Friday, 18 April 2014

Hyenas got more attention than indigenous Oromo population around Finfinnee (Addis Ababa)

The prime reason for my comment is that two conflicting articles from two different writers are reported concerning urban hyenas. Both writers’ comment focused on and argued about the urban animals that either could be dangerous to rough sleepers on the street or that are existing urban fabrics and friendly co-resident as being one of the diverse cohabitant of the city.
First, a BBC journalist Martin Fletcher, on February 23, 2014 under the article titled “Urban hyenas are becoming a dangerous problem in the Ethiopian capital, where they attack rough sleepers” commented about the infestation of the city by dangerous creature. He further noted about the growing number of incidents of hyenas attacking people and domestic animals in Addis Ababa. Martin Fletcher in order to show the dangerousness of these hyenas has quoted Stephen Brend, a zoologist with the Born Free Foundation, who said that ” Hyenas have jaws as powerful as those of great white sharks, …They can crush an elephant’s leg. They devour every last morsel of their prey – bones included.”
On the opposing side Yves Maria Stranger, a reporter to “” on March 5, 2014 under the article heading “Addis Ababa and its hyenas have a long and peaceful history: Reports of attacks on humans are creating an unfair image of these ‘beasts’, says a long-term resident of the Ethiopian capital” argued that hyenas in the city of Finfinnee (Addis Ababa) and Ethiopia has long history of living side by side peacefully with people. Yves Maria Stranger further argued by saying“…..the story of Addis Ababa and Ethiopia’s long coexistence with hyenas is a more nuanced affair. I would argue there are fewer hyenas in the city itself, and more of the beasts on the periphery. Fewer in the city because ringroads, fast cars and a blanket of cement and urbanisation have erased a lot of the “wild” urban areas. More in the periphery because Addis Ababa has grown so tremendously in the last few years.”
It is clear that both of the commentators seemed to give more attention to the wildlife of the city while they have no clue about the indigenous Oromo culture that are on the verge of distinction (ethnically to be cleansed). The recently declared Master plan of the city of Finfinne (Addis Ababa) by the city government has indicated that there is a government plan to incorporate vast amount of land to urban development and the outlying existing Oromo occupied land along with agricultural land to be annexed. There will be a gravely outcome if the city expands out as planned by the government and it has to be the concern of not only Oromo people but all mankind has to give due support for the voiceless.
My point of view is that the advocacy and environmental protectionist concern that are rendered to hyenas of Oromo land in and around the Addis Ababa should also at least be given to the Oromo people, clan, sub-clan, culture, andscape, environment, and sense of place that are going to be destroyed when the master plan will come to tsfullest effect. The government of TPLF has a hidden plan to expand large cities in the state of Oromia in order to take control over the prime land of our people. This is evidenced by its long term annexed large cities such as Jimma, Harar, Dire Dawa, and Awasa which are already under the control of the TPLF government for more than 23 years. All of these cities are controlled and its sources are sucked by the TPLF government while different revenues that are collected by all municipalities including incomes from land sell and land related incomes.
Additionally, the government of TPLF has continued evicting people from their ancestral homeland to gain and grab more land with clear or hidden reasons. On the other hand, a protest and peoples refusal to give their land has continued where arbitrary detention and mass arrest is widely used to stop by the TPLF led government.
Finally, I would like to argue that the environmentally sensitive places, cultural hubs, clans, sub-clans, unique social orders, and the Oromo people deserve all due attention to save their identity and lives. Also, I would like to ask all civilized people to consider the underlying situations and conditions of the impoverished people that are going to be a victim of unfair planning practice and governmental power. Also, I ask for your help and advocacy that you did for the urban hyenas to also give it to the Oromo people. Historically, most European, American governments, and experts helped only dictators while turning deaf and blind toward the people of Oromia. May god bless you for your future comprehensive and inclusive report !!!

Tuesday, 15 April 2014

Oromiyaa biyya gootaa.

