት ሰዎች አንዱ ነው። COR እና UNHCR ሲሄድ ተቃዋሚ መስሎ የሚቀርብ በተግባር ግን የወያኔ ቅጥረኛ የሆነ ግለሠብ ነው።
2ኛ. ወርቁ አለባቸው (ባሪያው) ፡− ግለሰቡ የወያኔው የማፍያ ቡድን መሪ የነበረው የመለሰ ዜናዊ የሃዘን ቀን በሚከበርበት ቀን የሟቹን ፎቶ ይዞ ምሾ ሲወርድ እና ያዙኝ ልቀቁኝ ሲል ባጋጣሚ ፎቶው ይቀደዳል ወያኔ ለመሆን ይረዳኛል ብሎ ያሰበው እለቅሶ ወያኔ በሆኑት ሆን ብለህ ነው የቀደድከው አንተ ሆዳም ዓማራ ተብሎ ተዋረደ እና ተደበደበበት። ከዛን ቀን በሆላ ጠቅልሎ እንደገባ በአደባባይ አስመሰከረ።
3ኛ. ተስፉ የሽወንድም ፡− በዘመነ ደርግ በጎንደር ውስጥ በኢሰፓ ውስጥ ሲሰራ የነበረ ሲሆን ስደት ከገባበት ጊዜ ጀምሮ በየሄደበት ወሬ በመለቃቀም ለኢንባሲው የሚያቀብል አደገኛ ወሬ አነፍናፊ የሆነ ግለሰብ ነው።
4ኛ. ሽዋየ ሲሳይ ፡− በባሏ መሞት አማራነቷን ያወቀችው ቀዳማዊ ዕመቤት እየተባለች ስትሞካሽ የነበረችው አዚብ መስፍን ሱዳን ስትመጣ በቤቷ ተቀብላ በማስተናገድ ብቻ ሳትወሰን የስለላም ስራ በመስራት ሪፖርት የምታቀርብ ናት።
5ኛ. መኪ ጉራጌው ፡− በመባል የሚታወቀ ኦምዱሩማን የሚኖር ይሂው ግለሰብ ኦምዱሩማን የሚኖሩ ስደተኞችን በማማበል ስደተኞች በኢንባሲው ውስጥ በተዋቀረው እድር እንዲሳተፉ እና የተለያየ ጥቅማጥቅም እንደሚያገኙ በማሳመን የአባላት ምልመላ ያካደርጋል። እግረመንገዱንም ለኢምባሲው በመሰለል መረጃ ያቀብላል።
ወድ ኢትዮጽያዊ እነዚህ ለሆዳቸው ያደሩ አሳልፈው እንደሰጡህ ይታወቃል ሌሎችም አንድ ለአምስት በሚል በወያኔ የስላላ መረብ የተጠረነፉ እንደተለከፈ ውሻ በየስደተኛው ቤት የሚክለፈለፉ በአማራ በትግሬ በኦሮሞ በጉራጌ በደቡብ መሀበራት ስም የተደራጁ እንዳሉ ይታወቃል እነዚህ ወገን ሀገርን የሚሸጡ ደላለዎችን በማንኛውም መልኩ ከማንኛወም ማህበራዊ ግንኙነት እንዲገለሉ ማድረግ አለብን። ከአሁን በሆላ በስደተኛው ስም መነገድ እንዲያቆሙ ልንነግራቸው ይገባል። እንደማይራሩሉልህ ይታወቃልና ስለዚህ በይሉኝታ መብታችን ና የኢትዮጽያን ክብር ከአሁን በፊት አሳልፈን የሰጠነው ይብቃል እንበላችው ! በጋራ እንዋጋቸው !!!
ይህንን በረሪ ወረቀት ኮፒ እያደረክ ያላነበበው እንዲያነበው ትብብርህን አንጠይቃለን !
ለመብትህ ለክብርህ ተነስ !!!

Saturday, 30 August 2014

August 30, 2014 – Remembering Eebbisaa Addunyaa – Eebbisaa’s Torch Passes to Qeerroo in the Oromo Struggle for Freedom and Human Rights

On August 30, 1996, Oromo recording artist Eebbisaa Addunyaa, along with his friend Tana Wayessa, was murdered by the TPLF Woyane terrorist Ethiopian regime at his home in Finfinne. Though the Woyane regime murdered Eebbisaa Addunyaa as part of the campaign to stop the Oromo struggle for freedom and human rights, the Oromo struggle’s torch held by Eebbisaa and countless other Oromo Nationals has passed to QeerrooQeerroo will fight in all aspects of the national liberation struggle to conclude the Oromo people’s quest for freedom and human rights victoriously. As it has been down in many other countries where tyrants have been brought to international courts, those responsible for crimes against humanity against the Oromo people will also be brought to justice soon.
The following are videos of some of the songs by Eebbisaa Addunyaa and of his biography.



SNR Special Edition; New Afaan Oromo Book Inaugration.

Seife Nebelbal Radio, Special Edition, August 30, 2014News Shamin – Da – Fer New Afaan Oromoo Book Inaugurated

Friday, 29 August 2014

Ethiopia: Uneven Coverage of Suppressed Ethiopian Journalists.

August 30, 2014, Addis Ababa (VOA) — This month, Ethiopian officials shut down five magazines — the latest in a series of shutdowns — but the move got little attention from outside the country. The East African country is well known for suppressing the media, but some cases seem to get celebrity status while others are ignored.
Twelve Ethiopian journalists and publishers left the country in August after the magazines they worked for were forced by the government to shut down. International media gave little attention to the self-chosen exile of these media practitioners.
In contrast, the cases of Eskinder Nega, Reeyot Alemu and more recently the Zone9 bloggers have been covered by outlets such as al-Jazeera and the BBC, as well as VOA.
Tom Rhodes of the Committee to Protect Journalists, or CPJ, says it can be partly explained why some cases get more attention.
“In the case of the Zone9 bloggers and Eskinder, they were quite well known in the diaspora, the Ethiopian diaspora, and had a lot of international contacts and backers. While other cases unfortunately are not so well known. I think of Solomon Kebede for example who is still waiting for trial,” he said.
Forty-one human rights organizations such as Amnesty International and CPJ released a joint statement calling for the release of the Zone9 bloggers and journalists, who are charged with terrorism.
Amaha Mekonnen, lawyer for the Zone9 bloggers and journalists, said there was a small chance the international attention would have an impact.
“As we have the experience, there may be a chance to settle the matter out of court, in which case, this information, all deliberations and analysis the case of this bloggers and journalist may be used to speed up and finally get a successful results,” said Mekonnen.
Both Eskinder Nega and Reeyot Alemu have been detained under Ethiopia’s controversial Anti-Terrorism Proclamation. Human rights group said the 2009 law was overly vague and allowed authorities to arrest anyone who criticized or opposed the government.
Eskinder won the 2012 PEN American’s Freedom to Write Award while serving an 18-year prison sentence and Reeyot won the UNESCO World Press Freedom Award in 2013 while serving an ongoing five-year prison term.
Reeyot is not allowed to see anyone else besides her parents, for 20 minutes a day. Her father Alemu Gobebo said the attention was good for the morale of his imprisoned daughter:
“The international media is also encouraging the family of Reeyot, and Reeyot herself. The international media coverage disclosing her strength on freedom of speech or freedom of press, and by that way she was awarded, I think, international prizes. In that case we are very delighted,” he said.
There was always a worry when giving exposure to a case, said Rhodes of CPJ. But he also believed that it was crucial to inform people about what was going on.
“I think it both has a positive and a negative affect,” he said. “Positive in the sense that we let the international community know what’s going on and we’re letting the Ethiopian press know what’s going on. But it’s also negative in the sense that some authorities simply do not like criticism whether its local or international. And may react badly to it.”
Ethiopia ranks 143 out of 180 countries on the most recent World Press Freedom index. A 2014 Human Rights Watch report says Ethiopia is one of the three top countries in the world in terms of the number of exiled journalists.
The trial of the Zone 9 bloggers and journalists will resume October 15.

Arresting and Torturing of Oromo Women and Youth does not Stop the Struggle of the Oromo People for Justice and Freedom.

qeerroo2August 29, 2014 (Qeerroo) – The Tigrayan minority TPLF-led Ethiopian regime has continued arresting and torturing of the Oromo nationals in an attempt to stop the struggle of the Oromo nation for freedom, democracy and justice. Currently, the atrocities committed by this regime on innocent Oromo civilians have been escalated to unimaginable scale. Hundreds of Oromo students, teachers, farmers, daily labourers, and civil servants are languishing in prisons located at several places in Oromia. The overwhelming majority of those who are sent to detention centres are subjected to severe and inhuman torture. Some have died in prison cells or thrown out of jail and left to die in hospital simply because they couldn’t stand the torture. Oromo nationalists Wako Tola (teacher), Usmayyo Musa (singer), Alamayehu Gerba (handicapped university student), Nimona Tilahun (former University student), Tesfahun Chemeda (engineer), Aslan Hassan (university student), and many others are all killed by the regimes police as a direct result of torture while in prison cells.  Those who survive the brutal torture will be subjected to trumped-up charges and will be brought to judges of the kangaroo court of the regime. Before bringing to the court false witnesses are prepared and “evidence” is planted at their homes by the regimes police and convicted based on these fake testimony and made-up and planted “evidence”. Others are kept in prison indefinitely without any charge at all. In few cases judges render a “not-guilty” verdict after the prisoners have already spent several years in jail and let them go “free”. In some of such cases the police arrests them back before they even leave the court house and prepare other made-up charges. This has been a well-known and established norm of the judiciary system of the current regime in Ethiopia. Oromo students are subjected to such police brutality and unjust judicial process and branded as “terrorists” for no crime other than raising the rightful and legitimate questions of the Oromo people in a peaceful and non-violent manner. It is not an exaggeration if we say this regime in Finfinne (Addis Ababa) is a mafia regime, brutal than the former apartheid regime of South Africa.

Barattooti Oromoo Yuuniversitii Wallaggaa 200 Ta’an Hidhaman, 26 Ammoo Warnaana Wayyaaneen Reebamii 1 Ajjeefamuun FDG Caalaatti Itti Fufsiise.

Barattooti Oromoo Yuuniversitiilee adda addaa keessatti humnaan walitti qabamanii akka olola Wayyaanee baratan yeroo taasifamuu yaaluun roorroo uumata Oromoo irratti hammaatee jiruu fi gaaffiin hundee qabsoo Oromoo waan hin deebi’iiniif daran diddaa barattootaa jabeessuun guutummaa Oromiyaa keessatti Fincila Diddaa Gabrummaa(FDG) qabsiisee jira.
Haala kanaan Yuuniversitii Wallaggaa keessatti FDG Hagayya 27, 2014 jabaatee itti ooleen baratooti 200 ol hidhamanii tokko waraana Wayyaaneen ajjeefamee 26 ammoo gara malee reebamuu irra darbee qabamanii mana hidhaa magaalaa Naqamtee jiru keessatti ugguramanii jiru. Barttooti 26 haalaan miidhaman kuniin:-
  1. Barataa Yaadataa Luuccee,barataa Injineeriingii waggaa 2ffaa.
  2. Barataa Addisuu Beekamaa, barataa Injineeriingii waggaa 4ffaa.
  3. Barataa Daani’eel Kumarraa, barataa Fayyaa waggaa 3ffaa.
  4. Barataa Gammachiis Camadaa, barataa Economics waggaa 2ffaa
  5. Barataa Tarreessaa Nagarii, barataa Seeraa waggaa 4ffaa.
  6. Barataa Eebbaa Tesfaayee, barataa Accounting waggaa 1ffaa.
  7. Barataa Adduunyaa Geetinnet, barataa Injineeriingii waggaa 2ffaa.
  8. Barataa Gurmeessaa Bantii, barataa Seeraa waggaa 3ffaa.
  9. Barataa Firaa’ol Tuujubaa, barataa, Political Science and Governance waggaa 2ffaa.
  10. Barataa Guutamaa Xiiqii, barataa Political Science and Governance waggaa 3ffaa.
  11. Barataa Caalchisaa Gammachiis, barataa Seenaa waggaa 3ffaa fa’aa
  12. Barataa Baay’isaa Warqinee, barataa Management waggaa 2ffaa.
  13. Barataa Tamasgeen Shifarraa, barataa Computer Science waggaa 2ffaa.
  14. Barataa Firoomsaa Baalchaa, barataa Injineeriingii waggaa 3ffaa.
  15. Barataa Fufaa Qaabataa, barataa Fayyaa waggaa 3ffaa.
  16. Barataa Taaddalaa Irranaa, barataa Injineeriingii waggaa 4ffaa.
  17. Barataa Yaadanii Mootii, barataa Seeraa waggaa 2ffaa.
  18. Barataa Firaa’ol Beqqelee, barataa Management waggaa 1ffaa.
  19. Barataa Guddinaa Tulluu, barataa Biology waggaa 3ffaa.
  20. Barataa Rabbumaa Jirraa, barataa Geography waggaa 1ffaa.
  21. Barataa Guutuu Immaanaa, barataa Seeraa waggaa 4ffaa.
  22. Barataa Caalaa Fayyeeraa, barataa Injineeriingii waggaa 4ffaa.
  23. Barataa Namarraa Guutaa, barataa Accounting waggaa 2ffaa.
  24. Barataa Cimdii Dhufeeraa, barataa Fayyaa waggaa 3ffaa
  25. Barataa Siifan Qixxaataa, barataa Economics waggaa 1ffaa.
  26. Barataa Dinquu Jaatanii, barataa Journalism waggaa 2ffaa.
Kanneen jedhaman dha.

Seife Nebelbal Radio; Simbirtuu

Seife Nebelbal Radio, August 29, 2014Simbirtuu 28 08 2014


Ethiopians’ plight: ‘The toilets are unhealthy, but we don’t have a choice’