Ebla 14, 2014
Oromiyaa biyya gootaa
Lixaa gara bahaa kibbaa gara kaabaa,
Yoo dhaqnee ilaalle seenaa gaggabaabaa,
Oromoon bakkayyuu goota hedduu qaba.
Bara teknooloojii fi oduun qaroominaa,
waa takkallee hin turin dukkanaawaa sana,
waan addunyaan ittiin yaada waliif hiru ,
interneetaa fi tv’n silaa bara sana maqaan isaayyuu hin jiru.
bilbilaa fi raadiyoonis harkasaanii hin turre,
garuu hariiroo isaanii diinni addaan hin murre,
hayyummaa qabaniin nuuf taraaran xurree.
Oromiyaa biyya koo biyya saba guddaa,
Madda qaroominaa angafa waa hundaa,
Kallattii afraniinuu mee dhaqeen dubbisaa,
xiqqoo na dhaga’aa gurra naaf ergisaa.
Hayyoota jalqabaa madda qaroominaa,
Mee dhaqnee dubbifna dhaqnee irraa baranna,
Biyya angafa keenyaa gujii fi booranaa,
Bulee horaa fi adoolaa nageellee fi yaa’a bal’oo,
Eenyutu irraanfata Gadayyoo Galgaloo,
Cirrattii fi shaakkisoo argadab mooyyaalee,
Beektota hedduu qabna kan akka Yaayyaa Gullallee,
Hayyuu demokraasii seera gadaa tumee addunyaa garsiise,
Feesbuukii fi interneeta miti kan isaan barsiise.
Demokraasii addunyaan har’a odeessitu,
Waan ofii uumte gootee haaraa fakkeessitu,
Faranjiirraa hin dhufne maddisaa nubira,
Waggaa kumaa ol nu wajjiniin jira.
Gootummaas yoo ta’e Oromoon kaleessuma bare,
Malee kompiitera miti kan Oromoo qare.
Mee dhaqnee ilaalla,
Walumaanuu xiqqooshee xiinxalla,
Duguuginsa sanyii fi weerara jalqabaa,
Kanneen dhandhaman lammii koo jajjabaa,
Qaama koo alagaan har’a narraa murte Oromiyaa kaabaa,
Achirraan eegala achirraan jalqaba.
Goota diina haamee eeboodhaan cagadu,
Saalasaa irraa muree shubbisee ragaduu,
Dasee fi kombolcha kamisee fi baatee,
Waldayaa fi mukaxurii arbuu fi sanbatee,
Warra dur diina haamee guggubee qaammate,
Hin habashoominaa jedhee ilmaansaatti dhaammate.
Warra Oromummaa ofii ifatti beeksisee,
Yohaannisii fi Teedroosiin ofirraa deebise,
Uumamumaan goota eenyutu isaan leenjise.
Mee isin yaadachiisuu isinuu ni beektu,
Dubartii ogeettii maqaanshee Warqituu,
Waraana warqituu dubartii akka dhiiraa,
Mormasaa irraa hin murree mootii habashaarraa,
Isa habashaan Atsetewodroos ofiin of ajjeese jettee soba odeessitu,
Kan mormasaa irraa mure dubartii Oromoo ti maqaanshee warqituu.
Goota warra raayyaa qobboo fi haxaayee,
Warra tewodroosirraa morma lafa kaa’e.
Goota warra emanuu warra iluu fi jaarsoo,
Weerara habashaa jalqaba tokkeessoo,
Dura isaantu shide guca ibidda qabsoo.
Jagni warra baabboo warra qaalluu fi jiillee,
Xiyya lafa hin buusu adda gubbaa malee.
Akka isa har’a firri wal wallaalee,
habashaarraa dhaga’ee habashummaa wal faalee,
sana nutti hin fakkaatin dubbiin akkas mitii,
qaamni keenya biroon gara kaabaa jirtii.
cittee achitti hin haftu boruu ni deebitii.
Goojjaam matakkal hanga waanbaraa,
Hin dagatinaa iyyaafadhaa wal baraa.
Bara Goobanaatti jiruun itti tolee,
Diinaa wajjin bulee diinaa wajjin oole,
Diina cinaa goree lammiisaatiin lole,
Ni yaadattuu laata calanqoo fi aanolee?
Bara harmee keenya harma irraa muranii,
Bara abbootii keenya harka irraa muranii,
Oromoota heddu jimilaan boollatti guuran,
Waan goonu wallaallee qonnee isaan awwaalle,
Hanga har’aattillee aha jenna keessa keenyaa hin baane.
Lammii meeqa dhabne bara hamaa sana,
Kunoo hanga har’aattuu seenaasaa dubbannaa,
Wayyoo aanolee jennee madaasaan gubanna.
Haa ta’uyyuu malee yoom tole jedhe ree,
Gootichi asallaa, boqqojjii fi siree,
Irraa gate malee morma diinaa ciree yoom harka kenne ree,
Utuu bara sana Oromoon tole jedhee minilikiin fudhatee,
Har’a waa dubbachuu hin dandeenyu silaa nuu dhumate.
Roobee dhaa fi diinshoo dheeraa fi kofalee,
Gootota meeqatu lubbuusaa kafalee,
Lammiisaa baraaree diinotasaa qale.
Itayyaa fi hurutaa diksiisii fi eexoosaa,
Tokkummaan qabatee gaachanaa fi eeboosaa,
Maal kalee qofa ree har’ayyuu nu boonsaa.
Akkuma hayyichi Oromoo dubbate,
Biyya Oromtichi jalqaba qubate,
Madda walaabuu gobbaa fi asaasaa,
Biyya hayyuu qaraa goota akka rasaasaa,
Goota ta’uusaanii seenaatu gabaasaa,
Ragaa ba’eeraaf alagaan mataasaa,
Oromoon achiitti baallii wal jijjiira,
Kabajaa fi jaalalaan aangoo waliif hira.
Gaasaraa fi gololcha dalloo fi agaarfaa,
Gootota hedduu qabna kan qabsoof angafaa.
Mee dhaqnee ilaalla iluu abbaa booraa,
Mattuu fi beddellee dambiidhaa fi cooraa,
Hurrumuu fi gachii buree dhaa fi yaayyuu,
Biyya abbaa gammachiis madda gootaa fi hayyuu.
Noophaa dhaa fi diimtuu deeggaa dhaa fi goree,
Biyya lammiif dhadhaa alagaatti qoree.
Mee xiqqoon dubbisa takkan maqaa dhaha,
Biyya gootowwanii oromiyaa bahaa,
Awwadaayi, calanqoo, ciroo fi baddeessaa,
Fadisii fi kombolcha qobboo fi ammarreessa,
Biyya gootowwanii qabsoof gadameessaa,
Har’as hoofaa jiru akkuma kaleessaa.
Machaaraa fi mi’eessoo dirredhawaa fi harar,
Galamsoo fi baddannoo gursumii fi carcar,
Guraawaa fi asaboot ta gaara mul’ataa,
Goota ta’uu isaanii seenaatu dubbata.
Haramaayyaa fi qarsaa qullubbii fi baabbilee,
Gumaachi isin gootan hin du’u yoomillee,
Gootota kumaatama keessaa qabna har’allee.
Bara Abbaan Jifaar yakka guddaa godhee ,
Shanan gibee waraanee habashaa harma hodhe,
Biyya minilikii fi Abbaa Jifaariin jibbee,
Ogeessa jalqaba tolchee xiyyaa dhaa fi aalbee,
Ni yaadattuu laata biyya shanan gibee?
Jimmaa fi aggaaroo omonaaddaa fi dedoo,
Goota cal hin jenne cunqursaa fi gadadoo,
Limmuu dhaa fi geeraa guumaa fi sandaaboo,
Maannayii fi saaqqaa sokorruu fi sarboo,
Diina ofiraa dhorkuutti hin kadhatan daboo,
Gaatiraa fi toobbaa sigimoo fi bashaashaa,
Hayyamanii hin beekan ol’aantummaa habashaa.
Mee dhaqnee haa laallu Oromiyaa giddu galeessaa,
Biyya gootowwanii qabsoof gadameessaa,
Amboo gindabarat baakkoo fi incinnii,
Goota guyyuu haaraa hin qabne sinsinnii,
Bushooftuu fi waliisoo fiichee fi adaamaa,
Mirgasaa falmachuutti natu dura du’aa wal saama,
Goota warra kaabaatti harka kennee hin ciifne
Kunoo hanga har’aattuu amantiisaa hin dhiifnee,
Irreecha hin gadhiifne.
Geedoo fi sabbata tulluboolloo fi mugar,
Gincii fi hoolota walqixxee fi gudar,
Shaashamannee fi baatuu dukamii fi karrayyuu,
Gootota kumaatama keessaa qabna har’ayyuu..
Warra diina qalee akka qircaa murmuru,
Oromiyaa lixaa gara horroo guduruu,
Shaambuu fi finca’aa jaartee fi amuru.
Biyya gootowwanii goota oromoon dhalchee,
Warra habashaa ari’ee goondaritti galche.
Naqamtee fi gatamaa giddaa fi galiilaa,
Noolee kaabbaa fi arjoo mana sibu fi biilaa,
Najjoo fi dambidoolloo gimbii fi laaloo qilee,
Loltuu akka kanniisaa adamsituu biflee,
Gootota meeqatu si keessaa biqile.
Innaangoo fi yuubdoo aayiraa gullisoo,
Qaaqee fi gidaamii begii fi baabboo jaarsoo,
Biyya gootowwanii gadameessa qabsoo.
Goota hedduu qabda hayyoota buuleessa,
Oromiyaa biyya koo kanaafan si faarsa.
Waa’ee oromoo dhaa kitaaba seenaarraas egaa yeroon laalu,
Goota qaba oromoon eenyuyyuu isa hin caalu.
Oromoon bakkayyuu goota eega ta’ee,
Ihii maal hir’inni keenya maaltu rakkoo ta’e?
Gabrummaan bar dheeraa maaliif nurra taa’ee ?
Abaarsa qabna moo maaluma yaa ijoollee?
Jettanii gaafachuun keessan waan hin oolle.
Akkuma isin beektan dhugaa dha hayyootas ni qabna goototas yoom dhabne,
Qabsoo durii sanatu faffaca’aa ture walitti hin qabamne.
Qabsoo kopha kophaatu bu’aa buusuu didee,
Gabrummaa bar dheeraa kana nutti fide.
Kanaaf Maccaa fi Tuulamni ooyruusaa tolchanii,
Qabsoo faffacaate walitti itichanii,
Adda bilisummaa Oromoo keessaa biqilchani.
ABO’nis dhufee hunda walii galchee,
Gootota tokkummaa miliyoonaan dhalche.
Kan dur bakka bakkatti addaan faffacaane,
ABO’n dhalannaan kunoo tokko taane.
Firri baroota dheeraadhaaf wal harkaa babbade,
Bahaa lixaa kaabaa kibbaa ka’ee wal barbaade,
Kan diinni amantii fi kutaan nu qoqqoode,
Har’a wal argatee rifaasuun adoode,
Akka sa’aa fi jabbii walitti mar’atee walitti gadoode.
Hunduu ofirra roobse imimmaan gammachuu,
Irbuu waliif seenan biyya ofii falmachuu.
Hunduu gad taa’anii waliin dubbatanii,
Tooftaa gabroomfataa sirriitti hubatanii,
Dirqama lammummaa ABO irraa fudhatanii.
Kaan seenaa qorachuuf dirqama fudhate,
Kaan waraana ta’ee bosona qubate,
Qabsoon bakka bakkatti duraan faffacaate,
Har’a tokko jettee gamtaan lafaa kaate.
Xiqqaa dhaa fi guddaan ka’ee wal kakaase,
Rasaasa jalqabaa Elemoon dhukaase,
Wal harkaa fuudhanii qabsoo itti fufanii,
Tafarii makonniniin afaansaa cufanii.
Tafarii makonninis baay’ee tattaafatee,
Warra kaan ni hidhee kaan ni galaafate.
Hidhaa fi ajjeechaanis isaan hin naasifne,
Ibidda gootummaa isaan harkaa hin dhaamsine.
Afaan isaan qabuuf diinni gad hin teenye,
Isaan callisiisuu garuu hin dandeenye.
Akkamiin callisu dhugaatoo jal’atee,
Dharatu furdatee haqatoo qal’atee,
Fayyaatu okkolee naafatoo dhaabbatee,
Sobatu ol ka’ee barcuma yaabbatee.
Mee akkamiin dhiisu ree kabjaatoo kufee,
Nama nama nyaatutoo biyyasaanii dhufee.
Saba isaaniitoo mirgasaa molqamee,
Galtuutu muudamee abbaan biyyaa dhorkamee.
Kanaaf tokkummaadhaan qabsoo finiinsanii,
Gumaasaanii baasuu nurratti dhiisani.
Hayilesillaaseenis kufee mangistuutu dhufee,
Cunqursaan oromoos bifa jijjiirratee hanga har’aattuu itti fufe.
Mootummoonni habashaa warri aangoo qaban,
Gootota oromoo adamsuu jalqaban.
Dhugaa dubbachuu fi falmachuu keessatti,
Diinonni gootota oromoo ilaaluu jalqaban akka bineensaatti.
Kaan hidhaatti guuruu,
Kaan morma irraa muruu,
Reebichaa fi dararaa,
Bifa gara garaa,
Lafee fi foonsaanii,
Irratti roobsani,
Ibidda elektrikiin qaamasaa ciranii,
Summii nama ajjeesu lilmeedhaan diranii,
Kan qaamni laamsha’e hedduutu jirani.
Qaama saalaasaatti dhagaa fannisanii,
Qullaa akka dhalate qoreerra harkisanii,
Otoma reebamuu wiirtuun duddaa cabee,
Meeqatu maseene meeqatu ilmoo dhabe,
Meeqatu ajjeefame meeqatu lubbuu dhabe.
Mana itti marsanii halkaniin dhufanii,
Akka gad hin baanetti ulaa itti cufanii,
Maatii hedduu bakkatti ibiddaan gubani.
Deebinee hin argannuu sanyii duguuganii,
Lafee nu cabsanii dhiiga nu dhugani.
Harkisaa fi miilli isaa cancalaan hidhamee,
Meeqatu maraate sammuunsaa miidhamee,
Koloniin nurratti hundee jabeeffate,
Oromoota qaqqaalii nurraa galaafate.
Akka Magarsaa Barii fi akka Bakar Waaree,
Warra lafeesaaniin xurree tattaraare,
Ofii wareegamee qabsoo kana jaare,
Goota akka Taaddasaa fi akka Elemoo Qilxuu,
Yeroo alagaan dhufee uummatasaa fixu,
Taa’ee hin hamuummatu ciisee idhi hin xuuxuu,
Lafeen koos haa cabduu lubbuun koos haa badduu,
Anatu deebisa gaaffii qabsoon qabdu,
Dhugaarra dhaabadheen lammii koo leellisa,
Gaaffii qabsoon qabdus anatu deebisa,
Jedhanii murannoon qabsootti hurrisani,
Jaalala saba ofii hojiin mul’isani.
Aadam Jiloo fi Booji’aa Baaroo fi Kabbadaa,
Ejjetaa fi Mokonnin H/M Gammadaa,
Taaddasaa fi Elemoo Waaqoo fi Mul’is Gadaa,
Isin dhabuusaatti Oromoon ni gadda.
Falmataa fi Morkataa Alamuu Qixxeessaa,
Bakar Waaree fi Guutuu Guddinaa Atoomsaa,
Gumaachi isin gootan lammii hunda boonsa.
Jaagamaa Badhaanee Abdullaahii fi Maammoo,
Bobbaasii fi Guutamaa Nuuraddinii fi Galmoo,
Sabboontoota dhugaa leellistoota qomoo,
Isin mararfata yoomuu sabni oromoo.
Badhaasoo fi Waltaasis Suleemaanii fi Ibsaa,
Sibiroo fi Nadhii Alii fi Siisaayi Ibsaa,
Wareegamuun keessan qabsoo daran cimsa.
Generaal Daawud Abdii fi Alamaayyoo,
Muusxafaa fi Eebbisaa Yoseefii fi Usmaayyoo,
Of biraa isin dhabne anaa nyaatu wayyoo,
Ofii dhabamtanii asiin geessan kaayyoo.
Hasanii fi Diimee Daraaraa fi Tasfuu,
Goonni haqa falmatu gooni biyyaaf kufu,
Egaa addaan baaneerra deebi’ee nuu hin dhufu,
Garuu kaayyoon isaa gonkumaa hin kufu.
Yaadannoo yeroo dhihoo gara aanaa begii,
Goota wareegame akka Laggasaa Wagii,
Keenyumaan dahatee alagaan nu nyaatee,
Ni baati gumaan kee dachaa dhibba taatee.
Dubartiin Oromoos deessuun hundaaf harmee,
Gadameessi isaanii qaruuraan ciramee,
Meeqatu foonsaanii allaattiif hirame,
Seenaan haa yaadatu lammii koo isa dhume.
Namnuu ni yaadanna dubree xiqqoo Aayshaa,
Sabboontittii nyaate warabeessi habashaa,
Morma isheetii olii fi rifeensa mataashee,
Kan alaa argatan haatii fi abbanshee.
Aayshaan egaa kuttee nutti asi hin deebituu,
Gumaacha isheen gooteef seenaan haa yaadatu.
Shamarran qaqqaalii baay’eesaanii dhabne,
Leensaa fi Waarituu Jamiilaa fi Aannanee,
Dirribee Jifaar Aayshaa fi Lalisee,
Wareegamuun keessan madaa nutti hambise.
Raggaatuu fi Argannee Saartuu fi Ayyaantuu,
Qabsoof isin dhabne wayyoo anaa nyaatuu,
Barabaraan seenaan isin haa yaadatu.
Saba isaaniif falmuuf qabsootti duulanii,
Kan akka Daraartuu Iftuu fi Kuulanii,
Kanneen wareegaman dura of buusanii,
Bilisummaatu baasa guma lubbuu isaanii.
Qotee bulaa fi daldalaa barsiisaa fi barataa,
Nurraa cabsuuf jecha waanjoo gabroomfataa,
Mirga hiree ofii ofiin murteeffachuu,
Dhiibbaa tokko malee mirga ofiin of bulchuu,
Otoo falmitanii saba oromoof jecha,
Kanneen fudhattan hidhaa fi ajjeechaa,
Lubbuu gumaachitan uummata keessanii,
Walabummaatu baasa gumaa hunda keessanii.
Faajjii keessan kaafna yoomuu lafa hin keenyu,
Hanga galmaan geenyutti dadhabnee hin teenyu,
Onnee keenya keessaa isin haquu hin dandeenyu.
Humna tikaa wayyaaneen warri hidhamtanii,
Himannaa sobaatiin kan himatamtanii,
Kan isinitti murtaa’e hidhaan umurii guutuu,
Ni qal’atti malee dhugaan yoomuu hin duutuu,
Mana hidhaa alagaa bakkeen garagara,
Keessa warri jirtan oromiyaa mararraa,
Kan dhandhamaa jirtan toorcharii fi dararaa,
Isin cinaa jirraa jabaadhaa sabaraa.
Jaallawwan Oromoo gootowwan kaleessaa,
Warri lubbuu isaanii biyyaaf godhan aarsaa,
Waan isaan dubbatan dhaamsa isaanii keessaa,
Waa hedduullee hin beekuu mee xiqqoo isheen kaasa.
Lammii koo amaanaa waan isinii dhaamnuu,
Walii keenya malee fira biraa hin qabnuu,
Barnoota dhabuutu wal nu wallaalchisee,
Diinis qaawwa kanaan numaan walnyaachisee,
Hundee seenaa dhugaa dubbisaa qoradhaa,
Kallattii afraniin deemaa walbaradhaa,
Otoo haqa falmannuu nuti wareegamnee,
Manni nuti jaarre egaa akka hin diigamne.
Natu sii beekaa diinaa isinirraa mancaafnee,
Summii keessa keenyaas isinitti facaafnee,
Egaa wal jabeessaa wal akka hin harcaafne.
Du’uu fi ajjeesuun akka jiru beeknee,
Of duuba hin deebinu jennee irbuu seennee,
Hundee biqilootaa fi baala mukaa nyaannee,
Qabsoo sabaaf jecha kanaaf manaa baanee,
Manatti hin deebinee nyaata allaattii taanee.
Dhiigni keenya har’a qabsoof dhangala’e,
Guyyaa tokko garuu akka galaanaa ta’ee,
Biyya abbaa keenyaa oromiyaa keessaa,
Diinota oromoo haqee isaan balleessaa,
Galaanichi isinii tokkummaa jabeessaa.
Bilisummaa arguuf ture hawwiin keenya,
Garuu otoo achi hin ga’in baate lubbuun keenya,
Natu sii beekaa alagaa isinis fincilaa,
Awwaala keenyarraa mul’adhaa biqilaa.
Haqa falmachuurratti lubbuuf hin sodaannee,
Otoo ijaan hin argin dachiirraa godaannee,
Dantaa mataa keenyaaf jennees hin gufannee,
Hanga waliin turretti walitti hin mufannee,
Lubbuu keenya laanne nuti of hin qusannee,
Ulaan nuti banne egaa akka hin cufamne.
Loltuu gabroomfataa kumaan lafa naqnee,
Nuti tattaafannee egaa nutti hin hafne,
Lubbuu keenya garuu oolfachuu hin dandeenyee,
Amaanaa gumaa keenya isinirra keenyee.
Otoo arguu hawwinuu bilisummaa fi nagaa,
Biyyee jala seennee uffifamnee dhagaa,
Nuti isin jaallannee caalchifnee ofirraa,
Yoo isin tokko taatan nuti hin duune jirra.
Bilisummaaf jecha lubbuun keenya kuftee,
Dabareen keessanii isin geesse dhuftee,
Wareegamaan malee bilisni hin dhuftuu,
Lafeenis haa cabduu lubbuunis haa kuftuu,
Hoodhaa nurkaa fuudhaa qabsoon itti haa fuftuu.
Xurree keenya irraa qoree bubuqqisaa,
Yoo ofii dadhabdan ilmoo itti guddisaa,
Of duuba hin laalinaa furga’aa bubbisaa,
Waan jalqabnee dhiifne ifatti mul’isaa.
Nurra tarkaanfadhaa nu godhaa riqichaa,
Gumaa keenya baasaa qabsoorratti cichaa.
Egaa qawwee keenyas kan nuti irraa duune,
Diina kumaatama ittiin lafa buufnee,
Qulqulleessaa qabaa hin dibinaa xurii,
Diinatti hin kenninaa qawwee keenya durii.
Kana nutti dhaammatan gootonni nu duraa,
Yeroo keessaa baate hafuurri xumuraa.
Maarree nutoo maal hojjechaa jirra ofis ni gaafannaa,
Yoo hojjechuu baanne booda ofii itti qaanfannaa.
Akka warra kalee lafee fi foonsaaniin Oromiyaa jaaree,
Irree tokkummaatiin xurree tattaraaree,
Waan jiru hin fakkaatu nu keessa jiraa ree?
Lakkii akkanas mitii akkanas hin jennuu,
Ofis hin tuffannuu abdiis hin kutannuu,
Maal atis hoo dhiiraa maal anis hoo dhiiraa,
Onneen gootowwanii si keessas ni jiraa na keessas ni jiraa,
Dhaamsa isaan nuuf dhaaman hojiitti jijjiirraa,
Bakka hin gadhiisinaa daandicharra jirraa.
Wareegamuu isaaniitiin nuti lafaa kaanee,
Lafee isaani caphe sana keessaa baanee,
Argamuu dha qabna nutis isaan taanee.
Diinonni keenya warri kaleessa harka nurraa ciru,
Hin dagatinaa har’as fagoo hin deemnee numaa wajjin jiruu,
Nurratti gamnoomanii tooftaa jijijjiiruu,
Alaala taa’anii numaan walitti diru.
Itoophiyaa andinet dirqiin nutti fe’u,
Killee addaan tarsaate ni fayyifna se’u.
Firiin muka odaa agamsa ni taatii ?
Ilmoon leencaa hoo jaldeessatti of waamtii ?
Oromoon toophiyoomuun gaafas dhugaa taati.