 in Addis Ababa
Community toilets in Addis Ababa typically consist of a hole in the floor.
Community toilets in Addis Ababa typically consist of a hole in the floor.
August 28, 2014(The Guardian) — Officials plan to build extra public conveniences in Addis Ababa, which has just 63 loos for its 3 million inhabitants
Addis Ababa has more than 3 million people, but there are just 63 public toilets. At one, in the oldest part of the city, there is constant activity and bustle as people queue to pay varying prices for a urinal, full cubicle or shower in the white-tiled facility inside a circular yellow building. For many, this is the only option because of the lack of provision in their own homes.
Nine in 10 households use “non-improved” toilet facilities, according to the Wash Ethiopia Movement. The most common type of non-improved toilet is an open pit latrine or pit latrine without slabs, used by 57% of households in rural areas and 43% in urban. Only one in 25 households has access to improved toilet facilities which are not shared with other households.
Mesay Berhanu, a spokesman for the movement, said: “Many people have shared toilet facilities which they would not find very comfortable. They might have to line up for some time to make use of the facilities. As a result, you may find people doing it here or there along the street.”
Woyanes double digit growth and the public toilet
Woyanes double digit growth and the public toilet
Government figures show that diarrhoeal diseases are among the 10 most prolific in the country. “These are one way or another linked to an unhygienic environment,” Berhanu added.
Waste can accumulate because service providers are stretched. “There is a huge problem in liquid waste management. The number of vehicles they have to collect it is limited. People might have to wait two or three months. We have a very small number of private operators in liquid waste collection.” Progress has stalled, Berhanu said, because of bureaucracy. “A year ago there was a plan to create more than 1,000 public toilets, but there is a lack of co-ordination between different departments of government.One of the main challenges is the coordination of the various actors.”
But officials in this fast-developing city say they have a 100m birr (£3m) plan to build an extra 25 public toilets within the next year along with 103 community and 289 mobile toilets, the latter equipped for pregnant women and people with disabilities. About 150 areas have been identified, including markets and bus and train stations.
Mulugeta Kemise, of the Addis Ababa Water and Sewerage Authority, said: “We are trying to improve the lot of the downtrodden masses. After five, six or seven years you’ll see the difference. We are doing our best to transform the lives of our people.”
public2At a community toilet shared by 35 households in an impoverished neighbourhood of Addis Ababa the scene is typical: behind a corrugated iron door, beside dirty scraps of paper and tissue, is a small, dark hole in the floor. Above, a cable runs to a naked lightbulb. The stench is rank. These four toilets are used by more than 200 people a day. Those who live here describe them as undignified, unhygienic and inhuman.
“They’re dirty and it’s not good for our health,” said Berhane Keraga, 45, a housewife who gave birth eight times here. “They make a lot of men, women and children ill with typhoid and diarrhoea. A couple of months ago I got sick and had to go to hospital because of these toilets. I felt cold and shivering and had a headache and stomach ache.”
pbulcThe lavatories, housed in concrete blocks under a corrugated roof, encourage flies and rodents. “There are really black scary rats that come and run on our feet. It’s disgusting, and when my children use these toilets I feel really bad.” Nor is there separation between men and women, Keraga added: “It’s undignified for women. It’s difficult for me to use sanitary products. Some women urinate in bowls at home then dispose of them.”
Since the toilets were built by a non-government organisation more than a decade ago they have been neglected, despite appeals to the government. The community pays 1,200 birr for waste removal once or twice a month and has recently started charging outsiders 1 birr to use them. Girma Taddese, a furniture maker, said: “These toilets are not safe, healthy or hygienic for children. A lot of people fall sick because the toilets get filled quickly. The smell is very disgusting. It fills the air and our kids play on the ground. We can’t take it.” Holding his two-year-old daughter, Blen Girma, he adds: “I don’t like her using these toilets. I feel so sad about our lives, but we don’t have a choice.”

Thursday, 28 August 2014

SNR interview Prof. Beyene Petros; Sagalee Qeerroo Afaan Amaaraa.

Seife Nebelbal Radio, Interview with Prof. Beyene Petrosቄሮ፡ የኦሮሞ፡ ወጣቶች፡ ለነፃነት፡ ንቅናቄ፡ ድምፅ፡ የሳምንቱ፡ ዜና – Hagayya 27, 2014 Sagalee Qeerroo Afaan Amaaraa

Oromo Voice Radio (OVR) Broadcast, Focus on FDG.

August 27, 2014 – transmitted to the Horn of Africa today at 12:00 PM EDT (in USA)
Oromo Voice Radio broadcasts to Oromia on Mondays, Wednesdays and Saturdays at 7:00 PM Finfinne time at 16 MB or 17850 kHz. Oromo Voice Radio is operated by Madda Walaabuu Media Foundation.
In today’s broadcast:
1. News
2. Qophii Tibbanaa
3. Mala Jireenya
Listen by phone: +1 716-748-0384 (America)
: +1 61386720116 (Australia)
Voicemail message: +1 206-309-3148

Wednesday, 27 August 2014

ETHIOPIA: Arrests and Detentions of Oromo Students Continued.

HRLHA FineHRLHA – Press Release
August 27, 2014
While fresh arrests and detentions, kidnappings and disappearances of Oromo nationals have continued in different parts of the regional state of Oromo following the April-May crackdown of peaceful demonstrators, court rulings over the cases of some of the earlier detainees by courts of the regional state are being rejected by political agents of the governing TPLF/EPRDF Party. The renewed violence by government forces against Oromo nationals started particularly following what was termed as “Lenjii Siyaasaa” (literally meaning “political training) that has targeted Oromo Students of higher educational institutions and has been going on in the past two weeks in different parts of Oromia.
Although the agendum for the “Political Training” was said to be “the unity of the country”, it instead has become an opportunity of carrying out further screenings and arrests of students; as around 100 more students have so far been arrested from Ambo University campuses alone and sent to a remote, isolated military camp called Sanqalle, leaving families and friends in fear in regards to the safety and well-being of the students in particular; not to mention the disruption of their studies. The arrests were made following the students’ protest of their confinement into the campuses during this so call “Political Trianing”, and the demand that the killers of their fellow students be brought to justice prior to discussing “unity”. Also, five students of Wallaga University, from among those who were gathered for the same purpose of “Political Training” were kidnapped on the 22nd of August, 2014 and taken away in a vehicle with plate number 4866 ET; and their whereabouts is not known since then. HRLHA correspondents have also traced another fresh arrest and detention of around 100 Oromo nationals in a small town called Elemo, Doranni District, in Illu Abbabor Zone. It took place on the 14th of August, 2014; and Waqtole Garbe, Sisay Amana, Tiiqii Supha, Ittana Daggafa, Badiru Basha, Kamal Zaalii, Rashiid Abdu, Zetuna Waaqoo, Daggafa Tolee, Adam Ligdii, Indush Mangistu, Dibbeessa Libaan, and Ofete Jifar were a few among those detainees in Elemo Prison.
More worrisome and frustrating is agents of the federal government’s interference with regional and local judicial systems. More than one hundred students and other Oromo nationals, from among the thousands who were detained following the April-May nationwide protest, have been granted bails in local courts of the regional government of Oromia. These include 64 detainees in Dembi Dollo/Qellem, 10 in Ambo, 40 in Sibu-Sire and Digga District. But, all the court decisions were overruled by political officials representing the federal government. The Dembi Dollo/Qellem detainees in particular were granted bails four times, only to be turned down by political officials all the four rounds. On the other hand, there have been some cases in which prison terms ranging from six months to a year-and-half were imposed on the Oromo detainees, not in courts, but by those representatives of the federal government. Also, some independent lawyers complain that they were threatened by officials from the ruling party; and, as a result, refraining from representing the Oromo detainees. Usual as it has been in the past fifteen or so years, this case of interfering with and disobeying court rulings indicates that the case of these most recent Oromo detainees is purely political.
The Human Rights League of the Horn of Africa (HRLHA) calls upon the Ethiopian Government to refrain from harassing and intimidating students through such extra-judicial means as killings, arrests and detentions, and denials of justice after detention; and instead facilitate conducive teaching-learning environments. HRLHA also calls upon the Ethiopian Government to unconditionally release the detained Oromo students and other nationals; and, as requested by their fellow students, bring to justice the killers of innocent and peaceful protestors during the April-May crackdown.
The human rights League of the Horn of Africa (HRLHA) has reported (May 1st and 13th, 2014, urgent actions, on the heavy-handed crackdown of the Ethiopian Federal Government’s Agazi Special Squad and the resultant extra-judicial killings of 34 (thirty-four) Oromo nationals; and the arrests and detentions of hundreds of others.
Although the brutalities of the armed squad and the resultant fatalities happened to be very high in Ambo Town, the peaceful protests by Oromo students of different universities and faculties have been taking place in April and May in various towns and cities of Oromia including Diredawa and Adama in eatern Oromia, as well as Jimma, Mettu, Naqamte, Gimbi, and Dambidollo in western Oromia.
The Oromo students of universities and colleges in different parts of the regional state of Oromia took to the streets for peaceful demonstrations in protest to the decision passed by the Federal EPRDF/TPLF-led Government to expand the city of Finfinnee/Addis Ababa by uprooting and displacing hundreds of thousands of Oromos from all sorts of livelihoods, and annexing about 36 surrounding towns of Oromia, the ultimate goal of which is claimed to be re-drawing the map of the Oromia Region. The federal annexation plan, which was termed as “The Integrated Development Master Plan”, is said to be covering the towns of Dukem, Gelan, Legetafo, Sendafa, Sululta, Burayu, Holeta, Sebeta, and others, stretching the boundary of Finfinne/Addis Ababa to about 1.1million hectares – an area of 20 times its current size.