Monday, 14 April 2014

Police search for missing North Brighton mother and two children.

Missing_mother_-_Brighton_North_copyApril 13, 2014, Australia (Victoria Police News) — Police are appealing for public assistance to help locate a missing North Brighton mother and her two children.
Kiya Worku was last seen at a residential house in Willlansby Street about 5pm yesterday afternoon.
Police have been told the 33-year-old was planning to travel by train from North Brighton to Elsternswick with her one-year-old son Yorisun and her four-year-old daughter Justine.
They have not been seen since.
Police are concerned for the welfare of Kiya and that of her young children
Kiya is approximately 170cm tall, thin build with short black curly hair.
It is not known what she is wearing but police believe she is in possession of a pram.
Images of Kiya and her two children are below.
Anyone who sees Kiya and the children is urged to call Triple Zero (000) immediately or anyone with information to call Crime Stoppers on 1800 333 00.

Friday, 11 April 2014

Ergamtooti Wayyaanee Abbaa Duulaan durfamu Embassy Itophiyaa Washington, DC keessatti ergama raawwatuuf yaalaa jiru., Washington, DC | Gurraandhala 2, 2014
Abbaa Duulaa G. ( Minaasee W.Giorgis) - 2.2.14Ergamtooti mootummaa abbaa irree Wayyaanee/TPLF kan Abbaa Duulaa Gammaadaa (Minaasee W/Giorgis) durfamu ajaja TPLF irraa itti kenname qabatee gara Washington, DC dhufuun beekame.
Abbaan Duulaa ykn Minaaseeni fi gareen isaa Embassy Itoophiyaa Magaalaa Washington, DC jiru keeyssa riphuudhaan warreen faayidaa dhuunfaa isaaniitif akkuma isaanii mirgaa fi haqa ummata Oromoo fi Oromiyaa dabarsanii gurguran/kennan waliin ta’uudhaan dhoksaadhaan kaayyoo dharaa kan manneen barumsaa Oromiyaa keeysatti babal’isuuf jedhuun gargaarsa qarshii walitti qabuuf yaalii gochaa akka jiranii fi sochii dhoksaa kanas sabboontoni Oromoo irratti dhaqqabuu ifa ta’ee jira.
Yeroo ammaan tanatti barattoota Oromoo fi kanneen biroo Yunivarsity Haromayaa keessatti barachaa jiran summ’ii nyaata barattootaa keeysatti naquudhaan miidhaa fi yakka hiriyaa hin qabne raawwachaa kan jiru mootummaan abbaa irree Tigree, sababuma nyaata summaa’e kanaan hanga harraatti barattooti ja’a (6) lubbuun isanii darbuun gabaafamaa jira. Kun osoo kanaan jiruu, mootummaan abbaa irree Tigree ergamtoota isaa kanneen akka Abbaa Duulaa jiran biyyaan alatti ergee mana barumsaa ijaaruuf sababa jedhuun karoora kanaan dura maqaa hidhaa laga Abbayyaan walitti qabachuuf yaalee dura-dhaabbanoo sabboontota Oromootiin addunyaa kana marattii fi bakka hundumaatti harkatti faashale bakkka buufachuuf ijjibbaata haarawa dhokaasaadhaan kan eegale ta’uun isaa saaxilameera.
Kanaaf, hawaasi Oromoo marti yaalii Wayyaaneen gama ergamtoota isheen Kaaba Ameerikaa, magaalaa Washington DC fi Stetota adda-addaa keeysatti gochuuf yaaltu akkuma barame tokkummaan dura dhaabbatanii gara warreen isaan ergateetti harka qullaa fi qaaniidhaan akka deebisan sabboontonni Oromoo waamicha lammummaa dabarsanii jiru.

Statement from the National Youth Movement for Freedom and Democracy (aka Qeerroo Bilisummaa) on the Current Condition of the Oromo People Ethiopian Empire.

qeerroo2April 10, 2014
The representatives of the National Youth Movement for Freedom and Democracy (aka Qeerroo Bilisummaa) from different zones of Oromia have come together and convened for two days, April 1 and 2, 2014 and, after a thorough discussion, have deliberated the following resolution on the current condition of the Oromo people, the condition of Revolt Against Subjugation (Fincila Diddaa Gabrummaa) spearheaded by Qeerroo Bilisummaa, and the political condition of the Ethiopian Empire.
  1. Remnants of the old nafxanyaa (gun carrying settlers), who have committed uninterrupted heinous acts of genocide on the Oromo people for more than a century, are now doing everything they can to hinder the struggle of the Oromo people to regain their freedom. They are engaged on belittling and defaming the struggle, spreading false propaganda saying that the Oromo doesn’t have any land or country of their own in the region, opened a new printing press for this evil act of keeping the Oromo under their domination. We vehemently denounce their actions and ask Oromo nationalists to stay united and stand on the side of Revolt Against Subjugation lead by Qeerroo Bilisummaa.
  2. The dictatorial Woyane regime has intensified its campaign of expelling Oromo farmers and expanding the capital city, Finfinne (Addis Ababa), by annexing the near-by little towns under the Finfinne administration. The campaign is geared towards exploitation of Oromo land and natural resources by denying the Oromo, the ownership of their land, property, and resources. The only way to stop this evil act of old and neo-nafxanyas for the Oromo nationalists, especially the youth, is to intensify the struggle led by Qeerroo through Revolt Against Subjugation. We call upon all Oromo nationals and other friends living in Oromia and abroad to stand together and bring this unjust system to an end.
  3. All true Oromo nationals should stop standing with the dictatorial EPRDF regime. You can see that the regime is insulting us in many situations. Recently the Oromo have been insulted by the regime in connection with the death of the so called the President of Oromia, Mr. Alemayehu Atomsa, and at the sport competition in Bahir Dar town, the capital of the Amhara regional state. Moreover, you can see that the regime is planning to annex all major towns in Oromia such as Burayu, Sebeta, Sululta, Holota, Sandafa, Laga Xafo, Laga Dadhi, Aqaqi, Qaliti, Dukam, Bushoftu, Shashemane, Adama, Jimma, Nekemte, and Ambo under the Federal administration. The objective is clear and simple. To exploit the resources of the Oromo and keep the Oromo people under subjugation. We ask all Oromos to expose this move and stop supporting the regime when it clearly violates the right of the Oromo people on its land, property, and resources.
  4. In this 21st century, when the world is advancing in education, science and technology, Oromo youth are constantly expelled from schools and universities, are thrown into jail, or in many instances, even killed without any reason other than being born Oromo. The struggle of the Oromo youth spearheaded by Qeerroo Bilisummaa is to bring a lasting solution to this suffering of Oromo students by eliminating the century old colonialism. We ask all Oromo nationals to intensify the Revolt in order to protect and defend our rights.
  5. At this moment the cost of leaving is reaching to an unbearable level. Oromo students who are graduated from universities and colleges became jobless and are subjected to poverty, sleeping on the streets and begging for food. They are unable to serve their country with the knowledge and expertise they gained from their higher education institutions. The only way the Oromo graduates get job opportunity equitable with the graduates of other nationalities such as Tigrai or Amhara is by intensifying the Revolt and bring the state machinery to the hands of the Oromo capable, trusted, and democratically elected leaders. Therefore we call upon all Oromo nationals to get organized, stand with Qeerroo Bilisummaa and intensify the struggle to bring down this authoritarian regime.
  6. The dictatorial Woyane regime stayed on power by creating conflict between various communities who lived together in harmony for hundreds of years. Over the past two or so decades, the regime ignited conflict between Gumuz and Oromo, Somali and Oromo, Berta and Oromo, Burji and Oromo, Gedeo and Oromo, and Amhara and Oromo. The regime also constantly concocted conflict even between different Oromo clans (gosa): Borana and Gabra, Borana and Guji. We ask all Oromo nationals and other nationalities to be conscious of the trap the regime is preparing to stay on power and get united to get rid of the evil regime which is the source of all such evil undertakings.
  7. We iterate that the Oromo youth and Oromo intellectuals have the responsibility and the potential to give dignity to the right of the Oromo people and the struggle of the Oromo for democracy and justice. Oromo heroes and heroines of the past sacrificed their precious lives and brought the struggle to this level without having so much number we have today, without having access to technology as we do today. We, the new young generation, have historic responsibility and obligation to continue the struggle for freedom, justice and democracy which we inherited from our forefathers. We have no doubt victory is ours in the end.
Victory to the Oromo people

Thursday, 10 April 2014

EU not financing Ethiopia Renaissance Dam: EU ambassador in Egypt.

EU ambassador underlines union’s support for negotiated solutions in international disputes; says Egypt has requested presidential poll supervision
A general view shows construction activity on the Grand Renaissance dam in Guba Woreda, Benishangul Gumuz region March 16, 2014. Egypt fears the $4.7 billion dam, that the Horn of Africa nation is building on the Nile, will reduce a water supply vital for its 84 million people, who mostly live in the Nile valley and delta. Picture taken March 16, 2014 (Photo: Reuters)
A general view shows construction activity on the Grand Renaissance dam in Guba Woreda, Benishangul Gumuz region March 16, 2014. Egypt fears the $4.7 billion dam, that the Horn of Africa nation is building on the Nile, will reduce a water supply vital for its 84 million people, who mostly live in the Nile valley and delta. Picture taken March 16, 2014 (Photo: Reuters)
April 10, 2014 (Ahram Online) — The European Union (EU) is not funding the Ethiopian Grand Renaissance Dam, said EU Ambassador to Egypt James Moran in a press conference, the MENA state news agency reported.
Moran underlined that the EU is looking into the issue of the Ethiopian Renaissance Dam since it affects many countries. He also said the EU is ready to help any country that seeks its assistance related to this issue.
Moran underscored the importance of negotiations between countries in dispute, in order to reach solutions that benefit all parties.
Egypt, Ethiopia and Sudan formed a tripartite technical committee to study the possible effects of the Ethiopian Renaissance Dam. But the committee’s discussions were thwarted in December when Sudanese President Omar Al-Bashir announced his support for the dam during a meeting with Ethiopian Prime Minister Hailemariam Desalegn.
Egypt’s foreign minister, Nabil Fahmy, met last week with his Ethiopian counterpart, Tedros Adhanom, at the two-day EU-Africa Summit in Brussels.
According to Al-Ahram Arabic news website, Fahmy said that his meeting with Adhanom included “a frank and open discussion” on the stance of both Egypt and Ethiopia regarding matters of concern to both states, including Nile water issue and Renaissance Dam.
Meanwhile, Moran said that EU foreign policy chief Catherine Ashton is expected to visit Egypt Wednesday to reaffirm the EU’s interest in future cooperation and bilateral relations with Egypt.
He said the EU is keen to help Egypt, especially Upper Egypt that has been lately suffering instability amid general poverty.
Moran also spoke about the EU’s supervision of the upcoming presidential elections, saying that Egyptian authorities requested the EU supervise the elections. The union has set a delegation upon this request.
He added that the EU did not supervise the referendum on the constitution that took place in January because the request to supervise it arrived late.
Egypt’s presidential poll is scheduled to take place in May.
About Britain’s move to investigate the Muslim Brotherhood, Moran said that this concerns only Britain and not EU countries.