Ethiopia: Gross Violations of Human Rights and an intractable conflict.

HRLHA FineHuman Rights League of the Horn of Africa (HRLHA)
26th Session of United Nations Human Rights Council
Geneva, Palais des Nations,
Presented By :Garoma B. Wakessa : Executive Director of HRLHA
June 19, 2014
Ethiopia: Gross Violations of Human Rights and  an intractable  conflict
Introduction:  It is common in democratic countries around the world for people to express their grievances/ dissatisfactions and complaints against their governments by peaceful demonstrations and assemblies.    When such nonviolent civil rallies take place, it should always be the state’s responsibility to respect and guard their citizens’ freedom to peacefully assemble and demonstrate. These responsibilities should apply even during times of political protests, when a state’s own power is questioned, challenged, or perhaps undermined by assemblies of citizens practicing in nonviolent resistance. If a government responds to peaceful protests improperly, a peaceful protest might lead to a violent protest- that could then become an intractable conflict. Government agents, most of all the police, must respect the local and international standards of democratic rights of the citizens during peaceful assemblies or demonstrations.
The Constitution of the Federal Democratic Republic of Ethiopia (1995), articles 29 and 30, grants democratic rights to Ethiopian citizens without distinction[1].  Under these articles, the right of thought, opinion and expression, the right of assembly, demonstration and petition are the legitimate rights of Ethiopians through which they can express their opinions and dissatisfactions with the performances and activities of their government. The UN Human Rights council 19th Session (A/HRC/19/L.17),  on March  19, 2012 and 25th      Session   (A/HRC/25/L.20,)  on  March 24,  2014   Resolutions #2 calls upon  governments to uphold their responsibilities to promote and protect human rights in the context of peaceful protests  “ States have the responsibility, including in the context of peaceful protests, to promote and protect human rights and to prevent human rights violations, including extrajudicial, summary or arbitrary executions, arbitrary arrest and detention, enforced disappearances, and torture and other cruel, inhuman or degrading treatment or punishment, and calls upon States to avoid the abuse of criminal and civil proceedings or threats of such acts at all times;”

Oral statement, Human Rights Council, 19 June 2014.

August 27, 2014
Fleeing from abuse in Ethiopia and seeking refuge in Kenya, Djibouti, Somaliland, South Africa and Egypt, 187 refugees have described in detail, during hour-long interviews how they and their close families were persecuted.[1]
Nearly all reported arbitrary detention of relatives and 126 were themselves detained. Over half of those interviewed (95 – 51%) had been tortured, which amounted to 75% of former detainees. Rarely do refugee populations report experiencing torture to this extent.
Rape was reported by 25% of women/girl refugees (21 of 85). Just over half of women/girl refugees who had been detained (41) were raped in detention, almost always repeatedly and by more than one officer, and sometimes by up to eight at a time.
Refugees reported 87 disappearances in detention, of whom 69 were first degree relatives – parents, children, siblings or spouses.
Extra-judicial killings of those whom refugees were able to name – friends, neighbours, relatives or co-detainees – were reported of 372 individuals, 84 of whom were first degree relatives.
There are more than 250,000 Oromo refugees in the world. If only one tenth of that number has experienced the intensity of abuse meted out to the interviewees in Africa, hundreds of thousands of detentions without trial, at least 50,000 political killings, over 11,000 disappearances and over 6000 cases of rape by members of the security forces can be assumed to have taken place in Ethiopia since 1992.
While Ethiopia has enjoyed favoured aid status and millions of it population have remained dependent on food aid, its oppressive policies have stifled pluralism and denied more than a fraction of democratic space to opposition groups. It has one of the most sophisticated security and surveillance systems in Africa and maintains a large, well-equipped army and air-force.
Despite ongoing food-dependency, more than one million hectares of arable land has been leased to foreign investors growing for foreign markets while hundreds of thousands of local farmers have been evicted from their land.

Tuesday, 26 August 2014

ሥርዓቱን ለ 20ዓመት አይተነዋል መቀየር አለበት! የተማሪዎች ተቃውሞ.