Barattooti Oromoo Uni Adaamaa 20 ta’an Kabajaa Yaadatnoo Anooleef Osoo Deemanii Isin ABOn dha Sababa Jedhuun Hidhaman.

bilisummaa1Ebla 9, 2014, Adaamaa (Qeerroo) — Dargaggoonni seenaa dhugaa dhaale,kutannoo fi murannoo onnee irraa madden seenaa Oromoo irraa kanneen hubatnaa gahaa qaban ilmaan Bilisummaa Oromoo fi Walabummaa Oromiyaaf boqonnaa hin qabne   seenaan bu’ura hundaa ta’uu isaa warri adda durummaan beekaan Yaaddannoo wareeggamtoota haadhoo fi abboolee(Anoolee)f jecha Adaamarraa hanga Aanoleetti lafoo deemsa taasisaniin km 66 miilaan(lafoo) kanneen kabajaaf deeman 120 keessaa barattoota Oromoo 20 mootummaan Wayyaanee hidhaatti galche.
Kanneen keessaa 17 shamarree Oromoo yeroo ta’an,Yaadatnoo Anooleef jecha amna dheeraa miillaan deemuun gochaa hammeenya diinaa yeroo yaadatan,bakka kabajaa sanii gahuuf km 9 duwwaan yemmuu isaan hafu bulchiinsa magaalaa Heexosaa aanaa Heexosaa Itayyaatti qabanii kaayyoo kamabajaa Anooleef jecha miillaa luqa’anii dhiigaa kanneen achi gahan keessaa nama 20 alaabaa ABO qabattanii jirtu sababa jedhuun dabarsanii loltoota Wayyaaneetti kennan.
Haalli kun akkaataa itti raawwate guutuun isaa,  Dargaggoonni kuni guutummaan isaanii magaalaa Adaamaa irraa kan ta’aan yemmuu ta’an gartokkeen isaanii Yuuniveersitii Adaamaa irraa fi gartokkeen immoo magaaluma adaamaa irraa barattoota koollajjii fi jiraattota,akkasumas  ijoollee gumii  adda addaa irraatii walitti qabamaniidha.  Ka’umsi  deemsa kanaa Gumii  GADAA’O   kan gidduu gala bashaannana dargoogata oromoo ganda 14 magaalaa adaamaatti argamuun kan qindaa’ee yemmuu ta’uu dura ta’aan Gumichaa HUHAABBAA HUSEEN  beekamtii deemsi kuni karaa nagaa’a jedhuun bulchiinsa magaalaa irraa waraqaa baasisee ture wanna jedhamuun  beeksisni bahee gaafa  jimaataa sa’aa 10 irratti manaa POOSTAA magaalaa adaamaa irraa deemsa kan eegale  dargaggoota 120 kanneen keessaa durboota 17 yemmuu ta’an. erga magaalaa DHEERAA  AANAA DODDOTAA geenyee gareetti wal buusee  namooni 20 kophaatti bahanii karaa qaxxaamuraa kan deemaan yemmuu ta’an isaan kunneen ilaalcha adda fi ergama biraa qabu jechuun qoqqobbiin kan ka’ee alaabaa ABO FI Waraqaa baadiyyaa keessa rabsaa deemuufi nurraa adda bahan kan jedhuun basaastoni deemsa dadhabbii guddaa gaafate kana kan karaa dabarsan yemmmuu ta’u maqaan ijoollota kanaa
  1. Addunyaa keessoo…….Yuuniversitii saayinsiifi teeknoloojjii adaamaa
  2. Walabummaa Dabalee              >>
  3. Taaddasaa Abbabaa                    >>
  4. Hirphaa Nagaasaa                      >>
  5. Barsiisaa dassaalenyi                 >>
  6. Mokonnin kabbadaa                 >>
  7. Seefuu Baacaa                           >>
  8. Hurrumaa  Bashaadaa              >>
  9. Ayyaanaa Tafarraa                    >>
  10. Ayyaantuu…..kophee malee ishee km 66 deemte yemmuu taa’u  filmii caayaa piroomoshinii adaamarraa
  11. Eebbisaa  Margaa      filmii caaya piroomoshinii irraa
  12. Caaltuu  Nugusee      barattuu koolloojjii riftii vaalii
  13. Iftuu         jiraattuu magaalaa adaamaa
  14. Ifaabaas   jiraataa magaalaa
  15. Bilisummaa    jiraataa magaalaa adaamaa
  16. Baay’isee barattuu koollajjii baalata’oo
  17. Milkoo  Milkeessaa barattuu kollajjii riftii vaalii
  18. Gammachiisaa Dhaqqabaa Waariyoo Mucaan kuni basaastummaa kan ergame ta’uun irra gahame fi bakkeen isaa kan hin beekamnee dha
  19. Gammachuu jiraataa magaalaa adaamati
  20. Esheetuu  jiraataa magaalaa adaamati
Namoonn  20n kuni galgala sa’aa   1 halkaan keessa gaafa sanbat duraa kan qabanii tooftaadha hidhamanii harka wayyaanee bulaniidha  Aanolee erga miilaan gahanii booddee  namoonni 100 bulchiinsi magaalaa simannaa godheefi malaan kan karaa bulcheedha akka isaan achin geenyeef,isaan kunnen kan hedhamaniif ijjoollota 20 nu duukaa dhufan bakka itti hiitanii fuunu malee hin deemnu  waan jedhaniif kan hidhaman. sababni hidhaameef waa tokkollee hin beekkamne akkamitti lafoo dhufatanii sin shakkamtoota bosonaa dhuftaan alaabaa qabduu waraqaa qabatanii eebbaa siidaa kanaa gufachiisuufi waan jedhu duwwaattu afaani isaan bahaa.Akkaataa kanaan guyyaan yaadannoo sun xumuramee jira.

Wednesday, 9 April 2014


AanoleeApril 8, 2014 (OPride) – Hundreds of thousands gathered in Hetosa, Arsi zone of Oromia, the largest of Ethiopia’s nine federal states, for the unveiling of the Aanolee Cultural Center on April 6, 2014, local media reported.
The cultural center houses the Oromo Martyrs’ memorial monument, an ethnographic museum and a mural. Standing several inches on top of a tomb, the monument shows a severed hand stretched upward holding a women’s breast. It is erected as a tribute to the Arsi Oromo whose hands and breasts were mutilated by 19th century Ethiopian emperor Menelik II.
Located 150kms from the capital Addis Ababa, Aanolee is a site steeped in Oromo history. As Madda Walaabuu stood as the cradle and greatness of the Oromo, Aanolee came to represent it’s humiliation. For centuries, the Oromo were organized under an egalitarian Gadaa system. It was at Aanolee that power transfer took place among generations of Arsi Abba Gadaa leaders under Odaa Rooba, one of the five Gadaa Oromo assemblies.
In late 19th century, roughly at the same time as the scramble for Africa, emperor Menelik II set out to forcibly incorporate independent Oromo territories into his “nascent empire.” Having conquered the Wollo, Tulama and other Oromo tribes, Menelik faced a fierce resistance from the Arsi.
The Arsi were not new to their Amhara neighbors to the north. In their encounters in battle, the Arsi did not consider their future nemesis to be much of a contender. The Arsi had, as they still do, much respect, both in war and in peace, for their southern neighbors – particularly the Sidama known for their fiercely warrior tradition. Besides, the Amhara did not know how to ride horses and the Arsi did not see any reason to be worried about loosing in battle to them. When news came that an invading army was arriving, the Arsi simply asked, “Is this the Sidama?” When told it was not, the Arsi scoffed, lowering their guards.
When Menelik’s Shoan army, equipped with modern firearms acquired from western powers, arrived in the 1880s, the Arsi was in for a rude surprise. Buoyed by a tradition that bestowed Wayyooma (an almost sacred high honor) accorded to those distinguished in war as in peace, the Arsi waged a valiant war of resistance. The Arsi repeatedly ambushed and kept Menelik’s forces at bay for six years between 1980-86 — winning all 38 running battles. In one instance, in 1985, after Arsi warriors wiped out his elite imperial guard in a nightly ambush at the battle near Mount Albasso at Doddota, Menelik fled to save his life, leaving behind his wife and Negarit (the imperial drum). Menelik’sremaining soldiers, awed by the bravery of their opponents, snug: Doddota ye wandoochu bootaa (Doddota land of the brave).
On Sep. 6, 1886, at a place called Azule, Menelik’s state of the art armaments outmatched the spears and shields of the ferocious Arsi fighters. After in a single day an estimated 12,000 Oromo fighters, faced off against a superior force led by Shoan general Ras Darge, perished, an armistice was declared. The Arsi then “suspended their struggle to save whatever could be saved,” according to Oromo historian Abbas H. Gnamo, author of a recently published book, “Conquest and Resistance in the Ethiopian Empire, 1880-1974 – The Case of the Arsi Oromo.”
But the suspension of open hostility did not end Menelik’s apetite to crush and humiliate the Arsi. In 1887, the Shoan forces came back to avenge their repeated defeat at the hands of local Oromo fighters and to terrorize the remaining populace into total submission. Ahead of a schedule Buttaa event, a power transfer ceremony under the Gadaa system, Ras Darge called for a meeting to “make peace” with the Arsi and “deliberate” on future administrative matters. Thousands gathered at Aanolee. Aanolee was strategically chosen because it was a symbolic site of Arsi power and what is reverently referred to as Arsooma, a custom by which the Arsi Oromo settled inter or intra clan disputes — the super glue that held the Arsi tightly together.

ክፍት ደብዳቤ ለኣሜሪካ ድምጽ ሬድዮ ኣማርኛ ፕሮግራም ማኔጂንግ ኤዲተር ወ/ሮ ትዝታ በላቸው.