የኢትዮጵያ የባህር በር ለኤርትራ መሰጠቱ ስህተት ነው
የኢኮኖሚ እደገቱ እውነት አይደለም
የትምህርት ስርዓቱ ወድቋል
የተማረ ሰው ክብር አይሰጠውም
Ethiopian_Student_Protest_2001_02አዲስ አበባ ውስጥ ሳውዝ ካምፓስ (ልደታ)፣ አቃቂ (AASTU)፣ ፍቼ የግብርና ኮሌጅ፣ ስድስት ኪሎ፣ አምስት ኪሎ፣ አራት ኪሎ፣ የአዲስ አበባ የቢዝነስና ኢኮኖሚክስት ትምህርት ክፍልና ሌሎችም አካባቢዎች ከነሃሴ 15 ጀምሮ ስልጠና ላይ የሚገኙ የመጀመሪያ ዙር ሰልጣኞች ተቃውሟቸውን ማሰማታቸውን እንደቀጠሉ የነገረ ኢትዮጵያ ምንጮች ገለጹ፡፡ ተማሪዎቹ ገዥው ፓርቲ አለ በሚለው እድገት፣ የባህር በር፣ የተማረው የማህበረሰብ በሚደርስበት በደል፣ የትምህርት ጥራት፣ የመምህራን የእውቀት ደረጃ ማነስ፣ ድህነትና አጠቃላይ ኢኮኖሚ ውድቀት ላይ ጠንከር ያለ አስተያየትና ተቃውሞ መሰንዘራቸውን ተገልጾአል፡፡
የኢኮኖሚ እድገት
ተቃውሞ ከገጠማቸው ጉዳዮች መካከል የኢኮኖሚ እድገት አለ የለም የሚለው ሲሆን ተማሪዎቹ ‹‹በአክሱም ዘመን ገናና የነበረችው ኢትዮጵያ በአሁኑ ወቅት በኢኮኖሚው መስክ ጭራ›› መሆኗን በመግለጽ እድገቱ አለ መባሉ ስህተት መሆኑን ገልጸዋል፡፡ ተማሪዎቹ ጨምረውም “በቀን አንድ ጊዜ እንኳን መመገብ የማይችል ማህበረሰብ ይዘን አድገናል ማለት አንችልም” በሚል እድገት አለመኖሩን ተከራክረዋል፡፡ “ሀገራችን ውስጥ የምግብ፣ የቤት፣ የትምህርት፣ የኔትወርክና ሌሎች ችግሮች አሉ፡፡ ስኳርና ዘይት ለመግዛት ህዝብ ቀበሌ ተሰልፎ ነው የሚውለው፡፡ በ400 ብር ደምወዝ ቤተሰብ የሚያስተዳድር ህዝብ ያለባት ሀገር የሌሎችን እድገት ፈዛ እያየች ያለችን ሀገር አድጋለች ልንል አይገባም” ማለታቸው ተገልጾአል፡፡
በተመሳሳይም “2 በመቶ የሚሆነው የአሜሪካ አርሶ አደር ዓለምን በሚመግብበት በአሁኑ ወቅት 85 በመቶ አርሶ አደር ይዘን ለምን እንራባለን?” የሚል ጥያቄ ማንሳታቸውንም የነገረ ኢትዮጵያ ምንጮች ጠቅሰዋል፡፡ ተማሪዎቹ “አድገናል ብለን ራሳችን ማወዳደር ያለብን ከ40 አመት ከነበረ ስርዓት ጋር መሆን የለበትም፡፡ እድገታችን መለካት ካለበት ከሌሎች አገራት ጋር ነው፡፡ መካከለኛ ገቢ ካላቸው አገራት በ2020 እንመደባለን ከተባለ መንግስት መቀየር ይኖርበታል፡፡ ምክንያቱም ይህን ስርዓት ለ20 አመት አይተነዋል፡፡ ባለፉት አመታት ለውጥ ሊያመጣ አልቻለምና በ2020ም ለውጥ ያመጣል ብለን አንጠብቅም” የሚል ጠንካር ያለ ሀሳብም አቅርበዋል፡፡
እድገት ላይ ነው የሚባለው የኮንስትራክሽን ዘርፍ የጥራት ደረጃው ዝቅተኛ መሆኑን በተለይ በዘርፉ ትምህርታቸውን እየተከታተሉ የሚገኙ ተማሪዎች አንስተዋል፡፡ ተማሪዎቹ “እድገት የምንለው የህንጻዎችን ወደላይ ማደግ ወይንም መብዛት ሳይሆን የማህበረሰቡን አስተሳሰብና አኗኗር ዘይቤ መቀየር ነው” ሲሉ ተከራክረዋል፡፡ በስልጠናው ወቅት ገዥው ፓርቲ የቻይናን ፈለግ ተከትሎ እድገት ማስመዝገቡን በመቃወም “ቻይና ከ2.3 እስከ 2.7 በመቶ እያደገች እንደሆነ ይነገራል፡፡ የእሷን ፈለግ ተከተለች የተባለችው ኢትዮጵያ ከ11.2 በመቶ በላይ አደገች ነው የሚባለው ከየት አምጥተነው ነው? ወይስ እንደ ቀን አቆጣጠራችን እድገታችንም ይለያያል?” ሲሉም አሰልጣኖቹን ጠይቀዋል፡፡
የባህር በር
ተማሪዎቹ ለኤርትራ መሰጠቱ አግባብ እንዳልሆነ፣ የባህር በርና ወደቡ ለኢትዮጵያ ቀጣይ እድገት፣ ደህንነትና ታሪክ አንጻር አስፈላጊ መሆኑን በመግለጽ ገዥው ፓርቲ በባህር በር ላይ ያለውን አቋምና ፈጸመ ያሉትን ስህተት ተችተዋል፡፡ ወደብ አልባ በመሆናችን ኢኮኖሚያችን ወደኋላ መቅረቱንም አንስተዋል፡፡ በሌላ በኩል “በአገራችን የሚመረቱ ሰብሎችና ፍራፍሬዎች ለአገር ውስጥ ገበያ የሚቀርቡት ከውጭ ከተላከው ሲተርፍ ነው” በማለት በኤክስፖርት ዘርፍ ያለውን ችግር፣ አገር ውስጥ እየተፈጠረ ያለውን የኑሮ ውድነት ከዚሁ ችግር መመንጨቱን ጠቅሰዋል፡፡
የትምህርት ጥራት
ተማሪዎቹ የራሳቸውን ተሞክሮ በመጥቀስ የትምህርት ስርዓቱ ችግር ያለበት መሆኑን በመከራከሪያነት አቅርበዋል፡፡ “ለተማረ ሰው ክብር እየተሰጠ አይደለም” በሚል የእነሱም እጣ ፈንታ ተመሳሳይ መሆኑን ስጋታቸውን ገልጸዋል፡፡ በተጨማሪም “የሚያስተምሩን አስተማሪዎች የእውቀት ደረጃ ጥያቄ ምልክት ውስጥ ነው፡፡ በየ ዩኒቨርሲቲው በአመራር ላይ የሚገኙ ግለሰቦች እውቀት የላቸውም” በማለት ዩኒቨርሲቲዎች ላይ የተደቀነውን አደጋ አንስተዋል፡፡
ዲግሪ ይዘው በስራ ፈጠራ ስም በጥቃቅንና አነስተኛ እንዲደራጁ የሚደረገውን የተቃወሙት ተማሪዎቹ “የዩኒቨርሲቲ ተማሪዎች ተደራጅተው ካፌ ከፈቱ፣ ኮብልስቶን አነጠፉ ሲባል ነው የምንሰማው፡፡ ለዚህ ስራ ደግሞ ዩኒቨርሲቲ መማር አያስፈልገውም፡፡ ይህን ስራ ለመስራት የሶስት ወር ስልጠና በቂ ሆኖ እያለ ዩኒቨርሲቲ መማር ባላስፈለ” ሲሉ የትምህርት ስርዓቱ ውድቀት እንደገጠመው መግለጻቸውን ለማወቅ ተችሏል፡፡

Monday, 25 August 2014

ለጋ ህጻናትን ለባለስልጣናትና ለባለሃብቶች ማቅረብ «ትርፋማ» ሆኗል!!

1620739_324261654415888_2557082164761254438_nትውልድ አምካኝ ቤቶችን፣ ትውልድ አምካኝ ደላሎችን፣ በህጻናት የወሲብ ንግድ ገንዘብ የሚሰበስቡትን፣ ማጥፋት ቀላል ነው። ግን ተጠቃሚዎቹ ህግ አስከባሪዎቹ፣ ህግ አወጪዎቹና ዋናዎቹ «የአገሪቱ ህዳሴ ባለቤቶች» የሚባሉት በመሆናቸው አይታሰብም። አንዳንድ ዝግ ቤቶች በሲቪል ጠባቂዎች የሚጠበቁ ናቸው። አንዳንዴ ቤተመንግስቱንና ሟቹን የቤተመንግስት ነዋሪ ይጠብቁ የነበሩት በፈረቃ ይታደሙባቸዋል።
ሃኪሞች፣ የህግ ባለሙያዎች፣ አገር የሚመሩት፣ ህግ የሚያስከብሩት፣ የመከላከያ ከፍተኛ መኮንኖች፣ አውራ ባለስልጣናት፣ ህዝብ ፊት ቀርበው በልማት ስም የሚምሉት ሃብታም ተብዬዎች፣ የፖሊስ የበላይ አመራሮች፣ የስለላ አውራ ሰዎች፣ አጫፋሪዎች፣ የአቻ ፓርቲ አመራሮችና መካከል ጥቂት የማይባሉ ከዳር እስከዳር መመሸጊያቸው ዝግ ቤቶች ናቸው። አንዳንዴም ከዝግ ቤቶች ፍራሽ ላይ ሆነው የፖለቲካ መመሪያ የሚሰጥበት አጋጣሚ አለ። ይህን አስደንጋጭ እውነት «መርከስ» ነው። አዲስ አበባ ይፋ አደረገችው እንጂ በየክልሉ ከተሞች የሚደረገው ተመሳሳይ ነው።
የሺሻና የጫት በጀት የሚመድቡ ባለስልጣናት አሉ። አስቤዛ ሲደረግ «ሙአሰል» ከህጻናት ዳይፐርና የዱቄት ወተት እኩል የሚመድቡ አሉ። ህጻናትን በመመልመል ሳውና በማስገባት፣ በማሰልጠን፣ ዘመናዊ ልብስ በማልበስ ለገበያ የሚያቀርቡ ብዙ ናቸው። እገሌ ለሚባል አየር መንገድ አስተናጋጅ እንቀጥራለን በሚል ታዳጊዎችን እያንጋጉ በወሲብ የሚነዱና የሚያነዱ ይህን ተግባራቸውን የሚፈጽሙት ማስታወቂያ እያስነገሩ ነው። ግብረሰዶም የሚያስፋፉ በየሆቴሉ ድሆችን በማደን ማበላሸት ከጀመሩ ቆይተዋል። አሁን አሁን በየጎዳናው ታዳጊዎችን በማታለል ህሊና የሚያስት ኬሚካልና እጽ በመጠቀም ህሊናቸውንና አካላቸውን መስበር ተለምዷል። ከሁሉም በላይ የሚያሳዝነው በዚህ የግብረሰዶም ወረራ ውስጥ ተጠቃሚ በመሆን ወንድሞቻቸውን የሚደልሉ መበራከታቸው ነው።
ህጻናትን ለወሲብ የሚያቀርቡ ነፍሰ በላዎች ኢኮኖሚያቸው አድጎ ባለ ዘመናዊ መኪናና ህንጻ መሆናቸው ነው። አዲስ አበባ ባሉ ዝግ ቤቶች ወሲብንና ግብረ ሰዶምን የሚያሻቅጡ ህሊና ቢሶች ጉዳይ ያሳሰበው ቀጭኑ ዘ -ቄራ የሚባለው የአዲስ አበባው አምደኛችን ከወራት በፊት «የሚዘጋባቸው ህጻናት» በሚል ርዕስ የጉዳዩን አሳሳቢነት ጠቁሞ ነበር። (ዕድሜ ለኢንሳና አፈናው ብዕሩ ማዕቀብ ተደርጎበት በተከታታይ ጽሁፎችን ሳያስነብብ ቢቆይም እንዲሁ እንደጠፋ ግን አይቀርም፡፡ )
የከበረውን ትዳራቸውንና ያብራካቸውን ፍሬዎች ቤት ጥለው፤ ባይወልዷቸውም ልጆቻቸው ከሚሆኑት ጋር የሚዳሩትና፣ የውሽሞች ቀን እያከበሩ አረቄ የሚራጩት ሃብታሞች ጠለቅ ያለ ምርመራ ቢደረግባቸው እስከ ዱባይ የዘለቀው የግፍ ገመናቸው ይገለጥ ነበር። ዳሩ የወንጀሉ ዋና ተባባሪዎች ተቆጣጣሪዎቹና ህግ አስከባሪዎቹ በመሆናቸው አስቀድሞ እንደተባለው አይታሰብም።

የተማሪዎች ተቃውሞ ተጠናክሮ ቀጥሏል.