ከያህያ ጀማል | Ebla 8, 2014
በቅድሚያ ይድረስ የተከበረ ሰላምታዬ ለወ/ሮ ትዝታ በላቸው። ከሰላምታዬ በማስከተል ይህን ክፍት ደብዳቤ ለመጻፍ ወዳነሳሳኝ ፍሬ ጉዳይ ልዝለቅ። ወ/ሮ ትዝታ ቢያንስ ከ20 ኣመታት በላይ በኣሜሪካ ድምጽ ሬድዮ ኣማርኛው ፕሮግራም ላይ የማውቅሽ ሚዛናዊ የሆኑ ዝግጅቶችን ስታቀርቢ ነው። በተለይም በፖለቲካ ነክ ጉዳዮች ዙሪያ እንግዶችን ጋብዘሽ በምታዋይያቸው ወቅቶች ሁሉ ተገቢና ፍትሃዊ ጥያቂዎችን እየፈለፈልሽ በመሰንዘር የኣድማጮችሽን የልብ ትርታ ማዳመጥ የምትችይ የቱባ ጋዜጠኝነት ልምድ ባለቤት መሆንሽን ነበር የማውቀው። በዚህም የቪኦኤን ኣማርኛ ፕሮግራም ማድመጥ ከጀመርኩበት ወቅት ኣንስቶ ከሞላ ጎደል ኣድናቂሽ ሆኜ ቆይቻለሁ።
ዛሬ ግን ይህን ክፍት ደብዳቤ እንድጽፍልሽ ያነሳሳኝ ጉዳይ በቅርቡ በተከታታይ ክፍሎች የቀረበውንና ሶስት ምሁራንን በማሳተፍ ኣንቺው ራስሽ ባወያየሽው በኢትዮጵያ የታሪክ ጭብጦች ላይ ያተኮረ ወይይት ይዘት ነው። በዚህ ውይይት ውስጥ ለረጅም ጊዜ የማውቅሽ የወ/ሮ ትዝታ በላቸው ሚዛናዊ ኣወያይነትና ጠለቅ ያለው የጋዜጠኝነት ጥያቄ ኣጠያየቅ ልምድሽ የት እንደገባ ኣልተረዳሁም። ውይይቱ ኣንድን ወገን ኣስደስቶ ሌላውን ያሳዘነ ሆኖ ሳለ ይባስ ተብሎ እየተደጋገመ ኣየር ላይ ሲውል ታዝቤያለሁ። በዚህ ክፍት ደብዳቤዬ ቢያንስ በሁለት ዋና ዋና ምክንያቶች እንዳዘንኩብሽ ለመግለጽ እገደዳለሁ።
ገና ሲጀመር በኢትዮጵያ የታሪክ ጭብጦች ዙሪያ ከተጋበዙት ሶስቱ ምሁራን መካከል ኣንዱ የተመረጡበት መስፈርት ምን እንደሆነ ለኔ ግልጽ ኣይደለም። የታሪክ ምሁር በመባል የሚታወቁት ዶክተር ጌታቸው ሃይሌ በታሪክ ጉዳይ ላይ የራሳቸውን ኣቅዋም እንዲያንጸርባርቁ መመረጣቸው ለኣንድም ሁለት ወይም ሶስት ምክንያቶች ተገቢ ሆኖ ይታየኛል። እሳቸው በሞያ የታሪክና የቁዋንቁዋ ተመራማሪ ከመሆናቸው በተጨማሪ በራሳቸው ስም ኣልፎ ኣልፎ በድረ-ገጾች ላይ በሚያሰራጯቸው ታሪክ ነክ መጣጥፎች ይዘት ዙሪያ ለበርካታ ጥያቄዎች ምላሽ መስጠት የሚጠበቅባቸው ‘ተጠያቂ’ ምሁር ናቸው። በግጭት ኣስወጋጅነት ምርምር ስራ ላይ የተሰማሩት ዶክተር ብርሃኑ መንግስቱም ቢሆኑ በታሪክ ሂደት ውስጥ ስለተከሰቱ ግጭቶች የምናወጋ እስከሆነ ድረስ ውይይቱ ሊመለከታቸው ይችላል። ለነገሩ ዶክተር ብርሃኑ በዚህ ውይይት ውስጥ እንዲጫወቱ የተፈለገው ሚና ኣስታራቂ ሃሳቦችን በማንሸራሸር ሁለት ጽንፈኛ ኣመለካከቶችን ለማቀራረብ ታስቦ ቢሆንም እሳቸው ግን በዚህኛው ውይይት ውስጥ ስልታዊ በሆኑ ቃላት የዶክተር ጌታቸውን ኣቁዋም በመደገፍና በማዳበር ሶስተኛውን ተወያይ እያጠቁ ማንበርከካቸውን ነው ለመረዳት የቻልኩት።
በዚህ ታሪክ ነክ ውይይት ላይ የተጋበዙት ሶስተኛው ሰው ዶክተር በያን ኣሶባ ግን በምን መስፈርት ለዚህ ውይይት ብቁ ተደርገው እንደተመረጡ ነው ያልገባኝ። ውይይቱ የታሰበው (ከመንደርደሪያ ሃሳቡም ኣንዳደመጥነው) ሁለቱን ተጻራሪ የታሪክ ጭብጦች (የኣማራ ልህቃንና የኦሮሞ ልህቃንን በመወከል) ኣገናኝቶ ለማወያየት እስከሆነ ድረስ ኦሮሞን ወክለው የሚቀርቡት ምሁር ልክ እንደ ኣማራው ዶክተር ጌታቸው ሁሉ በታሪክ እውቀት የተካኑና ውሃ መቁዋጠር የሚችል የክርክር ነጥብ የማንሳት ኣቅም ያካበቱ መሆን ይጠበቅባቸው ነበር። ዶክተር ጌታቸው የወዲያኛውን ጽንፈኛ ኣቁዋም ወክለው እንዲቀርቡ ከተመረጡ ዘንዳ የወዲህኛውን ‘ጽንፈኛ’ ኣቁዋም መንስኤ ማስረዳትና መከራከር የሚችል ተመጣጣኝ የታሪክ ምሁር መመረጥ ነበረበት። ዶክተር በያንን እስከማውቃቸው ድረስ ግን እሳቸው የኣንድ ፖለቲካ ድርጅት ኣመራር ኣባል እንጂ በኢትዮጵያ ታሪክ ዙሪያ ከተቀሩት ሁለቱ ምሁራን ጋራ የሚመጣጠን የታሪክ ትምህርት እውቀት ያካበቱ ኣይመስሉኝም። ባልሳሳት እሳቸው በሞያ የህግ ምሁር እንጂ እንደ ተቀሩት ሁለቱ ሰዎች የታሪክ ወይም የታሪክ ወለድ ግጭቶች ኣወጋገድ ሊቅ ኣይደሉም። በዚህ ረገድ ሲታይ ታሪክና ፖለቲካ ለየቅል መሆናቸውን ልብ እንላለን። ፖለቲካ ሳይንስም ኣርትም ነው። ኣርቱ ካለው ማንኛውም ሰው ብድግ ብሎ ፖለቲከኛ ሊሆን ይችላል። ከዚህም የተነሳ ብዙ የማህበራዊ ሳይንስ ያላጠኑ የተፈጥሮ ሳይንስ ምሁራን ሃይለኛ ፖለቲከኛ (technocrats) በመሆን ኣገር ሲመሩ በኣለም ዙሪያ እናያለን። ነገር ግን ታሪክ ለታሪክ ኣጥኚዎች (historians) ብቻ የሚተው ጉዳይ ነው። የዚህኛው ውይይት ጭብጥም ታዲያ ህግ ነክ ወይም ወቅታዊ ፖለቲካ ሳይሆን ታሪክና ታሪክ ነክ ጉዳይ ነው።
ዶክተር በያን በውይይቱ ላይ ሲጋበዙ የኦሮሞ ልህቃንን በመወከል በኢትዮጵያ ታሪክ ጭብጥ ላይ እንዲወያዩ ታሳቢ ተደርጎ ይመስለኛል። እንደዚያ ከሆነ ደግሞ ከዶክተር በያን ይልቅ ልክ እንደ ዶክተር ጌታቸው ሃይሌ ሁሉ በታሪክ ወይም በቁዋንቁዋ ጥናት Ph.Dያቸውን ከሰሩ የኦሮሞ ተወላጅ ምሁራን መካከል ተፈልጎ መጋበዝ ነበረበት። ከተቃራኒው ጫፍ ለሚነሱ ታሪክ ነክ ማብራሪያዎች ተመጣጣኝ የሆነ ታሪክ ነክ የመከራከሪያ ምላሽ መስጠት የሚችል የኦሮሞውን የፖለቲካ ጎራ የሚወክል የታሪክ ምሁር መጋበዝ ፍትሃዊነት ይኖረው ነበር። ወ/ሮ ትዝታ ይህን ማድረግ እየቻልሽ ሳታደርጊ በመቅረት ኣድሎኣዊነት የሚንጸባረቅበትን ውይይት/ክርክር ማቅረብ በመምረጥሽ በጣም ካዘኑብሽና ከታዘቡሽ የኦሮሞ ተወላጆች መካከል ኣንዱ መሆኔን እገልጽልሻለሁ።  (በነገራችን ላይ ኣብዛኞቹ የኦሮሞ ብሄረተኞች የቪኦኤ ኣማርኛ ፕሮግራም የመከታተል ፍላጎት የላቸውም። ምክንያቱ ደግሞ ኣብዛኛውን ጊዜ በሚቀርቡት እንዲህ ባሉት ኣድሎኣዊነት በሚያጠቃቸው ዝግጅቶች በመሰላቸትና በማዘን ነው። ኣሁን ስለምናወራው ውይይትም በተመለከተ ብዙ የማውቃቸውን ሰዎች ጠይቄ ኣብዛኞቹ እንዳልተከታተሉት ነግረውኛል።)  ከኦሮሞው ወገን በዚህ ዘርፍ ምሁር ተፈልጎ የታጣ ይመስል የታሪክ ጉዳይ የማይመለከታቸውን ዶክተር በያን ላይ የሙጥኝ በማለት እሳቸውን ኣግባብቶ ለማቅረብ የሳምንታት ጊዜ እንደወሰደ ሳስታውስ የውይይቱ ኣዝማሚያ ወዴት እንደሆነ ኣስቀድሞ የሚጠቁም ነበረ። የውይይቱ ኣላማም የሁለቱን ጫፍ ኣመለካከቶች በቅንነት ለማስታረቅ ሳይሆን የኦሮሞውን የፖለቲካ ማህበረሰብ የታሪክ ግንዛቤን በስህተትነት ለመፈረጅና በተለይም ባሁኑ ወቅት በወጣቱ ትውልድ መካከል የሚታየውን የኣባቶችን ታሪክ መሰረት ባደረገ የፖለቲካ ኣመለካከት ውስጥ የኦሮሞውን ወገን ኣፍ ለማስያዝ ታስቦ መሆኑን ከውይይቱ ኣጀማመርና ኣጨራረስ በቀላሉ መረዳት ይቻላል። ለዚህም ነው ከውይይቱ ፍጻሜ በሁዋላ በቀረቡት የኣድማጮች ኣስተያየት የኣንዱ ፖለቲካ ማህበረሰብ (የኣማራው ወገን) ኣባላት ብቻ በውይይቱ መደሰታቸውን ሲገልጹ ከሁለተኛው (ከኦሮሞው) ወገን ግን ዝምታ የተመረጠው።
ወ/ሮ ትዝታ ሌላው ያዘንኩብሽ ምክንያት ደግሞ ከላይ እንደጠቀስኩት በሳልና ፍትሃዊ የሆነው የኣወያይነት ልምድሽ በዚህኛው የውይይት ሂደት ከቶ ስላልታየኝ ነው። ይሄን ሳነሳልሽ የግድ ስለ ዶክተር ጌታቸው ሃይሌ ጽንፈኛ ኣቁዋም ከዶክተር በያን ኣሶባ ውሱን የሆነ የታሪክ እውቀት ጋር እያነጻጻርኩ መናገሬ የግድ ይሆናል። እንደምትረጂው (ኣንቺም እንዳነበብሽው በውይይቱ ወቅት ጠቅሰሻልና) ዶክተር ጌታቸው ሃይሌ ለዚህ ውይይት ከመቅረባቸው ጥቂት ቀናት ኣስቀድሞ ‘እርቅና ሰላም፣ የህይወት ቅመም’ በሚል ርእስ ያዘጋጁትን ኣንድ ጽሁፍ በተለያዩ ድረ-ገጾች ላይ ለንባብ ኣውለውት ነበር። ዶክተር ጌታቸው በዚህ ኣርእስቱ እንደ ቂቤ በለሰለሰና ይዘቱ ግን ኣንደ ጩቤ በሰላ ግጭት ሰባኪ ጽሁፋቸው ኦሮሞና እስልምናን በኢትዮጵያ ጠላትነት በመፈረጅ እስከሚበቃቸው ድረስ ዘልፈዋል፣ ረግመዋል። ኦሮሞን በሚመለከት በጽሁፉ ውስጥ ኣንዲህ ብለዋል። ‘ኦሮምኛ የሚናገሩ ጎሳዎች የእስላሞቹ ኣመጽ በተገታ ማግስት ፈልሰው ከእስላሞቹ የተረፈውን የስልጣኔ ምልክት ጠራረጉት…ጋዳ በሚሉት (ገዳ ማለታቸው ነው) ሁሉን ለጦርነት በሚያሰልፍ የማፊያ ስርኣት በውትድርና ተደራጅተው፣ በግብርና፣ በንግድ፣ በድብትርና የሚተዳደረውን ሰላማዊ ህዝብ ኣረዱት፣ ንብረቱን ኣወደሙት።…’ እያሉ ጠብ ጫሪ የተረት ተረት ትረካቸውን ይቀጥላሉ። ዶክተር ጌታቸው እንዲህ ያለውን በኣደገኛ ጽንፈኝነት የተጠናወተ ወገንተኛ ኣቁዋም ይዘው ሲጽፉ ኣቁዋማቸውን በሚደግፉት ወገኖች ዘንድ ኣንቱ የሚባሉ ምሁር እንደመሆናቸው መጠን ‘የኢትዮጵያ ስልጣኔ ባልቤት ነኝ’ ብሎ ራሱን የሚጠራው የፖለቲካ ማህበረሰብ በኦሮሞ ላይ ምን ያክል በዘረኝነት የተሞላ ጥላቻ እንዲያድርበትና ብሎም የሩዋንዳውን ኣይነት ጭፍጨፋ ሊጋብዝ የሚችል ቡራኬ እያሰሙ ስለመሆናቸው ግልጽ ነው።