• የኢኮኖሚ እደገቱ እውነት አይደለም 
• የትምህርት ስርዓቱ ወድቋል
• የተማረ ሰው ክብር አይሰጠውም
addis_universityአዲስ አበባ ውስጥ ሳውዝ ካምፓስ (ልደታ)፣ አቃቂ (AASTU)፣ ፍቼ የግብርና ኮሌጅ፣ ስድስት ኪሎ፣ አምስት ኪሎ፣ አራት ኪሎ፣ አአዲስ አበባ የቢዝነስና ኢኮኖሚክስት ትምህርት ክፍልና ሌሎችም አካባቢዎች ከነሃሴ 15 ጀምሮ ልጠና ላይ የሚገኙ የመጀመሪያ ዙር ሰልጣኞች ተቃውሟቸውን መሳማታቸውን እንደቀጠሉ የነገረ ኢትዮጵያ ምንጮች ገለጹ፡፡ ተማሪዎቹ ገዥው ፓርቲ አለ በሚለው እድገት፣ የባህር በር፣ የተማረው የማህበረሰብ በሚደርስበት በደል፣ የትምህርት ጥራት፣ የመምህራን የእውቀት ደረጃ ማነስ፣ ድህነትና አጠቃላይ ኢኮኖሚ ውድቀት ላይ ጠንከር ያለ አስተያየትና ተቃውሞ መሰንዘራቸውን ተገልጾአል፡፡
የኢኮኖሚ እድገት
ተቃውሞ ከገጠማቸው ጉዳዮች መካከል የኢኮኖሚ እድገት አለ የለም የሚለው ሲሆን ተማሪዎቹ ‹‹በአክሱም ዘመን ገናና የነበረችው ኢትዮጵያ በአሁኑ ወቅት በኢኮኖሚው መስክ ጭራ›› መሆኗን በመግለጽ እድገቱ አለ መባሉ ስህተት መሆኑን ገልጸዋል፡፡ ተማሪዎቹ ጨምረውም ‹‹በቀን አንድ ጊዜ እንኳን መመገብ የማይችል ማህበረሰብ ይዘን አድገናል ማለት አንችልም፡፡›› በሚል እድገት አለመኖሩን ተከራክረዋል፡፡ ‹‹ሀገራችን ውስጥ የምግብ፣ የቤት፣ የትምህርት፣ የኔትወርክና ሌሎች ችግሮች አሉ፡፡ ስኳርና ዘይት ለመግዛት ህዝብ ቀበሌ ተሰልፎ ነው የሚውለው፡፡ በ400 ብር ደምወዝ ቤተሰብ የሚያስተዳድር ህዝብ ያለባት ሀገር የሌሎችን እድገት ፈዛ እያየች ያለችን ሀገር አድጋለች ልንል አይገባም፡፡›› ማለታቸው ተገልጾአል፡፡
በተመሳሳይም ‹‹2 በመቶ የሚሆነው የአሜሪካ አርሶ አደር ዓለምን በሚመግብበት በአሁኑ ወቅት 85 በመቶ አርሶ አደር ይዘን ለምን እንራባለን?›› የሚል ጥያቄ ማንሳታቸውንም የነገረ ኢትዮጵያ ምንጮች ጠቅሰዋል፡፡ ተማሪዎቹ ‹‹አድገናል ብለን ራሳችን ማወዳደር ያለብን ከ40 አመት ከነበረ ስርዓት ጋር መሆን የለበትም፡፡ እድገታችን መለካት ካለበት ከሌሎች አገራት ጋር ነው፡፡ መካከለኛ ገቢ ካላቸው አገራት በ2020 እንመደባለን ከተባለ መንግስት መቀየር ይኖርበታል፡፡ ምክንያቱም ይህን ስርዓት ለ20 አመት አይተነዋል፡፡ ባለፉት አመታት ለውጥ ሊያመጣ አልቻለምና በ2020ም ለውጥ ያመጣል ብለን አንጠብቅም፡፡›› የሚል ጠንካር ያለ ሀሳብም አቅርበዋል፡፡
እድገት ላይ ነው የሚባለው የኮንስትራክሽን ዘርፍ የጥራት ደረጃው ዝቅተኛ መሆኑን በተለይ በዘርፉ ትምህርታቸውን እየተከታተሉ የሚገኙ ተማሪዎች አንስተዋል፡፡ ተማሪዎቹ ‹‹እድገት የምንለው የህንጻዎችን ወደላይ ማደግ ወይንም መብዛት ሳይሆን የማህበረሰቡን አስተሳሰብና አኗኗር ዘይቤ መቀየር ነው፡፡›› ሲሉ ተከራክረዋል፡፡ በስልጠናው ወቅት ገዥው ፓርቲ የቻይናን ፈለግ ተከትሎ እድገት ማስመዝገቡን በመቃወም ‹‹ቻይና ከ2.3 እስከ 2.7 በመቶ እያደገች እንደሆነ ይነገራል፡፡ የእሷን ፈለግ ተከተለች የተባለችው ኢትዮጵያ ከ11.2 በመቶ በላይ አደገች ነው የሚባለው ከየት አምጥተነው ነው? ወይስ እንደ ቀን አቆጣጠራችን እድገታችንም ይለያያል?›› ሲሉም አሰልጣኖቹን ጠይቀዋል፡፡
የባህር በር
ተማሪዎቹ ለኤርትራ መሰጠቱ አግባብ እዳልሆነ፣ የባህር በርና ወደቡ ለኢትዮጵያ ቀጣይ እድገት፣ ደህንነትና ታሪክ አንጻር አስፈላጊ መሆኑን በመግለጽ ገዥው ፓርቲ በባህር በር ላይ ያለውን አቋምና ፈጸመ ያሉትን ስህተት ተችተዋል፡፡ ወደብ አልባ በመሆናችን ኢኮኖሚያችን ወደኋላ መቅረቱንም አንስተዋል፡፡ በሌላ በኩል ‹‹በአገራችን የሚመረቱ ሰብሎችና ፍራፍሬዎች ለአገር ውስጥ ገበያ የሚቀርቡት ከውጭ ከተላከው ሲተርፍ ነው፡፡›› በማለት በኤክስፖርት ዘርፍ ያለውን ችግር፣ አገር ውስጥ እየተፈጠረ ያለውን የኑሮ ውድነት ከዚሁ ችግር መመንጨቱን ጠቅሰዋል፡፡
የትምህርት ጥራት
ተማሪዎቹ የራሳቸውን ተሞክሮ በመጥቀስ የትምህርት ስርዓቱ ችግር ያለበት መሆኑን በመከራከሪያነት አቅርበዋል፡፡ ‹‹ለተማረ ሰው ክብር እየተሰጠ አይደለም፡፡›› በሚል የእነሱም እጣ ፈንታ ተመሳሳይ መሆኑን ስጋታቸውን ገልጸዋል፡፡ በተጨማሪም ‹‹የሚያስተምሩን አስተማሪዎች የእውቀት ደረጃ ጥያቄ ምልክት ውስጥ ነው፡፡ በየ ዩኒቨርሲቲው በአመራር ላይ የሚገኙ ግለሰቦች እውቀት የላቸውም፡፡›› በማለት ዩኒቨርሲቲዎች ላይ የተደቀነውን አደጋ አንስተዋል፡፡
ዲግሪ ይዘው በስራ ፈጠራ ስም በጥቃቅንና አነስተኛ እንዲደራጁ የሚደረገውን የተቃወሙት ተማሪዎቹ ‹‹የዩኒቨርሲቲ ተማሪዎች ተደራጅተው ካፌ ከፈቱ፣ ኮብልስቶን አነጠፉ ሲባል ነው የምንሰማው፡፡ ለዚህ ስራ ደግሞ ዩኒቨርሲቲ መማር አያስፈልገውም፡፡ ይህን ስራ ለመስራት የሶስት ወር ስልጠና በቂ ሆኖ እያለ ዩኒቨርሲቲ መማር ባላስፈለ›› ሲሉ የትምህርት ስርዓቱ ውድቀት እንደገጠመው መግለጻቸውን ለማወቅ ተችሏል፡፡

Biliyoonni hagamiituu dhangalahu, hololli akkamiituu gaggeeffamu qabsoo ummanni Oromoo bilisummaa isaaf gaggeessaa jiru hin dhaabu!

Baarentuu Gadaa irraa | Hagayyaa 24, 2014
Tibba kana mootummaan wayyaanee qabsoo ummanni Oromoo Bilisummaa isaaf taasisu, FDG sabboontonni barattoonni dargaggoonni Oromoo gaggeessaa jiran dhaamsuuf mahalaqa ummataa Biliyoonaan lakkaawwamu seera malee dhangalaasee sirna isaa tursiifachuuf yunivarstiilee garagaraa keessatti holola adda addaa gaggeessaa jirti. Holola kanaafis kan inni irratti xiyyeeffannoo fi ijoo godhatee filatte barattoota Oromoo Yunivarstiilee garagaraatti baratanii dha.
Walatajjii maqaa nageenyaa, bulchiinsa gaarii, dimokraasii fi misoomaatin qarshiin biliyoonaan lakkaawwamu itti dhanagalahee yunivartiilee adda addaa keessatti qophaawe kanarratti maaf akka barattonni naanno Oromiyaa heddumminaan hirmaatanif xiyyeeffannoon adda itti kenname jennee yoo gaafanne namni deebii isaa hin beekne hin jiru. Deebin isaa ifaa dha. Kaayyoon isaa ijoon FDG barattoonni Oromoo finiinsaa jiran toftaa fi afan fajjii adda addaa itti uumuun ukkaamsuuf carraaquu dha. Maqaa nageenyaa fi misoomaatiin holola adda addaa facaasuun sabboontota barattoota dargaggoota Oromoo qabsoo bilisummaa saba isaaniirraa gufachisuuf yaaluu dha. FDG guutuu Oromiyaa keessatti barattoota daragaggoota Oromootin taasifamaa jiru gocha namoota muraasaa fakkeessuufi.
Wayyaaneen holola maqaa marii nageenyaa fi misoomaa jedhuun qopheeffatte kana milkeeffachuuf horii ummataa biliyoonaan lakkaawwamu maqaa durgoo fi kennaa adda addaatiin facaasaa jirti. Qarshii maqaa gibiraa fi gargaarsaatin argame hojii misoomaa; kan rakkina ummataa furuurra oolchuu dhiiftee hololaaf olchaa jirti. Qabsoo ummanni Oromoo bilisummaa isaatif taasisaa jiru ittiin ukkaamsuuf dhanagalaasti. FDG fi gaaffii mirgaa barattoonni Oromoo gaggeessaa jiran maqaa konfiransii nageenyaa fi misoomaa jedhuun haguuguuf dhamaati. Akkuma argaa fi dhagahaa turre barattoota boqonnaaf maatii isaanii bira turan gara yunivarstiilee gara garaatti geessuuf Otobisii kumootan lakkaawwaman kireeffattee deddeebisaa turte. Durgoo fi mahalaqa biliyoonaan lakkaawwamu maqaa durgoo fi mahaalaqa kiisiitiin barattootaa fi kaadiroota ishii warra gabrummaa jala jiraachuun gaaridha jedhanii hololaniif dhangalaasaa jirti. Qarshiin misoomaaf oolu danda’u biliyoonaan lakkaawwamu kun kan dhangalahaa jiruuf ammoo misoomaa fi guddina biyyaatif osoo hin taane, wayyaaneen akka ummattoota cunqurfamoo keessattuu ummata Oromoo saamaa jiraatuf ta’un eenyu jalaawuu dhokotaa miti. Ummanni Oromoo garuu bishaan, waldhaansa fayyaa, ibsaa, daandii fi tajaajila bu’uuraa garagaraa dhabuun dararamaa jira. Yoo bu’uuraalee misoomaa kana gaafates kan isa eeggatu maqaa miseensa ABO ti jedhuun hidhamuu, dararamuu fi ajjeefamuu dha.
Holola tibba kana barattoota Oromoorratti xiyyeeffachuun qophaawe kanarratti warreen maqaa Oromootin hirmaachuuf dorgoo gurratanii yaa’aa turan eenyu jennees yoo gaafanne harki guddaan dhalattoota Oromoo miti. Baayyeen isaanii ilmaan Habashootaa warreen sababa garagaraatin gara Oromiyaa dhufanii jiraatanii dha. Warra dhimmi Oromoo isaan hin laallanne ykn ammoo warreenuma akka abboottan isaanii gabrummaa ummata Oromoo hawwanii dha. Gariin ammoo warra Oromoo ta’anii sammuun alagoomanii fi mirga Oromoo dabarsanii alagaaf kennanii dha; Kanaaf ragaa guddaan dhaabbata TV fi raadiyoo Oromiyaa jedhamuu dha. TV fi Raadiyoon kun ennaa barattoonni holola wayyaanee dhagahuuf gara yunivarstiilee akka deeman taasifaman, wayta gabaasaa turetti akka argaa fi dhagahaa turreetti afaan isaan ittiin haasa’aa turan afaan gabroonfattootaa ti. Harki guddaan afaan Oromoo hin beekan. Kanneen beekanii fi konfiransii wayyaanee kana dursanii faarsaa turanis dabballoota sirnichaa ta’uun eenyu jalaawuu dhokotaa miti.
Ilmaan Oromoo sabboontonni waltajjii wayyaaneen qopheeffatte kanarratti hirmaatan yoo jiraatanis baayyeen isaanii ykn guutumaa guutuutti karaa nama jechiisiisuun kan gara walatajjii wayyaaneen maqaa nageenyaa fi misoomaa jedhuun qopheeffatte kana deeman Sodaachisa dabballoonni wayyaanee maati fi isaanuma barattootarratti raawwataa turanii fi jiraniin akka ta’ee beekamaa dha. Dabballoonni wayyaanee kun mana maatii barattoota sabboontoota Oromoorra deemuun yoo ijoollee teessan gara konfiransii kanaatti erguu baattan baruumsarraa ari’amu, waraqaa ragaa ittiin hebbifaman hin argatan, heebbifamanii bahanis carraa hojii hin argatan jechaa turan. Kana bira darbees barataan konfiransii kanarratti hin hirmaanne miseensa ABO ti, goolessaa dha, jechuun akka cinqaa fi goolaa turan kan quba hin qabne hin jiru.
Wayyaaneen holola Yunivastiilee gara garaatti addatti barattoota Oromoorratti xiyyeeffachuun qopheeffatte kanaan FDG Oromiyaa keessatti finiinaa jirun dhaamsa jettee yaaddus kaayyoon ishii kun bu’urumarraa kaayyoo dogooggoraa dha. Gongumaa yaanni kun kan milkaawus miti. Barataan Oromoo kan fincilaa turee fi jiruuf ummata isaa gabrummaa jala jiru; gabrummaa jalaa baasuuf malee feedhii xixiqqaa dhunfaa isaatif jechaa miti. Barattoota dargaggoota Oromoo kaayyoo guddaa akkasiitif qabsaawan holoola turban tokkoof dabballoonni wayyaanee fi ergamtoonni ishii taasisaniin ni ukkaamama jedhanii yaaduun of gowwoomsuu dha. Barataan Oromoo qabsoo Oromoon bilisummaa isaaf taasisu fuundura dhaabbatu gongumaa hin jiru. Yoo jiraates inni lammii Oromootii miti, inni takkaan ilmuma ergamtootaa ti. Innuu gita diinota Oromoo ti malee Oromoorraa firummaa hin qabu. Namni ani Oromoo dha ofiin jechaa maaf ummanni Oromoo gabrummaa jalaa bahuuf fincila jedhee dubbatu farra ummata Oromoo ti; ifatti inni diina Oromoo ti. Gongumaa fira ummata Oromoo tahuu hin danda’u.
Walatajjii hololaa yunivarstiilee garagaraa keessatti wayyaaneen qopheeffatte kanarratti Barattoonni sabboontoonni Oromoo baayyeen akka hin hirmaatin beekamaa dha. Sabboontonni Oromoo baayyeen sodaachisa, hidhaa fi dararaa wayyaanee tuffachuun walatajjiilee hololaaf qophaaye kanarraa hafaniiru, sabboontoonnii dirqamanii gara walatajiilee holola wayyaanee kana deemanis ergamtoota diinaa miseensoota Opdo gaafii adda addaatin sarduu caalaayyuu, fincilaan akeeka isaanii hongeessaa jiran.
Gaafiilee jajjaboo kanneen akka ajjeechaa, hidhaa, dararaa fi saamicha ummata Oromoorratti wayyaaneedhaan gaggeefamaa jiru kaasuun akka rakkisaa turanii fi jiran hirmaattoonni ibsaa jiru. Gaafii fi yaada jajjaboo barattoonni sabboontonni Oromoo kaasaa jiran kanaanis Yunivarstiilee hedduu keessatti kaayyoon wayyaanee inni ajjeechaa fi saamicha ummata Oromoorratti raawwataa jiru dhoksuuf karoorfate harkaa fashalaa jira. Konfiransiin nageenyaa fi misoomaa jedhu kan bara bittaa wayyaanee dheeressuuf qophaawe kunis gara konfiransii durgoo biliyoonaan lakkaawwamu nyaatanii galuutti jijjiramaa jira. Walatajjichi FDG dhaamsuu miti ofiifuu madda Fincilaa ta’aa jira. Gaafiin ummata Oromoo; barattoota Oromoo sodaachisuun, hidhuu, ajjeesuu fi walagahii torbee teechisuun kan furamuu miti. Gaafin ummata Oromoo kan furmaata aragatu gaafa ummanni Oromoo bilisoomee dha. Gaafa ummanni Oromoo abbaa biyyumaa isaa mirkaneeffatee dha.
Wanti kanaan ala jiru hunduu bara bittaa wayyaane dheereessuu malee faayidaan inni Oromoof qabu hin jiru, qabaachus hin danda’u. Yeroo ammaa kana akka gabaafamaa jirutti osoo wayyaaneen waltajjii adda addaarratti holola nageenyaa fi misoomaa jettee afuufaa jirtu gootonni daragaggoonni, barattoonni Oromoo FDG jalqaban jabeessanii itti fufaniiru. Kunimmoo holollii fi maahaallaqini biliyoonaan lakkaawwamu dhanagalahuun haqa dhoksuu, kaayyoo dabsuu akka hin dandeenye mirkaneessa. FDG jalqabame jabeessanii itti fufuun ammoo dirqama lammii Oromoo maraati jechaa hojii gootummaa barattoonni Oromoo hojjechaa jiran haa jajjabeessinuun dhaamsa kiyya!