‘ፕሮፈሰሩ’ እዚህ ላይ ቢያቆሙ ደግ ነበር። ግን ቀጠሉ። ‘እስላሞቹ የክርስቲያኖቹን ስልጣኔ ኣጥፍተው በራሳቸው ስነ ፅሁፍ ሊተኩት ኣስበው ነበር። ኦሮምኛ ተናጋሪዎቹ ግን እረኞች ስለነበሩ ስልጣኔን በስነ ጽሁፋዊ ስልጣኔ የመተካት ግዴታ ኣልነበራቸውም…’ ኣያሉ ከኣንድ ፕሮፌሰር የማይጠበቁ ትምክህተኝነትን የሚያቀነቅኑና በንቀት የተሞሉ ቃላትን እየተጠቀሙ ኦሮሞን ተሳድበዋል። የወቅቱን የኦሮሞን ህዝብ እንስሳት ኣርቢነት ህይወት ለመግለጽ ፈልገው ባልጠፋ ቃል ‘እረኞች’ የሚለውን የዘለፋ ቃል መርጠው መጠቀማቸው የነፍጠኝነት ትምክህታቸው እብጠት ዛሬም ገና ኣለመተንፈሱን ያስረዳናል። ከዚሁ ጋርም ኣያይዞ እሳቸው የሚወለዱበት ብሄር ወይም የፖለቲካ ማህብረሰብ በስልጣኔ የመጠቀና ኦሮሞው ግን ስልጣኔ ኣልባ ወይም በሳቸው ቃል ‘እረኛ’ መሆኑን ለማስረዳት ሞክረዋል። ይህ ብቻም ኣይደለም። ኦሮሞን እንደ ኣንድ ብሄር ‘ኦሮሞ’ እያሉ መጥራትን ተጠይፈው ‘ኦሮሚኛ ተናጋሪዎች’ የሚል ኣገላለጽ ሆን ብለው ሁሉም ቦታ ላይ ተጠቅመዋል። ዶክተሩ በታሪክ ምርምር ሃቅ ላይ ተመስርተው የጻፉ ቢሆኑ ኖሮ ገዳን የመሰለ ኣገር በቀል የኣፍሪቃ የደሞክራሲ ባህል ቅርስን ኣንደ ኣንድ የኦሮሞ ህዝብ የስልጣኔ እሻራ ኣንጂ ‘የማፊያ ስርኣት’ እያሉ በመጥራት ባልተሳደቡ ነበር።
ግለሰቡ በዚህ ጽሁፋቸው ማሳረጊያ ላይ ‘ለእርቅና ሰላም’ (ድንቄም እርቅና ሰላም) ያሉትን ሶስት ትምክህታዊ ውሳኔዎች ኣሳልፈዋል። ኣንደኛው ‘…የመጀመሪያው እርምጃ ኣባቶቻችንን እንወክላለን የሚሉ እስላሞችና ኦሮሞዎች… በኢትዮጵያ ላይ ላደረሱት…ጥፋት የኢትዮጵያን ህዝብ ይቅርታ ይጠይቁ…’ የሚል ነው። (ኦሮሞዎችና እስላሞች ዛሬም ‘የኢትዮጵያ ህዝብ’ ኣካል ሳይሆኑ ‘የኢትዮጵያን ህዝብ’ ይቅርታ መጠየቅ የሚጠበቅባቸው መጤዎች መሆናቸውን እየነገሩን ነው።) ሁለተኛው መፍትሄያቸውም‘ኣጼ ምኒልክና ራስ ጎበና ዳጬ የተበታተኑትንና እርስ በራሳቸው የሚባሉትን ኦሮምኛ ተናጋሪዎች ኣንድ ያደረጉበትን ቀን…ኦሮምኛ ተናጋሪዎች…በጨፌኣቸው ወስነው በያመቱ ማክበር ኣለባቸው’ የሚል ነው። ሶስተኛው እርምጃ ያሉት በግልጽ ማንን እንደሚመለከት ባይቀመጥም (ነገር ግን ከግለሰቡ ትምክህታዊ ኣቁዋም ኣንጻር ለኦሮሞው ወይም ለህዝበ ሙስሊሙ ሊሆን ኣንደሚችል ይገመታል) ‘ኣስተሳሰባቸውን ከሰብኣ-ትካት (primitive) ወደ ሰብኣ-ዘመን (modern) ኣስተሳሰብ መቀየር ኣለባቸው’ የሚል ቀጭን ትእዛዝ ኣስተላልፈዋል። ዶክተር ጌታቸው ሃይሌ ስለሚባሉት ግለሰብ ማንነት ከላይ የተጠቀሱት ሶስቱ ትምክህታዊ ‘የመፍትሄ’ ሃሳባቸው በቂ ምስል ያሳያሉና ሶስቱን ነጥቦች እየተነተንኩ ኣንድ ባንድ መተቸት የሚያስፈልገኝ ኣይመስለኝም።
ክብርት ወ/ሮ ትዝታ ሆይ!
ይህን የመሰለ ጠብ ኣጫሪ ጽሁፍ ያቀረቡትን ግለሰብ በራዲዮው የውይይት መድረክ ላይ ስትጋብዢ ዶክተሩ በጽሁፋቸው ውስጥ ስለተጠቀሟቸው ጠብና ቁርሾን የሚቀሰቅሱ፣ ባለፉት የታሪክ ቁስሎቻችን ላይ እንጨት እየሰደዱ የሚያደሙንን ተንኩዋሽ ቃላታቸውን እየጠቃቀስሽ በተለመደው ሞያዊ ብቃትሽ ተፈታታኝ ጥያቄዎችን ትሰነዝሪላቸዋለሽ የሚል ግምት በተወሰነ ደረጃ ኣድሮብኝ ነበር። በውይይቱ ወቅት የታዘብኩት ግን ተቃራኒውን ነበር። ዶክተሩ በጽሁፋቸው ውስጥ ከእባብ በከፋ መልኩ የተፉትን መርዝ ለማለባበስ ኣፋቸውን ቂቤ ቅብተው በውይይቱ ላይ ሊያሞኙን ሲታትሩ ሰማሁኣቸው። በጽሁፋቸው ውስጥ ኦሮሞውን ‘እረኛ’ ኣያሉት ድንቅ የስልጣኔ ኣሻራው የሆነውን የገዳ ስርኣቱንም ‘የማፊያ ስርኣት’ እያሉ እንዳልተሳደቡ ሁሉ በራድዮው ውይይት ላይ ደግሞ መርዛቸውን ምላሳቸው ስር ቀብረው ኦሮሞን ጭራሽ የኣቢሲኒያ ገዢዎች ኣካል ኣድርገው ለማቅረብ ሲሞክሩ ሳቅሁባቸው። በ’ዶክተርነታቸውም’ ኣፈርኩባቸው። በጽሁፋቸው የተናገሩትንና ራድዮ ላይ በሚያቀርቡት ሃሳብ መከከል የሚታየውን እንደ ተራራ የገዘፈ የምሁራዊ ስነ ምግባርና የኣቅዋም ልዩነት ኣጋልጦ ግለሰቡን ማፋጠጥ ያንቺ የጋዜጠኛዋ ስራ ኣልነበረምን? ዶክተሩ በጽሁፋቸውን ውስጥ ስላስቀመጧቸው ሶስቱ መፍትሄ ተብዬ ‘ትእዛዞች’ በራድዮው ወቅት ቢደግሙት መልካም ነበር። እሳቸው ለመድገም ፍላጎት ከሌላቸው ደግሞ የመፍትሄኣቸውን ኣነጋጋሪነት ማጋለጥና ማስተቸት የማን ድርሻ ነበር? የዶ/ር ጌታቸውን ኣቅዋም በተመለከተ ኣድማጭ ግለሰቡ ኣስቀድመው የጻፉትን ይመን ወይስ ራድዮ ላይ የተናገሩትን?
በመሰረቱ ይህንን የዶ/ር ጌታቸውን መንታ ምላስነትና ጠብ ኣጫሪ ኣቁዋም በዋናነት ማጋለጥ የነበረበት በውይይቱ (ውይይት ሳይሆን ክርክር መባል ነበረበት) ውስጥ በባላንጣነት የቀረቡት ዶ/ር በያን ኣሶባ ናቸው። ዶክተር በያን ግን ይህንን መዘዘኛ ጽሁፍ ኣስቀድመው ኣግኝተው ያነበቡትም ኣይመስለኝም። ዶክተር በያን በዚህ ውይይት/ክርክር ላይ ፈቃደኛ ሆነው ለመቅረብ እስከወሰኑ ድረስ ደግሞ የባላንጣቸው ጠንካራና ደካማ ጎኖች ምን ምን እንደሆኑና የተፈታታኝነት ልካቸውስ ምን ያህል እንደሆነ ኣስቀድመው ተረድተው የመከራከሪያ ኣቅማቸውን ማጎልበት ነበረባቸው። የዶክተር ጌታቸውን መርዘኛ ቃላት ከጽሁፋቸው እየጠቀሱ በራድዮው ውይይት ላይ ከተናገሩት ጋር በማገናዘብ ማፋጠጥ ከማንም በላይ የርሳቸው ድርሻ ነበረ። እሳቸው ግን በሚያሳፍር መልኩ ጭራሽ ወረዱና የዶክተር ጌታቸው ‘የታሪክ ተማሪ’ እስከመሆን ድረስ የዘቀጠ ተረቺነታቸውን ኣስመስክረው ዶክተር ጌታቸውን ‘ለታሪክ ትምህርታቸው’ ኣመስግነው ኣረፉት። የኦሮሞ ኣብራክ ኣገር ቤትም ሆነ በዳያስፖራው ኣያሌ የታሪክ ምሁራንን እንዳላፈራ ዛሬ በዶክተር ጌታቸው ‘ሌክቸር’ ኣማካኝነት የታሪክ ሀሁን እየቆጠሩ መሆናቸውን በነገሩን በዶክተር በያን ኣሶባ ኣንዲያፍር ተፈረደበት። ዶክተር በያን ለዚህ ትችት ላለመዳረግ ሲባል ኣስቀድመው እንዲህ ባለው የታሪክ ጉዳይ ላይ ኣለመቅረብን መምረጥ ነበረባቸው።
ኣንደዚህ ኣይነቱ የኣንዱ ተወያይ ብቃት ጥያቄ ምልክት ውስጥ ሲገባ ኣወያዩ ጋዜጠኛ የራሱን ኣስተዋጽኦ ማድረግ ይችል ነበር። በተለይም ወ/ሮ ትዝታን ከጥንት ጀምሮ ስናውቅሽ በዚህ ኣይነቱ የጋዜጠኝነት ችሎታ የተካንሽ መሆንሽን እናስታውሳለን። በዚህኛው ውይይት ላይ ግን ሞያሽን በፍትሃዊ መልኩ ገቢራዊ ያደረግሽው ኣልመሰለኝም። የዶክተር ጌታቸውን ጠብ ኣጫሪ ጽሁፍ ኣስቀድመሽ ኣንብበሽ ኣያለ በተጠቀሟቸው ቃላት ላይ የጥያቄ ናዳ ልታወርጂባቸው ሲገባ ኣለባብሶ ማለፍን መረጥሽ። ኣለባብሶ በማለፍ ደግሞ ኣለመግባባቶች ጭራሽ ይብሳሉ እንጂ በሃሳብ መቀራረብ ወይም እርቅ ሊመጣ ኣይችልም።
በዚህ ክፍት ደብዳቤዬም ይህንን ትዝብቴን እንድትረጂልኝና ይህ ትዝብት ደግሞ የኔ ያንድ ተራ ግለሰብ ብቻ ሳይሆን፣ ትቂቶች ቢሆኑም ውይይቱን የተከታተሉት የሌሎች ወገኖቼ ትዝብትም መሆኑን ላስገነዝብሽ እፈልጋለሁ። ቢያንስ ለወደፊቱ ራስሽ በምታዘጋጂኣቸው ወይም ባንቺ ማኔጂንግ ኤዲተርነት ሌሎች የስራ ባልደረቦችሽ በሚያቀርቧቸው መሰል ውይይቶች ላይ የኦሮሞ ህዝብ የምሁር መካን ኣለመሆኑን ተረድታችሁ ለሚዛናዊ ውይይት ተገቢ ምሁር መርጣችሁ በመጋበዝ እንድታወያዩ በቀረችኝ የተስፋ እንጥፍጣፊ ለማስታወስ እወዳለሁ። ካልሆነ ግን የኣሜሪካ ድምጽ ራድዮ ኣማርኛው ፕሮግራም ዛሬም በትምክህተኛ ኣቁዋም ደጋፊነቱ እንደሚታማው ሁሉ ይህንን ኣይነት ኢፍትሃዊና በኣድልኦ የተሞላ የውይይት ፕሮግራምም ሆን ብሎ የሚያሰናዳው መሆኑን እንገነዘባለን።

Guriga Baarlamaanka Europe oo shir looguqabtay Qadiyada Ogaden

By Ahmed Abdi
EU House of Parliament opened a hearing on  the worsening Humanitarian and Human Rights crisis in the Ogaden region by the Ethiopian government
EU House of Parliament opened a hearing on the worsening Humanitarian and Human Rights crisis in the Ogaden region by the Ethiopian government
April 8, 2014 (Tesfa News) —  EUROPEAN Parliament opened hearing about the Ogaden Human Rights violations and the Ethiopian prisons in Addis Ababa. The hearing, which was invited to participate in the Ogaden whistle-blower, Abdullahi Hussein, and Swedish Journalist, Martin Schibbye, was held on April 2nd by the group the progressive Alliance of Socialist and Democrats in European Parliament and Committee to Protect Journalists (CPJ).
“Ethiopia is one of the largest humanitarian and development aid receiver yet these donations are used incorrectly and corruptly. Western governmental Organizations and Western Embassies to Addis Ababa ignored the stolen donations and humanitarian aid that are being used as a political tool by the Ethiopian regime, which is contrary to EU rules on the funding”, said Anna Gomes, MEP Head of international Unit party Socialist democrat.
Ahmed Abdi Marita Ulvskog, MEP, in her part first thanked Abdullahi Hussein and Swedish Journalist, Martin Schibbye speaking about the steps needed to be taken in order to stop the human rights abuses that is being committed against Ethiopian and Ogaden civilians, she said that the EU could use sanctions or words against Ethiopia or follow up documents and information like the one provided by Abdullahi Hussein to show the reality in the ground.
Abdullahi Hussein, who is the former regional Presidential adviser and head of the media in Ogaden presented a shocking footage that changed the EU’s view towards Ethiopia. Abdullahi Hussein, who gained the title of “brave man” and nominated for the prize of Sweden’s civil courage of the year 2014, “Antigone Award”, after he had put himself at risk for smuggling out over 100 hours of footage from the Ogaden Province requested the EU to put their words into action as the killings, gang-raping and extrajudicial arresting still continues.
Speaking with Ogaden diaspora owned TV service of Ilays Tv, Martin Schibbye stated that in conjunction with Abdullahi Hussein their purpose to reset was to tell the World what they had seen which is to fulfill a promise that he made to many people from Ogaden region, but also their co-prisoners in Kality Prison of Addis Ababa.
Members of European Parliament, CPJ’s Jean Paul Marthoz and Human Rights’s Leslie Lefkow have also explained the human rights situation in Ethiopia in details to the EU Parliament. Anna Lindy, Chair of the hearing, presented the human rights situation in Ogaden and Ethiopia at the opening time of the session.